IER 9, 19441 = ~ "A'rl'ON ()ALt:NDAR IUI4'fI, ..A ·f8, ....lamf!' AI I .., ..... :I.. aad A5 ••roD," 05 ..... •.. .rlal olr: paDC_BIIP FOODS, " .1•• Ilomp. AI I •• ht. III .114 A5 lI., ... b LI, •••• ••••1I1l110I, : IVQU, . uada., 81, Sl, 82L 0.4 U ..oh aoo. fer II .. pOU.1 1."i./I.IIe.,: IUlai ""'" tt, .ood IOWA: Partl, ('Jowl" (' l,r. I.. lin ,.UD.. at ••••1./1; •••• r ......... '.'.. lIIlY, ...~ fU': GA~OLINII, A'II o•• po... io.' Ih,••• h THE DAILY IOWAN ----;:!. I'pt. 21; fVflL OIL pe.I." • ••• 5 ••• jo.bl, ,0.' Ik.ID," lie, •. lit. liii" -petl•••• e onp............ : Iowa C::ity's Motning Newspaper IH01l8, .1.ploDO 11a.. ,. J 0.' t, •••• ."oIIDU.I,. tlVE CENTS IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1944 VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 295 Spviet T.roops Cease :r~:~~;:~~e:!: "Germans Resist Fiercely • Operqtions In B'ulgarialAfterGermanDefel' II d' h d .--------- A M B I t ase e ri ge ea Seekina Peace IDewey Predicts Early T~OOe;CQI,rtY;liICI.Pa~naSnoh~U:tepadutY Seize, B~rgas, WASHINGTON (AP) - War VARGAS GREETS CHINA'S FIRST LADY "End to German War mobilization director James F. Bellorl Nazis Hold Three , Byrn ,reporting plans are ,veil On Black Sea Says Foreign Policy advanced for a va ~ t Industrial re- Agreement Excludes conversion arLer the dereat or der­ I many, recommended last night In Retreat Allied Armies D.clore Truce Militory Strategy that it be accompanied by a gen- Durjng First Week er:11 retul'll 10 the 'l0-houl' work British Break LANSING , Mich. (AP) - An week ond lifting or easing of many' Twin Drives Outrace cadet early It ' Of Hostilities early end 10 Ihe German war 1V3S Second Point Inflicted existing economic controls. German Forces u_ predicted y esterda y by Gov. wa City. Bn. lJONDO , ~un 'rlI1Y (A P)­ In a 7,OOO·word report to Presi­ To Hold Dijon Roads In Albert Canal Thomas E. Dewey, who made it can wen' 'sar RlI s.~ illn for c{,q ~ W Cf' ping' 100 den t Roosevelt, he reviewed the clear that the administr:ttion's plans mode for a 40 percent cut- nOME (J\P)-Two alJi('d col· HEADQUAR­ iIIilr. ~ into RIII~llria :v('~t('l'day oc· ,unday (AJ» ­ rllpiefl thC' bi g' RIIIl'k RCII flort of agreement to keep him informed back in war production actel' V-'E lImnfl coming IIfl from sOllthrl'n has been reo Pi ked troop of the nit d * nllr g:l~. only !'IO milf' ~ .from the on foreign policy matters covers (victory in Europe) doy, ond a Fram'c slnlck yrsl!'l'dlly to with. Uitps Third army fOIl~ht in IL Donald C. only discussions of post-war se­ swift shift of released workers and in 25 miles of the flcnl inel rity 'rnrkish fron t ier, IIR Moscow I1n· torm of artillery fil"(' 10Rt night i, Ohio, a for. nmm C'{' ri t hI' (' nd oE its Rhod· curity and sanctions against the machines to output of goods for the of Rrlfort, WhORl' fortification. ' home-Cront. b I I . to hold I\, bridll head on thl' )10· It cadet, Who IivNI Will' wilh Rulgllril1 . axis-not military strategy. "It is necescsary that the govern- Ill' 1.1 1' wily lhro~lg I II mO.lIn t.al~ ell 'outh of thl' Fr neh city of .ane at 12,0(1) MUl'inol'; of th(' DIac'lt sr:l fleet War Hopes ment plan now to sprelld the !lup Into t hr pl/llns h('/OI r (,l'l ', Mptz O. tit€' Oerman>; 'UllJipd was hit some­ nndrr A(lmil'll1 R ~. OktYIl- "Il should be hoped," the Re- work," he Sllid but declared that I mllnY 'S f"onliel' on !hr Rhin€'. from their menllced Sielrfricd fears of prolonged unemployment 1'hr who fOllghl fie. Plunging brsky. Revilstopol Illl l'O, Ilided i ll publican nomipee told reporters at (l(lrrnlln~ , lin to Iliv batt! to till' alii d following V-E ~ay are "exag- hard in Rr. on on, broke and 1'lIn armies closing for 1(' RllOwdown ter only two the seizure of B11l'gas, 52 miles IF STILL ALIVE, Field Marshal a campaign tour stop in his native gerated." under 1\ merican blows Ilnd III· south pf Bulgaria's other main Karl v&n Rundstedt, above, who truggle for the R i h. island, he was state, "that the German war will "We will speedily return to lied h(,lIdqu8rl~rs sai dough. seaport, Varna, taken Friday. was removed by Hitler as com. t lmerican SUb. civilian production," he declared. boys now hlld cove r d lit IcaRt Tn northern Belgium til Brit- In one of the ~ hortest wars in mander of the German armies In be ovell long before the next ad- 1 h econd army hammered out csc ue the pilo~ "~he pent up demand for goods half or lhe 47 mil eR from Reslln. , drop in the history Soviet troops were ordered the west, may be the man with ministration takes office Jan. 20, a second crosslnll ot the Albert to cease mil ita r y operations whom the Allies will slln the ar- and that progre3s in the war will come imm. a peop!e who have COil to Belfor!, 30 milt's ('nqt of [orced to .su b. the money With which to buy the German frontler canal and {ouaM against fresh r of the sub against Bulgaria el:lecUve at 10 m1stlee terms, acc&rdinl IAI dlplo- against Japan will be so far along them." . German reserves IowaI'd the weak­ Igh under the p. m. (2 p. m. CMT) last night, "in matic Observers In Washln,lAIn. that plans will be well advanced But prices of many of those May Be Nearer MADAME CHIANG KAI-SHEK , wile 01 the ChJnese leneraU iDlo, I. est link In the Siegtried line north ope remained view of the fact the Bulgarian gov- One unconfirmed rum 0 I' has if not completely executed." civilIan articles not now in pro- It was likely that patrols, mov- shown above u she was veeted by President Getullo Varlu of of Aachen. Id went alter ernment has severed relations with Rundstedt already In c&ntact with Commenting on an editorial he duction, such as autos, radios and inl swiftly otter resistance was Brazil after she arrived at the presidentIAl palace In RI& de Janeiro. Poundt Beyond Ue,e nt caught the Germany, declared war on Ger-I the Allies through Indlreet chan- was told would be printed today in refrigerators, probably will have crushed in Besancon's streets, had Mme. Chlan« I recelvlnl treatments lor sn IIlne • The American First army wal periscope and many, and asked the .soviet gov- nels concerning peace terms, aI- the Los Angeles Times, suggesting to be higher than in pre-war yellrs advanced even nearer Be11ort. poundlnl down the last 18 mlles moved out to ernment for an annistice," said the thou,h there has been no ollicial that either he or his foreign affairs because of increased labor and (A Swiss frontler dispatch Fri- to the German border from the )r tow lng, the broadcast Moscow statement. confirmation. adviser, John Foster Dulles, be in- materials costs, Byrnes added. day said that the Americans were At a Glance- Belalan citadel of Liege and prob­ :nsign Btandl Bec'1ns New Offen.we vited to sit in on the forthcoming He disclosed that officials are within 10 miles ot Bellort and that Warships Begin ably was within heavy artillery "little beaten Be~lin announced that the Red B"ke d Quebec conference between Presl- working on price ceilings for BUch' the blltue for the city had begun.) range ot the line's ouUying posi­ army had hegun a new offensive in ric er on emns dent Roosevelt and Prime Minister articles and will calculate them on F r e n c h troops fighting up Amphibious AHack tions althoulh Its movements were oing lor the southefn Poland aimed at Krakow, Churchill, Dewey said. the basis of pre-war costs plus a through the J u r a mountains enveloped In secrecy. The Ger­ ,r said. "There last big bastion guarding the in- New Deal POII"CI"es "I never invite myself to private percentage price increase. The seized the towns of Pierre-Fon­ Today's mans said they had thrown in va leI' hall the vaslon path Into German Silesia discussions." formula for determining the price taine and Maiche, the latter 25 Japanese Attempt fresh troops here too. he other hall aod the RUssians announced rapid "May I ask you about the extent increase will be announced in miles south of Belfort. Retaliation for 8-29 Farther south In BeJaium other way for lwo gains in northeastern and central Declares Continuance of collaboration at the conference about 10 days. These twin drives seemed to be units of the First army, advanc­ Itomania In the drive on Hungary, between Mr. Dulles and Secretary Iowan Bombing Raids ld get out of The war mobilization director outracing German forces trying to illi thrOUih thinly held but dill!­ last big axis satellite nation. Hull-was that point brought up Of U., S, as Republic detailed contract termination lind hold open the roads branching out II, TtlB A8 Oe lATED .a. 8 culL country In the Ardennes for­ Second Ukraine army units As Ch'lef 1944 Issue as to your being advised as to what other reconversion plans worked from Dijon, 47 miles west of Bes­ moving toward the plains of goes on at the Roosevelt-Churchill out for industry, in accordance N•• III pull* out * reserves* from Warships turned their big guns est.
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