I Allies Consult GOP The Weather Today The weatherman predicts a generally fair and hot Fourth of July weekend. Today's On Berlin' Strategy owa11 high, middle 90's; tonight' low, 68 de­ .WASHINGTON (JPl-Secretary of State .Marshall disclosed grees. Yesterday's high, 93 d gr s • Iowa 1948-Fiv& ,yesterday th western allies' joint strategy in tb Berlin cri is is Established 186S-Vf>1. So,No. 237-AP News and Wirephoto City, Iowa, Saturday, July 3, Cents being worked out in consultation with Republican ) aders in L'Ongre . ".. Marshall, back from a lO.day hospital check-up, said the state Youngdahl Arrives ' for Lecture department has been in close touch with Brit~in and l<' rance on measures to eope with the Soviet blockade - and with Senator Yugoslavians Urge Stalin Vandenber,g (R-Mich.) and Rep­ resentative Eaton (R-N.J.) as well. Openl Berlin What action is decided on will come to light in due course, he iold a news conference. A strong To Reprimand Cominform three-power approach to Moscow Traffic: British IS under consideration, Britain's Foreign Secretary BeVin has said. BERLIN (IP)-The British mili­ Eaton, chairman of the house tary governor early today called Council Delays 'Captive', Coal Mines Charge ',False Accusations'; foreien atrairs' committEe, con­ on the Russians to open the hi~h­ firmed that he and Senator Van­ way to blockad d Berlin at once denberg, choiman of the senate and name a date on which rail foreign relations committee, have tratfic can be reslored. Face Stnke Threat Seek End 10 Albanian 'Acts' been consulted at every step of the In a· letter to Marshal Vassily D. Beer Law for Steel Firms Refuse development odl U.s. pol\<)y jn Sokolovsky, the Soviet commander BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA (JP>-Yugoslav Communists wenl Berlin, To Sign a Contract in Germany, Sir Brian Robertson, on the offensive yel'lterday and urged Premier Stalin of Russia "I am In absolute accord with Including Union Shop said he was ready to meet with TWO Wee kS to rebuke the Cominform for its political attack on ?!1arsball Tito. Secretary Marshall's position," the Russian official immediately By FRANCIS J. KELr,y (The Belgrade radio broadcast the text of a Yugoslav note to Eaton said. "We propose to slay "to discuss times and methods of The city council late yesterday In Berlin, period." reopening communieations." afternoon informally voted to de~ WASHINGTON {A')-A new Albania demanding that the Albanian government halt "gross In another development of As Robertson dispatched his let­ lay publication of the recently coal strike threat arose yesterday. and offensive acts" against Yugoslavia. Unless offenders are American relations with Russia, ter an endless roar of engines in amended beer ordinance for two It involves 30,000 to 40,000 taken to task, investigated and the Yugoslav government informed Marshall announced that the the black, rainy sky testified to weeks. workers in the so-called "captive" of the results, and such acts pre­ United States has asked Moscow the expending Anglo-American By postponing public~tion, the mines owned by steel companies. for the "immediate return" of 28 effort to feed 2.5-million Inhabi­ amendments does not take effect They are members of John L. vented, the note threatened, naval vessels and three ice break­ tants of western Berlip by air. for two more weeks. Lewis' united mine workers, "the Yugoslav government do not Slate Publication of ers which were turned over to whose 400,000 members struck The British commander's lelter The decision came after an consider themselves responsible the Russians in wartime. The re­ earlier this year. for the consequences which might quest was made In January and was In reply to a communication unofficial meeUnr of the ma.yor Bernadotte's Peace and city councU with the mInis­ The trouble came to a head yes­ result." Russia still has the ships. from Sokolovsky earlier this week terday when 18 stEel and coiJ Return of these vessels Is one in which the Russian commander terial aaaoclation and other or­ (The note repeated charges pre~ ,anlutlons. companies refused to sign the new viously made in Belgrade broad­ IOffers Tomorrow aspect of the long drawn out ne­ held forth a hope of completing contract agreed to by a majority gotiations for settlement of a "technical repairs" on the Helms­ The meeting was held at the casts that Marshal Tilo's pictures of the coal industry. The non­ had been removed from public LAKE SUCCESS o(JP) - The Soviet $1l,2-biUion lend-lease ac­ t'edt-Berlin rail line before the request of the ministerial asso­ United Nations said last night (D~II, Iowan photo b7 Erwin ollmor.) Signing companies asked the no­ places in Albania, sales of Yugo­ count with this country. Although city's food supply ran out. ciation. The ministers objected to tional labor relations board to Count Folke Bernadotte's Pales­ Soviet Ambassador Alexander S. Robertson said the Russians FLYING GOVERNOR Luther Youngdahl of Minnesota. arrived In the council's completing the three slav newspapers prevented, and a find the union guilty of. unfair la­ Yugoslav bookshop closed.) tine peace proposals would be Panyushkin has submitted a pros­ would have "no cause to lear your Iowa City yesterda.y In a na.llonal guard airplane in order to lecture readings of the amendment to the bor practices. made public tomorrow afternoon. posed new formula, Moscow and curren{:y will be exposed to any on "Moramy In. Government" at SUI. The ,ovemor attended the beer ordinance at one meeting. (Two other sharp protest notes All the miners now are taking which Tanjug, the Yugoslav news A UN spokesman said the 1,500.­ Washington are reported still far risk" by opening the highway at Republican C'Onvention In Philadelphia last week and found It "very The amendment authorized the their annual vacation. They are apart on terms. Interestln,." agency, said had been handed to word text, sub mit ted to the Helmstedl. sale of beer on Memorial Day, due back at work next Tuesday, Arabs and Jews June 28 and June Recent consultation with Re­ That was the reason given by July 4 and election day. the Albanian embassy in Bel­ but Lewis' union newspaper has grade, accused Albania of cancel­ 29, would be given out simultan­ publican leaders did not include the Russians for closing the road In reply, Mayor Preston Koser John Foster Dulles, Governor * * * * * * hinted broadly that the employes ling all exports to Yugoslav and eously at Lake Success, Cairo, Tel two weeks ago. pointed out that it is common Dewey's foreign policy adviser. ot the eaptive mines won't work stopping construction and survey Aviv and Rhodes, where the UN: Robertson also complained fnaf practice for the council to pass an unless the contract has been sig(t­ mediator has his headquarters. Bul Marshall said the reason was barge traffic up lhe Elbe river to 'Persistence' Brings Morality work on railway lines to the his own absence at WaltEr Reed an ordinance with three readinis ed by then. Yugoslav border.) Publication was decided upon, Berlin "is nol proceeding smooth­ the same night. (A captive mine produces coal hospital and that Dulles has been ly." He asked Sokolovsky to look Fifteen thoUBllnd party mem­ intormed quarters said, as a re­ busy. In addressing the group present, used exclusively by the Industry bers In a. Belgrade mass meet­ sult ot publication in a Cairo into the matter and "give me an Dr. L. L. Dunnington said, "The which owns it.) !l'ssurance that this important Into Government-Youngdahl Ing by resolution sent a tele­ newspaper of a plan purporting amendment was a shocking thing The new contract which Lewis gram to Stalin In which they to be that offered by Berndotte. traffic will not be impeded." By CLETE wn..EY to myself- and to hundreds of negotiated with the majority of One The British military governor appealed directly to the Soviet A high UN source said the pub­ Tulsa Woman people who have made their views the industry became effecti't'e leader to erase the "false accu­ lished plan was "not entirely also renewed his offer to discuss The politician who is I'ight will let the chips fall where they may, known to me." Thursday. Among its major pro­ the use of a single currency In Minnesota's Governor Luther Youngdahl told an audience In the sations" made by the Com1n­ correct." Killed, 3Clubbed; visions are a $1 a day increase lor form. It was understood here that top Berlin under four-power control. fourth of SUI's summer session lectures last night. He Aid the action WIUI cJe- the miners, nnd a doubling of the A crowd of about 400 heard the state executive call for "uniform cldely a,alnat the Interests of The Cominform, a nine-nation aides of Sec ret a r y-G e n e ral The . western powers brought in miners welfare and pension fund the hew mark now in use in west­ agressive persistent action" to bring about "Morality in Govern- the people. Communist information bureau of Trygve Lie hoped publication ot 'Sadist' Suspected royalty to 20 cenls a ton of cool which Yugoslavia is a member, the mediator's peace suggestions ern Germany aCter the RUSSians ment". His speech was delivered on the west approach to Old Capitol. Dr. Dunnington said that City mined. TULSA (JP) - A 42-year-old gave Berliners living in the east­ Youngdahl traced his own entry into the "dirty game of politics" Attorney William Bartley was has accused Marshall Tito and might open the way for a move from a state supreme court bench.
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