Rushton F.qxp 5/12/2005 3:57 PM Page 289 INDEX 3rd Infantry Division, 228 98th General Hospital, 224 7th Army, 33, 41 101st Airborne Division, 42 7th Service Command, 97 109th General Hospital, 32 11th Field Hospital, 52 120th General Hospital, 94 20th Infantry Division, 269 125th Combat Support Hospital, 248 22nd General Hospital, 50 144th Evacuation Hospital, 200, 205, 235, 237, 241 27th Evacuation Hospital, 41 148th General Hospital, 100, 102 27th Field Hospital, 62, 67 181st General Hospital, 72 30th Medical Brigade, 229 220th General Hospital, 51 31st General Hospital, 17 227th General Hospital, 51 38th Infantry, 79 233rd General Hospital, 62 38th parallel, 155, 156, 158 235th General Hospital, 43 43rd General Hospital, 43 303rd General Hospital, 94, 95 50th General Hospital, 248 320th Expeditionary Medical Support Group, 281 54th Field Hospital, 35, 42 325th General Hospital Army Reserve Unit, 247 67th Combat Support Hospital, 248 328th General Hospital, 223, 225, 235 67th Evacuation Hospital, 164 376th Hospital Unit, 64 71st Evacuation Hospital, 164 376th Station Hospital, 60, 62 71st Station Hospital, 156 507th Main Force Company, 228 81st Field Hospital, 31, 35, 37, 39, 43, 44 566th Area Support Medical Company 83rd General Hospital, 112 (ASMC), 229 85th Station Hospital, 81 807th Medical Air Evacuation Squadron, 111 95th Army Hospital, 187 934th Forward Surgical Team, 225, 233 289 Rushton F.qxp 5/12/2005 3:57 PM Page 290 Latter-day Saint Nurses at War Abegglen, JoAnn Coursey, 168–73 Bennett, Wallace F., 153 Ade, Wylma Jane Callahan, 16–20 Benson, Eva, 146 Admiral Capps, 61 Bethesda Naval Hospital, 80 Air Force Reserves, 169 Betensen, Druce, 148 medevac unit, 169 Bickerdyke, Mary Jane, 2, 3, 162 Alley, Laura Ellen, 20–22 Bilibid Prison, 49 Allied forces, 60, 64, 139 Bird, Dorothy, 148 American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 14 Birmingham General Hospital, 21, 31, 43 American Civil War, 3, 4, 9, 162 Birrell, Lynn, 238 American Red Cross, 4, 115 Blackwell, Elizabeth, 195 symbol during the Gulf War, 264 Blad, Kent Dean, 200–204, 208, 245 workers, 96 Blad, Paul Levi, 204–9 Andersen, Rayola Hodgkinson, 116–21 Bolton Act, 146 Andes, 50 Bolton, Frances Payne, 136 Andrus, Alice Lofgren, 22–27 Bond, A. Elaine, 271–78 Anzio Beach, 15, 53 Bowman Field, 111 Arlington Hospital, 273, 276 Branch Agricultural College (BAC), 142 Armstrong, Virginia Scherbel, 27, 28 Brazil, 97 Army Air Corps (ANC), 110 Brigham Young University (BYU), 157 Army-Air Force Nurse Corps, 46 Brim, Katherine, 146 Army and Navy Nurse Corps, 14 Britannica, 112 Army National Guard, 205, 223 British Nurses Registration Act, 11 Army Navy General Hospital, 105 Britton, Alt, 187 Army Nurse Corps (U.S.), 92 Brooke Army Medical Center, 154 application and entrance to, 9, 27, 45, 50, 51, Brooks Air Force Base, 169, 171 55, 59, 62, 102, 159 Brown, Bobby, 148 commission in, 38, 93, 250 Brown, Hugh B., 36, 44 discharge from, 97 Brown, Sherry, 197 service during Vietnam, 162 Burns, Cecil Josephine, 75 service during WWII, 36, 54, 70, 79, 105, 145 Bush, George, 199 Army Reserves, 223 Bush, George W., 271, 279 Army Student Nurse program, 164 Bush, Laura, 277 Association of Military Surgeons, 222 Bushnell Army Hospital, 121 Austin, Ken, 181 service at, 93, 145, 149 training at, 59, 69, 78, 142 Banks, Gerald, 39, 43 Burton, Estelle Morrison, 28, 29 Barnes General Hospital, 27, 94 Barton, Clara, 1–4, 162 C-141, 169 Bataan Death March, 63 Cadet Nurse Corps (Army), 116, 122, 128, 145, Battle of the Bulge, 40, 53, 68, 86, 126 147, 149, 150 Battle of Normandy, 70 enlistment in, 126, 129 Battle of the Somme, 10 induction pledge, 136 Battle of the Wilderness, 3 program, 127, 141, 142, 144, 154 Bauer, Arvilla, 148 Callister, Cyril A., 135 Bennett, Archibald, 117 Callister, Dale, 96 290 Rushton F.qxp 5/12/2005 3:57 PM Page 291 Index Camp Adair, 94 D-Day, 51, 55, 86 Camp Beale, 36, 44, 71, 73, 97, 98 Dare, Doug, 37 Camp Breckenridge, 55 Dare, Ruth Udy, 30–39 Camp Carson, 17 Davis, Blanch, 79 Camp Clairborne, 51 Davis, Jerry, 181 Camp Dogwood, 229 Dean’s Hospital in Ogden, Utah, 93 Camp Kilmer, 39, 50 Desert Shield, 249 Camp Lee, 31, 39 Desert Storm, 205, 217 Camp Lockett, 80 DeWitt General Hospital, 60 Camp Patrick Henry, 36, 44 Dibble General Hospital, 77, 78, 149, 150, 154 Camp Roberts, 89 Dix, Dorothea, 1, 162 Camp Sibert, 36, 44 Dobrieske, 32 Camp Spartan, 228 Doerig, Idonna L. Davis, 37 Camp Stoneman, 17, 67, 94 Donnelly, Eileen, 31, 39, 43, 44 Camp Unity, 277 Doxford, Phyllis C., 174 Camp White, 30, 38, 80, 93 Duke, Mary Jane, 146 Campbell, Leona Berg, 29 Durban Castle, 52 Captain Corey (Corley), 40 Captain Corley (Corey), 33 Edvalson, Beth Smith, 121–23 Carling, Ann, 5 Edwards, Bertha Pearson, 126 Carter, Aubrey, 95 Edwards, David Samuel, 126 CCC Program, 79 Edwards, Paul, 156 Chamberlain, Olin B., 76 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 161 Chandler, James J., 45 Elliott, Larue Haynie, 30, 33–37 Chandler, Samuel C., 46 Elliott, Ted, 33, 37, 41, 45 Chelsea Naval Hospital, 29 Erickson, Edith, 146 China-Burma-India theatre (CBI), 43, 44, 72, 81 European theatre, 7, 94 Christensen, Mary, 148 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The, F-15 Eagle fighters, 199 1, 20, 26, 50, 127, 147, 154, 167, 194, 195, 195 Fairmont Army Air Force Base, 46, 110 Climie, Agnes, 11 Falconer, Nellie, 78 Cole, Fenwick, 145 Farquah, Laverne, 53 Collins, 71 Fife, Dove Chandler, 45–47, 110 Columbia University, 149 Fife, Leland J., 46 Comfort, 15, 231 Finehauer, Leslie, 169 Consolation, 6, 24, 25, 27, 156 First Cavalry Division, 180 Cornell University-New York Hospital School of First and Twelfth Division Cavalry, 180 Nursing, 164 Fitzsimmons Army Hospital, 158 Cottonwood Maternity Hospital, 119 Fitzsimmons General Hospital, 27, 73 County Hospital School of Nursing, 157 Fitzsimons, Lillie Jacobs, 47–50 Coyte, Alice, 158 Fort Bliss, 11, 241 Crimean War, 2, 9, 191 Fort Bragg, 159, 160 Critical Care Air Transport (CCAT), 221 Fort Carson, 201, 206, 224, 235, 244 Crystal Night, 55 Fort Des Moines, 51 Cunningham, Jason, 230 Fort Dix, 81 291 Rushton F.qxp 5/12/2005 3:57 PM Page 292 Latter-day Saint Nurses at War Fort Douglas, 38, 79, 93 Herron, Susan, 209–23 Fort George Wright, 45, 110 Hessions, Margaret, 77 Fort Hood, 58, 233 Higgins, Jeannie Fort Huachuca, 55 Hill Air Force Base, 169, 227, 231 Fort Leavenworth, 247, 256 Hinckley, Gordon B., 46 Fort Leonard Wood, 16, 17, 180 Hiroshima, 36, 44, 63, 76, 139 Fort Lewis Holy Cross Hospital, 141 during Desert Storm, 227, 248 Ho Chi Minh, 161 during Vietnam conflict, 180 Holy Cross Hospital School of Nursing, 75 during WWII, 20, 46, 59, 75, 89 Hubbard, Bonnie Jean Hughes, 157, 158 Fort Ord, 50 Hughes, Mary F., 129 Fort Pope, 226 Hunt, Delila Olague, 146 Fort Sam Houston, 11, 158, 180, 241, 247 Hunt, Mary, 39 Fort Sheridan, 19, 65 Hussein, Saddam, 199, 260, 263, 279 Fort Sill, 247 Hyatt, Lieutenant (Ora Mae’s husband), 60 Fort Stevens, 27 Hyatt, Ora Mae Sorensen, 58–65 French Hospital School of Nursing, 73 Fullmer, LaRee Williams, 124–26 Idaho Falls School of Nursing, 46 Indiana University, 190 Garff, Wayne B., 96 International Red Cross symbol, 264 Garrard, Edith Maurine Edwards, 126 Iraq, 196, 199 Garret, Lina Jane Stratton, 51–54 Gates, Crawford, 78 Jacksonville Naval Air Station, 28 General George O. Squire, 36, 44 Jacobson, Grace, 237 Godfrey, Walt, 189 Jacques, Vienna, 5 Gorzitze, Mike, 238 Jenkins, Howard, 150 Gottfredson, David B., 134 Jensen, Venna, 148 Groberg, Delbert, 46 Johns, Mary Jane Neville, 65, 66 Grove’s (Dr. D. H.) LDS Hospital Nursing Johnsen, Joyce Gottfredson, 134, 135 School, 29, 37, 122, 126 Johnson, La Rue Tucker, 66–68 Guadalcanal, 90 Johnson, Maria, 37, 125, 137, 142, 149, 150, 153 Gulf War, 199 Johnson, Ruth L., 116 Gulf War II (Iraqi Freedom), 260 Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), 226 Gunnell, Emma Bailey, 54, 55 Jorgensen, Evelyn Plewe, 117, 135–139 Hamilton Air Force Base, 37, 172 Kauffroth, Olive Eloise Crouse, 69–74 Hammond, Shannon Shumway, 135 Kennedy, Ted, 277 Hardy, Ralph, 153 Kerr, Barbara, 158 Harms, Rosemary Clara, 55–58 Kerry, Paul, 2 Harris, Margaret Maurine, 127–29 Klemp, Irene, 95 Harvard Unit, 13, 14 Klipfontein, 17 Harwood, Mike, 240 Korean-Chinese border, 15 Haun’s Mill, 4 Korean conflict, 54 Haven, 156 Korean War, 9, 27, 155–60, 186 Hendricks, Zelta Walker, 45, 46, 110, 111 veterans, 156 292 Rushton F.qxp 5/12/2005 3:57 PM Page 293 Index Kremlin, 155 MASH unit, 158, 160 Kress, Kathy, 195 Mayland, Elizabeth Anna Gleason, 81–84 Kungsholm, 81 McColley, Steven, 223 Kuwait, 196, 199 McCord Air Force Base, 172 McGee, M. K., 76 Lakenheath Air Force Base, 280 McKay, David O., 73, 150 Lambert, Edith, 146 Medical Administrative Corps, 89 Lamoreaux, Lola Prestwich, 74–79 Medical Service Corps, 250 Landstuhl Hospital, 209 Mercy College of Nursing, 65 Langley Air Force Base, 199 Mercy (hospital ship), 196 Larkin, Thelma, 74 Monterey, 90, 94 LDS Hospital, 141, 142 Moring, John B., 44 training at, 54, 92, 116, 124, 128, 136, Morris, Alexander M., 84–87 137, 146 Mother Teresa, 7 working at, 36, 45 Mountain Home Air Force Base, 176 LDS Hospital Idaho Falls, 47, 50, 54 MUST unit, 190 LDS Hospital Nurses’ Home, 116, 126, 136, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152 Nagasaki, 63, 76, 96, 139 National Army Medical Department’s Augmen- LDS Hospital School of Nursing, 149 tation Detachment (NAAD), 224 graduation from, 20, 70, 146 National Guard, 200 student nurses at, 69, 87, 106 Naval Ammunitions Depot Station Hospital, 80 Leader, Charlotta, 279–82 Naval Hospital Camp LeJeune, 81 Leader, Nathan, 280 Naval Regional Medical Center, 248, 282 Letterman General
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