10 I1TE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, POBTLAXD, JUXE 23, 1919. " be rendered In ' a programme devoted the typical French type. One of his exclusively to his 'works Saturday "star" solo numbers is the difficult night in the Goodnoug-- building under "Cujus Animan." from the "Stabat the auspices of the Schumann society. Mater." in which he sings r flat above and the- following persons will sing: high C. Another French tenor student Mrs. Lena Thoreson. Miss Lillian Hoi- - of Mr. Hurlbut who is singing success- - man, Theodore Hanson and Roy Marion fully is William Cherrier. soloist of the wneeier. a selection my oioszkowski i cathedral. Lewiston. Idaho. wr kwu planus, eiKUL lianas, &nu a number entitled "The Dying Poet,' Little Miss Lois Gratke, violinist, of I EPlTEP"Bvtl3SEPH TlAegUEEV' played by ld Harlow Mills, Astoria, Or., has returned from the will complete; the programme. east, where she has been doing ad- MM jS playing. vance study work in violin Miss Frances Sheeny is arranging a She is an unusually talented violin DIRECTORY programme of piano musio to be given student. by her students in the assembly-roo- m , of the Portland hotel Saturday night. Piano students of Mrs. Ella Connell - m.. ir...i- - Jesse gave a good account of them- - Russelr building. Fourth and Morrison selves at a recital last Monday night. EILERS MUSIC BUILDING graduation song recital by Miss Edith senKd, w?,r,e: im,T HTTt 211' Beyer, vocalist,. a ,u Wednesday night with I Entrance and Elevators ri-- v.i r-- rad. Helen Cantine. Florence Jacobs, companist. Virginia Morrison, Mary Cogswill, Dorothy Rice, Wesleyia Bressler. Vyda 287 Washington Street Dorothy Miss Helen Calbreath will present Stage, Katherine Glunt, Rice. Below of piano in Fifth f-- - a number students recital Piano students of Helen C. Hansen r; . .- . in Lincoln High school aduitorium Fri . f ; were successfully presented in recital INSTRTJCnOJrt PIAJfO PIANOS, PLAYER-PIANO- S AND i day night, when she will be assisfed by ,fi t rrt,rtfn,vvs- - halL Lents, as Room ORGANS her sister. Miss Evelene Calbreath. sisted by. ETouisa Griffin and L. H. E. S. Jones 504 messo-sopran- o composer, 305-- 6 Room and who is Those participating Alice Brown Marshall . Htinsen aoioists. 505 Chickerlng and Other Pianos. expected, to return from a successful were Herbert and Clara Jasper, Oliver DentMowry 4 th Floor season in J.ew York city early in the Woodwortlh Elisabeth Sanders. Hattie West Coast Institute of Music Pianos for Kent 4th Floor week. Piano Tuning Bittner, Wendell Hilus, Hortense and of Ragtime 410-1- 2 4th Floor Flora Burkhardt, Clara Bergner. Homer Parker School Player-Piano- s and Music Rolls. The quartet of the First Unitarian Pierce, Helen and Russel Woodward, INSTRUCTION! VOCAL 2d Floor church will sing Cadman's "Morning Gladys Fimmel, Berniece Brown, Ve-he- la Theodore M. Kratt 503 PHONOGRAPHS of the Year" in that church Thursday Lehman, Ethel and Alice Hansen. Mildred Warden .507 Phonographs. Graphophonee. Talk- night These singers are: Mrs. Edith West Coast of Music. ' Institute ing Machines 3d Floor Densmore, soprano; Mrs. Mitylene E. J. De Vin presented several of his Phonographs. Graphophones, Talk- Fraker Stites, contralto: John Ross students in piano recital last Thurs- INSTRUCTION! VIOLIN ing Machines. Records. ..3d Floor Fargo, tenor, and Otto Wedemeyer, day night in Oddfellows' hall, Monta- - Phonographs. Graphophones. Talk- E. De C. A. Haulenbeck 517 ing Machines, Repairing. .3d Floor baritone. villa, assisted by Mrs. Pauline 410-1- Parker School of Music 2 Vin, vocalist and an orchestra of eight Marie Wandra 614 SHEET MUSIC AND PUBLICATIONS Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed has set the pieces. Students, who all did credit West Coast Institute of Music . Classical and Popular Sheet 5 date of her Astoria' concert for June able work, were: Miss Martha Billiter, Music 2d Floor 30. The Treble Clef club of Astoria Miss Ethel Dickinson, Miss Gretchen Violin Salesrooms Main Floor will be presented in a new and inter Dickinson, Miss Helen Huber, Miss DANCING 1 I SAXOPHONE. '1 esting repertoire. A newly organized Georgia Johnson, Miss Arlouine Robin INSTRUCTION! Babbidge School of Art and Dan- Itl chorus of mixed voices will sing $wo son Miss Bertha Schumacher, Miss Marie Wandra 614 cing S09-- U numbers and these students will sing: Gladys Terwilliger, Marcus Leupold. Saxophone Salesrooms . .Main Floor Rown School of Ballroom Dan- cing 602-- T Mrs. W. R, Swart. Mrs. Enoch Mathison, I m INSTRUCTION! STEEL GUITAR, Mrs. J. J. Kennedy, Miss Myrtle Olsen, I The work of the choir at Central Steel Guitar Salesrooms and Les- - DENTIST Mrs. Sigurd Kundtsen, Miss Nelle Lewis I Presbyterian church during the past sons Main Floor Dr. A. F. Ih ringer 30S- - and Mrs. J. H. Shaver. season, under the direction of William LADIES' GOWNS Belcher, deserving of special men- INSTRUCTION! UKULELE. is Ukulele Salesrooms Lessons Mrs. M. I. Foster 618 An important meeting of the Portland tion. The chorus numbers 28 . voices. and STUDIOS Opera association, Mrs. Edward L. all students with Mr. Belcher and each Main Floor FOR RENT an partic- Three very desirable offices, sin- Thompson, president, to choose a soloist. Mr. Belcher uses no INSTRUCTION! BANJO, MANDOLIN, gle or en euite, for rent at reduced ooefa for presentation this fall will ular soloist but gives each singer an GUITAR, ETC. summer particularly Port- - con-lan- 410-1- rate: desirable "k. be held in the blue room of the equal chance and in this way the d Parker School of Music 2 for high-cla- ss teachers, artists, etc. hotel Tuesday night at 8:15 gregation hears a different voice each String Instruments Salesrooms. See bldg. supt, or phone Main 1123. of both light opera I Sunday. Main Floor o'clock. Advocates The parts are well balanced. OFFICES FOR RENT and grand opera will De neara ana ix an(i several heavy numbers have been INSTRUCTION! ORGAN possible a choice ol an opera maae. sung past season. PIPE Excellent office for high-cla- ss this Rene L. Becker 407 business or professional man; loca- Rumor says that the friends of grand ..( tion unexcelled, being very ooera in this association now have the I Mrs. O. H. Clarke of Myrtle Point Or., INSTRUCTION! ORCHESTRA in heart opera I of the city. See bldg. supt, or phone is bright, season tralto, which will be heard to ad most votes. Friends of light ani formerly of this city, presented 30 C. A. Haulenbeck 617 Main 1123. rn tils the ambitious spring a surprise on that I 0f piano in in the I of the year in music when stu vantage in the aria "O Don Fatale' threaten to - her students recital TWO PORTLAVD MUSIC FOLKS from "Don Carlos" (Verdi). Miss Gor occasion. It ought to De a lively meei- Unique theater, assisted by Mrs. Owen dents recitals are at high tide. ACTIVE 1ST CURRENT EVENTS. ing. Knowlton and Rev. F. G. Drake, solo- - are con don will sing also two groups of songs. Public school sessions Just Mrs. W. H. A large chorus of women will . ists, and Dr. O. H. Clarke, reader. 7, cluded, busy Chatten. contralto sing coming San many cital June at her home in Alameda charmed the audience with her delight- and it is then that the in the quartet of the First Meth- new composition by Mary Helen Brown Geraldine Farrar fs to The theater was crowded and Those taking were: . , on Man- - were turned away. Most of the partic- - Park. p.irt Helen ful readings. nrusio instructor gets youthful students odist Episcopal church, is one of "Nocturne" and Palicot's "The Moths.' Francisco as the first artist - Armstrong, Lucile Shaw, Bessie Holtz. to play and sing in publlo recitals, the soloists to sing at Mrs. Rose Other' soloists will be Miss Myrtle ager Frank W. Healy's list of attrac- i pants played from memory and showed Marcena Libbies, Laura Saunders. Helen Coursen Reed's Oisen Chinook, Clara Glass and tinnn for the coming season, ana win the results or careiui music training. Sadye Evelyn Ford har. been chosen where the are always kind students' recital. of Miss Oc- I Mouser and Grace Emmeric. Miss Jessie as audiences Multnomah auditorium, Mrs. W. H. Chatten, contralto, of the give one recital Sunday afternoon, - The stage was beautifully decorated accompanist for the Willamette . hotel I Merrls appeared in a number of beau and Indulgent, seeintr that they are Tuesday night. Methodist church choir. Edgar S, in the Curran theater, that city. with rhododendrons, calla lilies and Valley Chautauqua. First tober I tiful dances. composed principally of doting moth Mrs. Beatrice Hidden Elchen-lau- b, E. Coursen will accompany the aploists Before leaving the east to resume peonies. er, fathers and other relatives. pianist, presented stu- Youney will cinema actina-- in southern calitornia i Real Musical Criticism The Girl I her and Mrs. Florence Jackson Before-a- and admire Students are keyed up to concert dents in recital last Thursday play for the chorus. with her husband. Lou Tellegen, Miss Mlss HeUm Calbreath's students ap- - interested discriminat that pianist's finish. Don't pitch, and there is much juvenile, sup- promoted a Denein concert m ing audience of music lovers, Miss you? night in Lincoln high, school Farrar peared ln an interesting programme Beatrice Klapper was presented pi The Man Yes; pressed liveliness. Sometimes entire WINS, thA MPTrODOUian ODW llisuac . J . wnnna in T.in ln but I always dread PORTLAND VIOLINIST ano ' by his beginning. households are discouraged and moth- working Giris recital Miss Dorothea Nash in Boston Transcript Miss Claire Casten. violinist, lately of New York vkuu .jn hj h gcnool auditorium last the lately, and won many s ers and big eisters are on the verge of City, sociation.
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