Methodist churches confirm five new members Five new members were confirmed during services last Sunday, March 22, by Pastor Larry Barbary at the Albion and Loretto United Methodist Churches. The new confirmands are (l.-r.) Cassidy Boschen and Riley Buck (Albion), Brian Mock (Loretto), Rileigh Mapel land Emilie Kelley (Albion). Looking up at the Cross By TODD C. KARGES richest gain I count but loss, Broken Bow United Methodist and pour contempt on all my Jesus said, "And I, when pride. I am lifted up from the Forbid it Lord, that I. earth, will draw all people to should boast, save in the myself." John 12: 32 death of Christ, my God; all I want to invite you to the vain things that charm look up at Jesus on the me most, I sacrifice them to cross. That is how I became his blood. a Christian, a follower of See from his head, his Jesus. I looked up at the hands, his feet, sorrow and cross and saw Jesus hang- love flow mingled down. Did ing there for me. Jesus' e'er such love and sorrow purpose is to draw you into meet, or thorns compose so fellowship with Him, Your rich a crown? Heavenly Father, and the Were the whole realm Holy Spirit. I want you to of nature mine, that were look up to the cross of Jesus an offering far too small; and see him hanging there love so amazing, so divine, for you. What would Jesus demands my soul, my life, say to us from the cross? my all." When I looked up at the Lord Jesus, we give you cross at that church camp our souls, our lives, our near South Bend Ind., over all today. In your precious 40 years ago now, I saw name. Amen. Jesus looking right through me. He could see all the good and the bad of my heart, and He loved me. Jesus told me He wanted to make me the person God created me to be from the beginning of time. I asked Jesus to come into my life and transform all my pride and selfishness and fears into the loving courageous person He had designed me to be. Remember how Jesus prayed on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." I believe he was pray- ing for more than the guards and the cowardly men who had put him on that cross. Jesus was praying for you and me. We all need forgiv- ing and we need to know what God wants us to do. Like the words of Isaac Watts we sing in our souls: "When I survey the won- drous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, my Chapman UMCtohost pageant The Chapman United Methodist Church is host- ing a Last Supper Pageant on Thursday, April 2nd at 7 p.m. in the Chapman School Auditorium. The presentation includes thirteen local men representing the disciples and Jesus Christ attired in suitable garments to draw your heart and mind into the happening many years ago. There is no charge for admission. Floods have drive for Challengers By AMANDA BRANDT anybody. is ready to take over,” LaRae Hub Staff Writer After being driven to church, joked, nudging her 11-year-old KEARNEY Mike and LaRae Flood the Challengers members daughter. believe everybody should be able to attend attend a 9:30 contemporary LaRae said that all are wel-come church. worship service with the to join the Challengers That’s why Mike drives a First United Floods. They sit throughout the Class, which has truly enriched Methodist Church— van around Kearney on sanctuary and love singing the their lives. Sunday mornings to pick up an average of up-tempo music and greeting group “The class members do more 12 adults in a Sunday school called friends. After the service, the for us and our family than the Challengers Class. class spends an hour in fellow-ship we do for them,” LaRae said. That same belief is why LaRae and her and learning before being “What they remind us of and daughters prepare snacks, Bible bingo and taken back to their homes.homes. teach us when we see them crafts to perform with the class. The Floods insist they don’t it’s more than what we can ever... The Challengers Class is a group of deserve praise for leading the givegive back."back.” adults with developmental or intellectual class. email to: disabilities. But it’s much more than that, “It’s just about being kind [email protected] the Floods say it ’s a safe and fun place and treating all people like for people to feel embraced and accepted people,” LaRae said. “That’s in a community outside of their daily lives. why we do it.” The Floods have been selected as this While the Floods have year’s Freedom —Awards winners in the special relationships with all Religion category. of the Challengers, Mike has The Rev. Gary Main, FUMC’s senior an especially close friendship pastor, described the Flood family’s efforts with one member of the class, as “beyond measure” in a Freedom Award James. Mike, who works in the nomination letter. CHI Health Good Samaritan “Their patience, commitment and lab, calls James an ‘inspiration, acceptance models the love of Christ,” he and said he is sure to share a wrote. “They enable First United Method- joy or concern with the congre- ministry group a ministry from, this marvelous group of the weekly service. adults that others tend to over-look.” The Floods have no plan to discontinue their service. The couple has attended First “Not until the next person United Methodist at 4500 Lin-den Drive since 1999. For the past 10 years, they have been involved in all aspects of the Challengers Class, from trans-porting members to and from the church to leading classes. The Floods have made it a priority to include their four daughters between the ages of 3 and 11 in the class. The children help inin all ways, from making copies to preparing birthday treats. “To some people who hav- morning, disability, they EVERYEVERY SUNDAY morning, Mike Flood drives First United a difference or Methodist Church's white and blue around Kearney to standoffish,” Methodist Church’s white and blue van around Kearney to can be kind of pickpick up the members of the Challengers Class. The class, day-care the members of the Class. The class, said LaRae, a home which is a Sunday school for adults with developmental or provider.“ which is a school for adults with or Mine don’t even intellectualintellectual disabilities,disabilities, hashas been led by the Flood family for see anythinganything different with 101 0 years. Leypoldt publishes memoir entitled: Lost in Wonder, Love and Praise Tammy Partsch cles Leypoldt’s time in 1982-1987 Special to the News-Press college at Nebraska Wes- During that time, from Pulling together his ex- leyan University, and his 1983 to 1985, Leypoldt periences as a pastor, life after college. was the Clerk Treasurer of businessman, husband, His connection to Otoe the Village of Douglas. and father, former Otoe County began in 1979 Leypoldt and his wife, County resident Chuck when Leypoldt was as- Christine, have two grown Leypoldt has published a signed as pastor of the children and three grand- book about his life. United Methodist children. He has been The memoir, “Lost in Churches of Douglas and retired from Church Mu- Wonder, Love, and Burr. Leypoldt also tual Insurance Company Praise,” is titled after a served as the business since 2012. line in the Charles Wesley manager and grain mer- “Lost in Wonder, Love, hymn “Love Divine, All chandiser of Douglas and Praise” is interspersed Loves Excelling.” Grain, Inc., from 1979- with Biblical Scripture Leypoldt has spent his 1981. which Leypoldt relates to entire life in Nebraska. Leypoldt expanded his his own life. The son of a preacher, career in 1981 when he It also contains many Leypoldt grew up in started working for Dou- photographs that Ley- Methodist church par- glas Real Estate and poldt has taken over the sonages across the state. Dunlap Insurance in years. His book details his Douglas, a job he held Copies of “Lost in Won- childhood when he was until 1987. der, Love, and Praise,” influenced by, as he says, Leypoldt also worked which was released in “Methodism, Corn- for Farmers Bank in Dou- January 2015, can be or- huskerism, and Republi- glas, serving as assistant dered from Leypoldt’s canism.” vice president in 1981 and website, The book also chroni- 1982 and executive vice www.pylodet.com. president and CEO from U2charist celebrates Maundy Thursday By Harold Reutter “U2 has some really profound music, grew up in a home with parents who had Sheffy said. addiction problems. Hope Harbor is bring- [email protected] Mariah, previ-ously ing stability life, applause Like she had never to the woman ’s as she Cheers and broke out as the ously attended a U2charist service on is nowlearning howto budgetwhile pay-ing final notes to the U2 and B.B. King song Thursday Holy providing away the of Week. But she said down debt and a more sta-ble “When Love Comes to Town” faded she was excited when she learned that life for her own children. in the Grand Theatre near the end of something Mayfield’s Gospel pas-sage Maundy Thursday wor-ship a U2charist service was that talk fit with the the U2charist First-Faith United Methodist, Trinity read by Brian Gallagher, who read service.
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