THE AUBURN BULLETIN, MONDAY. MARCH'22, 1886. E8TAHLIHIIED lKl«. OVER THERE. The Macken Election Case. .Ladies' Kid 44 Buttons, all new The Auburn Bulletin sprlug shades, at low price of $1.00, WhatUGeiug on la JSeacca Falls a*t POSTSCRIPT. T.*4 VmitU Stmt— Bnprtme Court'* Opi*it* Every pair warranted. «. W. RICHARDSON k SON Waterloo. % mtto Iw/iaiwatM Crimes. Children's Kids, in Tan Shades, just re­ MW JLBTKKTI^UUHTB 4:30 P. ML- ceived. MRS. HoTCHitiss, NVITE tbe citizens of Central New York to inspect the largest and best select* United PreM DUpatch. mchlSntf 118 Genesee st. I stock of > thl wants to-day. SKNKI K F.U.IJS, March 22.—The trustees WASHINGTON, March 22.—In the su­ of the S«ueca Falls Academy met at the ^— , A CHAXtiE. > aew Ml of H. 0. Brooks. preme court of tbe United States to-day, Jonn G. MoMurray & Co's . Sup­ —Ciril service examination—aee ad. clothing store of Albert S. Jay on Satur­ erior Brushes, Painters' Stock, Smith's —8ea MW ad of Lyos, Elliott & Bloom. day at 3 p. M. There were present Presi­ Tfce tit j Club to Buy the iiroot Proper* Justice Gray delivered tbe opinion of the Drug Store, 50 State st. mchloa.o&Atf FURNITURE, —Oil bailed cotton yarns—see ad of A. dent Mynderse and Trustees Charles A. tj on lienesee Street full bench in tbe case of Joseph C. F. Mulford. Hawley, Chad. C. Mosher, Kliaa Lester, Mackln and William J. Gallagher, plaint- SpnngiShapes for Hats and Bonuets, Of All Kind* Ever Shown in This Vicinity. —Bpring boom in real estate—see ad of Horace W. Kuigut. Richard J. Miller. Pnpjred to S,U •# Enough fmr ikt V***m- tiffs In error, vs. the United Statea, from atCowell's Bleachery, No. 11 South st. W H. Motttt. ,- William V. Van Keunessalaer, W. P. Pol­ mch20u2l* Chamber Suits in Mahogany, Walnut, Olive, lied Cherr —Furniture of all kinds-see ad of G. the United States court at Chicago. It W. Kicbardson A Son. lard aud Thos. J. Magee. The Board At a largely attended meeting of the la the well known Chicago electlou case | IA Fine Fur Derby Hat, for $1.50, Sycamore, English Oak, Irish Bog Oak, White Quartered Oal parsed a resolution authorizing the trans­ City Club, Saturday evening, It was de­ and was sent to the supreme court of the worth $2.00 at Reid & Smith's fer of the deed of the real estate of the cided, by a nearly unanimous vote, to United States by tlte lower court, for the Birch, Ash, White Mapla, natural Cherry *nd imitation Mi BULUXlAED HEWS. Senlca Falls Academy to the Board of purchase the oroot property, opposite the purpose of determining whether the Ladies' Collars and Cufl'a. Education for the Mynderse Academy. foot of Court street, from the crimes charged to the defendant were in­ Lyon, Elliott & Bloom call attention to hogany. The most beatuiful line of Parlor Fururtfire in Sil famous and could be proceeded with "Strangkrs of Paris, to-night and to- They also passed the following resolu- preseut owner, Mr. Buitis. This action the finest assortment of Ladies' Collars Damask, Brocatelle, Astiachan I'lush, Marble Plush, Plain an morrow night. was taken on the supposition that the upon information. Iu the course of his and Cufls, iu Plain and Fancy Styles, they tlou : opinion Justice Gray says': The provision - "That lht> bo.ird suggest to the Boant of hdu- government would not require the entire have ever shown, comprising the latest Embossed Mohair Plushes, Tapestries, Petit Points and V "A Parlor Malcn," at the Academy, of section 1,022 of the revised designs and newest effects. Examination cation the propriety ol placta^ In Ui. uiulu hall of property. The club will buy the lot for statutes of the United States 7 Thursday evening. the Mynders"lynderoec Academy a marbliiiarulec tabletal t luscrtbed $12,000 or less and expects to receive solicited. LYON, ELLIOTT 4 BLOOM, lours. W e will not be undersold by any House in the Stal with the fact that the building was erected l>y tbe providing that all crimes and of­ mch20B,D&Alw 85 Genesee street. Mrs. Willlaai Crab tree of West Castle contribution of all ttie |>ro|>erty of the Seneca about $4,;»o0 from the aovernment for so fences committed against tbe provisions otNew York, and are pleased to exhibit our btoek. street Dan forth, is visiting friends In Au­ Falls Academy, Biippleuicntexi t v a fund vot d by much as it may need. It is thus cal­ of Chapter 7, Title, "Crimes," which the iieoplc ot tlie (■•lucailonal district, and tha't culated that the club will have a Donahue & Todd burn. .*»1d tablet also coutaln the names of this beard are not infamous, may l>e prosecuted Low Priced and M permaneut houhe at a cost of about *10,- Ate offering bargains in Cloaks We are makiug din especial drive and the Board of KducaUouf under whose super- either by lndlctmeut or by information Wraps, Shawls, Blankets, an Mrs. A. L. Chatterton and son left this vision the eoKsimciluu waa •viumeuccd." 000, iueluding all ueceeasary changes in filed by a district attorney, does dium Chamber and ^arlorTuits, at prices never befoi morning for Kew York, for a four weeks' the structure. For this amount bonds uot undertake to define which Heavy Goods, to clean out. visit. Tlie Blue Kibboits. will be issued aud will doubtless be of these ofi'enses are infamous 1an8Bt< •'-Nn.-.ASXftte-st. ferpiallerl. '*" \ readily taken by members of the club. aud therefore not to be prosecuted Annual Closing out Bale of Muslin iucli20ltiu Dablnctt band benefit, with skating aud SKNKI A Fai.u», March 22.—The eutcr- by information, but leaves that to be regu­ ,* Underwear. dancing «t the Oenesep Rink, to-morrow tainment given by the Blue Ribbon Socie­ Papers are being drawn this afternoon lated by the paramount authority of the evening. ty f the High School, Friday afternoon, which will transfer the ownership of the constitution. Our conclusion, therefore, Our animal closing out sale, of Ladies' was of a high character and very instruc­ present club house, at the corner of Gen­ is that all the crimes charged against the ttue Muslin Underwear, will commence The "Skipped by the Light of the tive. The exercises consisted of piano esee and Fort streets, from James C. defendants In this information are iufam- Monday, March 8th, and continue until Moon" company skipped tor Ithaca this solos by Misses Blanche Esterly and Cora Reed to David Wadsworth, Jr. Mr. ous crimes, within the meaning of the fifth the entire lot is disposed of. These good morning, by the way of Freeville. Edwards, essays on Charles I of Eng- Wadsworth will not hurry the club amendment of the constitution and that are all-well made, perfect ilttiug, and will AUCTION. laud, Duke of Buckingham and Oliver from the building, but ss the defendants cauuot be held to answer be sold in many cases much less than tbe John S. Brown is a grandfather to-day, Cromwell, by Charles Johuson, L. N. soon as it is left vacant in the courts of the United States, for auy cost of the material. Garments slightly soiled or discolored at one-half the because Mrs. Willard Hayden became yes- Simeon, aud Martha Benbam, re­ will fit it up as a residence for himself of these crimes, otherwise than by the GBOOERIES. Uirday the mother of a floe HtUe girl. spectively, all of which showed regular price. The Ladles will find it to and family. presentment or iudictmeut of a grand careful preparation aud were well jury, and that consequently the first their advantage to call as early in the FRED M. SMLITII, Auctioneer, E. C. Sclover and wife, of North street, reudered. A debate then followed If the City Club succeeds in carrying week as possible, as these goods are won left for Newark, N. J., last evening, being out its project, it will lessen the cost of question certified must be answered in the-.derfully cheap and bound to sell rapidly. ILL sell the entire stock of Groceries and Fixtures at \5o State street, opposi on the question : "Was the executlou of the New York Central freight house, commencing called by the Illness of Mrs. Solover's fa­ Charles I, of England, justiflabte?" Clar­ the site of the Government building by affirmative and the second iu the negative H. D. WILKIN. w ther. S6,o00, while Mr. Burtis will get $1,000 ence J. Geer, Miss May Moses and Miss and tbe other questions certified bceome mchGBtf 94 Genesee st. Monday, March 82,188«> at 2 P. M. Emma Marsh argued for the propriety of more for his property than he otherwise immaterial. Th<? Southern Central bridge corps is would. Hamilton's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Will close out the entire lot together, or in parcels to suit purchasers. The goot eugated in repairing the trestles at Fair the execution, and Frank Hammond, Ernetyt Gould and Miaa Nellie Baird for Arguing. Oil with Hypophosphites, is prepared are in original packages, new and desirable for dealers. The sale will be positiv Haven, preparatory to the coal shipping The Funeral. only at Bteel's Drug Store. This Goods put up will be sold without reserve. All sums under $20 cash; over th season. the negative side. The judges were F\l£.t<ie Annuluitiit of the Brnadwuy Hail- Messrs. Herbert Crowell, R. R. Daly and pttre and elegant preparation Is now large­ amount, good approved notes will be taken on four months, payable at any of tl Frt4 DenntB to n>«4 Franthitt.
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