f1 JO; IF YOU WANT BEST Test Drive The New STARLET RESULTS- ADVERTISE IN THE Dungarvan Header DUNGARVAN LEADER and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT For full particulars of rates, etc. Circulating throughout the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork 'Phone 058/41203 HORNIBROOKS of LISMORE : Tel. 058/54147 V°'-49- N°-2493- FR,DAY> ^NUARY 9, 1987 PRICE 25p (inc. VAT) Clover Payments Not Yet PERKS FUNDERLAND j Admitting that he had stated at the December meeting of the week (the 2nd week in Decem- Co. Committee of Agriculture ber), all claims outstanding PRIZEWINNERS j that he had not received any would be cleared. complaints from creditors of NOT HAPPY Clover Meats who were to be Cleared Cllr. Tom Cunningham said for official business for just 56 ATROCIOUS TIMING paid 50 per cent of their claims, that he had raised objections days. following the collapse of the among farmers concerned." said [t ents broke about the payments from the It can cmly be said that the Because we have the highest plant, Cllr. Jim Harty, Chairman, Cllr. Harty, "is that they are bV^' nf n the very beginning and he still had stated at the January monthly backs of some farmers. timdrig of the recommendation number of seats per head o£ the not satisfied with the system to siay that the farmers Involved made by the Review Body on meeting of the Committee held and that room for some kind said that he had also since were not one bit happy about population it is far easier to get In Dungarvan last Monday that Higher Remuneration in the of bonding system as a safe- been approached by creditors the situation. "They only got a parliamentary job here than since then seven or eight far- guard for the future still of Clover Meats some of whom half of what was owed to them Public Sector could not be in any other European country. mers had informed him that exists." » considerable numbers but half Is not enough," he worse. In feet it can only be they had not so far been Daid CUr. Harty added that the said. We have one T.D. representing on foot of their claims. "The he a0t closure of Clover and their fore it^ a L ! °™ just be- Mr. Harrington said that for admitted that it is atrocious every 20,000 voters compared feeling throughout the county ilwas cll0S6d a'nd for which coming as it does whien wide- failure to meet their financial law never been Wild. He people who were owed money to Britain where the ratio is said that one of these was a by clover Meats and who were spread calls are being made for in need of money, every day one M.P. far every 80,000. A fnmn wh° had sent all of cuts in public sett vice expendi- U.S. Congress member repre- that the payments were held up ture and even as the Govern- £10,000 worth of cattle to the was a day too long. He said sents up to half a million factory and had not received that they should call on Mr. ment Ss attempting to agree a constituents! one penny for them since. "I O'Loughlin to pay ail the out- national budget which many Congratulations For think it is a sad state of af- standing creditors Immediately said Mr. Harrington, and that they should express expect ito bring about their Apart from the "basic" that those in charge of mak- to him the grave dissatisfaction downfall because of the huge salaries, TD's and Senators also ing these oaymients are drag- g eh feet in thls of the Committee of Agriculture deficit it will contain. enjoy a number of added Champion Amateur Jockey / 1 ' manner at the manner In which some "perks." First off one-third of and that they are paying some farmers had been done such a The recommendation calls for Mr. John Quealy, Coolagh, said Cllr. Harty. "that John and not paying others." the gross amount is tax-free Abbeyside, Dungarvan, who has Quealy has won this champion- grave Injustice. a rise of at least 15 per cent Mr. Harrington then proposed while each member is entitled won the Irish Amateur Jockey ship and Dungarvan should be that a letter be sent to Mr Mr. Michael Kiely (IFA) said for TDs, Senators, judges and to a daily "attendance allow- Championship for 1986 for the very proud of him." Tom O'Loughlin. Secretary of that he could not understand firsit time was warmly congratu- Cllr. James A. iWalsh who why all creditors were not paid senior civil servants. This ance"—£31 for country deputies the I.F.A. Creditors Committee would add about £2,500 a year lated by the members of the seconded the proposal said that organised to protect the inter- by this as the procedure was in and £19 for those living within Co. Waterford Committee of the winning of the amateur ests of the clover Meats Credi- full motion last month. to a deputy's present salary ol a 10-mrille radius. In addition Agriculture at their monthly jockey championship by John tors, demanding that all the Senator M. Queally said that more than £16,500; the faoi- meeting in Dungarvan last Quealy was certainly a great creditors be paid without fur- the 50.9p in the £ agreed so many of the siltting members Monday. achievement and lit was only ther delay. long ago wias only worth 35p I seach on £38,000 would get also duuvw pensions in respect anotjher £5,000 and the Opposi- Proposing the vote of con- right that a letter of congratu- At the December monthly now. He added that the farmers I of previous Ministerial terms gratulations to the champion lations should be sent to him meeting of the Committee, a concerned were certainly not' tion Leader on roughly £34,000 white they also have the most jockey. Cllr. Jim Harty, Chair- from the Committee to mark letter from Mr. O'Loughlin satisfied with the outcome. would get about the same. man said that John Quealy was the occasion. stated thiat payments of 50.9p. "The Committee in charge of generous travelling allowances not attached to any particular The proposal was passed un- in the £ were being paid to all this matter did a disservice to We undeistand that the re- not to mention the free postage stable and winning the amateur animously. creditors and the CAO. Mr J the customers of Clover Meats commendation has already on mountains of free stationery jockey championship was a John Quealy Is son of Mr. Kingston stated at the same by accepting the 50p in the £ settlement," he said. been agreed by the Coalition ais well as free telephones in the tremendous achievement for and Mrs. Sean Quealy, Coolagh, meeting that he had been as- and main Opposition parties him. "This is the first, time," Abbeyside. sured that by the following The Committee unanimously Houses of the Oireachtas, all agreed to take the matter of the and that it will receive the courtesy of the taxpayers. outstanding payments due up approval of the Oireachtas with Mr. O'Loughlin as a mat- Three young prizewinners in a draw held at Perks Amuse- without any discussion as soon White the "actual" salaries of ter of urgency at a meeting to ments Funderland in Dungarvan Sports Centre pictured with be held as soon as it can be ar- Mr. Russell Perks. They are twins Ann-Marie amd Patricia as the 'Dail and Seanad resume Dail deputies rank near the ranged. after the Christmas holidays. In bottom of the list of the 12 Walsh, 68 Childers Estate, Dungarvan and (centre) Stephen other words it lis going to countries in the European Future Looks Good For Fraher, 26 Comeragh Crescent, Dungarvan. (.Rory Wyley) sneak through without any Community, the in-built incen- rumpus. No heed to state the tives and perks cany them reason why! almost to the top of the table. REMAINS FLOWN The 9et up nhist, once more, If electoral reforms to include Youthful Athletes the reduction in the number of Hocus attention on the urgent J HOME FOB BURIAL BUHCUMDY need for the reform of our Dail deputies by ome third to The remains of Mr. Eugene electoral system which at pre- roughly 100 and the abolition (Gene) Sheehan who died last week in Boston were flown BOUTIQUE sent sees ug with far too many of the Seanad were introduced then no one would quibble at home for burial and arrived at Dail representatives. A move Shannon Airport last Monday LISMORE towards th6s end has been paying them higher salaries but morning. They were then con- initiated by the present govern- as things stand at present it is veyed by read to Lismore where nothing short of disgraceful Requiem Mass was celebrated ment and during the past week in St. Carthage's Church at 11 Fantastic Winter a leading Fianna Fail T.D. has that they should vote them- a.m. suggested thiait the number of selves the increases now pro- Mr. Sheehan. who was aged Dail deputies should be reduced posed by the Review Body. 82 was a well-known figure in SALE the Cathedral town which he by one-third and he even went ALMOST A CENTURY visited regularly. A veteran of STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 further by saying that there AGO thP War of Independence and should be a limit to the amount th' Civil War he was a mem- of (time a, T.D.
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