CancerResearch AN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH July 1, 1996 Volume 56 •¿Number 13 PP. 2881-3163 ISSN 0008-5472 •¿CNREA 8 The Definitive Reference for Your Lab and Library >^~^ Encyclopedia of CancerEditor-in-Chief JOSEPH R. BERTINO Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York. New York, and Past President of the American Association for Cancer Research From the Prepublication Reviews PraisefortheArticle"AtaxiaTelangiectasiaSyndrome" PraisefortheArticle"Hypertnermia" TOPICSCOVERED "Covers every aspect of the disease from its clinical "The manuscript is well written by two authors very features to its underlying cellular and molecular knowledgeable in the subject, and the materia/ covered mechanisms in a concise and well-organized is broad enough and in depth enough for the purpose •¿Antisense,Ribosomes stated in the publishers descriptor." fashion...The material presented was complete and up-to-date." •¿BiologyofCancer —¿MICHAELBORRELLI,William Beaumont Hospital —¿MICHAEL B.KASTAN. Johns Hopkins Hospital Royal Oak. Michigan Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. Maryland PraisefortheArticle"RadiotherapyandConcomitantChemotherapy" Praise for the Article "Interactions Between Drugs and Regulators "This is a comprehensive review of the subject, dealing in the Treatment of Leukemia" with rationale, toxicity, and applications of combined "Excellent review and discussion by the author of an chemoradiotherapy. The coverage of various tumor types Chemotherapy important area." is particularly broad and well organized." GeneTherapy —¿ERICJ. FELDMAN. New York Medical College. Valhalla —¿PHILIPC. HOFFMAN. University of Chicago Medical Center, Illinois Praise for the Article "Differentiation & Cancer" Oncogenes "This is a clearly written article." Praisefor theArticle"RASGeneAlterationsin HumanLungCancer" "Excellent/" —¿GARYS.STEIN. University of Massachusetts Radiation Medical Center, Worcester —¿RALPHHRUBAN.Johns Hopkins Medical Center Carcinogenesis Baltimore, Maryland I he Encyclopedia of Cancer is the authoritative reference source for the rapidly growing field of cancer ViralCarcinogenesisresearch and all associated fields.This three-volume encyclopedia contains more than 150 expressly written articles exploring the causes, potential cures, and preventive measures of cancer. With the recent attention BiologicalTreatment focused on breast cancer, cancer research has once again been thrust to the forefront of scientific investi gation and interest. Epidemiology The Editor and Editorial Board have successfully compiled a comprehensive source of information that is beneficial to undergraduates, graduate students, and seasoned professionals, as well as to the lay person Chemoprevention interested in the causes and cures of cancer that may be affecting a loved one.The Encyclopedia is easy to read, easy to use, and meticulously covers all of the "hot" topics in cancer research.This three-volume set will DrugResistance be a valuable addition to libraries, universities, medical and nursing schools, biotechnology companies, and research institutions. InvasionandSpread ofCancer KEY FEATURES •¿Three-volume set containing more than ISO articles •¿Approximately 1600 pages in a large 8 I/2" x I I" format TumorSuppressor Genes •¿Comprehensive table of contents and subject index in each volume •¿Each article includes a table of contents, glossary, defining paragraph, and extended bibliography RadiationTherapy •¿Appropriate for an international mix of researchers, scientists, and clincians working in the various fields of cancer Three-Volume Set Genetics October1996.c. 1600pp..$475.00(lentetivel/ISBN:0-12-093230-X •¿"-"•"•»-ghDecember31.1996. Order from your local bookseller or directly from: ACADEMICPRESS,INC. IntheU.S.andCanada OrderFulfillmentDept.DM27103 KJV . CALLTOLLFFREE:1-800-321 -5068 6277SeaHarborDrive,Orlando,FL32887 : FAX:FAX 1-800-11-800-874-6418 24-28OvalRoad,LondonNW17DX,U.K. •¿i E-MAIL:[email protected]<s AcademicPress i In Europe.CALL:0181-300-3322 http://www.apnet.com/ Prices subject to change without notice. ©1996 by Academic Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved, LK/KJ/SLR/LBS-19076 CELL SIGNALINGAND CANCERTREATMENT AnAmericanAssociationforCancerResearchSpecialConference in Collaborationwith AustrianCancerSociety,BritishAssociationforCancerResearch, GermanCancerSocietyandtheAustrianBiochemicalSociety February23-28,1997 Interalpen-HotelTyrol Telfs-Buchen, Austria CONFERENCE CHAIRPERSONS HansH.Grunicke/ Innsbruck,Austria GarthPowis/ Tucson,USA PaulWorkman/ Macclesfield,England PROGRAMCOMMITTEE SaraA.Courtneidge/ RedwoodCity,USA PeterHilgard/ Frankfurt,Germany SylvieGisselbrecht/ Paris,France AlexMatter/ Basel,Switzerland BerndGroner/ Freiburg,Germany FrankP.McCormick/ Richmond,USA AdrianL.Harris/ Oxford,England LaurentMeijer/ Roscoff,France PeterA.Herrlich/ Karlsruhe,Germany MichaelJ. Morin/ Groton,USA AxelUllrich/ Munich,Germany SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM KeynoteAddress ProgrammedCellDeath:Rolein Oncogenesis PaulWorkman / Macclesfield,England andTumorTherapy GerardI. Evan/ London,England GrowthFactorAntagonistsand Growth CarolineDive/ Manchester,England FactorReceptorBlockers DouglasR.Green/ LaJolla,USA EnriqueRozengurt/ London,England DonaldW. Nicholson/ Pointe-Claire-Dorval,Quebec,Canada NancyE.Hynes/ Basel,Switzerland BerndGroner/ Freiburg,Germany Invasionand Metastasis NicholasLydon/ Basel,Switzerland MaxM.Burger/ Basel,Switzerland LouisF.Reichardt/ SanFrancisco,USA ReceptorandPostReceptorSignaling: John G. Collard / Amsterdam,The Netherlands MechanismsandTargetsinCancer HelmutPonta/ Karlsruhe,Germany Chemotherapy SaraA.Courtneidge/ RedwoodCity,USA Angiogenesis FrankP.McCormick/ Richmond,USA AdrianL Harris/ Oxford,England NicholasK. Tonks/ ColdSpringHarbor,USA Karl K. Alitalo/ Helsinki,Finland GarthPowis/ Tucson,USA IsaiahJ. Fidler/ Houston,USA Ulf R. Rapp/ Würzburg,Germany Alan K. Hall/ London,England Applicants are encouraged to submit abstracts Axel Ullrich/ Munich,Germany for poster presentation. Application deadline: November 1, 1996 Cell Cycleand Cancer LaurentMeijer/ Roscoff,France ChristianBrechet/ Paris,France InformationandApplicationForms RolfMüller/ Marburg,Germany American Association for Cancer Research J. WadeHarper/ Houston,USA Public Ledger Building, Suite 816 150 South Independence Mall West CytokineSignaling Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483 SylvieGisselbrecht/ Paris,France 215-440-9300 215-440-9313 (FAX) AtsushiMiyayima/ Tokyo,Japan E-mail: [email protected] IanM.Kerr/ London,England GennaroCiliberto/ Rome,Italy Associate Professor/Professor AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR Departments of Medicine and Immunology CANCER RESEARCH The American Association for Cancer Research The myeloma program at the University of Arkansas for (AACR) is a professional society of over 11,000 Medical Sciences' Arkansas Cancer Research Center invites scientists and physicians involved in all aspects of applications for a senior immunologist position in the basic, clinical, and translational cancer research. Departments of Medicine and Immunology. Applicants Members of the AACR enjoy should have a strong record in basic immunology, preferably •¿subscriptions to Cancer Research, Cell Growth & transplantation immunology and must demonstrate ability to Differentiation (CG&D), Cancer Epidemiology, interact with clinical scientists in performing translational Biomarkers & Prevention, and Clinical Cancer research that will introduce novel immunotherapeutic Research at reduced member rates approaches to cancer into the clinic. In its 3rd year of NIH •¿reduced registration rates at the AACR Annual funding, the myeloma program consists of a dozen basic and Meeting, Special Conferences, and International clinical scientists dedicated to understanding and treating Meetings multiple myeloma and occupies 12,500 ft2 of laboratory •¿Employment Register, Directory of Members, space. More than 300 patients with myeloma are treated public education activities, and many other benefits annually. Expertise is available in myeloma biology, gene therapy, myeloma-related bone disease, cellular and Special programs to provide enhanced career devel molecular genetics, and transplantation. The successful opment opportunities for minority scientists include candidate will have a history of peer-reviewed funding with •¿Session on Career Development at Annual experience in the basic science/clinical interface of Meeting immunologie research and immunotherapy. Outstanding •¿Mentorship Program salary, full university benefits, and start-up support are •¿Travel Awards to Scientific Meetings available, depending on the candidate's past record of American Association for Cancer Research productivity and academic seniority. Send CV to: Bart Public Ledger Building, Suite 816 Barlogie, MD, PhD; Director, Division of Hematology/ 150 S. Independence Mall West Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483 Oncology; Director of Research and Deputy Director, ACRC; Telephone: (215) 440-9300 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; 4301 W. FAX: (215) 440-9313 / E-Mail: [email protected] Markham, Slot 508; Little Rock, AR 72205; FAX: 501-686- 6442. INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER World Health Organization Lyon - France FELLOWSHIPS FOR Thisspacecontributed RESEARCH TRAINING IN CANCER asa publicservice. 1997-1998 Applications for trainine fellowships in 1997-1998 are invited from junior scientists wishing lo be tnined in those aspects of cancer research related to the Agency's
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