.H ' A\'BSAGE DAILY OIBCDLATION tor the Month of Febraary, IBSd The temperature In Manchester last night and early this morning was a little colder than was the case Presenting a Trilogy of Style SETBACK for the past two days. It was 85 5 , 7 9 3 , A 1ar|:e auaibcr of memben were above sero at midnight Inst night in Choral Concerts. TONIGHT Monber of the Aadit piaseiit at the meeting of Mian- and this morning It was 31 above. Bnrean of CircBlatlona tooomoh Tribe No. 58, L O. R. M., Masonic Temple For Men and Women DON’T LOOK NOW.... MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM held In Tinker hall last night when the local Tribe observed Its 24tb an- Attgustana College AdmlMlOB Wc. atveraaiy and also past sachems' VOL. LV., NO. 142. (Uaaolfled AdvartMag oa Paga IS.) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. MARCH 16, 1936. (TWELVE PAGES) night Six charter members and 20 WATKINS BROS., past sachems were Included In the (NOOBPORATED ^ Choir attendance. The 125 gallons of oil raffled off last night was won b5> Henry Veld, Director. ENTERS COLLEGE F. W. Adams of 136 Barker street, ROBERT K. ANDERSON Flowers and Plantt Pack Ice Litters Many Roads ^artford. (No. 1028). Funeral Director for all ooeaolona. CAMPAIGN CASH ’ AT AGE OF 56 SERGE MDIVANl, Bushnell Memorial Delivered anywhere] I The Bpwbrth League of the South Ftineral service In home­ Hartford ACCEPTS ONE HITLER Bewhiskered Freshman Ex­ Methodist church at its meeting to- like surroundingfs. OUTFLOW IS FAR OFTEN WEDDED, , morrow night at 6 o'clock will hold pects His A. B. Degree When an open discussion on "The Value Friday, March 27,8:15 P. M. He Is 62 Years Old. 142 EAST CENTER ST. ' of Devotions,” when plans will be Tickets $1.50— Jl.OO— 50c. ABOVE JO R M A L .announced for future devotional Telephone: Chattanooga, Tenn., March 16. KILLE^TPOLO meetings of the league. The Illus­ SCHEME, REJECTS ONE OIBce .'5171 House 7494 — (AP)—Freshman Thomas D. trated talk by Miss Dorothy Gates Sponsored by Hartford District Luther League. Fletcher of the University of will be postponed until Sunday. TN C FL O R IS T Chattanooga seemed to bejn [ March 22 owing'to a delay In re­ Senate Watchers Likely to Georgian Prince Who Mar­ IT Oak Street line for some kind of a prize to­ viewing the sterebpticon slides: day. He held these titles: League CoauGfl A g re^ to Have Big Job and Demo* Lawyer. ried Divorced Sister-in- M a n ’s Trussed Body The American Legion auxiliary Former school teacher. Der Fuehrer’s Demands S will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock Former member of the State In the State Armory. At 7:45 the IRISH NIGHT cfats Are Concerned As to law, Dies from Pony’s executive board will meet with the pPPERS Legislature. Found on Conn. Beach president, Mrs. Lydia Wigren. The University's only fresh- for Eqnahty But Turns St. James’s Hall Head of the Committee. msn with whiskers. Kick at Palm Beach Field. TRY NOW Freshman Fletcher Is 58. He Monday Evening, ST. PATRICK’S had been practicing Ikw here for Madison, March 16 — (AP) —i^found yesterday, had been In the Down Proposal That Coud* OKE 23 years when he decided to go State police sought vainly today to water for about six months. He a Washington, March 16— (AP) — to college. Palm Beach, Fla., March 16. — said there were several superficial March 16 BRIDGE AND Identify the partially trussed up iiith campal^ money already pour- ‘T expect to be much better (AP)—Death In a polo game gave marks on the man’s head, probably cH Most Disemss Peace. body of an aged man which was caused by striking objects In the Attention One Hour’s Entertainment, .$12.75 Per Ton Cash. Order From SETBACK PARTY out, Senate Democratic leaders In my profession as a result of a final dramatic touch today to the this training”, said Fletcher. If colorful life story of 33-year-nId washed ashore on the beach at East water, but the back of the skull dis­ 7:30 to 8:30. Monday, March 16 gave attention today to selection of River. plans work out, he will receive Prince Serge Mdivani, one of the closed a crescent-shaped mark that London, March 16.— (A P )—'Rw - Townsend Club Sergeant Henry C. Hclnold of the might have been caused by a ham­ i ' l r Bridge - Whist - Setback Odd Fellows Hall a man to head the committee which his A. B. degree at 62. wldcly-knowni "marrying Mdlvant" League of Nattona Ckiuneil, in secret No. 4 will Investigate this year's election brothers. Westbrook state police barracks mer or a rock. It did not pene­ Prizes In All Sections. L.T.WoodCoe 8:15 P. M. expenditures. said he was pinning hto hopes of trate the akull, however. session, agreed today to Relcba* 51 Blssell Street While his bride o f less than six Identifying the body upon labels The body waa found by Winfield fuehrer Hitler’s demands for eqiu^ Officort of Club N'o. 4 Tivo Door Prizes. Phone 4496 SUNSET REBEKAH LODGE Senate campaign expenditure com­ weeks, the former Lflulse Astor 'Van mittees have played prominent roles found on the fragments of a shirt S. Parmalce of Madison as he was Ity, but flatly rejected hto "condi­ all moniNrii to bo pmicnt Prizea for Ladles and Gent*. Alcn of Newport, .R. I., collapsed at and underwear and faintly discern, strolling on tbe beach. Admission 2.'5c. Refreshments. Adm. 25o. in campaigns of the past, but there PROPERTY TAX hto , side from the shock of grief. tion” that the Council must dtacuM Monday evctilnfi: at 7:30. Wi^it are Indications this year’s will be able Initials on the waistband of the Medical Examiner F. Dewitt An Players Welcome! Prince Serge died late yesterday trousers. Smith of Guilford said the man hiq peace proposals. Side Rocreation building:. Refreshments Served. more Important than ever before. It a few minutes after he woa kicked will undoubtedly be asked to Inquire A label bearing the name ot a ’’may have died from drowning.” Hitler had offered to send a rs| | - TOO HIGH, SAYS on the-head by hto horse from which New Britain clothing concern Sergeant Helnold said: ’’Until we resentetive to tha (3ouncU's deUber- Public In Aloo Incited. All Players Welcome. not only Into campaign funds proper, tm: I ‘ .’M he had fallen. but also Into charges of using relief (Beckwlth-Kclly Co., Farrell Cloth­ can Identify tbe body. It will be im­ attons on Germany’s remilltariaa* BUT.... The tragedy, recalling the death ing Co.), turned the hunt towards possible for the state police to make funds for political purposes. Almost every man and woman has an of his brother. Prince Alexis, in an that city. The initials D. or P.I.K. Uon of the Rhineland only on a Seeks Relief Probe, THE G ^ R N O R .. ' i'? • any great headway. We don’t know boals of full equality In the confer­ F r i g i d a i r e C o m m e r i c a l automobile accident In Spain a few were found on the trousers. extra pair of trousers or an odd skin Senator HasUng (R., Del.) Is whether it’s a murder or a drown­ Get Your months ago, occurred at the Delra.V Hclnold asserted that the body, ing.” ence and with the understondiiv ' that needs cleaning and pressing . seeking to have the Senate epeclflc- beach polo field about 20 miles that bis recent offer of new peace SPRING FLOWERS aJly authorise Inquiries Into the use with New England rivers receding In the area In which 160,000,000 pacts Wotild be considered. Cross Tells CoDectors That damage already had been reported, relief workers found themselvea south of here; R efrigeration FRESH of relief funds. Prince Serge’s bride, one of Amer­ Biz nations beaded by Fraiiea But many Senators contend that harassed by Ice-blocked roads in many sections. A group of men la opposed Hitler’s Insistence on bring­ S 5 0 .0 0 TONIGHT From the Growers shown clearing Highway No. 7 near Kent, Conn., of the solid Ice pack ica’s outstanding socialites, waa the regardless of the fate of the Hast­ Present System in State Is divorced wife of Prince Alexis' ing hto peace proposals up stmttl- All T3Ties of Installations, Including ings movp, the committee will have left by receding flood waters, a condition typical In many sections. FRANKFORT IS PREPARING taneously with tha dtocuselon o t the Door Prize Drawing Between 9:30 and 11:30, — ANDERSON S O -0 -0 ... Wife Looked On full authoHty to make such Investi­ Rhineland reoccupation. GREENHOUSES Next week we’ll clean and press a pair Prince Serge’s wife was watching The other nations with FraaM 158 Eldridge St gations. The wording o f the reso­ Based On Tradition — of trousers or a skirt for only lution to create the committee, as the match between hto Georgians were Turkey, Spain, Russia, Poland We Haro It! MILK COOLERS Phone 8488 proposed by Senator Robinson, Dem- and the Texans, led by Cecil Smith, FOR ARRIVAL OF HITLER and Rumania. ocratlc leader, would give It power Makes Suggestions. FLOQD DANGER IN STATE when Serge attempted a daring The Council then voted unast- (New Aerating System — No Bulky Brine Tank) to any use of Influence on voters. maneuver. He cut his pony acrosa moualy to accept Hitler's first cos- , the line of play for a difficult reach.
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