Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Irene Capozzi Via A. Veneziano n.29 90138 Palermo (Italy) (+39) 3490628500 [email protected] WORK EXPERIENCE 01/11/2014–Present Youth Department Manager CEIPES -• International Centre for Promotion of Education and Development, Palermo (Italia) ▪ Design and Management of Youth Projects (European Voluntary Service, Vocational Education and Training, Training Courses, Youth Exchanges, Ka2 projects, etc...), incoming and outgoing, under Erasmus Plus and Council of Europe funds. ▪ In charge of EVS projects: writing of projects, tutor of incoming and outgoing volunteers, in charge of pre-•departure, mid-•term and final evaluation. ▪ Non-•formal education Trainer; coordinator of Dare to change and YOU.CO.DE. Ka1 Training Course/Seminar;; researcher for Youth Impact, Ka2 Youth project ▪ Design and management of local interns and volunteers and local activities on human rights education 05/05/2013–05/05/2015 Member of Pool of Trainers (PoT) Italian National Youth Forum (FNG), Rome (Italy) ▪ designing, facilitating and running workshops within FNG events at national and international level;; designing of training courses to implement FNG guidelines and objectives. ▪ Trainer/Facilitator for the following events: ▫ Structured Dialogue at National Assembly, FNG, Salerno 7-•8-•9 June 2013,Tivoli (RM) 14-•15 Dec 2013 ▫ Structured Dialogue with young people during Italian Presidency at European Union, March -• May 2014 ▫ Southern European Summer University – Alghero 28 July-•3 August 2013, 29 July – 2 August 2014 ▫ Youth.org: actors for change! 3rd Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship, Hammamet (Tunisia), 1 – 8 June 2015 11/2012–Present Project designer/Trainer Coordinating Body of Youth Forums of Avellino, Avellino (Italy) 26/2/15 © European Union, 2002-•2015 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1 / 5 ▪ Designer and trainer for the project: “Non-•formal education for Youth Forums” (subjects: participation and active citizenship, leadership, nonviolent communication, etc...), Dec 2012 – Mar 2013 ▪ Coordinator of the youth exchange “The folk traditions at the time of economic crisis”(Grottolella,17-•25/11/13),funded by Campania Region. ▪ Designer and facilitator for the project “Gender education to prevent violence”, (meetings with teenagers target groups in the Province of Avellino) (Jan-• Mar2014);; GIOSEF Italy: ▪ Trainer for “Treed Life. The third sector and the youth work” and “Smiling Europe” KA1 Partnership Building Activity, Enna (Italy) ▪ Trainer for the project FOCUS ON, (12/2013-•02/2014), Giosef Italy, funded by Youth in Action 5.1. 11/2012–Present Junior Trainer/ work camp leader Y.A.P. Youth in Action for Peace., Rome (Italy) Organizing and coordinating the international work camps “Light on Eliseo” on common goods (17-•31 Aug 2013), Avellino and "Archeoaione" (23 aug -• 6 sep 2014) in Torrioni (AV) on environment issues and ethical consumerism. Trainer for “ Training for Work Camp Leaders”. 03/06/2014–30/10/2014 National Civil Service Volunteer Municipality of Torrioni (AV), Torrioni (AV) (Italy) Raising awareness campaigns and educational activities on environmental issues. Writing of the approved Youth Exchange “Respect, then defend it” 12 – 20 July (KA1 Erasmus Plus). 12/2012–05/2014 Project Officer NGO Guardavanti: per il futuro dei bambini, Villanterio (PV) (Italy) Designing of projects in developing countries, designing and managing couching programme for interns and volunteering, fund-•raising. 2012–2013 Group leader of students during study holidays. Management of a group of students, entertainment activities, communication with local staff 01/03/2012–01/09/2012 EVS – European Voluntary Service Volunteer W.H.Y. Bolivia, La Paz (Bolivia) Trainer for the “Leadership and Public Speaking”, Youth Empowerment Programme at the Rural University of Carmen Pampa;; trainer in non-•formal education workshops;; designing and management of a series of thematic seminars;; organizing of extracurricular activities;; teaching English and Italian 26/2/15 © European Union, 2002-•2015 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 5 Curriculum vitae language to groups of students;; in charge of communication through social networks. 06/01/2011–10/04/2011 Leonardo da Vinci Intern Dr. Madrazo Fundation for the International Cooperation, Seville (Spain) Supporting: communication and social network management;; fund-•raising;; project designing and management;; management of a training course. 01/04/2010–28/11/2010 Amicus (European Project of Civic Service Abroad) Volunteer Catalunya Voluntaria Fundation, Barcelona (Spain) Supporting “Voices for Peace” project in the areas of: internal and external communication, local implementation, events and trainings design and organizing, network with other organizations. Co-•coordinator of the “Peace Bag” project in the following tasks: publication of a manual, project designing, management of local volunteers, entertainment activities with children. Research on voluntary work in Spain and Catalonia commissioned by European Union. 02/2009–09/2009 Part -• time assistant "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Rome (Italy) desk office for Erasmus information;; back office for Secretary office EDUCATION AND TRAINING 21/12/2006–15/01/2010 Master's Degree in International Cooperation and Development (category 88/S) "La Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome (Italy) ▪ Field research abroad for final thesis: research on the Amicus Onlus case study with direct interviews to beneficiaries and staff members;; gathering of gender policies in Ministries, Departments and Agencies in Accra, Ghana. Thesis in“Gender policies and microfinance in Ghana. Case study on Baobab Microcredit project of Amicus Onlus in Accra”, winner of the “Paola Bianchi Prize for Degree Thesis”, by Municipality of Rome. ▪ Erasmus at the University of Tampere, Finland [07 January 2008-•28 May 2008] Final mark 110 cum laude/110. 09/2006–12/2010 Bachelor’s Degree in "Communication Studies" University of Naples “Suor Orsola Benincasa”, Naples (Italy) Thesis in “A forgotten crisis: the Darfur conflict.” Final grades 108/110. PERSONAL SKILLS 26/2/15 © European Union, 2002-•2015 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 3 / 5 Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Spoken Spoken Listening Reading interaction production English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Spanish C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Levels: A1/A2: Basic user -• B1/B2: Independent user -• C1/C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Organisational / managerial ▪ Leadership and team-•leading: currently tutor of a group of volunteers/interns, skills managing groups of people in training courses and study visits. ▪ Excellent organisational skills gained during different experience abroad and managing of projects. Computer skills European Computer Driving License. Excellent use of social network and blogging,movie making, photo editing, knowledge of: Freemind, Gantt Project, video-•conference and file sharing softwares. Driving licence B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Volunteering ▪ [2007] Volunteering at Caritas Canteen in Rome. ▪ [2008] Activist in Amnesty International in Rome (Group1). ▪ [2009] Volunteer for Italy – Ghana Institute, at Ghanaian Embassy in Italy. ▪ [Feb2013] Activist for the Commitee for Ex-•Eliseo, fighting for the recognition of common goods. Participation in Training ▪ European Youth Work Convention, Bruxelles , [27 – 30 April 2015] Courses/ Youth work ▪ TC "Emotion for EVS mentors", Euroaccion, Murcia [9 -• 17 Feb 2015] events ▪ "Italian Youth: a guarantee for Europe", National Italian Agency for Youth, [5-•6 Nov 2014] ▪ "Annual EVS Event", National Italian Agency for Youth, [12-•13 Nov 2014] ▪ "Youth Pact: missing links for a structured dialogue towards 2020", organized by AiM, Rome, [14 -• 17 May 2014] ▪ Social Web Marketing, CSV Voluntary Services Center of Avellino [Oct 2013] ▪ Training for trainers “Domino Effect”,Alliance Network,Paris [5–13 May 2013] ▪ Study session “Changing youth projects from multinational to intercultural” of the Alliance network, Budapest [17 – 23 March 2013,] 26/2/15 © European Union, 2002-•2015 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 4 / 5 Curriculum vitae ▪ “European Citizens For Local Action-• Promoting active citizenship and European Identity through volunteering on local level”funded by “Europe for Citizens” Programme, organized by Elix, Athens [Feb -• Sep 2013] ▪ FQTS-• Formazione Quadri del Terzo Settore,funded by Fondazione con il Sud [Feb-•Dec 2013] ▪ “Fundraising: Tecniques and Principles” at the CSV-• Voluntary Services Center of Avellino, Italy [26 October – 27 November 2012] ▪ “Training the trainer”,as a group leader of young people coming from Bolivia, in Salta (Argentina). [15 – 19 July2012] ▪ “Facilitating the dialogue and conflict transformation”with ISEE(Internationl School of Experientia Education) Certification, La Paz (Bolivia) [16-•17 June 2012] ▪ “Training Course for Coordinators of International Projects and Work Caamps”, organized by Lunaria and YAP Italy [06 – 08 May2011] ▪ “VII Training Course for Charity Workers 2011”, organized by the NGO Fundación Madrazo, Seville [January – April 2011] ▪ “All rise for human rights. TC on Human Rights”, organized by Volunteers Bulgaria [31 July – 8 August2010] ▪ “Designing social projects I” and “People Raising” at CESV-•Voluntary Services Center for Lazio [6October2009-•18December2009] References available upon request. I authorize treatment of my personal data, including sensible data, according to D. L. n. 196/2003. 26/2/15 © European Union, 2002-•2015 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 5 / 5 .
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