QUQUQUEENSQUQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS o. Volume 64,65, NNo.1 5484 MONDAYFRIDAY,, JANUARY JUNE 28, 20197, 2019 50¢50¢ LILIGOP’sWoodside Lawyers Lawyers DA nomineeCharged Charged Man UEENS WithWithwouldCharged Defrauding Defrauding step With aside Q ClientsClientsfor Gregory for for Millions Millions Lasak FatalByBy Jonathan Jonathan Punch Sperling Sperling By David Brand QueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle They wereQueens hired to Daily practice Eagle the law — not TheyThe were Republican hired to practicenominee the forlaw Queens— not breakbreakFaces it. it. Court On ODAY DistrictNow two Attorney recently is disbarred willing lawyersto step fromaside a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T formerto allow Long former Island lawJudge firm Gregory are facing Lasak multiple to — JANUARYJUNE 28, 7,20192019 — — formerVictim’sgrandrun onLonglarceny the Island GOP charges lawline andfirm Birthdayin the aare scheme November facing to multiple defraud gen- granderal larceny election, charges he told and the a scheme Eagle. to defraud charge for allegedlyBy David pilfering Brand more than $7 million A PORT AUTHO«««RITY POLICE OFFI- chargefrom“Judge thefor allegedlysettlements Lasak pilfering is of a dozens neighbor more of than clients, of $7mine million Queens and ««« Queens Daily Eagle cer with 17PARENTSINDISTRICT30ARE years of experience on the force fromDistrictI think the Attorneysettlements he’d be Richard a of good dozens A. candidate,” Brown of clients, announced Queenssaid at on- was chargedFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUESPARENTSINDISTRICT30AREFLUSHING with conducting FIREHOUSE an intricate DistrictThursday.torneyFamily Attorney Daniel Brown and friendsRichard Kogan,was appointed of A.John Brownwho “Danny” lives toannounced the near case McGee Laonas -a schemeNumerousCLOSESFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUES where problemsFOR he SCABIESdiverted with school INFESTATIONtens ofbus thousands drivers have Thursday.filledspecialsak ain prosecutorrow RichmondBrown inside was bya Hill,theappointedcrowded Office and Queensofranto Nassauthe unopposed case criminal County as a parentsof dollarsFirefightersNumerous and worthschool problems fromchildrenof impound with Enginelookingschool fees bus for 320driversfrom answers on hishave Francisin specialcourtroomDistrictfor the prosecutor Attorney Republican Friday by morningMadeline the nomination.Office as Singas of the Nassau man in County chargedorder to LewisLongparentsemployer Island Boulevardand to schoolCity. his ownThe nearchildren incidentspersonal 37th lookingAvenue were bank for so inaccounts. answersbad Flushing for thein Districtinavoid relationKogan any Attorney toconflict said McGee's Madeline heof interest. deathwould Singas appeared agree in to inorder courta New to on wereresidentsLongThe officerIsland not of allowed DistrictCity. allegedly The 30 insideincidents and collected PS their were384Q, firehousetheso they badrequired heldfor the an on avoidwhatYorkThe any would state conflictdefendants have political beenof interest. — he maneuver victim's60-year-olds 22nd known birthdayMitchell as. Wilson Pakula, which enables a party to Thursdayemergencyresidentsmoney oforders after Districtmeeting onefrom 30 of with and theirdrivers PSthe fellow384Q, Departmentretrieving they firefighters held aanof LenchnerTheSteven defendants and O’Brien, Corey —Kaye, a 60-year-olds Woodside both of Long resident, Mitchell Island is— wereassign served a candidate with criminal to an complaints entirely differentstemming wasEducation,emergencyvehicle infected and accordingmeeting stole with $70,000 scabies, withto ABC7 theworth the . DepartmentInPost ofaddition reportedmoney ofto Lenchnercharged and with Corey third-degree Kaye, both assault of Long for Island allegedly — Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory fromposition allegations in order that tothey open defrauded the general 29 clients elec be-- onskippingEducation,orders Friday insteadstops,. Cleanersaccording leaving of were kidsfollowingto ABC7 atat theschool. locationInthe andaddition correctdropping where to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory werethrowing served the with punch criminal that complaints killed McGee stemming during off kids at the wrong stops, parents tell stories of a 5- fromantweention altercation allegations ballotJanuary to outsidethat2010 another they and a defrauded SunnysideMayperson 2018 29who at barclients theis around notsince- be- a moreskippingprocedure. than stops, 100 leaving firefighters kids at school are assigned. and dropping year-old giving his bus driver directions, multiple Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tween3:45shutteredparty a.m.January member. onlaw Nov.2010 firm22, and of according MayKaye 2018 & to atLenchner. the the criminal since- If off kids at the wrong stops, parents tell stories of a 5- “That’s quite likely. I’d really consider driversyear-old heading giving histhe bus wrong driver direction directions, on one-waymultiple LasakFrom left, Administrative Honored Judge of the Supreme at RetirementCourt, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; Breakfast NYS Supreme Court shutteredcomplaint.convicted, law they McGee firm face fell ofa minimumKaye and hit & his ofLenchner. one head year on thetoIf a maximumit,” Kogan of 25said, years adding in prison. that his own can- streetsdriversTHE E N andheadingW one Y O drivertheRK wrong MrefusingETS direction HtoA helpVE on COkids one-wayMM- buckle FromJustice left, Gregory Administrative Lasak; Presiding Judge of Justice, the Supreme NY Supreme Court, Court, Civil Division, Appellate Jeremy Division, Weinstein; Randall NYS Eng; Supreme Queens County Court convicted,ground. He they was face pronounced a minimum dead of one at year Elmhurst to a seatstreetsissionedVIOLENT belts. and “Thisa onestatue ST. driveris ALBANS a crisisof refusinglegendary for SENIOR any to parent help pitcher HOUSING kidswhose buckleTom child JusticeSurrogateThe GOPGregory Court nominee Lasak; Judge Presiding Peter for Kelly.Queens Justice, See NYmore DA, Supreme coveragesaid heCourt, on would pages Appellate 15step and Division, 16.aside Randall to enable Eng;Eagle Queens Greg photo by CountyLasak Andy Katz maximumHospital. of 25 years in prison.Continued on page 7 is affected, and the city of New York and the mayor Continued on page 9 seatSeaver belts.PIMP to “This beCONVICTED built is a crisisin front INfor QUEENSanyof Citi parent Field, COURT whose to childgo (pictured) to run on the Republican line. Eagle file photo by Paul Frangipane “Today would have beenContinued his 22nd on birthday,” page 7 and the DOE need to be handling this as if it’s a SurrogateWoodside Court resident Judge Peter Steven Kelly. See O’Brien more coverage (right) on is pages charged 15 and with 16. third-degreeEagle photoassault by Andy forKatz isalong affected,A Queens with and the judge the new city isstreet expectedof New renaming York to sentenceand (See the mayorB1).a St. said McGee’s uncle Tim Murphy, 51. “We’re crisis,” said City Councilmember Jimmy Van allegedly throwing the punch that killed John McGee in Sunnyside on Nov. 22. AlbansandThe theball DOE predator club, need which to to up announcedbe to handling eight years thethis statue as in if prison it’s on a forBramer. admitting Parents that said he that took at their advantage emergency of ameetingdrug- Pool photo by Dennis Clark Empty CourthouseContinued on page 7 Thursdaycrisis,”Twitter, said statednight, City itthat wasCouncilmember additional established details that Jimmy any on school theVan addictedwithBramer.statue persistent will Parents senior come issues said citizenat that awould later at andtheir date.get pimpedemergency a new busa teenage meetingservice. Empty Courthouse girl,TheThursday current prosecutors night, service, it was said. Grandpa’sestablished Joseph Gilbert Busthat anyCompany, pleaded school Mets officially play at 41 SeaverFull of History Way guiltyreleasedwith persistent before a statement issues Queens apologizing would Supreme get for a new the Court incidents bus Justiceservice. and By Clarissa Sosin PeterassuringTheTHD Ecurrent VAallone thatM service,INthere Jr.IonST is ThursdayRA Grandpa’sa zero-toleranceTION for FBusO attemptingR Company,policyCHIL- for to Full Queensof History Daily Eagle sexlawbreakingreleaseddren’s traffick aServices statement aand16-year-old leavingwill apologizing cutchildren girlthe for from theinribbon incidentsdanger. December on They anda Jim Henderson: Wikipedia PhotogInside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse and in Long 2016alsoassuringnewly-renovated set to Marchthatup telephonethere 2017. isnursery aRead hotlineszero-tolerance moreat forthe on any page policyQueens parents 2. for Island City a janitorQueens cleaned Daily the Eagle second floor bathroom, experiencinglawbreakingChild Protection andissues: leaving Office718-475-7585, children on Archerin 718-475-7586, danger. Avenue They a loneInside security the Queens guard watchedCounty theCourthouse front door in while Long his andalsoin Jamaica 718-475-7587.set up today.telephone The hotlines state-of-the-art, for any parents kid- Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat experiencingfriendly nurseryQUEENS issues: will MURDER 718-475-7585,««« offer a moreSUSPECT 718-475-7586,comfortable The Unsung Hero of Communitya chattinglone security with guardvisitors watched on theNews the empty front doorbenches while of his his environment for children who may have colleaguescourtroom. took their lunch breaks and a judge sat and BUSTED718-475-7587.QUEENSTURNSRURALTHISWEEKEND
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