™ INTRO TO OSCAD THE OPEN-SOURCE CAD TOOL FOR CIRCUIT DESIGN WHY MICROSOFT SHOULD EMBRACE LINUX Since 1994: The Original Magazine of the Linux Community MAY 2014 | ISSUE 241 | www.linuxjournal.com COOL PROJECTS Build an ATmega328p Programmer with the BeagleBone Black Reglue: Bridging the Digital Divide Hack the Parrot A.R. Drone V A LOOK AT CREATE BASH WATCH: SciPY FOR OPEN-SOURCE PRIMER ISSUE OVERVIEW SCIENTIFIC FORUMS WITH FOR COMPUTING DISCOURSE SYSADMINS LJ241-May2014.indd 1 4/21/14 10:05 AM LJ241-May2014.indd 2 4/21/14 10:06 AM $UH\RXFRQVLGHULQJVRIWZDUHGHÀQHGVWRUDJH" zStax StorCore =)68QLÀHG6WRUDJH IURP6LOLFRQ ZFS Unified Storage 0HFKDQLFVLVWUXO\VRIWZDUHGHÀQHGVWRUDJH )URPPRGHVWGDWDVWRUDJHQHHGVWRDPXOWLWLHUHGSURGXFWLRQVWRUDJHHQYLURQPHQWWKHzStax StorCore =)6XQLÀHGVWRUDJHDSSOLDQFHVKDYHWKHULJKWPL[RISHUIRUPDQFHFDSDFLW\DQGUHOLDELOLW\WRÀW\RXUQHHGV zStax StorCore 64 May Case Study Feature zStax StorCore 104 /HDUQKRZ9DXOW1HWZRUNVZDVDEOHWREXLOGDQ HQWHUSULVHFODVVFORXGVROXWLRQDWDFRVWHIIHFWLYHSULFH 7DONZLWKDQH[SHUWWRGD\ E\WXUQLQJWR]6WD[IURP6LOLFRQ0HFKDQLFV www.siliconmechanics.com/zstax LJ241-May2014.indd 3 4/21/14 10:06 AM MAY 2014 CONTENTS ISSUE 241 COOL PROJECTS FEATURES 58 Hacking the Parrot A.R. Drone Check out the potential for this semi-autonomous, largely automated quadracopter. Bill Childers 68 Cross-Breeding the BeagleBone Black with the ATmega328p How to build up the hardware from basic components and configure the software to transform the BeagleBone into an ATmega328p programmer. Joshua Datko 84 Reglue: Opening Up the World to Cover photo by Joshua Datko Deserving Kids, One Linux ON THE COVER Computer at a Time 0U[YV[V6ZJHK[OL6WLU:V\YJL*(+;VVSMVY*PYJ\P[+LZPNUW Reglue gives free >O`4PJYVZVM[:OV\SK,TIYHJL3PU\_W )\PSKHU(;TLNHW7YVNYHTTLY^P[O[OL)LHNSL)VUL)SHJRW Linux computers to 9LNS\L!)YPKNPUN[OL+PNP[HS+P]PKLW under-privileged /HJR[OL7HYYV[(9+YVULW children and (3VVRH[:JP7@MVY:JPLU[PMPJ*VTW\[PUNW *YLH[L6WLU:V\YJL-VY\TZ^P[O+PZJV\YZLW their families. )HZO7YPTLYMVY:`ZHKTPUZW Brian Conner 4 / MAY 2014 / WWW.LINUXJOURNAL.COM LJ241-May2014.indd 4 4/21/14 10:06 AM INDEPTH 96 Oscad: Open-Source Computer-Aided Design Tool Introducing Oscad, an open-source CAD tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design. Rakhi R and Kannan M. Moudgalya COLUMNS 58 30 Reuven M. Lerner’s At the Forge Discourse 36 Dave Taylor’s Work the Shell Iterating Turns in Zombie Dice 40 Kyle Rankin’s Hack and / Tails above the Rest, Part III 46 Shawn Powers’ The Open-Source Classroom 68 Hulk Bash! 114 Doc Searls’ EOF A Cool Project for Microsoft: Adopt Linux IN EVERY ISSUE 8 Current_Issue.tar.gz 10 Letters 18 UPFRONT 28 Editors’ Choice 54 New Products 119 Advertisers Index 84 LINUX JOURNAL (ISSN 1075-3583) is published monthly by Belltown Media, Inc., 2121 Sage Road, Ste. 395, Houston, TX 77056 USA. Subscription rate is $29.50/year. Subscriptions start with the next issue. WWW.LINUXJOURNAL.COM / MAY 2014 / 5 LJ241-May2014.indd 5 4/21/14 10:06 AM Executive Editor Jill Franklin [email protected] Senior Editor Doc Searls [email protected] Associate Editor Shawn Powers [email protected] Art Director Garrick Antikajian [email protected] Products Editor James Gray [email protected] Editor Emeritus Don Marti [email protected] Technical Editor Michael Baxter [email protected] Senior Columnist Reuven Lerner [email protected] Security Editor Mick Bauer [email protected] Hack Editor Kyle Rankin lj@greenfly.net Virtual Editor Bill Childers [email protected] Contributing Editors )BRAHIM (ADDAD s 2OBERT ,OVE s :ACK "ROWN s $AVE 0HILLIPS s -ARCO &IORETTI s ,UDOVIC -ARCOTTE 0AUL "ARRY s 0AUL -C+ENNEY s $AVE 4AYLOR s $IRK %LMENDORF s *USTIN 2YAN s !DAM -ONSEN Publisher Carlie Fairchild [email protected] Director of Sales John Grogan [email protected] Associate Publisher Mark Irgang [email protected] Webmistress Katherine Druckman [email protected] Accountant Candy Beauchamp [email protected] Linux Journal is published by, and is a registered trade name of, Belltown Media, Inc. PO Box 980985, Houston, TX 77098 USA Editorial Advisory Panel "RAD !BRAM "AILLIO s .ICK "ARONIAN s (ARI "OUKIS s 3TEVE #ASE +ALYANA +RISHNA #HADALAVADA s "RIAN #ONNER s #ALEB 3 #ULLEN s +EIR $AVIS -ICHAEL %AGER s .ICK &ALTYS s $ENNIS &RANKLIN &REY s !LICIA 'IBB 6ICTOR 'REGORIO s 0HILIP *ACOB s *AY +RUIZENGA s $AVID ! ,ANE 3TEVE -ARQUEZ s $AVE -C!LLISTER s #ARSON -C$ONALD s #RAIG /DA *EFFREY $ 0ARENT s #HARNELL 0UGSLEY s 4HOMAS 1UINLAN s -IKE 2OBERTS +RISTIN 3HOEMAKER s #HRIS $ 3TARK s 0ATRICK 3WARTZ s *AMES 7ALKER Advertising % -!),: [email protected] URL: www.linuxjournal.com/advertising 0(/.% EXT Subscriptions % -!),: [email protected] URL: www.linuxjournal.com/subscribe MAIL: PO Box 980985, Houston, TX 77098 USA LINUX is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. LJ241-May2014.indd 6 4/21/14 10:06 AM Linux Journal_Layout 1 2/6/14 10:15 AM Page 1 Register Early and SAVE! May 27-30, 2014 Sheraton Boston Get the best real-world Android developer training anywhere! • Choose from more than 75 classes and in-depth tutorials • Network with speakers and other Android developers • Check out more than 40 exhibiting companies Take your Android development skills to the next level! Find out why you should go to AnDevCon! Watch the videos at www.AnDevCon.com Register Early and Save at www.AnDevCon.com AnDevCon™ is a trademark of BZ Media LLC. Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Google’s Android Robot is used under terms of the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. A BZ Media Event #AnDevCon LJ241-May2014.indd 7 4/21/14 10:06 AM Current_Issue.tar.gz Cooler Than SHAWN POWERS Minnesota in January y the time this issue goes to and elaborate underpinnings mean press, the snow in my backyard it can be challenging to install, but B probably will be only knee Reuven walks through the things deep in the shade. It’s the middle of that make it tick and explains why April now, and there’s still a six-foot it’s worth the hassle. Dave Taylor also snow drift on my back deck. Needless shows that hard work pays off, as he to say, it’s been a long, cold winter. ends his series on the script-based This issue of Linux Journal is cool version of Zombie Dice he’s been as well, but in a far more enjoyable building the past few months. way! The first time I was published in Kyle Rankin finishes off his series Linux Journal, it was in a Cool Projects as well. The Tails distribution is a issue, and every year it means a bunch security-minded Linux system that of really nerdy ideas and awesome has tons of privacy-enabling bells and recipes for weekend projects. This whistles. Kyle describes its advanced year is no different. features, reaching above and beyond Reuven M. Lerner starts out the what most folks do with it. issue with an article on Discourse. My column is also about tools Web forums certainly aren’t anything this month—basic shell scripting new, but Discourse is a modern- tools. Dave Taylor provides advanced looking, modern-functioning, scripting every month, but for many discussion forum. Its slick interface of us, the basics are still pretty cryptic. If you don’t know an V VIDEO: )&4(%. CONDITIONAL STATEMENT FROM Shawn Powers runs a range-numerated FOR loop, this through the latest issue. article should be useful. 8 / MAY 2014 / WWW.LINUXJOURNAL.COM LJ241-May2014.indd 8 4/21/14 10:06 AM CURRENT_ISSUE.TAR.GZ I’m a little angry with Bill Childers Finally, Doc Searls and Brian this month, because he has a great Conner prove that cool Linux projects article on hacking a Parrot A.R. Drone. aren’t always something that can I think it just about guarantees I’ll be done over a long weekend. Brian purchase a drone in the near future Conner interviews Ken Starks about to hack myself. Bill explains that the his Reglue organization. Reglue readily available “toy” drones are recycles hardware and uses Linux incredibly robust machines capable of to provide usable computer systems far more than just scaring cats. for education. We all know that In true “Cool Projects” fashion, Linux is changing the world, but Joshua Datko combines two awesome that change only occurs when we bits of technology into a teeny, tiny, have people like Ken wielding it. Doc super-powerful device. He combines the takes an interesting look at Linux surprisingly powerful BeagleBone Black as well, but he posits what might with an ATmega328p microprocessor. happen if Microsoft were to adopt The BBB plus Arduino? It sounds like a Linux. I know you’re thinking it’ll be nerdy version of, “hey, you got peanut a Minnesota-cold day in ____ before butter in my chocolate”—it’s a marriage Microsoft turns to Linux, but crazier made in heaven. things have happened. Rakhi R and Kannan M. Moudgalya This month’s focus is always one of describe the Oscad program this my favorites. We also have product month. CAD software can be announcements, tech tips and more. ridiculously expensive if you buy a The cool projects, however, are proprietary option, and often the free something that everyone seems to and open-source options aren’t quite enjoy. They warm my heart, and after a as robust as you’d like. With Oscad, winter like the one we’re finally ending, however, you can design and test a warm heart is a welcome effect.Q PCBs using 2-D and 3-D interfaces. The software not only helps organize Shawn Powers is the Associate Editor for Linux Journal. the layout of your boards, but it will He’s also the Gadget Guy for LinuxJournal.com, and he has simulate the actual operation of the an interesting collection of vintage Garfield coffee mugs.
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