www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association| rainian Weekly Vol. Lll No. 36 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1984 "^ ^ffints Canadian government approves grants totalling 5100,000 for famine projects by Mykhailo Bodurldw will be based on interviews with wit­ nesses and survivors of the Ukrainian TORONTO - The Canadian Go- famine. It will also include excerpts ^rnment announced on Friday, Au- from a one-hour interview with Mal­ g^t 17, that it has approved two grants colm Muggeridge, the British journalist fdiatling 5100,000, for research projects and author who was the Moscow cor­ into the Great Famine in Ukraine (1932- respondent for the Manchester Guar­ 33). dian during the time of the famine. The announcement was made at a The film, "Harvest of Despair," is press conference and awards ceremony scheduled to premiere this coming fall by Jesse Flis, the member of Parliament in Toronto. for the Toronto ...riding of Parkdale- Editing and production aspects of the High Park. The grants, each worth film are being coordinated by Ukrai­ 550,000, were awarded to the Toronto- nian film producers, Slavko Nowytski based Ukrainian Famine Research and Jurij Luhovij. Committee and the Foundation to The Lachine-based Foundation to Commemorate the 1933 Ukraine Fa­ Commemorate the 1933 Ukraine Fa­ mine, which is headquartered in La- mine has earmarked its grant for the chine, Que. production costs of a project to record As part of its "Educational Materials on videotape the personal experiences Project on the Ukrainian Holocaust," of Canadian citizens who survived the the Ukrainian Famine Research Com­ Ukrainian famine. The foundation mittee intends to produce a 60-minute workers will record the survivors' documentary film on the famine called, reminiscences of the famine and their "Harvest of Despair." The film was subsequent experiences of immigrating already premiered in its unedited ver­ to and building a new life in Canada. sion at the Fourth World Congress of The taped oral histories are intended to Free Ukrainians in Toronto in Decem­ highlight both the events of the famine ber 1983. and the important role Canada played The federal grant will go towards as a haven for destitute refugees. The Jesse Flis presents check to Zenon Waschuk of the Foundation to Commemorate completing production of the film, result of the foundation's work will be a the 1933 Ukraine Famine (Lachine). Looking on are (from left) Bill Kereliuk of the which will be produced in English and (Continued on page 14) Ukrainian Famine Research Committee (Toronto) and Oles Cheren. Famine commission bill continues to elicit support from lawmakers Percy plans to put bill ШШІГ^ """ЦНі L^utenberg provides before entire Senate favorable testimony WASHINGTON - A bill that would WASHINGTON - Freshman Sen. establish a congressional commission to Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) recently investigate the Great Famine in Ukraine submitted testimony to be included in (1932-33) may be considered by the full the official record of the Senate Foreign Senate as early as this month, according Relation Committee's August 1 hearing to Sen. Charles Percy (R-IU.), chairman on a bill (S 2456) that would establish a of the Foreign Relations Committee commission to investigate the Great now reviewing the measure. Famine in Ukraine (1932-33). In an August 17 letter to Walter In an August 20 letter to Ihor Olshan­ Bodnar, a leader of Americans for iwsky, coordinator of Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine, a Newark- Human Rights in Ukraine, a Jersey- based human-rights group which lob­ based human-rights group. Sen. Lau­ bied extensively for the bill. Sen. Percy Sen. Charles Percy tenberg said that he fully supported the Sen. Frank Lautenberg said he hoped "to be able to work out establishment of a congressional com­ funding and other details of the bill so mission to examine the famine, and that that the committee can report it favor­ proposed 21-member commission "top- he had submitted a statement to be letter to Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.), ably to the full Senate next month." heavy bureaucratically." included in the official transcript of the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, informing him that he Congress is due to reconvene Sept­ In his letter to Mr. Bodnar, Sen. hearing. ember 5. "As you are aware, I am a co- wanted the testimony to be included in Percy reiterated his support for the the record. On August 1, the Senate Foreign legislation and the commission, which sponsor of S 2456, which would estab­ Relations Committee held hearings lish the commission to inform the world TTie full text of Sen. Lautenberg's would investigate Soviet complicity in statement follows: on the bill, known as S 2456. Testifying creating the man-made famine that about the genocide of the Ukrainian at the hearing, which was chaired by ultimately killed an estimated 7 million people," Sen. Lautenberg said in his Dear Mr. Chairman and members of Sen. Percy, were Ukrainian community Ukrainians. letter. "I believe the study commission the committee: activists Myron Kuropas and Ihor proposed by this legislation would I thank the committee for giving me Olshaniwsky, coordinator of AHRU, perform the extremely valuable service this opportunity to express my support "I favor establishing a commission to for S 2456, a bill to establish the both of whom favored the creation of a record thoroughly and officially the full of expanding the world's knowledge of famine commission. State Department extent of the Ukrainian famine tragedy the famine and providing the American commission on the Ukrainian famine. spokesman Robie M.H. Palmer voiced was a deterrent to anything so horrible public with a better understanding of In 1929 Josef Stalin and the Soviet opposition to the measure at this time, ever happening again," wrote me sena­ the Soviet system." Communist Party embarked on a,brutal noting that the department found the tor. The first-term Democrat also wrote a (Continued on page 15) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.1984 No. 36 Yelena Bonner reportedly sentenced Parody of Soviet military journal to five-year internal exile term draws Kremlin's anger MOSCOW - The Soviet govern­ NEW YORK - The Kremlin Mr. Sparagna's other credits include ment news agency Novosti has con­ hierarchy was not amused by a recent phoney editions of \arlous Italian firmed a recent report that Yelena G. parody of Krasnaya Zviczda (Red dailies, Pravda, the Polish Trybuna Bonner, a prominent dissident and wife Star), the daily newspaper published , Ludu and The Times of London, all of Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov, by the Soviet Defense Ministry and ' of which he helped prepare in the had been convicted of slandering the read by the USSR's military. 1970s while he was editor of a satiri­ Soviet state and sentenced to five years Copies of the parody - the front cal weekly. of internal exile. page of which featured a large draw­ Some 30,000 copies of the fake The official confirmation came on ing of a Soviet soldier breaking his Krasnaya Zviezda were smuggled August 25, one day after the U.S. State rifle over his knee and the headline into the Soviet Union and Eastern Department announced an unconfirm­ "The war is over! Let's go home! - Europe. Another 20,000 were distri­ ed report of the conviction of the 61- turned up last November at a Mos­ buted in Afghanistan. year-old human-rights activist, who has cow subway station, as well as in The parody was quite a hit in the been restricted to the closed city of other parts of the USSR, in Af­ Vedenka subway station in Moscow Gorky with her husband, a Nobel laure­ ghanistan and in Warsaw, Gdansk. where it was taped to one of the walls ate. The 63-year-old Dr. Sakharov was Prague and East Beriin. tor the perusal of rush-hour com­ banished without trial to Gorky, an According to Bernard Ohanian's muters. Loose copies were stacked industrial city on the Volga River, in Dr. Sakharov and Yelena Bonner story about th.- parody in the on the fioor. Before police could January 1980. remove the newspapers, eager readers Mr. Romberg made known the re­ July/August issue of the Columbia State Department spokesman Alan Journalism Review, the bogus Kras­ had already snatched several copies D. Romberg said the report indicated port of Miss Bonner's conviction to and hurried out. counter the appearance in West Ger­ naya Zviezda also carried stories "the continued resolve of the Soviet claiming that the Soviets' invasion of Soviet authorities cannot take a authorities to restrict the freedom of many and the United States of a televi­ joke, however, and official reaction sion tape that showed Dr. Sakharov Afghanistan was over, that Kremlin movement of one of their country's leaders had fied into outer space and was swift and sure. The real Kras­ most outspoken and outstanding citi­ and his wife alive at least as recently as naya Zviezda said the parody contri­ July. that Red Army commanders, having zens." eaten a special borshch, had fallen buted to "a heightening of interna­ Amid reports of a hunger strike, Mr. Romberg said the tape was tional tensions" by printing "poison­ reportedly furnished by a man named into a deep sleep. which Dr. Sakharov started in early Zviezda's front-page article ob­ ous anti-Soviet lies," the Columbia May to protest the refusal of Soviet Victor Louis, a Soviet citizen who has Journalism Review reported. The from time to time sold material to served: "You readers must think we authorities to allow his wife to travel editors have all gone crazy.
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