k MACUODIN runic ATION MAY M/RRORMID TELEVISION l-CRET ROMANCE -The Radio Star in ALICE FAYE'S Life F ,s LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL ^a,g IkeLe smoke ol Olower-JJurningOlower-iji LameLCamels gives you EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR am LESS NICOTINE than the average of the four other largest-selling cigarettes tested — less than any of them — according to in- dependent scientific tests of the smoke itself. THE SMOKE'S THE THING! A LL that you get from a cigarette — you ./jLget in the smoke itself. And here's what you get when you smoke slower-burn- ing Camels. More mildness where you want mildness. ..in the smoke. More flavor where you want flavor . .in the smoke. More coolness, too! In the same slow smoke of a Camel cig- arette, you get less nicotine. Yes, 28% less nicotine than the average of the four other largest-selling brands tested... less nicotine than from any of them. Dealers feature Camels by the carton. For convenience — for economy — get your Camels by the carton. K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 'Camels taste like the cigarette they are ... a finer BY BURNING 25% cigarette of real mildness, wonderful flavor!" SLOWER than the average of the 4 other MRS. EDWARD M. McILVAIN, Jr., of New York largest-selling brands • A lover of home life, Mrs. Mcllvain furniture and silver. She also likes tested . slower than enjoys running a household. ..enter- candid photography. movies . .con- any of them . Camels also give you a smoking taining small groups of friends. certs . Camels. "Smoking Camels plus equal, on the aver- Deeply interested in decoration, she is one of my chief every-day plea- age, to prefers antiques and period pieces sures," says Mrs. Mcllvain. "Camels . was photographed against the are mild as can be. ..and taste simply EXTRA SMOKES background of an eighteenth-cen- grand. Yes, the fact that there's less 5 PER PACK! tury lacquer screen. As a hobby, nicotine in the smoke of Camels Mrs. Mcllvain collects miniature means a lot to me!" 7%[& ^^C^c^z-/Zf^ . VM Plain Jane . were born . Even if you Smile is Lovely^ TAKE HOPE... If your S& Make your smile your beauty may say your gums only need more work talisman. Help keep it sparkling —natural exercise denied them by to- with Ipana and Massage. day's soft foods. And, like thousands of dentists, he may suggest "the extra stim- TAKE HOPE—plain girl! Look in your ulation of Ipana and massage." mirror— and smile! There's your chance for beauty. For if you keep your Try Ipana and Massage teeth sparkling, gums firmer, you, too, For Ipana not only cleans teeth thor- have a loveliness to turn the eyes of men. oughly but, with massage, is specially But truly, how is your smile? Bright designed to aid the gums to sturdier, and radiant—or dull, dingy? Help make more resistant firmness. So be sure to your smile sparkle, make it the real, at- massage a little extra Ipana onto your IS "A LOVELY SMILE YOUR MOST tractive YOU. Start today with Ipana and gums every time you brush your teeth. IMPORTANT BEAUTY ASSET!" massage. Remember, a sparkling smile Start with Ipana Tooth Paste today. say well-known beauty editors of depends largely firm, on healthy gums. Let Ipana and massage help keep your 23 out of 24 leading magazines If you ever see "pink" on your tooth gums firmer, your teeth sparkling, your In a recent poll made among the beauty brush— see yottr dentist right away. He smile winning and attractive. editors of 24 leading magazines all but one of these beauty experts agreed that a lovely smile is a woman's most precious asset. They went on to say that "Even a plain girl has charm and personality if she keeps her smile bright, attractive and sparkling." IPANA TOOTH PASTE MAY, 1941 MAY, 1941 VOL 16 NO. 1 HID TEtEWISIOII ERNEST V. HEYN BELLE LANDESMAN FRED R. SAMMIS Executive Editor ASSISTANT EDITOR Editor CONTENTS When My Fiance Was Drafted 13 The confession of a radio singer in an army camp Alice Faye's Secret Radio Romance 16 An exciting story of happiness that came unexpectedly Don't Leave Me Now 18 The radio drama of two who had only each other They Call Me Yvette 20 A piquant eighteen-year-old tells her own success story Young Widder Brown 22 Beautiful Ellen Brown learns that love can begin as hate Montana Moon Leslie Beacon 26 fflB" Glide to this new tune featured by Abe Lyman Girl Alone 28 Pat finds peace at last in renunciation If You Were Mrs. Gene Autry Pauline Swanson 30 A glimpse into the home of radio's singing cowboy Nurse's Folly 32 The story of a star's careless love YOU need never fear that anyone can detect anything if you wear Tampax—internal Life Can Be Beautiful 37 sanitary protection. Tampax has been perfected Presenting living portraits of people you have grown to love by a doctor so ingeniously for monthly use Springtime Food Fancies Kate Smith 40 that it can be inserted and removed quickly Refreshing menus for the new season and easily. Your hands never touch the Tampax One Man's Family 42 and you simply cannot feel it when in place! A word picture of radio's favorite parents You experience a new and glorious freedom Page of Poetry Marian Rhea 48 with Tampax. A month's trial convinces beyond Gale Page discovers an exciting way to personal happiness doubt . You can dance, swim, engage in all in sports, use tub or shower . No chafing, no Superman Radio 54 bulging, no pin-and-belt problems. No odor Another amazing adventure of radio's amazing hero can form; no deodorant needed. And Tampax Believe It Or Not Romances Robert Ripley 66 is easily disposed of. Stranger-than-fiction facts about love Made of pure surgical cotton, tremendously Continuous Performance Berton Braley 84 absorbent, Tampax now comes in three sizes: Regular, Super and Junior, each in dainty one- time-use applicator. Sold at drug stores and notion counters. Introductory box, 20iS. Econ- What Do You Want To Say? 3 omy package of 40 gives you a real bargain. What's New From Coast to Coast Dan Senseney 4 Facing The Music Ken Alden Accepted for Advertising by 8 the Journal of the American In One Ear— Fred R. Sammis 10 Medical Association, Inside Radio—The Radio Mirror Almanac 43 What Do You Want to Know? 58 It's Tone-Up Time Dr. Grace Gregory 88 ON THE COVER—Yvette, singing star of Xavier Cugat's NBC program Kodachrome by Charles P. Seawood RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR, published monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, INC., Washington and South Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. General Offices: 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial and advertising offices: Chanfri Building, 122 East 42nd Street, New York. Bernarr Macfadden, President; Wesley F. Pape, Secretary; Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer; Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Chicago office: 221 North LaSalle St., C. H. Shattuck, Mgr. Pacific Coast Offices: San Francisco, 420 Market Street. Hollywood: 7751 Sunset Blvd., Lee Andrews, Manager. Entered as second-class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price per copy in United States and Canada 10c. Subscrip- tion price in United States and Possessions, Canada and Newfoundland $1.00 a year. In Cuba, Mexico, TAMPAX INCORPORATED MWG-51-B Haiti, Dominican Republic, Spain and Possessions, and Central and South American countries, ex- New Brunswick, N. J. cepting British Honduras, British, Dutch and French Guiana, $1.50 a year; all other countries $2.50 Please send me in plain wrapper the new trial package a year. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owner's risk, every effort of Tampax. I enclose lOi (stamps or silver) to cover cost will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first-class postage, and of mailing. Sire is checked below. explicit name and address. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. Unaccepted letters for the "What Do You ( ) REGULAR SUPER ( ) ( ) JUNIOR Want to Say?" department will not be returned, and we will not be responsible for any losses of such matter contributed. All submissions become the property of the magazine. (Member of Mac- Name- fadden Women's Group.) The contents of this magazine may not be printed, either wholly or in part, without permission. Address. Copyright, 1941, by the MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office. City -State- Printed in the U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. RADIO AND TELEVISION MIRHOH Frowns can speak volumes- but What do You they can't say "Mum"! want to tt j First Prize . A TEACHER DEFENDS HER PUPILS Lately there has been much criti- cism of children who appear on radio. It makes them affected, it is said, and interferes with their school work. As a teacher of Dramatic Art, I know these statements are untrue. On the contrary, those children who do the best work in my classes are unaffected in their speech and deport- ment, easily maintain high averages in school, and often also take dancing, music or some other art. I believe work in radio to be one of the forms of training a child should have. It improves their speech and diction; develops their imaginations; and calls for poise and personality of the sincere, natural type that is of great future value.—Louise C.
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