Asbury Theological Seminary ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange Minutes of the Kentucky Conference Methodist Episcopal Church 2017 1900 Minutes of the Seventy-Fourth Session of the Kentucky Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church Methodist Episcopal Church Follow this and additional works at: http://place.asburyseminary.edu/mechurchminutes Part of the Appalachian Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Genealogy Commons Recommended Citation Methodist Episcopal Church, "1900 Minutes of the Seventy-Fourth Session of the Kentucky Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church" (2017). Minutes of the Kentucky Conference. 21. http://place.asburyseminary.edu/mechurchminutes/21 This Periodical/Journal is brought to you for free and open access by the Methodist Episcopal Church at ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Minutes of the Kentucky Conference by an authorized administrator of ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. KENTUCKY Official lournal ANN U A ,L CONFERENCE 1900 METHODIST EPISCOPAL C H U R C H HELD AT SOMERSET, KENTUCKY, SEPTEMBER 19TH TO 2~TH NE~ BOOKS. SAME ORDER AS 1/ FINEST OF THE WHEAT. n PRAISEAND PROMISE Edited by J. M. BLACK and C. C. McCABE. For Sunday-Schools, Praye,.-MeetinQs, RecokJa[s, and Young People's Meetings. BOARD EDITlON.-Single copy, post-paid, 30 cents; 12 copies, by express, not prepaid, $3; [00 copies, by express or freight, not prepaid, $25· CLOTH EDITION.-Single coPy, post-paid, 35 cents; 12 copies, by express, not prepaid, $3.60; 100'coples, by express or freight, not prepaid, $30. 1,886,112 SOLD TO OCT. 1, 1900. HYMNS, NEW AND OLD, FOR MISSIONARY AND REVIVAL MEETINGS AND SABBATH-SCHOOLS. EdJted,by GEORGE D. ELDERKIN, For Chaplain McCabe, John R. Sweney, Wm. J. Kirkpatrick, the Whyte Brothers of Canada, and F. A. Hardin. THE* BOW*Of* PROMISE Is a fitting companion to Finest of the Wheat Nos. I and 2, and more than two million voices attest their great superiority. PRICE, 30 CENTS, POST-PAID. 12 copies. by express, not prepaid, $3; 100 copies. by express or freight, not prepaid, $25· FINEST OF THE WHEAT No.1 AND No.2. Single copy of No. lor 2, post-paid, 35 cents; 12 copies, by express, not prepaid, $3.60; 100 copies, by ~xpress or freight, not prepaId, $30. FINEST OF THE WHEAT Nos. 1 AND 2, COMBINED. Single copy. post-paid, 50 cents; [2 copies, by express, not prepaid. $5.40 i loocopies, by express or freight, not prepaid, $45. R. R • .1\(£oOAB~ &, CO., P-u.b1i.shers, 166-J70 South Clinton Strut, CHICAGO. Great China Tea Co., IfW\PORTERS AND ROA5TERS OF ~ Fine Coffees. Co/lee /f/~ays Fresh ~oasted. GREAT CHINA TEA CO., 29 Rei:ai1 Stores. FIN ~R ~~s?~~U~Y~O~~~RY DESCRIPTION ~*J.Jficke!l.3hej'hoeistr Tbe "Hanan" Sboe. Sole Agent for Tbe "Jenoess Miller" Sboe. { Tbe "Stacy. Adams" Sboe. Hickey's Shoes Are The Best. 604, 606, 608 Madison Avenue, COVINGTON, KY. ONE OF THE LEADING COLLEGES IN OHIO· hio Wesleyan ... University, ~DELAWAREt OHIO.-<.r- COLLEGE, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (Cleveland, Ohio),.}!J .}!J .}!J .}!J .}!J SCHOOL OF ORATORY, SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND ART, .}!J.}!J.}!J PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT, COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. University Hall and Gray Chapel, and the Slocum Library Building, are among the best College Structures in the United States. Monnett Hall, a Delightful Home for Young Women. Fine Modern Laboratories. Ten Departmental Libraries. Fifty-two Professors and Instructors at Delaware. Thirty-seven Professors and Instructors at Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons at Cleveland, O. Total Enrollment in all the Departments, 1,316. PRICES WITHIN REACH OF ALL. Wlnt~r tnm Op~ns :January 2, ana Spring t~rm marc)) 27, 1901. CATALOGUES FREE. REll. J. W. BftSHfORD, President, Delaware, O. B EFOR E BUYI NO he sure and callat THE IDEAL SHOE CO. for your Shoes and Boots. We carry an up-fo-date line of Footwear of e'Very description. Handle nothing hut first-class goods. Guarantee e'Verything we sell. Our lines of $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 shoes can not he bought anywhere for the money. Gi'Ve us a call and we will please you-in price, quality, and fit. The IDEAL SHOE co. 626 MADISON AVE., COVINQTON, KY. JOHN P. HARBICK, THEO. N. ROSE. HARBICK, ROSE & DE GARMOt Undertakers and 5mbalmers. OFFICE AND STABLE: OPEN DAY TELEPHONE AND NIGHT. 637-639 Scott Street, TERMS 26-28 E. Seventh St., REASONABLE. ..• 4146. COVINGTON, KY. Hearse, $6; Carriages, $3, to any Co'Vington Cemetery. COLLEGE ESTABLISHED IN 1887. nion College. HEAL THFUL MOUNTAIN CLIMATE. NO BAR-ROOMS. FULL CLASSICAL COURSE. • JI Pr~paratory an Int~rm¢diat~ THE OLD TIME A B. COURSE. "Tit ' , FIRST GRADUATES IN 1893. ~ and a Primary D~partm~nt; .1Ilso, normal, mUSiC, and ministerial Departments. VERY MODER A TE EXPENSES. Good location and other advantages. Instruc:tion in all c'epartments first-class. Good board for $2.00, and even less per week. Correspondence desired. Address }AS. P. FAULKNER, A. M., President, Barbourville, Ky. U In Order to Promote the Cause of Christ# t? FIRST woeDS OF CHARTER. BEREA COLLEGE. FOUNDED 1855. LADIES' HALL. CHAPEL., LINCOLN HALL. 30 I INSTRUCTORS. 700 STUDENTS. 18,000 ECOKSIN LIBRARY. NO THE COLLEGE HAS 14 BUILDINGS. ___ SALOONS, THREE COLLEGE COURSES: PREPARATORY (Academic) COURSE. TWO YEAR COURSE in Applied Sciences-Practical Work in Agriculture, Carpentry, Domestic Science, etc. TWO YEAR NORMAL COURSE, with Practice Teaching. The tate combination of highest adcvantages and lowest expenses att1'acts many students f1'om the Nodh. YOU1' son 01' daughter may associate with some of the best young people in the land at Be1'ea. Berea Collene like Mr. Moody's Schools~ is :J ? distinctly Christian~ but not controlled by any denomination. Every teacher is a man 01' woman of prayer. Its aims and spirit are in full harmony with those of the Methodist. Episcopal Church. FOR INFORMATION OR FRIENDLY ADVICE ,,'I't ADDRESS THE VICE-PREaIDENT, ~ Prof.GEO. L. FAIRCHILD ,LL. D., BEREA, Madison County, KY. MINUTES OF THE SEVENTY-FOURTH SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPA.L CIJURCH, HELD AT SOMERSET, KENTUCKY, SEPTEMBER 19-24,1900. OF'FICIAL JOURNAL. Edited by D. P. HOLT, Secl'eia.,.y. CINCINNATI: WESTERN METHODIST BOOK CONCERN PRESS. 1900. CONTENTS. PAGE, Officers of the Conference, . , . 3 Officers of Conference Boards and Societies, . 4, 5 Standing Committees,. 6 Conference Roll, with Post-office Address, 7, 8 Sessions of the Kentucky Conference, . 9 Plan of Studies and Examinations, · 10, II Disciplinary Questions, . · 12,13 Journal of Proceedings, . · 14-2 9 Appointments, . .30 -32 Special Services and Anniversaries, · 33.34 Missionary Appropriations,. 35,36 Treasurer's Report,. , .. ,... 36, 50-53 Statistics,. , . · 37-49 Report of Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, .... 54 Conference Claimants,. .. ...,. 55 Report of the Treasurer of the Preachers' Relief Association, .56-58 Report of the Treasurer of the Board of Education, . .59-60 Reports of Presiding Elders, . 61-65 Reports of Standing Committees,. .. 66-74 Memoirs, ............... .75,76 Roll of those who Rest from their Labors, 78 . ~OUR ADVERTISING FRIENDS~· Should receicoe the attention of ecoery one who reads a copy of these Minutes. No concern of doubtful reputation or responsibility has been invited or permitted access to this book. Every advertiser herein is known to be entirely reliable in filling or­ ders, whether received by mail or made in person, and is earnestly com­ mended to the confidence and patronage of our friends. When you place orders or make purchases from advertisers, refer to the advertisement in our Minutes, so that they and you and,we will under­ stand each other. THE PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. I. OFFICERS OF THE CONFERENCE. PRESIDENT. BISHOP EARL CRANSTON, D. D. SECRETARY. D. P. HOLT, ............... 524 Fifth Avenue, Dayton, Ky. ASSISTANTS. J. R. HOWES. W. A. SCHELL. RECORDING SECRETARY. J. M. ACKMAN,. Latonia, Ky. STATISTICAL SECRETARY. F. W. HARROP, . Maysville, Ky. ASSIST ANTS. JOHN A. COLLEDGE. G. C. MOSHER. TREASURER. G. N. JOLLY, . Barbourville, Ky. ASSSISTANTS. N. G. GRIZZLE. w. J. CAIN. 3 II. CONFERENCE BOARDS. CHURCH EXTENSION. A. Boreing, ]. M. Ackman, G. R. Frenger, G. W. Hamilton, J. D. Hearne, D. P. Holt, E. B. Hill, G. C. Mosher, E. L. Shepard, C. W. Sutton, ]. D. Walsh, R. 1. Watkins, L. H. Wilson. DEACONESS. A. Boreing, J. A. Johnson, R. T. Miller, Mrs. A. Robson, Mrs. Amos Shinkle, Mrs. Fannie Speed, Mrs. L. H. Wilson, and J. D. Walsh. DISTRICT CHURCH LOCATION. Ashland District.-G. R. Frenger, W. T. Atkinson, J. S. Miller, H. B. Rice, and T. B. Stratton, Covington District.-E. L. Shepard, H. B. Asbury, J. A. Colledge, 1. M. Lane, and F. W. Harrop. Lexington District.-E. B. Hill, J. T. Gunn, J. T. Wesley, F. L. Creech, and L. R. Godbey. Louisville District.-J. D. Walsh, C. P. Adams, W. B. Collins, W. B. Craddock, and C. B. Nordeman. EDUCATION. J. D. Walsh,President; C. W. Sutton,Secretary; J. D. Hearne, Treasurer. First Class,. J. D. Hearne and J. S. Miller. Second Class, . J. H. Tinsley and J. D. Walsh. Third Class, . A. Boreing and Harold Means. Fourth Class, . J. W. Henderson and L. B. Piersel. Fifth Class, ..... ... C. W. Sutton and C. B. Nordeman. TRUSTEES. A. Boreing, President; J. D. Walsh, Secretary and Treasurer,' J. S. Taylor, G. C. Mosher, and F. W. Harrop. EXAMINERS IN THE FOUR YEARS' CONFERENCE COURSE OF STUDY. Thomas Hanford, President; C. W. Sutton, Registrar; A. Boreing, F. W. Harrop, D. P. Holt, G. N. Jolly, J. G. Dover, Cyrus Riffle, Bird Hughes, W. T. Taylor, F. L. Creech, W.
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