Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Daily You Tube Class Monday To Saturday 10AM to 11 AM Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga FOR ANY DOUBT AND DOUBT SESSION JOIN MY OFFICIAL TELEGRAM CHANNEL @rajeevmishraga USE MY CODE E02193 AND GET MAXIMUM DISCOUNT 10% ON ALL PRODUCT https://mahendras.org Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga FOR ANY DOUBT AND SOLUTION JOIN MY OFFICIAL TELEGRAM CHANNEL @RAJEEVMISHRAGA USE MY CODE E02193 AND GET MAXIMUM DISCOUNT 10% ON ALL PRODUCT https://mahendras.org Daily You Tube Class Monday To Saturday 10AM to 11 AM Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Daily You Tube Class Monday To Saturday 10AM to 11 AM Join My Telegram Channel for1. 11Regular July: -UpdateWorld @rajeevmishraga population Day 2.14 Nov:-Children's day, HomeDiabetes Day Answer 3.12 Aug:-International Youth Day 4.29 Aug:-National Sports day 5.15 Sept:-Engineers Day 6.16 Sept:-World Ozone Day Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Static of the Day Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga NAME OF THE No CITY STATE STADIUM STADIUMSCRICKET IN INDIA 1 Eden Gardens Kolkata West Bengal 2 Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Kochi Kerala 3 Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Cricket Stadium Guwahati Assam 4 Sardar Patel Stadium Ahmedabad Gujarat 5 Barkatullah University Stadium Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh 6 Raipur Chhattisgarh International Cricket Stadium Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga 7 Barabati Stadium Cuttack Odisha Vidarbha Cricket Association 8 Nagpur Maharashtra Stadium 9 Arun Jaitely Stadium Delhi Delhi 10 Green Park Stadium Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 11 KIIT Stadium Bhubaneswar Odisha 12 M Chinnaswamy Stadium Bangalore Karnataka 13 Captain Roop Singh Stadium Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 14 JSCA International Cricket Stadium Ranchi Jharkhand 15 M A Chidambaram Stadium Chennai Tamil Nadu 16 CB Patel International Cricket Stadium Surat Gujarat Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Daily Banking MCQ Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-What is the minimum Capital Adequacy ratio to be maintained by small finance banks in India? भारत में छोटे वित्त बℂकों द्वारा बनाए जाने के विए न्यूनतम पूंूजी पयााप्तता अनुपात क्या है? 1.10% 2.12% 3.15% 4.20% 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Insurance regulator IRDAI formed a working group to revisit norms on trade credit insurance. Where is the headquarters of IRDAI situated? बीमा वनयामक IRDAI ने व्यापार ऋण बीमा पर मानदडूं ों को विर से बनाने के विए एक काया समूह का गठन वकया। IRDAI का मुख्यािय कहााँ वथित है? 1.Pune 2.Mumbai 3.Delhi 4.Hyderabad 5.None of these Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Which among the following deposits allows the depositor to withdraw funds from the account without notice? वन륍नविवित जमाओूं में से कौन जमाकताा को वबना सूचना के िाते से धन वनकािने की अनुमवत देता है? 1.Time deposit 2.Term deposit 3.Fixed deposit 4.Demand deposit 5.None of these Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-The type of fund that invest exclusively in government securities is known as ? सरकारी प्रवतभूवतयों में विशेष 셂प से वनिेश करने िािे िूं ड के प्रकार के 셂प में जाना जाता है? 1.Government Fund 2.Gilt Fund 3.Contengency Fund 4.Liquid Fund 5.None of these Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Which Credit Rating Agency is the largest in the World?विश्व में कौन सी क्रेवडट रेवटूंग एजेंसी सबसे बडी है? 1.Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s 2.Fitch Ratings 3.CRISIL 4.ICRA 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-When was Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation established under RBI? RBI के अधीन वडपॉवजट इश्ूं योरेंस एडूं क्रेवडट गारूंटी कॉपोरेशन कब थिावपत वकया गया िा? 1.1978 2.1981 3.1979 4.1975 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Who pays for the Credit Ratings in India?भारत में क्रेवडट रेवटूंग के विए कौन भुगतान करता है? 1.RBI 2.Government of India 3.Issuer 4.SEBI 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Which of the following is the largest Credit Rating Agency in India?वन륍नविवित में से कौन भारत की सबसे बडी क्रेवडट रेवटूंग एजेंसी है? 1.CRISIL 2.ICRA 3.CARE 4.SMERA 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga 1. CRISIL is the largest credit rating agency in India, with a market share of greater than 60%. 2. Founded:-1987 3. CRISIL, was the first credit rating agency in India, introduced in 1988 4. ICICI /UTI /SBI/LIC/United India Insurance Company 5. In April 2005, US based credit rating agency S&P acquired the majority shares (51 percent) of company Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-What is the maximum loan duration for the Personal Loan?/पसानि िोन की अवधकतम ऋण अिवध क्या है? 1.1-5 years 2.2-4 years 3.1-8 years 4.1-10 years 5.None of these Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Daily Current MCQ Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Who has been appointed as the new chairman of the Press Trust of India? प्रेस ट्रथट ऑि इवूं डया के नए अध्यक्ष के 셂प में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है? 1.Rajiv Kumar 2.Manoj Sinha 3.G.S.Murmu 4.Aveek Sarkar 5.None of these Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga 1. RUSSIAN RUBLE/MASCOW Q:-Which oil producing nation has 2. IRANIAN RIAL/TEHRAN reduced its daily oil production beyond the 3. AZERBAIJANI requirement stipulated by OPEC +? वकस तेि उ配पादक राष्ट्ट्र ने +ओपेक द्वारा वनधााररत MANAT/BAKU आिश्यकता से परे अपने दैवनक तेि 配पादनउ को 4. IRAQI DINAR/ BAGHDAD कम कर वदया है? 1.Russia 2.Iran 3.Azerbaijan 4.Iraq 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Which Ministry has released The States and UTs have been advised by the Ministry to conduct guidelines to states regarding welfare of free corona virus (COVID-19) tests migrant workers? for migrant labourers. वकस मूंत्रािय ने प्रिासी श्रवमकों के क쥍याण के बारे में रा煍यों को वदशा-वनदेश जारी वकए हℂ? 1.Ministry of Home Affairs 2.Ministry of Social Justice 3.Ministry of Labor and Employment 4.Ministry of Finance Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Global peace index India rank:-141 Q:-What is India’s rank in the Global Hunger Index:-102 Economic Freedom Index 2020, Global competitiveness index:-68 released recently?हाि ही में जारी आविाक थितूंत्रता सूचकाूंक 2020 में भारत की रℂक क्या है? 1.141 2.102 3.105 4.68 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-The Competition Commission of India (CCI) approved the acquisition of 100% equity shares of Medlife International Private Ltd by API Holdings Private Ltd.Who is current chairman of CCI? भारतीय प्रवतथपधाा आयोग (CCI) ने एपीआई होव쥍डग्ूं स प्राइिेट विवमटेड द्वारा Medlife International Private Ltd के 100% इवक्िटी शेयरों के अवधग्रहण को मूंजूरी दे दी। CCI के ितामान अध्यक्ष कौन हℂ? 1. Ashok Kumar Gupta 2. Prashant Kumar 3. Vibha Padalkar 4. None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-What is the theme of World Maritime Day observed on 24 September? 24 वसतूंबर को विश्व समुद्री वदिस का विषय क्या है? 1.Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Plant 2.Sustainable & Sustainable Plant 3.Shipping for a Sustainable Plant 4.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga 1. Nana Akufo-Addo/Cedi Q:-Alexander Lukashenko, is 2. Muhammadu appointed as President of which of the Buhari/Nigerian naira following country? अिेक्जेंडर िुकाशेंको 3. Hassan Rouhani/ Iranian को वन륍नविवित में से वकस देश के राष्ट्ट्रपवत के Rial 셂प में वनयुक्त वकया जाता है? 1.Ghana 2.Belarus 3.Nigeria 4.Iran Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Recently who appointed as Regional Ambassador for India by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)- Tunza Eco Generation (Green). हाि ही में सूंयुक्त राष्ट्ट्र पयाािरण कायाक्रम (UNEP) द्वारा भारत के विए क्षेत्रीय राजदूत के 셂प में वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया - ट्यून्जा इको जनरेशन (ग्रीन)। 1.Khushi Chindaliya 2.Ayushman Khurana 3.Sachin Tendulkar 4None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga The bank had earlier projected that the Q:-Which institution has estimated that GDP would grow by 0.1 per cent. Now, it is estimated that Asia’s GDP would decline by Asia’s economy will contract for the first 0.7 per cent in 2020 and would increase to time since 1962? वकस सथूं िा ने अनुमान 7.7 per cent in 2021. It also highlighted that the GD in India would contract by 9% this िगाया है वक एवशया की अिाव्यिथिा 1962 के year. बाद पहिी बार अनुबूंध करेगी? 1.World Bank 2.Asian Development Bank 3.BRICS Bank 4nternational Monetary Fund Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-What is the name of the special week organised across the country, to mark the birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi? प्रधान मूंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के जन्मवदन को वचवित करने के विए देश भर में आयोवजत विशेष सप्ताह का नाम क्या है? 1.Seva Saptah 2.Bharat Saptah 3.Atmanirbhar Saptah 4.Swachhata Saptah Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Capital of Israel: Jerusalem Q:-Recently with which country India Currency of Israel: Israeli signed MoU for tech innovations and Shekel startups? हाि ही में वकस देश के साि भारत ने तकनीकी निाचार और थटाटाअप के विए समझौता ज्ञापन पर हथताक्षर वकए? 1.Iran 2.Palestine 3.Japan 4.Israel Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga Q:-Who among the following launched ‘Kritigya’ hackathon? वन륍नविवित में से वकसने 'कृ वतज्ञान' हैकिॉन िॉन्च वकया? 1.Ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare 2.UGC 3.ICAR- National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) 4.NABARD 5.None Join My Telegram Channel for Regular Update @rajeevmishraga 1.
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