• Mineral rights, clergy • Thing about attracting in* ânstry is that everybody has rights or what have you. It'H to work at it before there’s The Glengarry be oil right as long as area landowners don’t get left. anything to work at. ONE OP CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS VOL. LXVin — No. 12 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, xMARCH 19th, 1959 SINGLE COPY 7o Charlottenburgh After New Industry Threatening Fire Well Controlled Takes On An Industrial Commissiouer The fire brigade and its new On the lookout for new industry, new work and have promised hlm.p truck won wann praise Monday Charlottenbirrgh Township has ac- full co-operation, he declares. evening for effective work in con- quired the services of an industrial “In my opinion, the best location trolling a blaze that threatened one commissioner, Dallas Grant of for industry is not in the city or of the town’s central business South Ijancaster. west of Cornwall. The taxes there blocks. The appointment was made in look like the national debt”, he Fh-e that had spread to the roof late January and the news is now charged. facade of the Lauzon property. Mill ; being released at a time when Mr. “The • township of Charlotten- Square, was controlled* by fast, ' Grant hints he is expecting de- burgh has ISO square miles and efficient work of the brigade, des- i vetopments shortly. “I hope to twelve miles on the St. Lawrence pite almost gale-foine west winds, make an important announcement rivei-. We have main highways that threatened spread of the j in the near future”, he told a News running north, south, east and west flames to the adjoining Lemay Res- reporter this week. as well as two transcontinental taurant buUding and, possibly, to Mr. Grant has his own ideas on railways”, he commented. I business places across Main street. how to attract industry to Cihar- “I am not too happy with the Fire Chief Albert Lauzon is quick tottenbuigh. He does not believe w'ay Hydro is endeavoring to steer to credit the new fire truck’s facili- in spending a lot of money in any new industry between Cornwall jties, but he has a good word, too, search of new industry. He has and Morrisburg, in order to get rid for the work of his fire-fighters bad close association with bankers, of land they were forced to buy in who lost no time getting to the indHstrialists and financiers, and connection with the hydro develop- heart of the blaze “despite an alarm "if American andi European com- ment”, he charged. tlxat indicated this was just another panies decide to change their loca- “After all, Ontario Hydro should chimney fire”. tkms, they will get in touch with not work to the detriment of any It proved otherwise, and many the j)eople I know”. ’Those people part of Ontario in order to unload of the firemen responded without already are aware of Mr. Grant’s this land”, he said. their proper firefighting clothing. WON REGIONAL HONORS — Winner of local Sudbury, where the finals of the Concours will be ■The alai-m T^OS turned in at 5:^ honors in the urban section, for girls, of the Con- held April 1st. A daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Henri p.m. Monday when fire was dls- cours de Fronçais, Nicole Dubois went on to further Dubois, Alexandria, and a pupil at Perpetual Help i covered in the wall of the apart- success in regional competition at Cornwall, ’Thurs- School, Nicole is seen above with Rev. Bmdlien ment occupied by Joseph Lacombe, P.U.C. Notes Some day of last week, when she emerged as top girl In Houde, PIP., Sacred Heart parish; Rev. Sister M. Laurent Crevier Mill Square. Evidently originating the Oomwall - Alexandria regions. Robert Bour- of St Rose-iEveline, CS.C., her teacher, and Alex- Improvement In Water in faulty wiring, the flames had geoys of the Cornwall inspectorate, won the boys’ andre Deschamps, inspector of bilingual schools President Of worked their way into the roof competition for urban schools. Each winner re- here. ’The water supply was discussed i Has Had Varied facade when firemen reached the at last night’s regular meeting of ' ceived a $50 purse to defray travel expenses to —Photo by Dextras Industrial Experience scene and the high west wind ap- Bilingual Trustees the PUIO, when Mayor Simon, parently doomed the entire block. chairman of the Oommission, out- A meeting of all trustees and A resident of South Lancaster ’The “built-in” water supply on. lined steps taken to improve the for üie past 12 years, Charlotten- ‘the truck was brought instantly «ecretarles of the inspectorate dis- water. Survey Work At McCrimmon Continues trict of Mr. A. DesclMunps was held burgh’s new industrial commis- into play on the blaze while oon- of March 8th, in order to reorganize There has been a noticeable im- sioner, (Dallas Grant, has a back- neotions were being made with the Ibe Association of ’Trustees. Mr. provement in the last few days, he ground of business experience that nearest hydrant. In short order Deschamps e^lained the advan- pointed out, and the Department of should well fit him for his new post. four hose lines were available and Amid Welter Of Speeulation On Oil Health is sending an engineer'here For a number of years he was tage of the association and Mr. within an ho-ur the all-clear was Survey work in the area west of “The company would get 90 per to look over the nitration plant, employed by Howard' Smith- Paper strument iised in prospecting for GTOUJX, administrator of the Ot- sounded. McCrimmon continues 'this week uraniian. A report yesterday was cent' of the production of any oil tawa Separate iSchools, also spoke make further tests and advise the Mills in their Quebec plants. In Proulx’s Men’s Wear, on the PÜC. 1946 he resigned and acquired In- amid a welter of speculation on to the effect another instrument is or gas well and the remaining 10 on the subject. ground floor, had appeared doomed what is in store in the way of oil .terests of his own. also in use. per cent would be proportioned The association has elected its Alchem Ltd., of Burlington, and much of Mr. Proulx’s stock or mineral riches. Everyone, it He 'became president of Sheer While survey work continues, the among the farmers according to officers for the year. They are: Ont., produce a product designed to removed. Some water damage seems, is in on developments; and SUk Hosiery Mills in Sherbrooke, syndicate appears to be concentrat- the amount of production drained clarify the water, soften it and help was suffered, but Mr. Proulx estim- no one knows for certain what is President, Laurent Crevier, Green Que.; president of Sherbrooke ing its efforts on obtaining options from under each farm.” the coagulation of chemicals, he ates his loss at about $1,000. The sought or who is seeking it. on at least six farms, two in Glen- Valley; vice-pres., Paul E. Rouette, informed the meeting. ’They have Paper Products; vice-president of upstairs apartment, owned by ’The three other farms being Alexandria; sec.-treas., Raymond National ’Thread Co., Ltd., and a Pour young men from Toronto, garry and- the others directly across sought are those of Alex MacCrinj)- been contacted and are settling a Adolphe^’LauzOn, suffered some $2,- the boimdary road in Prescott Rochon, Alexandria; coxmcUlors, man here to moke tests with their director of Richmond Pulp and 000 damage. we hear, have pooled their resources mon, Archie MacLeod- and Dtm Wilfrid St Pierre of Lancaster, Paper Canada Ltd. and are gambling that they -win County. Crevier. The last two are in Glen- product at the filtration plant. ’The newly redecorated Lemay Rory MacGilll-vray gave the syn- Ovila Massie of Alexandria, and ’Then' in 1947 Mr. Grant took ill, Restaurant escaped damage en- find oil or natural gas in the area. garry. Some 200 acres Is now cov- ’There is also a type of strainer dicate an option on his property Ernest logault of Martintown. available from another company sold all his interests and came back tirely. One is Wilfred J. Matthews, a con- ered and the syndicate appears to sulting geologist, who is reported some two 'sleeks ago. Owners of and this may be tried' as well in an home. After an operation he spent It was a good bit of firefighting want to tie up another 200 acres. as saying it will take two months two other farms came to -terms late Poultry Men To Meet effort to clarify the water. his time leisurely, boating and fish- on the part of the brigade, most ’The Glengarry farms axe said to be ing, until just recently. to complete a survey of the area. last week, but appear to have made favored as possible drilling sites. citizens felt. And the new fire a different deal -with the syndicate. During the month of March, His friends in Oharlottenbiugh, truck had proved a good Invest- possibilities then seem worth- Much of the talk this week con- Mr. MaoGilli-vray gave the firm poultry meetings are to be held in knowing of his wide industrial ex- ment. while, a drilling rig wiU be brought cerns mineral rights and it appears all counties throughout the prov- 200 At Holstein perience, asked him to take the job in and a test hole sunk at the most an option to purchase the property. many north Glengarry farm deeds ince.
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