Reparation campaign underway Ford supports WOSESLAKE. Wn.-The Na­ the Northern Caillornla-West­ ,cpal'atlons OCCU'Ted at the ethnic studies Uonal JACL Reparations Cam­ ern Nevada Dlstrlot CouncU. 1974 convenllon In Portland. Bowever, district counclla IUld PACIFr pallID committee will convene whlcb caUed lor; ITIZE a) Individual Indemnlllca­ chapters stepped up Inlerest WASIUNGTON - Soon o!te. """' this "cekend (May 1-2), President Ford mode It clCOl It WII.5 announced by PNWDC Uon to all evacuees, lntemef!s. with surveys and panel dis­ Go". Ed Yamamoto, recenUy voluntary evacu~, their es­ cussions In the Intervening that he was commllled to biennium molnwlnlng Ihe ethnle hed·· appointed clW.rman of the tate or heln; tage o( this counlry tbe WWl<: IP1'UP to hammer out JACL's b) Paymenl ~ nontaxable Public Education and Include lnterest; and House announced April 19 Ita clellnIUvt" stand on the Issue. support 01 nn omendment to VOL. 82 NO. 17 FRfDAY, APRIL 30, 1976 SUbwrlptKln RJlt. p'" Y ..r ~"'*"'ta tI ves from the e) A sum of $400 mllllon, Generally speaking, propon­ U.8. f1 ".,.r,1I III • 15 CENTS Padlle Soulhwest. Nor-them which the Federal Reserve ents within JACL felt the the 1911 flscal year budge I for caJJ ami" - Western Nevada, Bank of San FrancllCO estl­ campaign was deal.rable (or II the ethniC hodtoge program Itl Eastern and Paclllc Northwest maled was the value of prop­ would reteU the Evacuation the omount of $1.8 m1Illon, cI.lstrIet c:ounclls are expected erty 10&5<.'$ sustained by Japa­ story to a new generaUon of the e u I' I' C n t opproprlatlon to ~ pre!lent (More conllrm­ nese Americans al the time Americans born since World level. atlons were expected from of EvacuaUon. for community War II-a nallona' tragedy Support came aCter Mr. otbu dist.riets as thl went to projects. hardiy reeorded In s c h 0 0 I Ford hod an opportunity to be briefed on the success ot Publisher for JARP series named p,~ textbooks. Monday.) Per DIe.m Provision Atte<ldlnl wIll ~ Paul Tsu­ The JACL Polltlcal Educa- the previously funded proj­ neW1l (PSW). Henry Mlya· AI the )912 convenUon In tlon Committee In May, 1915, ects by Paul O'Neill, deputy ec dlreclo,' oC the Office of Man- LOS ANGELES - Publisher's Angeles (UCLA). The flnt dV81s In 1869 unlll the pre.­ according to Rl<hard Rr"" tak (PNW). Mike Honda Washington. 0 C .. after dele- r -mmended a separate leg­ Inc. o( Dol Mar, Cam. wos book In the sorles. "The Bam­ ent day. Although annotated pre.Jdent 01 the IIrm ,NC-WNl and Kaz OtWki gales heard Josepb L. Rauh tshUve arm to support a bill 3gemenl and Budget. O'Neill hod met earlier with named the publisher of the beo Pe, pie" by Frank F Chu­ by hundred. 01 le\llli decisiOns "We nnd thla proJ~et Ire­ \£DC altemate lor Mike Ma­ Jr., of the Leadership Confer- wWcb would provide lump deflnlUve Japanese American man, w\lJ be off Ihe press on and ret.rence., the book I. an mend' u.ly ""clllng," Rbo ..ald. enee on Civil Rights call for sum amounts for reparation to the Ethnic Herltage Studlcs hlstcry pro e c t sponsored I~ . $llotal). (Title IX) AdviSOry CouncU. J Moy excIting and readable hl.tory '''n 11 an area of &rut hu­ undolnll lhe Korematsu Case be plnced In trust, though J 0 I n t I y by the Japanese The COl thcomlng volume I. ot whal haa been called "Ihe man Inlen'St and an alm.o.t bUG... le whlch validated the Evacua- there was no agreement of The meeting, arronged by Amedcan CIUtens League ond o legal hlatory of Japanese Dr. Myron Kurp ••, ' peela' ns­ r;;~:rl::~,pected minority In unparalleled ,vJry of achieve­ Previous nat Ion to I JACL tlon as a proper exerclse of technical details In Its dlspen­ the Unlv. of California, Los Americans from the nut ar- ment At one tIme Japanese conventions discussed the sub- Presidential powen during satlon. Some urged payment slslont 10 the President tor Ethnic Affairs, and William J . "The Bamboo People" deal. wcre p,ohlblted I>y law IrGm jed of e""eu_ reparations wartime, a Mldwesl Distrlct to the elderly issei firat, oth­ with aU 01 the trials ane! trl­ even enterln, thl. country and pastoed resolutions ur&ing Counell resolution Introduced ers preferred (undlng special Boroody, Jr., ossiliant to the ~arano President, was held In the Colonial Costume Ball bulatlonl of Japanese Amer­ because 01 a,ule radal prej­ JACL _k some form of re- by Rou 01 Chicago programs o( benefit to the Icans, Includlne their conftne­ ullice. Those who Were here, dn:ss for Japanese Americans was adopted that amended the evacuees and their helra. such Rotsevelt Room of the Whltc House. ment In eoncentration camps even though mall]' were ClU­ wbo were deprived of their 1910 Convention resolution to as community cenl<:r5, schol­ during World War II solely un.. were not allowed to d<> cl ell rllhts during World War the eneet that: or.;hlps and Nikkel service because of their ancestry many thin". They were foru­ 11. Evaenation claim payments a) Per diem requlltal equal groups. Frank Chuman, the aulhor, fully evIcted Irom the weal ...Wch were paid 20 yeara alo to the current sum paid to To determlne what kind oC S.F. walkout·boyco" cout and Imprisoned althw0- "",rely covered prope~. los- American prisoners of war bllJ JACL should support, the II a prominent attorney and put national president of the Ihey were never aecuied 01 =. noted Yamamoto. Award. ($5) go to evacuees for time political education committee called oH, no layoH J apanese American ClUura any crimes and not Gne of ""ere estimated at 10 of In camp. conducted a survey by chap- ten" League (JACL). In addltio" them even committed an act actu.l value. b) That total reparations ten but the resul" (ell ahorl. SAN FRANCISCO-The stu- Churr.~n 01 labotage allaln.t the United At lhe 1910 convention In not exceed the property 100II Some chap\era were not poli- dent walkrut-teacher boycott to hll law practice, hal aerved on many boarda States. Chicago. deleptes approved estimated by the Federal Re- ed. some refused to respond. called by the Ethnic MJnorlty '''For a long time Japan_ the coneept of sceking repar- serve Bank of San Franclsco Those wWch did Covored some Community Cool1t\on for Ap~. and commisllon. and haa been frequenUy honored tor h(' were forbidden to become ations. The resolution was in- (S400 m1I11on). form 01 reparation. 20 was caUed off as the Board civic achievements. He hu clttzen., .to own land, or even troc!u.ced by Edison Uno for No, cffidal action re!larding Chapter Surveys p( Education rescinded Its plan to layoff hundreds of teach­ been engaeed In the prepara. to Ie ... Or rent 11. Mr. Chu­ BUI Dol, Midwest distrIct ers. tlon 01 "The Bamboo People" man'. book read. like a pow­ member on the commIttee, Japanese language classes lor the paat &even yean. erful and exclUng novel. We FROM JACL NAT'ONAL HlADQUARTrRS are cerlaln that the bock will consolidated his II n din g s, are now expected to be con­ JACL-UCLA Project COMMUNICATIONS whleb showed: tlnued at Giannini, Presidio be a major 5Uc:eeu, pal tleu­ The JACL-UCLA Japanese larly .lnce 11 covers a .ubleet I) 80% for, 15% against, and Roosevelt junIor high never befeae dealt with In 5% undeclded. schools as well 09 the J apa- American HIstory Projeet waa 2) Payment on Individual nese bUlngual-blcuitural edu­ lIul lratltuted thirteen yean SUM a manner." basis, 42%; trust lund, 16%; cation program. ago. MaSSive research waa re­ Publilher'., Inc. wu se\eet.­ JACL·Japan Flights both alternatives. 42%. quired belore the project wu ed by the JACL national pub­ dl~ided Into faur major areu II cat I on I committee. The SbIgeki Sugiyama, JACL aeUng legal counsel Frank 3) Most. preferred those ac- tually evacuated and Interned and each assigned a work to chairman II SWg Waitamat.u naUonal president, in consul­ Iwarna: be produced. These lnclude an of Cbicago, a' research chem­ tation with Steven J. Dol, na­ ''Please be advised that Na­ be "the most. eligible" to re­ ceive reparations, while direct Bystander slain overall general hlltory, a leaaJ Ist. Other member. Include tional JACL travel commlt­ tional JAOL makes this de­ hlalory, an agricultural his­ publ'clat, Mike Masaoita of tee chairpel'llOn, made the fol­ mand on you and West Los helra ranked at the bottom among the six categories list­ tory, and a &<le/ologieal hla­ Waahinaton, D.C., .the lIut lowtnl announcement Apr. 22: Angeles Chapter to cease and tory, each to be written by man to volunteer for the desist In continued unauthor­ ed, such as children born in "'I'Iili is 10 advise all J ACL camp, those who voluntarily in police shootoul a WglUy rated authority In Army'. famed 442 aeeimftl­ mem~n who have planned Ized use of the JACL name the specific lIeld. The Chu­ tal Combat Team In World to participate In the Japan for the cbarter /lIght. You man volume i. the flnt to be War II, and Bill BOIOitawa. bave lIagrantly continued to CaDtbloecJ OD Pqe S SEASIDE, Calif. _ A pizza travel program ~Ing Sl>OD.S9I'­ house clerk. Thomas G. SaUd, completed; the othera are In aucdate edJtor of the Den­ ed by the West Los Angeles use the JACL name without p~eparatlon.
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