The WMthdor roreoMt of D. S. WiMUMd B m M 1 4 ,1 3 9 CMoadjr Md" oool toatflit, lew MMBbw of the Audit Sft-40; portly Mimy, breeoj, oool Bonwi of dronlatioB tomorrow, hlfh 4d-S0, Manctu!»ter— A City of Village Charm ■ f VOL. LXXXrV. NO. 40 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1964 (CloMlfled Advertlalog mi Page 16) PRICE SEVEN c e n t s ' Congo Rebels Reveal Execution Plans ^ Events In State All 28 Aboard Perish American Missionary » Key Witness Sentenced to Death Backs Rinaldi In Nevada Air Crash HILLSBORO, N. C. (AP)—A key defense wit­ LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)-*>the railroad community of Ar--.. The plane was heading north-^gathered on Highway 91 _ tba They said Carlson’s only mili­ BULLETIN ness testified today Frank -Wreckage of an airlin­ den. ea.st. dropping down into the road between Lo.s Angeles and tary experience was a two-year The terrain is so rugged that mountaln-rlmmed Las Vegas NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) hitch in the Navy between 1946 Rinaldi was out of his er that hit a mountain peak Las Vegas — near the railroad- — Stanleyville radio said sight o^ y a few minutes Jeeps could not reach the crash valley for an instrument land­ siding .settlement of Arden, and 1948. Details of Carlson’s in a storm last night was site. ing. today that the Congolese military service were passed to last D ejg 24 when Mrs. Ri- where Baker .said he had seen found this morning. Sher­ .Searchers were directed to Sheriff’s officers said Bob the plane. rebel government “has an International Red Cro.ss nald^jras killed. team in Burundi which made iff’s deputies said all 28 the area by a motorist who told Baker, a Las Vegas man. told The season’s first snow wan agreed in principle to an of­ John F. Sipp, an insurance Oi.i-crs he saw the plane skim­ them: "I was driving on High­ (ailing heavily as the search contact with the rebel leaders. agent and friend of Rinaldi, re­ persons were dead. ming the ground Sunday night way 91 between and 8:30 p.m. wa.s launched. Soon after tha fer of the U.S. consul” tQ In Chicago, Dr. Arden Alm- turned to the stand as the first The propjfct Bonanza Air­ 8 in a whirl of snow eight miies when I saw a Bonanza plane, 70 F27 disappeared McCarran field negotiate over the life of quist, exe. utive secretary of degree murder trial of Rinaldi lines plane vanished during a Covenant World Missions, said snowstorm just, before it was south of the city. The witness to 100 feet off the ground, head­ was closed to traffic. Another American missionary. Dr. entered its .second week. Rinal­ said the plane had one wheel ing .southeast. There were no Carlson "definitely is not a spy. di, a University of North Caro­ due to land On a flight from Bonanza plane. Flight 104, land­ Paul Carlson. "Part of his difficulty may be Phoenix. down, as if it were trying to landing lights on. One landing ed north of the city at Neills Air lina English instructor, is land. gear was down.” that we have radio communica­ charged with killing his preg­ Searchers spotted the wreck- Force Base. LEOPOLDVILLE, the tion between our various mis­ nant wife. Both formerly lived age shortly after dawn. The Fairchild F27, Bonanza Baker’s location was about Six to eight Inches of snoer Congo (AP) — Dr. Paul sion stations and we have in Waterbury, Conn. Helicopters flew to the scene Airline’s Flight 114 from Phoe- where the plane wa.s la.st sight­ covered the open desert country Carlson, an American med­ transmitters,” he .said. Sipp said Rinaldi was out of and began flying bodies to a nix, Ariz., was three minutes ed on radar but his- sighting near • Arden, and higher drifts “ It's pos.sible the use of the his sight five times that day lower level. i from a landing at McCarran gave the plane a different direc­ stalled many rescue-party cars. ical missionary who re­ transmitters or rebel knowledge when they went on a shopping The .scene Is about 16 miles ’ Field when it vanished from the tion : south instead of north. fused to abandon his Con­ of that fact that he has one may trip to Durham. The longest southwest of Las Vegas near ' radar screen at 8:27 p.m. Sheriff’s Jeeps and squad cars (See Page Eight) golese patients behind reb­ be interpreted by them to mean they were apart, he testified, el lines, is to be executed in that he is spying.” was about five minutes. Sipp, The mission has about 40 mis- talking slowly and calmly, de­ Stanleyville today, a rebel 'sionaries in the Congo, Dr. Alm- scribed the scene when he and Weather Rocks Nation broadcast announced. quist said. Rinaldi entered the Rinaldi Burch Claim The rebels charged Carlson, “This hits me personally,” he apartment in Chapel Hill be­ 66, was a major In the U.S. said. "Carlson was my replace­ tween 1:30 and 1:46 p. m. armed forces. ment. He was working in my old Sipp told the jury, “ We both East Remains Dry, Puslyng GOP In Washington the Pentagon DR. PAUL CARLSON hospital.” stood there for a few seconds, aald Stanley is not a military Carlson was captured by the then Frank started talking, man. today claimed he had fought rebels on Sept. 21 at Yakoma, mumbling incoherently: 'Oh To Showdown Another Radio Stanleyville against the rebels. north of Stanleyville on the Con­ God, go see what happened.' Snow Blitzes West message heard by a central U.-fi. Embassy officials in Leo­ go’s border with the Central He kind of pushed or nudged WASHINGTON (AP) — 809. government listening post Sun­ poldville have denied that Carl­ African Republic. He had radi­ me into the room.” Barry Goldwater’s support o f day night said Carlson had been son. 38. was in the armed oed earlier that he intended td CHICAGO (A P )— Forest fires continued to ravish Dean Burch’s claim that he haa sentenced to death by a military forces. They said Carlson be­ stay behind to treat sick and Given Key Role “ a four-year contract” to hqad tribunal of the ‘‘Popular Libera- longed to the Protestant mission wounded. woodlands in the desperately dry eastern half of the STRATFORD (AP) — Ruby the Republican National Coia- ti Army.” Evangelique de L’Ubang^ which Christophe Gbenye, self-pro- nation today, adding to the already staggering cost of mlttee pushed bickering Reppb- The broadcast referred to has its headquarters at the Co­ Dee will play the role of Kath­ claimed president of the Com- erine next year in the American the record-shattering autumn drought. licans today toward a showdd^ CSarlson as ‘‘the American spy venant World Mission in Chica­ over control of their party ma­ Major Carlson.” A broadcast Shakespeare Festival Theatre's Rainfall dampened portions ofi^ — go. (See Page Eight) production of "The Taming of the Midwest Sunday, but the em Colorado and Independence chinery. the Shrew.” light downfall wasn’t enough to Pass in the central 'portion as Burch said Sunday he w in snow piled up three feet deep. fight back if any(>ne tries to ouat ■ f Mias Dee h u starred on make up for w’eeks and months kin. Broadway, in motion pictures of no rain. Ten Inches of snow fell in As­ T eachers and in such television shows as Communities renewed their pen. Among others, Gov. Nelson A . Rockefeller of New York, foma- U.S. Space Advances “ East Side — West Side” and effort to gain federal emergency In Wyoming, light snow con­ "The Nurses.” relief funds, farmers hauled tinued to fall and highways er Ambassador Henry Cabot She has also played Cleopatra water to livestock, city officials were reported slick and danger­ Lodge and Sen. Jacob K. Javita One Walkout in Shakespeare’s "Antony and planned alternate water sup­ ous. of New York made it clear thoy Slowed by Delta Ills Cleopatra” and has done Shake­ plies and farmers watched their The temperature dropped to •Will u.se all the influence they speare recitals with her actor wdnter crop wilt. 26 below .zero in West 'Yellow- have to force a change In lead­ Ended Today; husband, Ossie Davis. But in the Northwest, snow, stone, Montana’s traditional ership of the national commit­ tee. < CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.—America’s scientific satel- Miss Dee’s choice for the role was piled three feet deep in icebox. It was 4 below in Butte, of Katherine was announced to­ spots and temperatures plum­ A 16-inch snow stalled traffic Goldwater said on his return ,Hte program has been slowed seriously by problems New Trouble day by Joseph Vemer Reed, meted below zero. near Broadus, Mont. Sunday night from a Jamaican with a new third stage on the once reliable Delta rocket. Officials c(08«d U.S. 160 over Snow fell in the mountains of vacation after his defeat by Three Delta launchings sched-<&- LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP) (Sea Page Bight) Wolf Creek Pass In southwest- western New Mexico, and Zuni President Johnson that the par­ Uled in October and November satellite failed to orbit and IMP- Striking teachers ended their reported a 4-inch fall. Northern ty should honor Burch’s ‘ ‘con­ apparently will be delayed until 2 achieved such a low orbit that eight-day-old walkout _ .today, Arixona. -and -the mountaiaa-«f tract.
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