REGISTER VOLUME 24 ' 9 3 4 NUMBER 128 Washington, Wednesday, July 1, 1959 DONE at the City of Washington this CONTENTS Title 3— THE PRESIDENT twenty-fifth day of June in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and THE PRESIDENT Proclamation 3301 [seal] fifty-nine, and of the Independ­ ence of the United States of Proclamation Pas® HUDSON-CHAMPLAIN America the one hundred and eighty- Hudson-Champlain celebrations. 5327 CELEBRATIONS third. EXECUTIVE AGENCIES By the President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower of America By the President : Agricultural Marketing Service Rules and regulations: A Proclamation Christian A. Her ter, Milk in certain marketing Secretary of State. WHEREAS the year 1959 marks the areas: [F.R. Doc. 59-5510; Filed, June 29, 1959; Greater Boston and Merri­ three hundred and fiftieth anniversary 1:26 p.m.] of the exploratory voyages of Henry mack Valley, Mass_______ 5329 Hudson and Samuel de Champlain on Southeastern New England_ 5331 the waters which now bear their names; Pears, fresh Bartlett, plums, and and Title 5— ADMINISTRATIVE Elberta peaches grown in WHEREAS these voyages signaled the California: beginning of settlements along the Hud­ PERSONNEL Expenses and rates of assess­ son River and in the region of Lake ment for the 1959-60 sea- Champlain which have contributed much Chapter I— Civil Service Commission son___________ __________ 5330 to the commerce, culture, and traditions PART 25— FEDERAL EMPLOYEES’ Grades and sizes___________ 5331 of our land; and PAY REGULATIONS Agriculture Department WHEREAS the Congress by an act See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ approved August 8, 1958 (72 Stat. 544), Highest Previous Rate ice; Commodity Stabilization established the Hudson-Champlain Cele­ Service. bration Commission “to develop and Effective July 26, 1959, the last sen­ execute suitable plans for the celebra­ tence of paragraph (j) of § 25.102 is Air Force Department tion, in 1959, of the three hundred and amended. As amended, paragraph (j) Rules and regulations: fiftieth anniversary of the exploratory reads as follows: Appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy______ ____ _ 5333 voyages in 1609 of Henry Hudson and § 25.102 Definitions. Samuel de Champlain’’; and by a joint ***** Army Department resolution approved June 25, 1959, has (j) “Highest previous rate” is the See Engineers Corps. authorized and requested the President highest basic salary rate previously Atomic Energy Commissioif to issue a proclamation designating 1959 paid to a Federal civilian employee occu­ Notices: as the year of the Hudson-Champlain pying a position in any branch of the Veterans Administration Hos­ Celebrations and calling upon all citizens Federal Government (executive, legisla­ pital; issuance of construction to join in commemorating the explora­ permit____________________ 5347 tions carried out by these heroic men; tive, or judicial), or in the municipal NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. government of the District of Columbia, Civil Aeronautics Board EISENHOWER, President of the United or in a mixed ownership corporation, Notices: States of America, do hereby designate irrespective of whether or not such posi­ Eastern Air Lines, Inc.; Pitts- 1959 as the year of the Hudson-Cham­ tion is subject to the pay schedules of the burgh-Syracuse services; pre- Classification Act. The highest previous hearing conference_________ 5350 plain Celebrations; and I invite my fel­ rate must be based on a regular tour of low citizens to join in commemorating Civil Service Commission the heroic deeds of these pioneer duty at such rate (1) under an appoint­ explorers. ment not limited to 90 days or less, or Rules and regulations: (2) for a continuous period of 90 days Federal employees pay regula­ I also urge our schools, patriotic and under one or more appointments without tions; highest previous rate.. 5327 historical societies, and civic and re­ a break in service. If such highest previ­ ligious organizations to participate in Commerce Department ous rate was earned in a Classification See also Federal Maritime Board; the commemoration of these historic ex­ Act position, it shall be increased by any plorations, and to afford all of the people National Bureau of Standards. subsequent amendments to the Classifi­ Notices: of the United States an opportunity to cation Act pay schedules. If such high­ Report of appointment and mark this anniversary with appropriate est previous rate was earned in a position statement of financial inter­ ceremonies, celebrations, and festivals. not subject to the Classification Act, this ests; James G. Bonnar-------- 5349 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ rate shall be converted (as of the time Statement of changes in finan­ unto set my hand and caused the Seal of such service) * to the equivalent per cial interests: of the United States of America to be annum rate under the Classification Act; Jones, John Robert_____ ___ 5348 affixed. (Continued on p. 5329) Zahn, Lawrence H__________ 5349 5327 5328 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS—•Continued CONTENTS—Continued Commodity Stabilization Service Pa&e Interstate Commerce Commis- PaSG FEDERAL^REGISTER Rules and regulations: sion Sugar, domestic beet, area, 1959; allotment of quota; cor­ Notices: rection.,__________________ 5329 Motor carriers: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Alternate route deviation no­ and days following official Federal holidays, Defense Department tices _____________ 5352 by the Office of the Federal Register, National See Air Force Department; Engi­ Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Applications_______ 5354 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ neers Corps. Applications for certificate or thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Engineers Corps permit during interim approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Rules and regulations: period— ________________ 5352 amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B)\ under regula­ Bridge regulations; T e n sa w Transfer proceedings___ 5353 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ River, Alabama___________ 5345 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Land Management Bureau the President. Distribution is made only by Farm Credit Administration Notices: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Rules and regulations: Alaska; filing of plat of survey ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Federal land banks; interest and order providing for open­ The F ederal R egister will be furnished by rates on loans made through mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 ing of public lands_________ 5347 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in associations______________ 5329 California; small tract classifi­ advance. The charge for individual copies Federal Aviation Agency cation amendment_________ 5347 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Rules and regulations: the size of the issue. Remit check or money Federal airways, continental National Bureau of Standards order, made payable to the Superintendent control area, control areas, Notices: of Documents, directly to thé Government Refinement of values for the Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. * control z o n e s , reporting The regulatory material appearing herein points, and positive control yard and the pound; back­ is keyed to the Code o p F ederal R egulations, route segments, designations ground________________ ___ 5348 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant thereof----------------------- 5336 Rules and regulations: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Jet routes in continental control Standard samples and reference amended August 5, 1953. The C ode o p F ed­ area, establishment thereof_ 5336 standards; schedule of eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ weights and fees______ _____ 5332 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Standard instrument approach pocket supplements vary. procedures; miscellaneous National Park Service There are no restrictions on the re­ alterations (2 documents)__ 5337, 5341 Rules and regulations: publication of ' material appearing in the Admission, guide, elevator, and F ederal R egister, or the C ode o p F ederal Federal Communications Com­ R egulations. automobile fees; miscellane­ mission ous amendments___________ 5335 Notices: North Shore Broadcasting Co., Public Health Service CFR SUPPLEMENTS Inc., and Suburbanaire, Inc.; Notices: (As of January 1, 1959) hearing, etc_______________ 5350 Pollution of interstate waters of Proposed rule making: the Missouri River, St. Joseph, The following supplement is now Frequency assignment in vicin­ Mo.; hearing______________ 5349 available: ity of Delcambre, La_______ 5346 Securities and Exchange Com­ Title 17 ($0.70) Federal Maritime Board mission Notices: Previously announced: Title 3, 1958 Supp. Member lines of the Far East Notices: ($0.35); Titles 4-5 ($0.50); Title 6 Conference and Ellerman & C70rJ.lJ.A5, D U L. ($1.75); Title 7, Parts 1-50 ($4.00); Parts Bucknall Associated________ 5347 Cordillera Mining Co_____ _ 5351 51-52 ($6.25); Parts 53-209 ($5.50); Greenlite Uranium Corp___ 5351 Parts 210-899 ($2.50); Parts 900-959 Fish and Wildlife Service Old Faithful Uranium, Inc_ 5351 ($1.50); Part 960 to end ($2.25); Title 8 Rules and regulations: Pumpkin Buttes Uranium Co., ($0.35); Title 9 ($4.75); Titles 10-13 Alaska commercial fisheries; Inc--------------------L______ 5352 ($5.50); Title 14, Parts 1-39 ($0.55); extension of razor clam sea- Parts 40-399 ($0.55); Part 400 to end sons___ _______ __________ 5335 ($1.50); Title 15 ($1.00); Title 16 ($1.75); CODIFICATION GUIDE Title 18 ($0.25); Title 19 ($0.75); Title 21 Food and Drug Administration
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