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Protestors sta ce sit-in at Cotte r 's office port and asked that the adminis- BY BETSY LOYD tration re-read a letter written by Asst. News Editor Mayra Diaz '98 thW outlined 14 Students claim institutiona lized racism steps to combat institutional rac- ... We're not even real students small grouping of people we College campus. Approximately 100 students ism at Colby. \ here." knew we could trust, initia lly," He encouraged students to and faculty members took over "It wasn't very productive," Thursday night, a group of said Potter. Similar protests had come discuss how institutional President William R. Cotter's said Kenya Sanders\ '00 of the students wrote a list of demands been leaked in the past to the racism "affects you, or how you third-floor Eustis office, Friday, CCC meeting. "There wasn't any and organized the next administration and stopped be- think it is or isn't existent." protesting against what they per- real commitment." . '. morning's protest. fore they could happen. "It was completely a student- ceived to be a lack of action "The straw that broke the "We were aware that After asking the students to run thing," said Potter. Faculty against institutional racism. camel's back," according to Jus- thetrustees would be here... it was leave, Cotter left his office to at- and staff supported the protest- About 20 students began the sit- tin Ehrenwerth '01, hall presi- very spur of the moment, though. tend prior commitments relating ors, though, by bringing them in at 11 a.m. and more protestors dent of Piper and co-chair of Wethoughtthis would be the time to Trustee Weekend. food. filed into the office throughout Hillel, was Presidents' Council's to just go," said Potter. Students then began calling Cotter called a 4 p.m. meeting the day. The leaders met with treatment of his motion to have a Potter said that the idea to and leaving phone bombs for with Sanders, Potter, Student Cotter at approximately 4 p.m. racial Minority Affairs Represen- hold the sit-in in Cotter's office members of groups in which they Government Association Presi- and members of the Board of tative permanently sit on the stemmed from the CCC meeting. were involved. dent Ben .Langille '99, recently Trustees addressed the protest- Council. The motion was passed He said Cotter had told him to :¦ Monty Hobson '02, Student elected SG A Vice-President Jon ors shortly after 5:30 p.m. The in amended form, which "ex- bring the issues to him> and that Programming Board representa- Gray '00, and Sandy Grande/as- crowd dispersed before 7 p.m. tend ed a per manent invitation to his door was always open. tive fr om West Quad , left a mes- sistant professor of education The sit-in was partially in re- a Minority Affairs Representa- The original group consisted sage for his dorm saying, "We and human development. Dean sponse to Wednesday's Campus tive as a formally recognized of about 20 students who entered are not going to leave until Presi- of Students Janice Kassmah, Vice Community Committeemeeting. guest." Cotter's office and presented him dent Cotter and the Board of President Arnold Yasinski and There, the Task Force on Institu- Kyle Potter '99 said he felt the with the list of demands. Trustees have a conversation, Dean of the College Earl Smith tional Racism presented its re- Council said, "we're guests here "We had to keep it within a about this problem on the Colby See SIT-IN, continued on page 4 Communist , H^^ Environmental In 1996, a rally attacked racism. Yet Activist and Filmmaker George some of the same problems persist Cullinen speaks to a "I think this college can set a Pugh Center crowd- BY MATT APUZZO terrific example of what diver- April 15, in a speech News Editor sity is all about," said chairman entitled "Why I of the Board of Trustees Colby was not even a month Lawrence Pugh at the opening of became an Antifascist into its 1996-1997 school year the Pugh Center. and f ought in the when a Woodman head resident Many of the same students Span ish Civil War." found the word "nigger" that sat and listened to that Cullinen talked of his scrawled on a poster of Student speech as freshmen and sopho- Association President Joshua mores sat on the floor of Presi- experiences as a Woodfork '97. Days later, a dent William R. Cotter's office volunteer soldier in Woodman resident found a swas- Friday. They clearly felt Colby is the Spanish Civil War tika drawn on her door. The two not a terrific example of diver- and other battles events ironically occurred dur- sity. against f ascism. ing the same Week as the Pugh On paper, Colby boasts a more Center's grand opening and diverse population in 1999 than spurred a rally on the steps of in 3997, but sheer numbers aren't Echo photo by Mmvela Kraemer Miller Library. enough, many say. But three years later, has the "You increase the numbers, situation improved for minori- and look what happens. You get Students vote "no" on presidential ballot ties on campus? Many say no. a bigger group of dissatisfied centage of "no voters in recent student body turned out to vote for "As a college campus as a people who march into the BY MATTf|gUZZO memory, with 10.6 percent of the the run-offs. With 11 percent ab- whole, I don't think we've learned President's office," said Angela electorate choosing none of the staining from the presidential race, a thing," said Kenya Sanders '00, Crandon '99. above. roughly 50 percent of the student who attended Friday's sit-in but Perhaps the biggest distinc- In an election marred by cam- "A social scientist would say I body was left to decide the posi- did not attend the rally her fresh- tion between Friday's sit-in and paign finance concerns and special don't know until I interview ;the 11 tion. man year. the 1996 rally is that the group investigations, many students opted
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