University of South Florida Scholar Commons Crow's Nest University History: Campus Publications 9-22-1983 Crow's Nest : 1983 : 09 : 22 University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/crows_nest Recommended Citation University of South Florida St. Petersburg., "Crow's Nest : 1983 : 09 : 22" (1983). Crow's Nest. 68. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/crows_nest/68 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University History: Campus Publications at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Crow's Nest by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SUPER SAILORS! USF St. Pete Campus sailors grabbed first and second places in CROW'S NEST 11 11 the PHRF B Class during the 38th Annual Labor Day Regatta held on UNIVERSI1Y OF SOU1H Fl.ORIDA September 22, 1983 Sarasota Bay. More than forty fans showed up to cheer the Campus sailors. St. Petersburg Campus Vol. 15, No. 1 The cruising entries fared best of all with Steve Walker and crew, Jody Schultz and Jennifer McNeillie, taking a first place win in the PHRF PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI CHAPTER 11 B11 Class on the University's Catalina 22. The second place in the PHRF 11 11 Phi Theta Kappa(PTK), the national honor B Class went to another USF St. Pete Sailing Club entry, Mike Weston IN MEMORY and his crew, Sam Jordan, Kathryn Codo and Betty Calucci, sailing a fraternity for Junior and Community Colleges, has Catalina 22 . Sailing Club president Dave Martin took fourth place in established an alumni chapter on the St. Petersburg the Windsurfer Class . Campus of the University of South Florida" The Donald Haney . •. Page 2 group is the first PTK alumni chapter to be char­ The regatta consisted of five races , three on Saturday ·and two on tered on a regional campus of a State University. FILM SERIES Sunday. Steel Drum Band music and dinner were provided Saturday evening The new alumni chapter will be officially installed for the sailors and fans. The event was sponsored by the Sarasota at the PTK State Convention to be held at a Clear­ The film 1984 has Herald-Tribune and the Sarasota Sailing Squadon. water Beach resort (October 28-30). It will be been withdrawn Tr:om dis­ called Kappa of Florida tribution. Consequently, Sociology professor Danny Jorgensen entered on a Laser sailboat. If you were a member of Phi Theta Kappa at a the September 30 c ~m p us Other USF St. Pete participants were: Cliff Bare, Carrie Visser, community or Junior College, you are cordially in­ showing of 1984 ha s re­ George Pauly, Maurizio Mangini, Angela Zwissler, Tom Matteucci and vited to participate in this precedent-setting chap­ grettably been cancelled. Ed Bower. ter. Please contact Sudsy Tschiderer,Mike McGinnis or Barbara Rosenke through the Activities Office In place of 1984 , Michael Moyer, a Marine Science student, rode 90 miles around (SPE-112). Woody Allen's ~lay It Tampa Bay on his bicycle to attend the regatta. Again, Sam wil be shOwn. KAPPA DELTA PI In the film, a fanatical movie buff (Woody Allen) STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (SEA) Kappa Delta Pi, an Education Honor Society, hallucinates that Humphrey will meet on Thursday, September 22nd at 7:30 p.m. Bogart offers him tips on The kick-off luncheon for SEA held on September 6 was a great in SPE -130. Dr. Donald Van Fleet will discuss the how to succeed with the success! New officers were elected. Faculty, staff and students Raise Bill. Elections of new officers will also be ladies. Diane Keaton, mingled and shared ideas. Plans were formulated for expanded activities held. Susan Anspach and Tony in Session I. WE ARE ON THE MOVE!!! Come join us at the next meeting: Additionally, Kappa Delta Pi, is in need of Roberts also star. The October 6, at 3:00 PM in SPE-215. Call Jane E. Wilson (347-9786) five black graduation gowns for its initiation cer­ film begins at 7:30 p.m. for further information. emony . If you have a robe you want to donate, on September in the please take it to Student Activities (SPE-112) Auditorium, Building A. New SEA officers are: Thanks. It's free. Jane Wilson President DAY CARE Patricia Bannister Vice-President TICl<ETS Carol Mutert Treasurer Students with pre-school children may partic­ Cari Levesque Secretary ipate in the Day Care Subsidization program. For f urther information and registration, please con­ An assortment of dis­ tact the Office of Student Affairs (SPE-118). count tickets are on sale in the Activities Office (SPE-112). -·8- DEAN ' S HO NOR LI ST Donald Haney, Friend of USF Semester T. It ! 1983 Donald A. Haney, 57, Director of Student Services at t he USF St . ANTHONISEN, LI SA L. LUCHT E, JEANNE P. Pete campus, died July 18, at his residence in Tampa of an apparent BRUMBA UGH, KA REN C. MATTSON, DARY L S. heart attack. CERRON E, DONNA J . MYSLIWI EC, CHR IST INE R. CHURCH, AMAN DA J. O' NEILL DIAN NA L. Mr . Haney, who wa s about to retire, wa s with USF for t he past ten CROOK , GARY R. PETRECCA, CH RIST INE E. years. DAV IDSON, KENDAL L S. RAKH SHANI , MOHAMMAD M. DICKERSON , VIC KY W. REIS, RHUE R. Born in Blairsville, Illinois, he came to Tampa in 1966. DUMALA, KATHLEEN M. ROY , BECKEY H. FORSSELL, JUL IE M. SIMON SEN, KRIS L. He was a graduate of the University of Colorado and received a GE RGELY, DIANNE T. SM ITH, JAN EE L. diploma in Middle East studies from American University in Bei rut, GRAY, EUGENA M. SNYDER , JULI E A. Lebanon . He also received a Master's of Science degree in educat ion HOLTAN, BAR BARA E. STURG IS, DAVID B. administration from Florida State University. HUG HES , INDIA L. VILA, HECTOR J . JOHNSON, SUSAN L. YA KE, KEVIN D. In 1943 he joined the Marine Corps and du ring World War II he saw service at Guadalcanal, Guam and Okinawa. He joined the Ai r Fo rce i n To be eli gible for t he Dean's. Honor List, a student must carry a 1950 and served in such places as Europe, the Middle Ea st , Africa and mi nimum of 12 credi t hours (no s;u) and be in the top 10% of his/ Southeast Asia. He was an intelligence officer and retired as a lieu­ her college and be ea rning a 3.5 graae-po i nt average for the semester. tenant colonel after 21 years of service. The fo llowi ng names were omi tted fr om our previously publi shed l ist Some of hi s service award s included Legion of Merit, Bronze St ar , of Dean's Li st, Semester II, 1983. Our apologies t o these student s: Purple Heart, USMC Presidential Citation, Naval Un i t Citation, Joint Services Commendation Medal and Air Force Commendation Medal with cluster. Mary L. Connolly Kathl een M. Duma l a Tracey L. McFadden Mr. Haney originally came to the University as Veterans Advi sor on Dea n' s List students may req uest a Dean' s Li st Certificate at the the St. Petersburg Campu s, then transferred to the Tampa Campus as Act i vities Office (SPE-112) prior to October 1. Cert ificates may Cooperative Education and Placement Counselor. In 1976 he returned to be pi cked up from October 10-1 4. the St. Petersburg Campu s as Center Administrator and Director of Stu­ dent Services. COMI NG PROGRAMS Mr . Haney was a vital part of the development of thi s regional campus during the last seven years and played a major role in the plan­ The Activities Offi ce i s pl an ni ng programs for Semester II. Yo ur ning and ultimate completion of Bayboro Hall. ideas and suggestion s are sol icit ed for lectures , concerts, mini-courses, f ilms , special events, et c. Won't yo u take a minute and stop by the He wor ked closely with students, encou raging their de velopme nt, and Office and share yo ur thoughts with us? Students i nterested in servi ng assi sting them in handling the financial affairs that have beco me the on an Activi ties Se l ection Board shou ld al so con t act the Activities responsibility of Student Government and representatives . He was held Office (S PE-1 12) . Enr ich your col lege life! in universal high regard by campus student groups for his guidance and understanding. Mr. Haney initiated numerous improvements du ring his POSTAG E STAMPS tenure as Director of Student Services. He inaugurated recogniti on pro- grams fo ~ honor students on the St. Petersburg Campu s. Under hi s leader- Post age stamps (20¢) are on sal e at t he Activities Office (S PE-112) . -2- -3- (continued on page 7) announcements INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND STUDY The Activities Office is pleased to announce that our foreign PRIVACY LAW {Public Law 93-380) study/international travel resource service ha s been updated and ex­ tended. Members of the campus community may review a wide assortment In an effort to insure the integrity of student records and to of information regarding travel, scholarships, grants, work oppor­ compl y with the restrictions contained in the Family Educational Rights tunities, transportation, camping, backpacking, etc. Maps of the to Privacy, please be aware that student information, other than ~~di­ Appalachian Mountain trails, Florida canoe trails, wilderness parks, 11 rectory information , requires the written permission of the studen~ etc.a are also on hand.
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