6 Anexos ingles ES07:00 Med. en cifrasgraf 13/9/07 11:19 Página 364 Mediterranean Electoral Observatory This chapter describes, in circum- Chamber of Senate Mediterranean order, the results of the Deputies Appendices Presidential and Legislative elections Parties % Seats % Seats that took place in 2006 in independent The Union 49.8 348 49 158 states. The list also includes calls for ref- Left Democrats (DS, social democrat) Democracy and Liberty -The Daisy erenda and those elections held in au- Communist Refoundation (RC, communist) tonomous entities or in any other rele- Federation of Greens (socialist ecologist) vant territories that are of particular Party of the Italian Communists (PDCI, communist) Italian Social Democrats (social democrat) 2007 political significance. Italian Radicals Italy of Values Med. People’s Party - UDEUR Socialist and Pensioners Party Portugal Presidential Elections House of Liberties (Silvio Berlusconi’s coalition) 49.7 281 50.2 156 Forward Italy (FI, conservative, personalist party) National Alliance (AN, national-conservative) 22nd January 2006 Northern League (LN, regionalist) Union of Christian and Centre Democrats (conservative) Previous elections: 24th January 2001 New Socialist Party of Italy (NPSI, conservative) 364 Parliamentary Republic. The President Italian Republican Party receives a mandate of five years. Italian Reformists Christian Democracy for the Autonomies Candidates % Others 0.5 1 0.8 1 Aníbal Cavaco Silva Participation: 83.6% (Social Democratic Party) 50.6 ca) has 315 members elected for five- toral observation missions the elections Manuel Alegre (Independent) 20.7 year terms: 232 are members elected were conducted in line with international from single-member constituencies and standards. These were the first elec- Mario Soares (Socialist Party) 14.3 83 are elected by proportional repre- tions held without foreign supervision Jerónimo de Sousa sentation. There also are nine senators since the 1995 Dayton Accords. Ac- (Portuguese Communist Party) 8.6 for life. Voting is compulsory. cording to Freedom House, the country’s Francisco Louça civil and political rights system rates the (Bloc of the Left – BE) 5.3 Bosnia-Herzegovina country as only partially free. Participation: 62.6%. A Federal Parliamentary Democratic Re- Legislative Elections Italy public comprised of two entities: the Legislative Elections Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1st October 2006 (also known as the Croat-Muslim Fed- Previous elections: 5th October 2002 9th – 10th April 2006 eration) and the Serbian Republic (Re- Previous elections: 13th May 2001 publika Srpska). The Presidency and Elections to the House of Representa- Parliamentary Republic with a bicamer- the 42 representatives of the House of tives of Bosnia-Herzegovina al legislature. The Chamber of Deputies Representatives are elected by univer- (Camera dei Deputati) has 630 mem- sal suffrage. Both entities elect their The federal legislature is comprised of bers elected for five-year terms, 475 of own legislators simultaneously, while two chambers with 4-year terms of of- which are elected from single-member the Serbian Republic additionally ap- fice. The People’s Chamber (Don Nar- constituencies, and 155 elected through points President and Vice-president. 14 odu) has 15 members elected indirect- party lists with proportional represen- organisations sent electoral observation ly – five for each of the Bosnian, Croatian tation from the regions. The Senate of missions to the elections. According to and Serbian communities – by the Par- the Republic (Senato della Repubbli- the OSCE and Council of Europe’s elec- liament of the Federation of Bosnia- 6 Anexos ingles ES07:00 Med. en cifrasgraf 13/9/07 11:19 Página 365 Herzegovina (10 members) and by the Parties % Seats A three-member presidency (one for Parliament of the Serbian Republic (5 each of the ethnic communities) Party of Democratic members). The 42 members of the Action (SDA, Bosnian which rotates every eight months and House of Representatives (Zastupni ki nationalist) 25.4 28 has a four-year term of office. č Dom) are elected by proportional rep- Party for Bosnia and resentation: 28 seats are assigned to the Herzegovina (SBiH, Serbian Candidates % moderate Bosnian Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and nationalist) 22.1 24 Nebojša Radmanovi (SNSD) 53.2 14 seats to the Serbian Republic. ć Social Democratic Party Mladen Bosi (SDS) 24.2 of Bosnia and ć Zoran Tešanovi (PDP RS) 4.9 Seats for the Federation of Bosnia- Herzegovina (SDPBH) 15.1 17 ć Herzegovina Jugoslav Jovi i (SDP BiH) 4.1 Croatian Democratic ć ć Parties % Seats Community (HDZ) 7.5 8 Redislav Kanjeri (SRS DR) 3.6 ć Croatians Together (HZ) 6.3 7 Ranko Baki (NSRzB) 3.4 Party of Democratic Action ć (SDA, Bosnian Bosnian-Herzegovinian Nedo Duri (DEPOS-DPS) 3 nationalist) 25.5 8 Patriotic Party (BPS) 4.1 4 ć Slavko Dragi evi (PB BOSS) 1.9 Party for Bosnia and People’s Party Working ć ć Herzegovina (SBiH, for Prosperity (NSRzB) 3.1 3 Appendices moderate Bosnian Bosnian Candidates % nationalist) 23 7 Patriotic Bloc BOSS (PB BOSS) 3.1 3 Haris Silajdži (SBiH) 62.8 Social Democratic ć Party of Bosnia and Democratic People’s Sulejman Tihi (SDA) 27.5 Community (DNZ, ć Herzegovina (SDP) 15.4 5 Mirnes Ajanovi personalist) 1.9 2 Croatian Democractic (BOSS-SDUć BiH) 8.1 Union of Bosnia and Alliance of Independent Herzegovina (HDZ, Social Democrats (SNSD) 1.4 1 2007 Croatian Candidates % Croatian nationalist) 83 Coalition for Equal Rights 2.4 1 Željko Komši (SDP) 39.5 Med. Croatians Together 6.1 2 Participation: 54.5% ć Bosnian-Herzegovinian Ivo Miro Jovi (HDZ BiH) 26.1 ć Patriotic Party (BPS) 4.4 1 Elections to the People’s Assembly of Božo Ljubi (HDZ 1990) 18.2 ć People’s Party Working the Serbian Republic Mladen Ivankovi -Lijanovi for Prosperity (NSRzB) 3.2 1 (NSRzB) ć ć 8.4 Democratic People’s The People’s Assembly of the Serbian Zvonko Juriši (HSP BiH) 6.9 Community (DNZ, ć 365 personalist) 1.9 1 Republic has 83 members elected by di- Participation: 54.5% rect vote for four-year terms of office. Serbia Seats for the Serbian Republic Parties % Seats Referendum Parties % Seats Alliance of Independent Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD, 28th October 2006 Social Democrats independent) 43.3 41 (SNSD) 46.9 7 Following the separation of Serbia and Serbian Democratic Montenegro into two independent re- Serbian Democratic Party Party (SDS) 18.3 17 (SDS, Serbian nationalist) 19.4 3 publics in May, a referendum was called Party of Democratic to approve a new constitution. Under Party of Democratic Progress (PDP) 6.8 8 Progress in the Serbian the new charter, Kosovo (a province un- Republic (PDP-RS) 5.1 1 Democratic People’s Alliance (DNS) 44 der UN administration since 1999) is Party for Bosnia and defined as “an autonomous province of Herzegovina (SBiH, Party for Bosnia and liberal) 4.1 1 Herzegovina (SBiH, Serbia with significant autonomy.” The moderate Bosnian new Constitution was approved with Party of Democratic nationalist) 44 Action (SDA, 53% of votes in favour and 54.9% vot- conservative) 3.6 1 Socialist Party (SP) 3.5 3 er turnout. Democratic People’s Party of Democratic Action Alliance (DNS) 3.5 1 (SDA, Bosnian nationalist) 3.4 3 Montenegro Participation: 54.5% Serbian Radical Party (SRS) 2.9 2 Referendum on Independence Social Democratic Party of Elections to the House of Representa- Bosnia and Herzegovina 21st May 2006 (SDP) 2.5 1 tives of the Federation of Bosnia-Herze- A referendum was called to vote on the Participation: 54.5% govina independence of the Republic of Mon- tenegro from Serbia. A minimum turnout The House of Representatives of the Presidential Elections of 50% is required and at least 55% of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina votes must be in favour of independ- has 98 members elected by direct vote 1st October 2006 ence in order to validate the referen- for four-year terms of office. Previous elections: 5th October 2002 dum. A number of EU, US and OSCE 6 Anexos ingles ES07:00 Med. en cifrasgraf 13/9/07 11:19 Página 366 representatives and observers regard- sembly (Sobranie) are elected for four- Antiprosópon/Temsilciler Meclisi) are ed the electoral process to be free and year terms of office. The OSCE’s elec- elected by proportional representation fair. toral observation mission deemed the for five-year terms of office, with the ex- elections valid insofar as they were con- ception of the three representatives Votes % ducted in line with international demo- of the Maronite, Roman-Catholic and In favour 55.5 cratic standards, although some irreg- Armenian minorities. The 24 seats as- ularities were also reported on Election signed to the Turkish Cypriots of the Against 44.4 Day. According to Freedom House, the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Participation: 86.3% country rates as only partially free. Northern Cyprus remain vacant, as they refuse to acknowledge the sov- Legislative elections Parties % Seats ereignty of the Cypriot Parliament. These are the first elections held since 10th September 2006 Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation – the Republic of Cyprus voted against Previous elections: 21st October 2002 Democratic Party for National the UN reunification plan in a referen- Parliamentary republic with a unicameral Union (Christian democrat) 32.5 45 Liberal Party of Macedonia dum held in 2004. Voting is compul- legislature. The 81 members of the Mon- (LPM) sory. tenegrin Parliament (Skupština Repub- Socialist Party of Macedonia Appendices like Crne Gore) are elected by propor- (SPM, Albanian minority) Democratic Union (DS) Parties % Seats tional representation for four-year terms Party of Turkish Movement Progressive Party of the of office. These were the first elections of Macedonia Working People (AKEL, United Party of the Roma held in the Republic of Montenegro since socialist) 31.1 18 in Macedonia (OPRM) independence.
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