te8ifBw>wmiw.i!i,ri ii t ) ^ 1 TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1969 ATcraire Daily Net Press Run The Weather Fair the Week Esdieg , Poreeaat ef 0 , S. Wearthee illanrlifpatpr lEwPtttng I|cral5 March Slat I»ft8 the indoor high echool pool. The Fair tonight. Idne M-SS. Ineteee lElveme N. Harmsen. IT. eon of The advanced Vlrqt aid course Board would agree to its use, 4 2 ,8 9 8 for ntirsea at the nowltal and Board Okay^ DisMOMt Prices Ing eJoiidlnoM Thuraday, ahowera Mrs. Bma Harmsen. l(H»s Chest­ members said,, if It were under M eu i^ ..of the Audit lEtipnttig A f o u t T o w n those who took the elementary Hkdy Thuraday night. High #n-ie. nut 8t.. has arrived at Ft. Dlx, adequate superviaion. An Departments Bnreeu eP^Qrenlatlon.-. N. J.. and been assigned to K Co.. course last spring which , The one drawback seen by the Manchester——A City o f Village Charm D w w ^ t y DrtwiUnfef the MiA- 3rd Training Regiment of the U.S. scheduled to start tomorrow n .. .^ Principle of Hoard was the lack of sufficient (jb<^er Squidron of CTvil Air P»- Arm y Training Center. Infantry, has been postponed until next fall. locker, room facilities at the vari­ ARTHUR DRUG ttot wlU be held * t the Aniericen fdg eight w’ceks of basic training. ous sehpol buildings. The Board MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1959 (Cleaidfled Advertlalng ea Page tS) PRICE FIVE CBNT« tiecien Rome et T p.m. tomorrow, Pridr to entering the Army he at- Daniel F. Renn, 74 Cooper St., , Swim Pooh said none of the achools was ade­ VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 148 ^^TW ENTY-EIGHT PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) 2h, AU mettben «re reminded to bring tended.,^Manche8ter High School, was named to the dean's list for quate in ttls reapect but that in the money for reeerveUon* for the first semester at Vlllanova The Board' of Educatit^ last proper supervision should over­ ennunl ewnrda night benquet the Manchester bodge of Masons University, Vlllanova, Pa. night accepted In principle the come the obstacle.. COIN OPERATED to he held April ,4 lu Trumbull will hold its business meeting to­ proposal that outdoor swimming The Board alAa,said it would ex- Squarely Behind Procedui^. Report Claims Airport nt Groton; night. bodge will open at 7;30and, The adtill Inquiry and discussion pools be constructed on sckool pect replaceifient'qf any facilitlea j after the business meeting. Dr. group will meet In Zion Oiurch to­ Zmnghtere of ‘ Ubertj* No. 17, morrow at fi:30 p.ni. Registration property, but said certain re­ eliminated in the eoiirae of pool Courtney Simpson will talk and quirements would have ,to be met- constrtiction and woUW expect re­ Repairs Put off '^liOU, wUI hold their Irleh Tee I show a film on flitorldation. for Communion on Good Friday pair of any damaged,facilities. F ifty end entertainment thle eve­ and Easter will follow from 7 to 9 The ’ Board discussed outdoor State Health Chief Warns Nikita ning nt » o’clock In Orange Hall. ! ■ pools w-ith the Town Directors' Stud.v CompleteX I The first leadership training con­ p.m. swimming pool committee In a Pool Committee Chairman Fran­ By New Haven John T. Munele ■n1ll show picture.i ference of the Connecticut Fellow- o f Seotlend taken on hla visit to meeting which wound up the com­ cis Mahoney aaid he thought use Do Your Wash for ; ship of Congregiitional-Chrlstian Temple Chapter, OES will meet mittee's 2-month study of the ' of school property wise. ; Women will be held April 6 and 7 tomorrow at p.m. in the Ma­ r Pennies When ft*s By THE .A.SSOCIATED PRESS long-standing iasue. 1 "In fairness to the people,” he the BrlUah Isles last summer, jin bakeville. Mrs. Clifford O. sonic Temple. An open Installs- Assails Critics of The New Haven Railroad, th e Manchester Golden Age Club ft The Board added that, fn ita said, "we should try to use pres- Convenient por You, ; .Simpson will be the leader of one tion will follow at 8:30. Miss Mary ■ opinion, an outdoor pool at Man­ ent facilitlea wherever poaaible and according to a report by the la aponaorlng a nimmage and food boulse Dickson and Frank H. sale at the East .Side Rec Thurs­ j of the seminars, chester High School would not be show them economy is uppermost WASH 20c State Public Utilities Com­ day morning from 9 to noon, Mrs, Gakeler will be Installed as il-orthy a wise design. • in our minda” mission, Is p u tti^ off needed Summit Talks 1 The Manchester Youth Council j matron and worthy patron, re­ Eugens N. Kelly Burton A. Rice Msdiqney added the committee DRY 10c Fluoridation Laws Fiora Oracie, 6>i Trotter St,, pres­ : will hold a sunrise serrice at the, In Board member F^ank Shel- repair work on its equipment ident of the club, is chairman of spectively. together with their as­ . don's words, aft ougdoo'r high agreed unequivocally to the Board j South Methodist Church at « s.m. sociate officers for the ensuing MAYTAG the aale. Form Insurance Firm 'school pool "would be a dupIics' of Education’s^; stipulations and and line in Connecticut. I Easter Sundsv. Tlic Rev. baw-1 yea r. In announcing the findings of Its 1 rcnre. Almond will be the speaker j Eugene N. Kelly and Burton A .|------------------------ -- ■ tioft^ o f‘ the Indoor facilities ‘there said, that present swilmming areas C 0 1 N OPERAtID Hartford, inarch 25 (/P)— .^little adverse effects have been re­ The todies of the Assumption Universilv and Cadet and v ^ ld CHUge needless expense j—Globe Hollow and Salter’ft Pond j ported. j engineering division's 1958 Inspec-^ ' and Valerie .lohnson is chairman Rice have announced the forma-1 Syracuse ' LAUNDRY Health Commissioner Stanley ! tion of the railroad, the PUC said ' ■wUl hold their annual presidents’ of the aervice, Reserv tion.s for Training .S c h X w it r the US. '«incel {Js* of the same filtering -should be kept open as late in "It has been 'well established that De Gaulle Says card party on May 15 at the tlon of an insuranhe firm in Air Force'during tVorld War II i equipmentIs.,only a remote pos-1 Ihe'season as p ossib le-m a k e up H. Osborn stood firm today one part fluoride per one million I it is, with the coopei-ation of the • the breakfa.st at 7 o’clock ahould h i HodC I company, making a special study ! Cautions on Trying Knights of Columbus Home Mr. ' be made with church represents- Police Arrests partnership at 3S8 Main St. Kelly ' di,char«^^^ the ^ alblllty.” ’< j POol" Open i No Woiting against outspoken critics of a parts of water will cut tooth decay rates bv approximately 65 per cent, ! of the maintenance program: end Mrs. J. Edward McK^ver wnll tivea before Friday morning. and Rice will also be managing dl- [ co^nnecllcut AlF Natfonal Guard in i The pool c o i t ^ ^ ^ in .recent; laV aftrj'th rm M tU ig state law permitting the flu­ Bar on Berlin be In charge of military whist and and it is equally well known that i After stating that^ the railroad’s Roy F. Clapp. 24. of 14 Haynes | rectors Of t_hc Valmore H. Forcler | October 1951. he entered the life meetings has pu.she?^^ idea^^^^^ oridation of public drinking the beneficial effects of floiides ex­ lines "are maintained in a safe setback playing. Mrs. Walter Mc­ Raymond Reid haa again offered Agency In Danielson, a part of the in.surance biisinea.s as an agent for an outdoor pool at the higw. bl-huui, ; . , _ Rout* 83, RodOriH* Nally is chairman of the affair. ’ St,, was arrested veslerda.v on j water supplies. tend over into adult life," he said. operating condition for the speeds Means Conflict Bluff or Blackmail ‘ to donate hia services as auction-’ hem- ' the Massachusetts Mutual L>ife and the Town Planning '’*'‘ 1 L t Next to Hartmonn's , "After searcJiing and studying "About 1,651 communities in the operated. ” the report goes on to ; eer for the auction of the Women’a a warrant issued by Assistant Kelly will .supervl.^e the nre ^o. At present he i.i Sion has recently recommended Ihe i make a number of criticisms. ! school grounds for a pool site. , X ^ " c t o r a in two weeks, CLOSED SUNDAY the literature and carefully consid­ United States, serving a popula­ i beague. set for Tuesda.w March 31. i; Prosecutor .John I>ombardn charg- casualty, liability and bonding di.stricl manager for Eastern ering all the scientific facta relat­ tion of over 33 mltllon people on An)ong the items mentioned are; ! Paris. March 25 (/P)—-Pres­ in the parish hall of the Second; the firm. Rice will supervise H'e Connecticut Among the various School loca-1 Wa.thinglon. Alaroli 25 (/P)—Prpsifipnt, Ki.aonliower indi- Congregational Church. .Vlra. ^! Ing Clapp with reckless driving ing to fluorides, the Connecticut June 1. 19,'■>8, were using fluori­ "Considerable deterioration" since , ident Charles de Gaulle said group, pension estate planning,! ^^^ve in various lions discussed, the Buckley and State Department of Health is rcclly warned Soviet I’lrmior Khni.shchev today agairiRt try­ Eleanor Burk and Mrs. Ruth Foa-!I and driving while his license w-as dated water. the 1957 inspection of the roadbed toda.v any West Berlin bhick- LECLERC ; under mispension.
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