Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 11-10-1988 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 64, No. 22 WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the African American Studies Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Inequality and Stratification Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Social History Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 64, No. 22" (1988). WKU Archives Records. Paper 5975. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/5975 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Uil."'i~. ~ Election puts , e~d to CIUbS' r .c.ampaign ., PHOENCIA MiRACLE _ DIAIE TSIIotEKLES Afl\'l' months of ~am pa lgning, members o~ "r. College Republicans IDd YOW\l!~ra~ anticipated an lIlDOUJ)CW. nt N victory in the 1988 presidentid c~tion IS ~y galllered with olller pany mcmbEfs to &be eJection returns on televis:on. "Each and every one o( us , , , will ~gret this day," Hopicimville (rcih, man Claude Cancr soid as Vicc y Plesident George Bush 's viclory f' became Ipparent. , caner and other Young Demo' . am calmly watched Lhc 'coyerage at the WaITen County Democratic t beadquani:rs, discussiug problems liley, thoughl would arise under the administration o( Bu<h ·and Indiana S.. Pogo 19 ,Discrj¥ti~ 'a~lon ~v.i.dent here 'Time delermines whether ' By JENHftR UNDERWOOP "h's almost I novcity on our students.\ cram. for exams. <impus to encounter black (aCUity," ,When Dr, Lou-Ann \ernuilia he said. _ By DORREH K~AUSHrrzER ~gan te.Jchlog at We$Lern five years . Last year Western lost three block ~o, ~ ~ ~. wruLe} ~~ (acuity ,members and two ' blaC k Dr. Nomia Schiro took her nursing ..wed at IIcr with challenging lOOks administrative, still """"bers. lllis eu m aftcr • nighl o( drinking alcohol I don't do '"'anything in . of. "Why arc you up ~e1" year it hu eight (ull'Urne (acuity and cramming, , "1t would be. ilmost like they members. "We were up most o( the night advance; it's a waste studying with liquor an4 had 10 get up wwed to know your I'C5W1lC , , , so A~ according to Bailey, that'S of time, lIIey cOI/ld fUld out wby you gQt dctrimcnu.1 to all students. for the Lest I t 8 1.11'," said Schira. I professor o( health and saf~y , hired." said the wisunl professor o( By Illowing wruLe SlU~ to,Bo -The """t we III had English, 'who is black. manalityl" said Owl ~ Student to I univenity (or (our years wit/lOut moinlng and, ' (cit terrible, We Croulller's experience is ~ o~ We Howaid BIlIey, who is black, ever encountering a bllck in I twigov~rs Norma Schlra 8iggled ~irough breakIas~" she said. " several problems eon(nlntina black "Education is no dilTerent from any leadership role. N we are in • very ·flculty It WcstOrn more lhan 20 olhcrfield; I bllckcan'tjust be good subtle manner, perpetuating. philo-' "During the test we were III sick . ... j yean aflCr the civil rigW move­ at what lIIey' do. They must be sophy o( wruLe supremacy," Bailey and sure we'd nunked IL But we all "I ' a1';".ys sludy ~arren tnaI~ Onels &howing wruLe Sluden~ super," said. passed, We had headaches so bod we said, Silting in Garrell Ce,"cr wi th and'(lcultY !haL they c,.n do lheir job But before that can be clianged, , And' thcre'. I "need for black could hardly sec." cl~s nOles $Clllcred ICIOSS hcr lap, CTun you IS well as wruLe faculty, and lIlOlher Billey said Western must address SludelllS iO,have bl ack positive role In their coiIcge cueers, most "When you do worse on is n:crujting more bllCk fapilty, one of its "greatest problems" - the · SlU~ will eilller cram or blow ofT I LeSts becluse it overloads your brain," "You get inIo the superblack dCausing 'lWnber of black faculty, SN SCHOOl. Page 9 tes~ Schlra said. It's just a matter o( Wam:n said. "In the end you're time. sorry," "I've done my share of burning the David Martin, an Owensboro .Educaiioria1 problel1).S to be addressed ' midnight oil," she n(d. "I don't do sophomprc. said he doesn:' t believe in anything in advance; it', I waste c( cramming (or classes in rus pre-medi- Speeilli PfO/~ ~ Ho~ , ' " . Who shoUld get the blame (or the time. .. cine major, Pft: uplan. rite, reuoM lor the COMMENTARY problem - the schools -or the Instead of buckling down for a nnal "I usually study ahead (or those," ,."... " .' . studcru.s? this summer, Louisville senior ScOll he said. -It's hard to cram "I that in in SepariLe '6ut eQuaL • The College ~ei8.w Herald will Whitehouse: lLe ouL one night. But general education Since the 19S4 dccisloa 01: Brown take I ' 1001< It the p'roblcrn o( "I had an A going into the fuu.! aM classes aren't as imponan~" VI, the Board of' EdUcation of .. enrollment,and wbal\hc:futUre holds (cit prell)' conftdent lbout i~" the The subject material and the type of TopeD. KIn., the' pbrue Ucps (or the dwinCUing number o( bllcks Associlted Student Government LeS t determine whethcr a student cln . .popj;Ina up wbCll'lOtistics appear in Lynn in the stlte's blgher educltion ~idait said. "So.l decided to u.ke I cram (or I tes~ Schlrt said. the aiedil about bIacb uyIna to gel system in I three-part ~es, girl to eat in Nashville. 1101 bock at "When you study (or a comprehen- IS good an Ccb:aticn u -wbiles do, Hoppes Today-the (ocus will be on bl lck 12:30,soldidn'thavetimetoaudy," sive f~ , _, you rially can't study Is it reallY '1 problem? Or lie the (Iculty and students trying III suc- "I wound up DOl doIn& 50 well," content," she said. "You . get maIia makin& • bi, dW ouL of II:cky coIIq.. jIropped 8,1 ptrCCDl ceed in a predominantly wrute Whitebouse said. "Because o( my imp~ on you that it'(" nOi what 1ICItbina1 •. , , :: ' . , since 1976. , ' school, WCS!='s bI~ emoilm<nt Iilliness, I ClIded up wllb I B in the you !mow or bow ~ you.lmow, bUI S~l1IIeuadbJ_-SotaIbcm Bat'dIe 'iI1llIJldcl bIacb IUCIId- ia6,1 percenl or 82-' stlldellts - the class." bow weI1 yO\I em cnm I tOt .of aqloeal 1IdIIc:~1kI!I' loUd 111 'i!II coIIeP Incnuiod by 3:1,pcn;a!I iowat since 1910. "I'DIIO bay I doD" have time 10 ImowJotl&OlntheleutlJDOliDloftime AIIaa ..I't!O ,... .. ~ .... .-dOII1IId by 10.i penlCIIIln lIIIdy," be addod. IIId ~ .. _ ... cl1ilicb ....... the bIlL , ' SeesERlES,PaveV , Bat SInb Wma. I jIIIIIcIr tram "I IIIiDt I'm I Uttle more l)"1li- I'natIIII. Teal., aka time. paIbcfjc with 1IIIdeaIa." , "'- ' " ===.....:.-- \ "'"'"""'..... ___ ~_.. .....--. ._---- Car 4tiven by.girl, 15, hits, :injures freshman a hardship !icC1'\!< issued from ...rakl ~ta" r.fort, Teunes'see, which allowed her 10 A WeSl~ sludent crossing drive only loeight specific placeS in Center S. !K'ar the university Tennessee and only during the diy, cenler OIlS hit by. car driven by I according .1O LL Richard Kirby. 15-yoar-old. s!rl froin ' Smith's The aecideniocCum:.s Ib<>Ul 5:30 Grove Monday night. p.m. when Clark, I 8o,,!11o Green Dawn Mictxlte Clark. Cenrnl freshman. cCroSSed Center SlTCe, Halt. was in S3tisfac.lory condltion from Diddle Lot. Ibout42 feet from yeslerd.y at Ihi: Medical Center the c~sswatk . In· the police report, with I rr~ctured pelvis and a wjlnesses said lhe minor"s ~ar rractUred Iwnw venel>r>e in the - didn't appe:u- to Ix speeding. smalt of her back, according '0 The driver s.id in·the repon that ' nurses Ind police repons .. she didn't see Clark. Clark -was . The minor was cited 'for driving earried 'boui 25 feeron the hood of with no opera,or's license. She had the car Wore rolting off Ne~an Center----.. 1403 College St., 843·3638 RogerCasalengo.,a 58(110r from Washing.lon, D.C.. parades 10 fi rst pl,!ce in the Grl!t!k God conlest . SC::~~E The· Catacombs 5 p_m. Saturday .FEATUBlNG: GO'ds must b'e crazy co~test ' ~O a.m,· Sunday GIlD State in 8 p.m. Sunday . 8y ANN SCHLACENHAUF She " lId Ramin RanjbU gO' her Ina .. was happy to Ix·in the audience. VOlt IxCIUse "L 'Iike ~ 11.11 , dark · " II 's hard \ '0 picture yourSelf up 6:30 p .m. Mon . , Fr14a1, ' Nov. 11 he ~ the .ron ,es,an~ SInlIlOO thelf Ind handsome.- , Walu:r' Loving WIJ Lhcre:' said. stuff Ul S"'U1lSUltS. (onnal ..... ear and the OIher, becluse ~ just reminds · 'Plliy Signorello. I Bowling- Grecn Wed.-Fri, 35- dan.llian at door casual ...· ear. -the PJftl~i crowd me of I lifeguard." junior, ~id she thinks the roen learn Sacrament of Reoori ' screamed and cheeted'" fo r their Oulle Williams was all for the somclhing from the . compelition. .ciliation-Saturday Beb1Dd red -Ifairl at the fa\'onlCS. con'es~ lIso. "Now <hey know how we feel when " How many limes do you get II of But It was up to the Judges lOCTo..-n we have 10 do something like IbIL Of . or <he w'lU1Cr In <he Greek God '88 Western 's ·mo<.l gorgeous guys just H:30P'~~st ·1{.w.maD celi~r.
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