Richard C. Bond, M.D., Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, David B. Taylor, M.D. Ohio, 1869, died suddenly at his home 1857, of Aurora, Ind., died at the home of his sister in Quiet in Millburn, 111., August 1, from heart disease, aged 78. Dell, W. Va., July 7, from pneumonia, after an illness of five Thomas W. McGaughey, M.D. Chicago Medical College, 1892, days, aged 83. died at his home in Pennington Point, 111., February 28. Robert Milbank, M.D. New York University, New York City, Guy W. 0. Mitchner, M.D. Barnes Medical College, St. Louis, 1878, of New York City, visiting physician to New York Infant committed suicide at Okla., March 28, 25. from Guthrie, aged Asylum, died at Byram Shore, N. Y., apoplexy, August C. C. M.D. of and Cin¬ 60. McKinley, College Medicine Surgery, 4, aged cinnati, 1865, died recently at Champaign, 111., aged 76. Alfred A. Wall, M.D. Department of Medicine of the Univer¬ Mark R. Wright, M.D. Medical College of Alabama, Mobile, sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1849, of Tuscumbia, Ala., 1873, died at his home in Knox, Ind., June 25, aged 68. died at the of son in home his Jasper, Ala., July 11, aged Lewis B. M.D. his in about 80. Stewart, Indiana, 1897, died at home Marengo, Ind., August 1, from heart disease, aged 83. R. Bliss Kennedy, M.D. Beaumont Hospital Medical College, St. Louis, 1901, died at his home in Burlington Junction, Mo., Death Abroad. July 20, from the effects of a self-inflicted gunshot wound of William Alexander R.U.S. 1869; Fellow of the head. McKeown, M.D., the Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland; surgeon to the Joseph Weaver, M.D. Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ulster Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Belfast; lecturer in 1838, who retired from practice in 1870, died at his home in ophthalmology and Otology, Queen's College, Belfast; some¬ Miamisburg, Ohio, July 19, after an illness of eight days, time president of the Ulster Medical Society, and of the North aged 87. of Ireland Branch, British Medical Association, an ophthal¬ John McClary Steele, M.D. Laval University Medical De¬ mologist of more than local renown, whose most important ad¬ partment, Quebec, 1890, while suffering from melancholia, shot vances in his specialty were the use of the magnet for the and killed himself at his home in Worcester, Mass., August 1, removal of metallic foreign bodies from the eyeball, and the aged 37. operative treatment of immature cataract, died at his home in Belfast, 9, 60. James Hutchinson, M.D. Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, July aged 1876, died at his home in Boling, Kan., from disease of the Sir Frederic Bateman, M.D. Aberdeen, 1850; M.R.C.S. Eng., digestive apparatus, August 3, after an illness of four months, 1849; M.R.C.P. Lond., 1866; F.R.C.P. Lond., 1876; L.S.A., 62. 1850; eminent as a physician, scientist and psychologist, a aged member Rush Medical of many English and foreign learned societies, laureate William B. Rehling, M.D. College, Chicago, 1903, of the of of Alhambra, III., died at the home of his mother in Waterloo, Academy Medicine of France, and medical and socio¬ author of to Norfolk and 111., from typhoid fever, July 28, after an illness of three weeks, logical repute; consulting physician aged 26. Norwich Hospital; knighted by the Queen in 1892, died at his home in Norwich, England, August 10, aged 80. William C. Damali, M.D. Vanderbilt University Medical De¬ partment, Nashville, Tenn., 1890, died at his home in Hunts- ville, Ala., from consumption, July 28, after a lingering illness, aged 35. The Public Service. Benjamin F. Egleston, M.D. University of Buffalo (N. Y.) Medical Department, 1882, died from apoplexy at his home in Army Changes. after a Churchville, N. Y., July 25, an illness of only few hours, Memorandum of station and 58. of changes duties of medical offi¬ aged cers, U. S. Army, week ending Aug. 13. 1904 : Robert L. Gattis, M.D. University of Maryland School of Weed, Frank W.. asst.-surgeon, ordered to proceed from Fort McHenry to Fort Howard, Md., for temporary duty. Medicine. Baltimore, 1888, died at his home in Chapel Hill, Paul from Freeman, L., asst.-surgeon, ordered to proceed from Fort N. C, July 29, typhoid fever, after an illness of six weeks, Sloeiim, N. Y., to Fort Warren, Mass., for temporary duty. 34. Rellly, John J., asst.-surgeon, leaves Jackson Barracks, La., on aged sick A. thirty days' leave. George Thomas, M.D. Louisville Medical College, 1878, a Hathaway, L. M., asst.-surgeon, relieved from duty at Fort member of the American Medical Association, surgeon to the Davis. Alaska, and ordered to Fort Gibbon, Alaska. Indiana at Heizmann, Chas. L., asst.-surgeon general, granted fifteen days' Railroad, died his home in Linton, Ind., August 1. leave of absence. Thomas Ballard McDow, M.D. Medical College of the State Dale. F. .. asst.-surgeon, granted thirty days' leave of absence of South about September 1. Carolina, Charleston, 1879, was found dead in bed at Ashburn. P. M., asst.-surgeon, left Fort Missoula. Mont., with his home in Charleston, July 26, from heart disease, aged 49. troops on practice march. Gosman, Geo. H. R., asst. surgeon, assignment to duty with John J. Adderhold, M.D. Atlanta (Ga.) Medical College, 1891, troops Dt maneuvers, Manassas, Va., is revoked. of Worth, Ga., died at the Macon City Hospital, July 30, from Little. Wm. L.. asst.-surgeon, ordered to accompany troops from Camp Geo. II. Thomas, Ga., and for duty with same at maneuvers, pneumonia, a short time after a mastoid operation, aged 38. Manassas. Va., Aug. 28, 1904. Clarence M. M.D. Medical Reno, Wm. W., asst.-surgeon, assignment to duty at Manassas, Boyd, Northwestern College of St. Va., during maneuvers revoked. Joseph, Mo., 1892, of St. Joseph, died at Ensworth Hospital Reno. Wm. W.. asst.-surgeon, relieved from duty at Fort Crook, in that city, July 17, from cerebral 33. Neb., and ordered to duty with troops at the Louisiana Purchase hemorrhage, aged Exposition, St. Louis. George Ernest Mayhew, M.D. College of Physicians and Sur¬ Church. James E., asst.-surgeon, sick leave of absence extended geons of Chicago, 1897, of Red Bluff, died at two months. Cal., Colyear Lyster, Theo. C. asst.-surgeon, reported at Ancon, Canal Zone, Springs, Cal., July 19, after a long illness, aged 32. Isthmus of Panama. left West Point, . Y.. 7, 1904. Chas. July M.D. of of Barney, ., asst.-surgeon, ordered to accompany detach¬ Henry Venne, Faculty Medicine Queen's Univer¬ ment hospital corps from Fort Jay, N. Y., to Va., not later than Gainesville, sity, Kingston, Ont., 1801, died at the Old Folks' Home, Mat- Aug. 18. 1904. , toon, 111., from Bright's disease, 14, aged 70. The following-named medical officers will report. Aug. 18, 1904, July to the Division surgeon First Provisional Division, near Manassas, Martin B. Kellar, M.D. Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, Va. : Capt. W. F. ^Truby at Fort Preble, Me. : Cnpt. II. S. Green- 1868, died at his home in from dis¬ leaf. Fort Moultrie. S. C. ; First Lieut. Geo. II. Crabtree. Fort Vallejo, Cal., July 8, heart Jay, N. Y. ; First Lieut. Wilfrid Turnbuli. Fort ease, after an of Strong. Mass. ; illness several months, aged 61. First Lieut. Geo. W. Jean, Fort . Y. : First Lieut. Jas. L. Wadsworth, C. A. M.D. Bevans. Fort Barrancas. Fla. Stanfield, Memphis (Tenn.) Medical College, died To the Division surgeon, Second Provisional Division, near at his home in Toledo, Ark., August 3, after a lingering illness. Thoroughfare. Va. : Capt. P. C. Fauntleroy, Madison Barracks, N. Y. : Capt. B. II. Dutcher. Fort Hancock, N. J. : Capt. E. H. William R. McLaren, M.D. Illinois, 1871, died suddenly at his Hartnett, Kov West Barracks. Fla. : Capt. Clyde S. Ford, Fort home in Detroit, 28, from 55. H. G. Wright, N. Y. ; First Lieut. Wm. L. Little, Geo. Mich., July angina pectoris, aged Thomas. Ga. Camp Charles A. died the Scribner, M.D. Illinois, 1891, suddenly at his To First Provisional Division near Manassas. Va. : Major home in Dalton, Mich., June 28, from 44. Charles Wlllcox, Fort Totten. Y., to accompany troops from angina pectoris, aged Fort Slocum, N. Y. : Major S. Jos. T. Clarke, Fort Ethan Allen, Vt, John Lampman, M.D. Pennsylvania, 1859, died at his home to accompany troops from that post ; Major Henry. A. Shaw, Fort in Wilkesbarre, Pa., after a 65. Adams. R. I. ; Capt. Jas. S. Wilson, to accompany troops from August 5, short illness, aged Fort Mver. Va. : Cant. E. R. Schreiner, Fort McHenry. Md. ; First J. T. Stoddard, M.D., of Jonesboro, Ark, died at Lieut. Chandler P. Rohbins, Fort Terry, N. Y. : First Lieut. Orlando, Fla., S. Fort Henry July 23, from Bright's disease, after an illness of two years. Kiersted. Myer. Va., to accompany troops from Washing¬ ton Barracks. D. C. : First Lieut. Frank T. Woodbury. riattsburg Helen Gray Da Costa, M.D. Woman's Medical College of Barracks. N. T., to accompany troops from that post; First Lient. Chicago, 1898, died March 13, at Princeton, Ind., aged 29. Comptnn Wilson. Fort Howard. Md. : First Lieut. I. W. Patton, Fort Hamilton. N. Y.. to accompany troops from that post to Downloaded From: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/ by a Florida International University Medical Library User on 05/30/2015 Gainesville, then to proceed to Maneuver Camp No. 1 ; First Lieut. Health Reports. William N. C. First Lieut. Robert M. Roberts. Fort Caswell, ; The cases and Thornbnrgh.
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