130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1956-57. IX. E CHURCTH OTHED HAN R BELL ABERDEENSHIREF O S . BY THE . EELESC LAT . F E , O.B.E., D.LITT., F.S.A.ScoT.D AN , RANALD W. M. CLOUSTON, B.SC.ENG., F.S.A.ScoT. At the time of his death Dr F. C. Eeles had collected quite a considerable amount of data on Scottish church bells which had not been published. The county survey most near completio thas Aberdeenshiren no wa t t ,bu e fielth d l woral beed kha n perioe donth s n ei d wa 189t i 191o 0t d 3an questionable whether it was sufficiently up to date for publication. The present writer decided that it would be best to check wherever possible that the bells recorded by Dr Eeles still existed, and to fill in certain gaps accounte summee th th n i n i 1956f ;d ro di thi .e sh Wher belle eth s have t beeno n seen recentl accoun e . appea initialfooth e e E . yf th th o tC t . ra t sF of them, together wit e dathth e whe r Eele nthemD w ssa . One featur f Aberdeenshireo e churche e elaboratth s si e belfries which foune numbea ar n di themf o r . Thes r Eele eD s describe sha somd dan e are illustrated. Otherwise the present writer has aimed to follow the pattern s earliehi y rb t paperse belln o sn Renfrewshirei s , Dunbartonshird an e Stirlingshire in these Proceedings and, wherever possible, any repetition of information is avoided. Most of the bells hang in open turrets and in some cases the inscriptions have been obtaine a stron f o gd d ai telescopewit e a numbehth n I .f o r these latter case complete sth e inscriptio invisibls ni e fro groune mth e ddu masonre th o thougt d yan importane hth t information givens i inscripe th , - l caseal n si completet tionno e sar . , show1 Fig , 1 .typica sa l bell wit namee hth s variougivee th o nt s parts. The inscriptions recorde inscriptioe th d belon o e war n band unless otherwise stated, and an oblique stroke is used to denote the end of each line, the next line starting lowe rwaist e dowth n n.o In some cases the arrangement of moulding wires is given, thus the cod , 1-2e2 , 3-2, would mean that there wer e crownwireo th e tw n so on , above the inscription and two below, three at the top of the soundbow and two at the lip. belle Mos hune th mannea sf ar o tn g i r simila thao rt t show, 2 fign i , 1 . sometimes wit a hleve r instea a wheel f o d , sometimes without stad an y slider in a metal framework, etc. THE CHURCH AND OTHER BELLS OF ABERDEENSHIRE. 131 A TO* J^ -Canons Ha-nA-fr-eU "S-fiouWer T}("DMM Arg«uU CTOH/H -^ •WaLst. SouTid. Bour. LcA. Name1 partf sbello a f so . 2. Single bell hung as for change ringing. A. Headstock. B. Slider. B. Wheel. F. Clapper. C. G. Frame. PulleyH . D. Stay. Fig. 1. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1956-57. As bells var muco ys thicknesn hi shapd difficuls i san t ei givo t t e hard and fast rules for determining their weight from mouth diameters but the following tabl approximatels ei y correct: 9 4 7 4 5 4 2 4 8 3 4 3 0 Diamete3 2 2 r. (inches . ) 0 2 8 1 5 1 Approximat2 1 9 7 e weigh 5 t (cwt. 2 ) Due to the size of the work it has been decided to divide it into a number of parts and some notes on the founders will be given at the end of the accounts of the various bells. The present writer is in some difficulty in making acknowledgment of hele th p receive colleco dt informatioe th t n containe thin di s survee th s ya wor bees longko ha s n r goin. fo n Firstgo , thanks mus accordee b t e th o dt minister d churc an s d municipahan l official havo readilo wh s e y assisted the work, to the Rt. Hon. the Viscount Cowdray, Dr W. Douglas Simpson, the City Chamberlain of Aberdeen, the Rector of Aberdeen Grammar School, the County Surveyor, Professo . RenierJ . R Hon re Hone th ,. th LeitJ . .d han Miss E. Leith, and to others mentioned in the text. The bell-founders have been of great assistance in searching their records, especially Messrs Mears & Stainbank, Messrs Gillett & Johnston Ltd. Messrd an s Johfirse Th tn name. TayloCo d& r have kindly loanee dth block of fig. 1, 2. ABERDEEN. Th ee Cit bellth f Aberdee yo n i se th f o n d wil describee en b l e th t da section dealing alphabetically wite parishee th hremainde th n i s f o r Aberdeenshire. ABERDOUR Churchw AberdourNe w . Ne , . 1 . A bird-cag churce th f e o h wese belfr d containth en t ya sbella , about 18 ins. diameter, -which'bears no inscription. The bell was cast by James Abernethf Aberdee o a hand-bel . s Co ha n 185ni & yd l9an type argent. The old bell, said to have been dated and brought from the old church, becam sais i ehav o dt t I cracke allowes e . sombeed it wa r dan 6 n ed£ fo much better tha presene nth t one. The present churc builbelfre s th h181 n wa i sait s d y i hav8o dan t e been brought from the old church and to be dated 1717. ABOYNE t AdamnanS . There are now no remains of this church. The old bird-cage belfry with the bell was taken away and re-erected on the north side of the top of towehome e th th f eo r farm buildings nea Castlee rth Maine se :Aboyne f so . THE CHURCH AND OTHER BELLS OF ABERDEENSHIRE. 133 ABOYNE. Parish Church. 1. A bird-cage belfry on the east gable of the church contains a bell, about 24 ins. diameter, which when observed through a telescope was seen to be inscribed: H^C CAMPANA. A...UE...... FARQUHARSON EJUSQUE./ UXORE ANNA. G1LL...DERS ANNO 1729 ECCLESLE/ GLENTANNERI^ DONATA SUMPTU CONJUNCTARUM/ PAROCHIARUM GLENTANNERLE. ET ABOYNI^E DENUO/CONFLUCTA EST ANNO 1843 Parts of the inscription are not visible from the ground due to the masonry, and the weather on three occasions in the summer of 1956 was far from suitabl e n ascenvera th r yo t efo televate d belfr laddery e belb y Th l . appears to have been cast in 1729 for Grlentanner church, and to have been recast in 1843 when the present church at Aboyne had only just been completed. An earlier church for the united parishes had been built in 1763.1 The lettering on the bell was poorly stamped in the mould and can only e reab d with difficulty froe groundmth e crowTh . n terminatea n i s hand-bell type argen thid boltes an sti iron a no dt stockframewor e Th . k remainind an g fitting als e bele ironf ar soo Th l .bear founder'o sn s name appeard Scottisa an e b o st h product, possibly from Aberdeen. ABOYNE. Episcopal Churc t ThomasS f ho . 2 . In the tower below the spire there are two bells, 27^ ins. and 34 ins. diameter. They are hung to be rung in the English manner in a wooden fram botd inscribede ean h ar : CAS JOHY B T N WARNE SONR& S LONDON 1909 . 1911E . C . F ABOYNE. Main Aboynef so . 1 . The single, disused bell, 14| ins. diameter, note C, is inscribed: IOHN MOWAT D OLD ABD D 1753 MEFECIT (ornamental border) Ther fleur-de-lya s ei s border (PI. XVI) abov e inscriptioeth e th d nan acanthus-leaf border (PI. XVII, a) is used as a stop between phrases and at inscriptioe th f o d wels en n a encirclin s e a l th bele gth l belo inscriptione wth . Mowat'f o e Thion s si smalle rremarkabls i bell d san than ei t ther onls ei y line inscriptiof eon o placname o n th whicr f d ee fo o castbel e s nan h th lwa . The condition is good and the casting perfect. The bell was brought from the old parish church when the latter was pulled down and the hangings seem to have been renewed then. The Statisticalw Ne 1 Account of Scotland, XII, 1067. 134 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , 1956-57. belfr granitef o s yi smallea , ruded an r r exampl same th f eeo typ thoss ea e of Birs Kincardind ean e O'Neil. Ther pinnacla s ei e bearin gbala t eacla h corner, and a semicircular tympanum over the middle of each side and end. openinge ins 4 Th 18y 5 b . ^ e ins. ar se dept th , ins. 7 e sidh2 th ,e openings 9| ins. pillarwidee e ornamenteTh .ar s groovey b d s neae cornersth r , giving the effect of roll mouldings up each corner. ALFORD t AndreS . Wesr wo t Church. 1 . A plain bird-cage belfry of 1804 at the west end of the church contains a bell, 17 ins. diameter, note A, inscribed: IOHN MOWAT (fleur-de-lys) OLD ABD ME FE 1761 (fleur-de-lys) ALFORD THIS BELL/IS PTJRCHASD AT THE EXPENCE OF THE KIRK SESION ME A I/(2 fleur-de-lys)/MINR Th e acanthus-leaeth bels ha l f borde XVIIL (P rl roun al ) d beloe wth inscription and the fleur-de-lys stops are from the border (PL XVI).
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