A X 3 ;dl V S ■ A MONDAY, MAY 22, 1967 p a g e t w e n t y -f o u r iJJanrhpatei* ^pralb Average Dally Net Press Ron The Weather - Ter The Week Ended Fair and coot tonight, hJRP the college’s new hotel-re^tBu- May 20, 1967 about 40; increasing cloudlneM \t Manchester Liodge of Masons Camp Staff Adds mnt management curriculum. tomorrow, 30% chcuice o i ^ About 'Town will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Dwyer will dlacuea Job qual- showers tn afternoon, high ia at the Masonic Temple. A lodg^e Five Counselors Vftcatlohe from the Btend|)odnt 1 5 ,2 1 0 mid-OOa. The ReiHiMtoair JrcH^ 6t»i- of Instruction will be conducted of the induMtiel employer. A Manchester— A City af ViUago Charm mittee is meeting ait^ tonigliK^y Eric S. Anderson, Hayden Kennedy Day Comp Director qu^tlon period wlU follow. J ' , ^ E)aat Hartford resident, In the Munlcipel BusHdii^ Hear- I>KGW»wold Jr. and Howard F . Harry F. Smith.Jhos announced MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1967 (ClaaaUled Advertblnf on Page 18) PRICE SEVEN C E N ti Ing Boom. The agenda Includes Waddell, all past masters. the names of five additional Dwyer Is chairman of Ute Ea^ V D L . LXXXVI, NO. 19$ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Reports on state and local legiia- volunteer counselcm, alt from Hartford Pianndng and Petwm- 'HOUSE &. HALE Mtion and prohlems. .The exksutive convnlttee of Manchester. nel CommlsalonB and a membey the Manchesfer (Property Own­ They are: Kathleen Finne­ of the Town Council.. He is ailso ■Members ftf the VFW Auxill- ers Protective Association will gan, Thomas Bailey, Kathleen the town’s- chief negotiator In Un-hear-ahle aty win meet tonight at 7 «.t meet tomorrow at F Lambert, Sally Miller and Ro­ relations with employe unions. FUR STORAGEi the Holmes KVineral Home, 400 Circuit Court Room berta RJ«n. He has an ass^ete degree PRFNCH CREEK, W. Maitn St., to pay respects to the lice Station. They bring the total accept­ in personnel administratSon Main Sti*eet, Manchester Va. (AP) — Fred Trainer, late Mirs. Fthel Zimmerman, a ed to date to 32. from the University of Hart­ Brink’s Armored Car Telephone 643-4123 superintendent of the gold star mother and member Preceptor Gamma Chapter of Smith has repeated his call ford. French Creek Game Farm, Of the unit. Beta Sigma Phi sorority will for volunteer nurses. He said has an unbearable problem. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the that only one has volunteered. WEEKLY WON’T RESUME He has eight bears, six The executive board of the home of Mrs. Andrea Massa, All applicetions for volunteer FAIR HAVEN, Vt. (AP) — too many for his farm. And Me/wdiester Women’s Club will 111 Harvest Lane, Glastonbury. workers and for campers may Canfield Printing Co., publisher he would like to give them 700,000 meet tonight at 8 at the home be obtained at the East Side away to zoos or trade them $ of the Vermont Era, anmotmeed Early Bird Special Robbed Rec, 22 School St. o f Mrs. John Gerard, 75 Oloott The 'VPW Auxiliary will have that the 173-year-oM weekly N for other animals. nie Increase in bear Dr. a business meeting tomorrow newspaper would not resume population was due to peo­ at 7:30 p.m. at the post home, publication ajfter a fire de­ LIMITED TIME ple bringing in cubs found Rainbow Mothers Circle will before a Joint Memorial Serv­ MCC Students stroyed its plant. Masked Trio ONLY OFFER! i n the wxxods. “Many times meet tonight at 7:30 at the ice at 8 of the post and auxili­ -’'I Masonic Temple. The event is To Hear Tiilk the animal is not really lost ary. from the mother, but is car­ Seizes Loot open to all mothers o t Rainbow For only $3 we will store your Fur Girls. There will be a teacup About Careers ried away by a well-mean­ auction. A special meeting of Wash- GASH SAVINGS Coat, Jacket or Stole in our own mod­ ing human,’’ Trainer said. ingrton Commondery, Knights William Dwyer o f Blast' Hart­ I r TO em air-conditioned vault and liwure Also on the farm are Outside Bank Ihe executive board o t Cha- Templar, will be held Wednes­ ford, supervisor of general re­ your coat for $100 against moth dam­ eight elk, seven buffalo, one mlnade Musical Club will meet day at 7 p.m. in the Hartford cruiting at Hamilton Standard, age. Don’t be disappointed — our vaulv 500-pound African lion and B R G C K T 0 N> Mass. tondigbt at 8 at the home o f Mrs'. Masonic Temple. The 'Valiant will discuss career pVahning for will soon bd filled to capacity bring a mountain lion. (AP)—-G^h totaling som# 2 and Magnamimous Order of the $700,000 was stolen , today Mary Stewart, 12 Oxford St, the two-year college gradueute your coat in today! Temple will be conferred. at a Career Ltey program by robbers, wieldirig sub­ Thursday at Manchester Com­ VFK Wsuit to have your fur coat repaired or re­ State News machine guns, who seized a Friendship Lodge of Masons munity OoUeg;e. <; AI.l.ON modeled . then Just phone for a horne ap­ Brink’s Inc,, armored car We*re as will visit Evergreen Lodge in The event, the third annual pointment . Remodeling, Repairing, Clean­ ing and Glazing, all done at “Early Bird Sav­ outside a bank. South Windsor tonight to por­ Job clinic sponsored by the De­ near FUEL OIL ing Prices” Hunt Shifts The estimate was made by tray the Hiramic Legend of the partment o t Business Educa­ Firederic L. Uncobi, an assist­ your Master Mason degree. The gfroup tion, will begin at 7:45 p.m. In OPRN THURSDAYS Ull 9 P.M. ant vice president of the First will leave the Masonic Temple the faculty lounge at Manch^- COdPERATIVE 3 For Escaped County National Bank of Brock­ telephone at 6:30; deg^ree work is at 7:30. ter High School. OIL COVI'.VNY ton. OflScer dress is summer formal. As a special feature this year, 3ir> into \0 STUEET Reginald Oole, hank presi­ participants will be served a TE L . (Vi;t-l.55.S Prison Lifer dent, earlier had said a "exm- FREE The We-Two Group of Con­ dinner prepared by students in servatlive estimate” of the loot cordia Lutheran Church will % BRIDGEPORT (AP) — A sta­ could be as much as $500,000. meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at tion ■wagon found behind a fu­ Included in the loot, Lincoln DELIVERY --- » ^ .......... neral home triggered a city­ i the church. A weather film, Israeli war machines— a Vautoure bomber and a Centurion tank— are ready said, was $460,000 in cash picked "Unchained Goddess,” will be for action somewhere on the southern frontier. Prime Minister Eshkol says wide hunt for a con-vlcted slayer up from the OaimiXbello branch Fonr order for dmg needs shown by Mr. and Mrs- George they will be withdrawn if Egypt withdraws its units from the Sinai Desert who escaped from the state of the bank. He said it repre­ and cosmetics will be taken Stoneman. Mr. and Mrs. Milton prison at Enfield. care of immediately. area near the border. (AP Photofax) sented Monday night receipts oA Plouff and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Searchers, using K-9 dogs, set Raynhaim Dog Track. __ Klednschmidt will serve refresh­ up a dragnet Monday night aft­ The truck 'was seized by tKbll ments. er the station wagon — believed masked men -when It stopped at. stolen by Francis C. Smith in outside the bank’s East Side (jJsJdojniu (Herald photo by Ofiara) Miantonomah Tribe, lORM, W^estfieW, Mass., — was spotted branch. __ 767 M A m ST.—64S-6S21 Nasser Vow Inflames in a parking lot. will meet tonight at 8 at Tinker Smiths Wed 50 Years Colc; said one guard and a Prescription Pharmacy Smith, 43, of Stamford, fled Police officials examine Brink’s Inc. armored car found in Abington, Mass., HaU. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. St. About 75 attended the event. bank emptoye got out of the the state prison Thursday. with about $700,000 missing. Three machine gun-wielding masked men iied up Smith of New Haven, fonmorly The couple was married May WitneiMes told police a men, truck and entered the beific to of Manchester, celebrated their 19, 1917, at Westville Memorial wearing prison clothes and re­ the two truck crewmen and a bank employe. (AP Photofax) ______ pick up nuxre money. A aeconiil 50th wedding anniversary yes­ OhuiPcli, New Haven. Mrs. sembling smith, parked the ve- guard remained in the truck. Middle East Tension When the pair got inside the terday at an open house at the Smith is the former Louise „ , „ Wcle in the lot- and 'walked MR. ROBERT’S Beauty Salon home of Mrs. Smith’s sister, Hanson, daughter f t the late BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) GuU. Foreign Secretary George demand, Egyptian forces re- bank, Oole said, the three gun­ Mirs. Raymond Field, 15 N. Elm Nichotee Eund Emma Hanswri. — Egyptian President Ga- “y*"* Moscow turned to Sham Sheikh and ^ for Smith had focused men confronted them. “I don't mal Abdel Nasser’s threat today for talks with ^viet lead- more train^ toelr gJ^ o^ Westfield, Mass. But Most of Vietnam Quiet, know how they got In,” he sakir The Smiths have one daugh­ “but when the guead and Rich­ ter, Mrs.
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