§ 1915.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–12 Edition) Lanyard means a flexible line of rope, fall of an employee. A rope grab usu- wire rope, or strap which generally has ally employs the principle of inertial a connector at each end for connecting locking, cam/level locking or both. the body belt or body harness to a de- celeration device, lifeline, or anchor- § 1915.152 General requirements. age. (a) Provision and use of equipment. The Lifeline means a component con- employer shall provide and shall ensure sisting of a flexible line for connection that each affected employee uses the to an anchorage at one end to hang appropriate personal protective equip- vertically (vertical lifeline), or for con- ment (PPE) for the eyes, face, head, ex- nection to anchorages at both ends to tremities, torso, and respiratory sys- stretch horizontally (horizontal life- tem, including protective clothing, line), and which serves as a means for protective shields, protective barriers, connecting other components of a per- personal fall protection equipment, and sonal fall arrest system to the anchor- life saving equipment, meeting the ap- age. plicable provisions of this subpart, Lower levels means those areas or sur- wherever employees are exposed to faces to which an employee can fall. work activity hazards that require the Such areas or surfaces include but are use of PPE. not limited to ground levels, floors, (b) Hazard assessment and equipment. ramps, tanks, materials, water, exca- The employer shall assess its work ac- vations, pits, vessels, structures, or tivity to determine whether there are portions thereof. hazards present, or likely to be Personal fall arrest system means a present, which necessitate the employ- system used to arrest an employee in a ee’s use of PPE. If such hazards are fall from a working level. It consists of present, or likely to be present, the an anchorage, connectors, body belt or employer shall: body harness and may include a lan- (1) Select the type of PPE that will yard, a deceleration device, a lifeline, protect the affected employee from the or a suitable combination of these. As hazards identified in the occupational of January 1, 1998, the use of a body hazard assessment; belt for fall arrest is prohibited. (2) Communicate selection decisions Positioning device system means a body to affected employees; belt or body harness system rigged to (3) Select PPE that properly fits each allow an employee to be supported at affected employee; and an elevated vertical surface, such as a (4) Verify that the required occupa- wall or window, and to be able to work tional hazard assessment has been per- with both hands free while leaning. formed through a document that con- Qualified person means a person who tains the following information: occu- by possession of a recognized degree or pation, the date(s) of the hazard assess- certificate of professional standing, or ment, and the name of the person per- who, by extensive knowledge, training, forming the hazard assessment. and experience, has successfully dem- NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (b): A hazard assess- onstrated the ability to solve or re- ment conducted according to the trade or oc- solve problems related to the subject cupation of affected employees will be con- matter and work. sidered to comply with paragraph (b) of this section, if the assessment addresses any Restraint (tether) line means a line PPE-related hazards to which employees are from an anchorage, or between anchor- exposed in the course of their work activi- ages, to which the employee is secured ties. in such a way as to prevent the em- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (b): Non-mandatory ployee from walking or falling off an appendix A to this subpart contains exam- elevated work surface. Note: A re- ples of procedures that will comply with the straint line is not necessarily designed requirement for an occupational hazard as- to withstand forces resulting from a sessment. fall. (c) Defective and damaged equipment. Rope grab means a deceleration de- Defective or damaged PPE shall not be vice which travels on a lifeline and used. automatically, by friction, engages the (d) Reissued equipment. The employer lifeline and locks so as to arrest the shall ensure that all unsanitary PPE, 94 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:30 Aug 15, 2012 Jkt 226117 PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\29\29V7.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1915.153 including that which has been used by shoes or boots with built-in metatarsal employees, be cleaned and disinfected protection, the employer is not re- before it is reissued. quired to reimburse the employee for (e) Training. (1) The employer shall the shoes or boots. provide training to each employee who (4) The employer is not required to is required, by this section, to use PPE pay for: (exception: training in the use of per- (i) Everyday clothing, such as long- sonal fall arrest systems and posi- sleeve shirts, long pants, street shoes, tioning device systems training is cov- and normal work boots; or ered in §§ 1915.159 and 1915.160). Each (ii) Ordinary clothing, skin creams, employee shall be trained to under- or other items, used solely for protec- stand at least the following: tion from weather, such as winter (i) When PPE is necessary; coats, jackets, gloves, parkas, rubber (ii) What PPE is necessary; boots, hats, raincoats, ordinary sun- (iii) How to properly don, doff, ad- glasses, and sunscreen. just, and wear PPE; (5) The employer must pay for re- (iv) The limitations of the PPE; and, placement PPE, except when the em- (v) The proper care, maintenance, ployee has lost or intentionally dam- useful life and disposal of the PPE. aged the PPE. (2) The employer shall ensure that (6) Where an employee provides ap- each affected employee demonstrates propriate protective equipment he or the ability to use PPE properly before she owns, the employer may allow the being allowed to perform work requir- employee to use it and is not required ing the use of PPE. to reimburse the employee for that (3) The employer shall retrain any equipment. The employer shall not re- employee who does not understand or quire an employee to provide or pay for display the skills required by para- his or her own PPE, unless the PPE is graph (e)(2) of this section. Cir- excepted by paragraphs (f)(2) through cumstances where retraining is re- (f)(5) of this section. quired include, but are not limited to, (7) This paragraph (f) shall become situations where: effective on February 13, 2008. Employ- (i) Changes in occupation or work ers must implement the PPE payment render previous training obsolete; or requirements no later than May 15, (ii) Changes in the types of PPE to be 2008. used render previous training obsolete; NOTE TO § 1915.152(f): When the provisions of or another OSHA standard specify whether or (iii) Inadequacies in an affected em- not the employer must pay for specific ployee’s knowledge or use of assigned equipment, the payment provisions of that PPE indicate that the employee has standard shall prevail. not retained the requisite under- [61 FR 26352, May 24, 1996; 61 FR 29957, June standing or skill. 13, 1996, as amended at 67 FR 44543, July 3, (f) Payment for protective equip- 2002; 72 FR 64428, Nov. 15, 2007; 76 FR 33610, ment. (1) Except as provided by para- June 8, 2011] graphs (f)(2) through (f)(6) of this sec- tion, the protective equipment, includ- § 1915.153 Eye and face protection. ing personal protective equipment (a) General requirements. (1) The em- (PPE), used to comply with this part, ployer shall ensure that each affected shall be provided by the employer at no employee uses appropriate eye or face cost to employees. protection where there are exposures (2) The employer is not required to to eye or face hazards caused by flying pay for non-specialty safety-toe protec- particles, molten metal, liquid chemi- tive footwear (including steel-toe shoes cals, acid or caustic liquids, chemical or steel-toe boots) and non-specialty gases or vapors, or potentially inju- prescription safety eyewear, provided rious light radiation. that the employer permits such items (2) The employer shall ensure that to be worn off the job-site. each affected employee uses eye or face (3) When the employer provides protection that provides side protec- metatarsal guards and allows the em- tion when there is a hazard from flying ployee, at his or her request, to use objects. Detachable side protectors 95 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:30 Aug 15, 2012 Jkt 226117 PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\29\29V7.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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