HAMMOND POND WILD FOREST and Port Henry Boat Launch Unit Management Plan River Area Management Plans East Branch Ausable River, Boquet River, and Schroon River NYSDEC, REGION 5, DIVISION OF LANDS AND FORESTS 232 Golf Course Rd, Warrensburg NY 12885 [email protected] www.dec.ny.gov May 2019 This page intentionally left blank OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway, 14th Floor, Albany, New York 12233-1010 P: (518) 402-8545 I F: (518) 402-8541 www.dec.ny.gov MEMORANDUM TO: The Record FROM: Basil Seggos SUBJECT: Hammond Pond Wild Forest Unit Management Plan The Hammond Pond Wild Forest Unit Management Plan has been completed. The Adirondac~ Park Agency has found the Plan to be in conformance with the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan. The Plan is consistent with Environmental Conservation Law, and Department Rules, Regulations and Policies and is hereby approved and adopted. Basil Seggos Commissioner New York State Department of Environmental Conservation :0~0RK IDe~artment of 0RruN1TY EnVJronmental Conservation This page intentionally left blank wvoa,K : J't:Of ' Adirondack PPORTUN•TY- Park Agency ANDREW M. CUOMO TERRY MARTIN10 Governor Executive Director RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY WITH RESPECT TO THE 2019 HAMMOND POND WILD FOREST UNIT MANAGEMENT PLAN MAY 17, 2019 WHEREAS, Section 816 of the Adirondack Park Agency Act (APA Act) directs the Department of Environmental Conservation (Department) to develop, in bonsultation with the Adirondack Park Agency (Agency), individual management plans fd.r units of land classified in the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (Master Plan) and requires such management plans to conform to the guidelines and criteria of the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, in addition to such guidelines and criteria, the Master Pl~n prescribes the contents of unit management plans and provides that the Agency will determine whether a proposed individual unit management plan conforms with such general guidelines and criteria; and WHEREAS, in 1988 the Department adopted a unit management plah (UMP) for the Hammond Pond Wild Forest Area, which includes lands in the Essex Cqunty towns of Keene, Elizabethtown, Westport, North Hudson, Moriah, Crown Point, Schroon, and Ticonderoga; and WHEREAS, in January of 2017 the Department publicly announced ~ planning process for the development of a revised UMP for the Hammond Pond Wild !Forest Area and held a public scoping session for possible UMP revisions in February of 2017; and WHEREAS, the Department, in consultation with Agency staff, prepared a draft UMP revision for the Hammond Pond Wild Forest dated ©ctober 2018 (Draft Plan); and WHEREAS; the Department, ·as lead agency for purposes of State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) compliance and in consultation with the Agency as an involved agency, determined that the Draft Plan would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and published notice of its determination in the Environmental Notice Bulletin (ENB) on November 17, 2018; and P.O. Box 99 • 1133 NYS Route 86 •Ray Brook, NY 12977 •Tel: (518) 891-4050 •Fax: (518) 891-3938 • www.apa.ny.gov WHEREAS, the Departrpent's November 7, 2018 ENB notice sought public comment on the Draft Plan at a November 13, 2018 hearing and in writing; and WHEREAS, the Department received extensive public comment and, in consultation with Agency staff, lmade modifications to the Draft Plan in response; and WH~REAS, modificatiors to the Draft Plan in response to public comment included a proposed study of ar existing boat launch on Eagle Lake to determine whether the site should be altered in accordance with the Master Plan or whether those lands should be reclassified to !intensive Use; and WHEREAS, in March ofl 2019 the Department submitted a proposed final revision of the Hammond Ponq Wild Forest UMP (Proposed Plan) to the Agency for consideration, including the Dejpartment's response to public comment (Appendix G) and a redline version showing the modifications made from the Draft Plan; and WH~~EAS, the Agenc~ sought and received public comment on the Proposed Plan, as summarized in Agency staff's May 8, 2019 memorandum to the Agency Board; and WHE;REAS, the Department made further revisions to the Proposed Plan in consultation, with Agency staff, las discussed in Agency staff's May 8th memorandum and staff's May 15th presentati~n, which are reflected in the Department's May 2019 Hammond Pond Wild Forest UMP (May 2019 UMP) considered by the Agency Board at its May 16-17, 2019 meeting; dnd WHEREAS, the Departrrent's further revisions included in the May 2019 UMP primarily focused on providing additional detail with respect to the carrying-capacity analysis to be undertaken by the Department during implementation of the May 2019 UMP; and WHEREAS, the Agenc}1 Board has considered the foregoing recitations, the May 2019 UMP, and Agency staff's May 8th memorandum and May 15th presentation with regard to Agency SEQRA compliance and the conformance of the May 2019 UMP with the Master Plan's general guid~lines and criteria. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agency, as an involved I agency, is bound by the Depar1ment's November 7, 2018 SEQ RA Negative Declaration pursuant to 16 NYCRR § 617.6(!b)(iii); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 816 of the Adirondack Park Agency Act the Hammond Pond Wild Forest Unit Management Plan, dated May 2019, conforms with the general guidelines and criteria of the Master Plan; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT the Adirondack Park Agency authorizes its Executive Director to advise the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation of the Agency's conformance determination in this matter. AYES: Dr. Chad Dawson, John Ernst, Art Lussi, Bill Thomas, Dan Wilt, Lynne Mahoney, Brad Austin, and Karyn Richards NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: None ABSENT: Karen Feldman, Acting Chair This page intentionally left blank Executive Summary The Hammond Pond Wild Forest (HPWF) is an Adirondack Forest Preserve unit steeped in history, occupying a significant transitional zone between the sharp terrain of the High Peaks region and the fertile Lake Champlain valley. A Unit Management Plan (UMP) for the HPWF was adopted in 1988. Since that time, land area has been added to the unit and recreational trends have evolved. Much of the unit lies within relatively close proximity to the Northway (I-87), giving potentially easy access to large numbers of visitors. On the other hand, the unit is home to a spectacular variety of significant ecological resources, which warrant care and protection. Moose Mountain Pond Trail Management Goals: • Protect the natural resources and spectacular ecological value of the HPWF landscapes. Identify and respect sensitive areas. • Recognize that choosing where to create recreational facilities is just as important as choosing where not to create recreational facilities. The Forest Preserve’s intrinsic values are a large part of what defines it. People who have never visited (and may never visit) the region hold high value in knowing that pristine natural landscapes exist, both now and for future generations. • Strategically connect and extend existing linear trails to create loops and interesting longer distance opportunities. This may attract some use from the more heavily used adjacent Forest Preserve units. • Design trail configurations thoughtfully, so they are complemented by nearby facilities, adjacent Forest Preserve units, and private lands. • Enhance existing facilities and create new facilities for high quality, universally accessible recreational opportunities. • Contribute to the completion of the 4,600-mile North Country National Scenic Trail by providing a route connection across the HPWF. Hammond Pond Wild Forest Unit Management Plan | i Executive Summary This page intentionally left blank. ii | Hammond Pond Wild Forest Unit Management Plan Contents I. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 A. Setting ..................................................................................................................... 1 B. Planning Process and Public Participation .............................................................. 6 C. General Guidelines and Objectives for Management of the Unit ............................ 7 II. Natural Resources ....................................................................................................... 9 A. Geology ................................................................................................................... 9 B. Soils ...................................................................................................................... 10 C. Topography ........................................................................................................... 12 D. Water Resources .................................................................................................. 12 E. Vegetation ............................................................................................................. 18 F. Wildlife & Hunting .................................................................................................. 32 G. Fisheries & Fishing ............................................................................................... 51 III. Human Uses & Recreational Resources .................................................................. 55 A. Carrying Capacity .................................................................................................
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