E1502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 15, 2005 the ACLU and his community. For this reason, H.R. 2745, THE HENRY J. HYDE and the flexibility to allow reform to be carried I rise today to honor and celebrate his life UNITED NATIONS REFORM ACT out correctly, as needed to sustain this great achievements. organization. This legislation blatantly puts pol- itics before peace keeping and threatens to Dick Kurtenbach’s tenure with the American HON. BETTY McCOLLUM OF MINNESOTA undermine the important leadership of the Civil Liberties Union has been prolific for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.S. in the eyes of the international commu- Western Missouri and Kansas region as well Thursday, July 14, 2005 nity. as fruitful for the entire Nation. He oversaw The State Department strongly objects to notable litigation, such as Cruzan v. Director Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- key provisions of this bill including the key of the Missouri Department of Health, which er, I rise to express my strong opposition to principle of linking of U.S. dues to United Na- H.R. 2745, the Henry J. Hyde United Nations was herd by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1990. tions reforms. Rather than starve the United Reform Act of 2005. The ruling was a victory, by recognizing that Nations by unilaterally cutting support, I sup- The United Nations is a critical multilateral port the rational and reasonable alternative patients are entitled to the fulfillment of their organization that provides a vital and nec- legislation, the bipartisan Lantos-Shays alter- end-of-life care wishes. More importantly, the essary forum for the U.S. to advance our Na- native to H.R. 2745, that would eliminate the case raised much needed public awareness tion’s foreign policy priorities as well as to im- mandate for funding cuts and empower the towards the importance of living wills, medical prove and strengthen development, security Secretary of State to withhold funds if sug- proxies, and other means of documenting and human rights around the globe. As an gested reforms are not met. This substitute those wishes and was lauded as a success by original founder and a permanent member of appropriate encourages the U.S. to work with supporters. However, Dick’s unwavering com- the United Nations Security Council, the U.S. other nations to achieve real and lasting has an opportunity to shape the direction of mitment to the values of liberty didn’t always United Nations reform. future reforms and continue our important role f make him friends. In 1989, while I served on of pursuing multilateral solution to the world’s the City Council, his office filed suit on behalf most challenging problems. Or, as this legisla- MR. JACK THOMAS’ ARTICLE of the Missouri Knights of the Ku Klux Klan ar- tion appears intent upon achieving, the U.S. FROM THE BOSTON GLOBE guing that the Kansas City, Missouri City can withdraw support from the United Nations Council had violated the Klan’s First Amend- and watch from the sidelines as the world HON. RICHARD E. NEAL ment rights by denying them access to rant on body withers, leaving our Nation isolated and OF MASSACHUSETTS a public cable TV channel. I remember being at risk. The latter approach, I believe, would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES interviewed with Dick on ‘‘The Today Show’’ in be a dangerous and foolish mistake. Thursday, July 14, 2005 For sixty years, the organizations and pro- New York City. As we walked out of the NBC grams operating under the umbrella of the Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I studios, it was obvious that he was painfully United Nations have been working to improve wanted to bring to the attention of my col- uncomfortable having appeared to side with a health, food security and human rights around leagues an article from the June 20, 2005, group like the Klan. All I could do was put an the world; combating terrorism, narcotics traf- Boston Globe about two legendary figures in arm on his shoulder and say, ‘‘Hey, I under- ficking and the proliferation of weapons of Massachusetts politics. ‘‘The Loner in Winter,’’ stand what you’re doing and why.’’ It is a mass destruction; encouraging and empow- by Jack Thomas, gives us an update on the tough job but he has done it time and time ering the protection of rights for women, work- former mayor of Boston, Kevin White, and again. Dick’s steadfast refusal to compromise ers, ethnic and religious minorities and per- former State treasurer Bob Crane. White and Crane came out of the same political environ- on something as precious as our civil liberties sons with disabilities; and enhancing the secu- ment that produced larger-than-life personal- is representative of the purity and character of rity and upholding peace in areas devastated by conflict. The feeding, sheltering, and pro- ities like Tip O’Neill, Joe Moakley and Silvio the American way. tection of millions of refugees and internally Conte. As the article shows, Bob Crane and Dick Kurtenbach had been the Executive Di- displaced persons worldwide, many of whom Kevin White have developed a great friendship rector of the Kansas and Western Missouri might not be alive today without such help, in politics that has lasted over 40 years. ACLU since 1985 and was responsible for has also be a vital United Nations function. Kevin White was the mayor of Boston for 16 years, from 1967 to 1983, and his friend Bob their original merger. Prior to that, he was the The sum of this work carried out by the United Crane served as State treasurer for 26 years. Executive Director of the Nebraska Civil Lib- Nations, this very difficult work, has been a monumental achievement, much of it funded They became friends in the 1960s while cam- erties Union from 1979 through 1985. He has paigning together in western Massachusetts worked on several Senate and Congressional by the generosity of the American tax payer, that has improved the lives of billions of peo- and have been close ever since. During his campaigns, as well as for the Nebraska ple and made our world safer, healthier, more tenure in Boston, Kevin White was simply the Democratic Party. Dick is a veteran of the peaceful and more just. best mayor in America. When I became mayor United States Army, having served on active This legislation before the House, H.R. of Springfield, I looked to Kevin for advice and duty from 1967 to 1970, including 15 months 2745, is deeply flawed. It would mandate dras- guidance, and he always steered me in the of service in Southeast Asia. He has served tic cuts to the U.S. funding obligation to the right direction. For young mayors seeking to on the Board of Directors of the Kansas City United Nations, unless the U.S. Secretary of make their mark, Kevin White was the role Civil Rights Consortium, The Human Rights State can certify compliance with 39 far-reach- model to which we all aspired. He helped ing, and detailed, reforms. Unfortunately, make Boston the great city it is today. Project, and the Western Missouri Coalition Mayor White is now suffering from Alz- Against the Death Penalty. Dick graduated many of these reforms apply to related agen- cies that are out of the management authority heimer’s, but he still commands the room, with from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln with of the United Nations Secretariat. In addition, his remarkable presence and sparkling per- a Bachelors of Arts degree and is married to this bill would put ongoing peacekeeping mis- sonality. Bob Crane also had a remarkable Joette Pelster. sions, and U.S. involvement in future missions public career as treasurer, but is also known Mr. Speaker, please join me in expressing integral to our national security, in jeopardy. as a great singer and entertainer, specializing our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Dick Kurtenbach, Reforms are needed at the United Nations. in the Irish songs that form an integral part of the Boston Irish political culture. When Bob not only for his unwavering efforts to preserve The debate on the floor clearly reflects that Democrats and Republicans agree on this was in office, he brought his musical talents the tenets of our Constitution, but also for his fact. However, the U.S. has an opportunity, and singing group, the Treasury Notes, to courage in defending the individual rights of and I would say a responsibility, to play a nursing homes and other centers to entertain citizens, no matter how unpopular or difficult. positive and constructive role in reforming the the elderly, and he still does so today, as well I urge my colleagues to please join me, in United Nations, in a way that promotes greater as appearing at select political gatherings. Be- congratulating Dick on his retirement as Exec- transparency, more effective decision making, yond the music, Bob exemplifies the cardinal utive Director of the Kansas and Western Mis- greater emphasis on oversight of the bureauc- virtue of loyalty in politics, and no one is more souri American Civil Liberties Union, and in racy and a clear standard of accountability loyal to his old pal, Kevin White, than Bob celebrating his invaluable contributions and among member states for their conduct with Crane. When politicians gather in Massachu- sacrifices to the cause of freedom. relations to human rights. setts, Bob makes sure that Kevin is there and The Henry J. Hyde United Nations Reform is honored for the great mayor he was and Act fails to provide the resources, the time, great American he is.
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