Blue-winged Teal GREBES a Chinese Pond-Heron Semipalmated Plover c Temminck's Stint c Western Gull c Cinnamon Teal r Pied-billed Grebe c Cattle Egret c Little Ringed Plover r Long-toed Stint Glacuous-winged Gull Northern Shoveler Horned Grebe a Green Heron Killdeer Least Sandpiper Glaucous Gull Northern Pintail Red-necked Grebe Black-crowned r White-rumped Sandpiper a Great Black-backed Gull a r Eurasian Dotterel c Garganey a Eared Grebe Night-Heron OYSTERCATCHER Baird's Sandpiper Sabine's Gull c Baikal Teal Western Grebe VULTURES, HAWKS, Black Oystercatcher Pectoral Sandpiper Black-legged Kittiwake FALCONS Green-winged Teal [Clark's Grebe] STILTS, AVOCETS Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Red-legged Kittiwake c Turkey Vulture Canvasback a Black-winged Stilt a Purple Sandpiper Ross' Gull Wings Over Alaska ALBATROSSES Osprey Redhead a Shy Albatross a American Avocet Rock Sandpiper Ivory Gull Bald Eagle c Common Pochard Laysan Albatross SANDPIPERS Dunlin r Caspian Tern c White-tailed Eagle Ring-necked Duck Black-footed Albatross r Common Greenshank c Curlew Sandpiper r Common Tern Alaska Bird Checklist c Steller's Sea-Eagle r Tufted Duck Short-tailed Albatross Greater Yellowlegs Stilt Sandpiper Arctic Tern for (your name) Northern Harrier Greater Scaup Lesser Yellowlegs c Spoonbill Sandpiper Aleutian Tern PETRELS, SHEARWATERS [Gray Frog-Hawk] Lesser Scaup a Marsh Sandpiper c Broad-billed Sandpiper a Sooty Tern Northern Fulmar Sharp-shinned Hawk Steller's Eider c Spotted Redshank Buff-breasted Sandpiper c White-winged Tern Mottled Petrel [Cooper's Hawk] Spectacled Eider Wood Sandpiper r Ruff c Black Tern No. of species_______ a Cook's Petrel Northern Goshawk King Eider c Green Sandpiper Short-billed Dowitcher AUKS, PUFFINS, MURRES Pink-footed Shearwater r Swainson's Hawk Common Eider Solitary Sandpiper Long-billed Dowitcher r Dovekie Submit a copy of this [Flesh-footed Shearwater] Red-tailed Hawk Harlequin Duck [Willet] a Jack Snipe Common Murre checklist with your a Greater Shearwater [Common Buzzard] Surf Scoter Wandering Tattler Wilson’s Snipe Thick-billed Murre certificate application. r Buller's Shearwater Rough-legged Hawk White-winged Scoter Gray-tailed Tattler Common Snipe Black Guillemot Checklists will not be Sooty Shearwater Golden Eagle Black Scoter r Common Sandpiper a Pin-tailed Snipe Pigeon Guillemot returned. Short-tailed Shearwater c Eurasian Kestrel Long-tailed Duck Spotted Sandpiper c Wilson's Phalarope a Long-billed Murrelet [Manx Shearwater] American Kestrel Bufflehead r Terek Sandpiper Red-necked Phalarope Marbled Murrelet SWANS and GEESE [Little Shearwater] Merlin Common Goldeneye Upland Sandpiper Red Phalarope Kittlitz's Murrelet c Bean Goose Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel c Eurasian Hobby Barrow's Goldeneye a Little Curlew JAEGERS, GULLS, TERNS Ancient Murrelet Greater White-fronted Goose Leach's Storm-Petrel Gyrfalcon r Smew ! Eskimo Curlew a Oriental Pratincole Cassin's Auklet a Lesser White-fronted Goose PELICANS, CORMORANTS Peregrine Falcon Hooded Merganser Whimbrel c South Polar Skua Parakeet Auklet Emperor Goose RAILS, COOTS Common Merganser a American White Pelican Bristle-thighed Curlew Pomarine Jaeger Least Auklet Snow Goose [Yellow Rail] Red-breasted Merganser a Brown Pelican c Far Eastern Curlew Parasitic Jaeger Whiskered Auklet c Ross's Goose c Virginia Rail c Ruddy Duck r Brandt's Cormorant [Long-billed Curlew] Long-tailed Jaeger Crested Auklet Brant [Baillon's Crake] GROUSE, PTARMIGAN Double-Crested Cormorant c Black-tailed Godwit [Laughing Gull] Rhinoceros Auklet Cackling Goose r Sora Ruffed Grouse Red-faced Cormorant Hudsonian Godwit c Franklin's Gull Horned Puffin Canada Goose a Eurasian Coot Spruce Grouse Pelagic Cormorant Bar-tailed Godwit c Little Gull Tufted Puffin Trumpeter Swan r American Coot Willow Ptarmigan FRIGATEBIRDS Marbled Godwit r Black-headed Gull DOVES, CUCKOOS Tundra Swan CRANES Rock Ptarmigan a Magnificent Frigatebird Ruddy Turnstone Bonaparte's Gull r Band-tailed Pigeon r Whooper Swan Sandhill Crane White-tailed Ptarmigan BITTERNS, HERONS, Black Turnstone c Heerman's Gull c Oriental Turtle-Dove DUCKS EGRETS a Common Crane Blue Grouse Surfbird c Black-tailed Gull a White-winged Dove c Wood Duck r American Bittern PLOVERS Sharp-tailed Grouse c Great Knot Mew Gull r Mourning Dove Gadwall a Yellow Bittern Black-bellied Plover LOONS Red Knot r Ring-billed Gull c Common Cuckoo c Falcated Duck Great Blue Heron a European Golden-Plover Red-throated Loon Sanderling California Gull c Oriental Cuckoo Eurasian Wigeon [Gray Heron] American Golden-Plover r Arctic Loon Semipalmated Sandpiper Herring Gull c Yellow-billed Cuckoo American Wigeon c Great Egret Pacific Golden-Plover Pacific Loon Western Sandpiper Iceland Gull (incl. Thayer’s) OWLS a American Black Duck a Chinese Egret r Lesser Sand-Plover Common Loon Red-necked Stint c Lesser Black-backed Gull a Oriental Scops-Owl Mallard a Little Egret a Snowy Plover Yellow-billed Loon c Little Stint Slaty-backed Gull r Western Screech-Owl c Spot-billed Duck [Snowy Egret] r Common Ringed Plover Local checklists that include seasonal abundance for a particular area will be most useful as field checklists. 01/05 Great Horned Owl Alder Flycatcher CHICKADEES r Eyebrowed Thrush American Redstart a Blue Grosbeak Snowy Owl c Willow Flycatcher Black-capped Chickadee c Dusky Thrush c Ovenbird a Lazuli Bunting Northern Hawk Owl c Least Flycatcher c Mountain Chickadee c Fieldfare Northern Waterthrush c Indigo Bunting RARE BIRD ALERTS: r Northern Pygmy-Owl Hammond's Flycatcher Chestnut-backed Chickadee American Robin [Kentucky Warbler] a Dickcissel Report birds listed for r Barred Owl c Dusky Flycatcher Boreal Chickadee Varied Thrush a Mourning Warbler BLACKBIRDS Alaska as (a) accidental, Great Gray Owl Pacific-slope Flycatcher r Gray-headed Chickadee MIMIDS, STARLINGS MacGillivray's Warbler c Bobolink (c) casual, or a Long-eared Owl a Black Phoebe [Great Tit] a Gray Catbird Common Yellowthroat Red-winged Blackbird [unsubstantiated] as soon Short-eared Owl c Eastern Phoebe NUTHATCHES, CREEPERS, c Northern Mockingbird Wilson's Warbler c Western Meadowlark as possible to Boreal Owl Say's Phoebe WRENS, DIPPERS a Brown Thrasher a Canada Warbler c Yellow-headed Blackbird Red-breasted Nuthatch experienced local birders Northern Saw-whet Owl [Ash-throated Flycatcher] European Starling TANAGERS Rusty Blackbird or 465-5157 (leave NIGHT JARS a Great Crested Flycatcher Brown Creeper ACCENTORS, WAGTAILS, a Scarlet Tanager c Brewer's Blackbird Winter Wren details and contact a Lesser Nighthawk c Tropical Kingbird PIPITS Western Tanager c Common Grackle American Dipper information). r Common Nighthawk c Western Kingbird c Siberian Accentor SPARROWS and ALLIES r Brown-headed Cowbird OLD WORLD WARBLERS, a Whip-poor-will c Eastern Kingbird Yellow Wagtail c Spotted Towhee a Orchard Oriole THRUSHES, and ALLIES c Gray Wagtail Report locally accidental a Gray Nightjar c Scissor-tailed Flycatcher American Tree Sparrow [Bullock's Oriole] Golden-crowned Kinglet r White Wagtail or casual species to SWIFTS, HUMMINGBIRDS SHRIKES Chipping Sparrow FINCHES Ruby-crowned Kinglet c Tree Pipit contacts listed on local Black Swift c Brown Shrike Middendorff's Grasshopper- c Clay-colored Sparrow Brambling c c Olive-backed Pipit checklists. a Chimney Swift Northern Shrike Warbler Brewer's Sparrow Gray-crowned Rosy Finch c Pechora Pipit Vaux's Swift VIREOS a Lanceolated Warbler a Lark Sparrow Pine Grosbeak c Red-throated Pipit accidental “an a White-throated Needletail c Cassin's Vireo a Willow Warbler Savannah Sparrow c Common Rosefinch exceptional occurrence a Common Swift Warbling Vireo a Wood Warbler American Pipit Fox Sparrow c Purple Finch c Fork-tailed Swift c Philadelphia Vireo c Dusky Warbler WAXWINGS Song Sparrow c Cassin's Finch that might not be a Ruby-throated Hummingbird Red-eyed Vireo a Yellow-browed Warbler Bohemian Waxwing Lincoln's Sparrow c House Finch repeated again for c Anna's Hummingbird JAYS, CROWS Arctic Warbler Cedar Waxwing c Swamp Sparrow Red Crossbill decades; usually fewer c Costa's Hummingbird Gray Jay a Lesser Whitethroat WOOD-WARBLERS r White-throated Sparrow White-winged Crossbill than five records.” (West) [Calliope Hummingbird] Steller's Jay a Narcissus Flycatcher r Tennessee Warbler c Harris' Sparrow Common Redpoll Rufous Hummingbird c Clark's Nutcracker [Mugimaki Flycatcher] Orange-crowned Warbler White-crowned Sparrow Hoary Redpoll casual “less than HOOPOES, KINGFISHERS Black-billed Magpie c Red-breasted Flycatcher a Nashville Warbler Golden-crowned Sparrow a Eurasian Siskin annually, but there tends a Eurasian Hoopoe r American Crow c Dark-sided Flycatcher a [Northern Parula] Dark-eyed Junco Pine Siskin to be a pattern over time Belted Kingfisher Northwestern Crow c Gray-streaked Flycatcher Yellow Warbler Lapland Longspur a American Goldfinch at the right time of year in WOODPECKERS Common Raven a Asian Brown Flycatcher a Chestnut-sided Warbler Smith's Longspur c Oriental Greenfinch appropriate habitat.” (West) a Eurasian Wryneck LARKS a Spotted Flycatcher r Magnolia Warbler [Chestnut-collared c Eurasian Bullfinch c Yellow-bellied Sapsucker r Sky Lark a [Rufous-tailed Robin] c Cape May Warbler Longspur] c Evening Grossbeak Red-breasted Sapsucker Horned Lark r Siberian Rubythroat a Black-throated Blue Warbler a Pine Bunting c Hawfinch The Wings Over Alaska c Great Spotted Woodpecker SWALLOWS Bluethroat Yellow-rumped Warbler c Little Bunting OLD WORLD SPARROWS program checklist is updated from Checklist of Alaska Birds, Downy Woodpecker c Purple Martin a Siberian
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