20¢ IN THIS ISSUE... BLACK POWER SUPPLEMENT OAKLAND FREEDOM SCHOOLS MISSION REDEVELOPMENT FIGHT NOVEMBER 1966 '-2001. VOL; 2 NO. 10 ARVIN WORKERS WIN RIGHT TO 01 GIORGIO ELECTION FARM WO'RKERS, LABOR OFFICIALS, SNCC EDITOR ARRESTED SAN FRANCISCO - Workers at the Di Giorgio ranch in Arvin, California won a major victory here-the right to an election-by picketing the rna in offices of the Di Giorgio Corporation. Di Giorgio gave in and are permitting an election to be held, They had refused up to now. OUTSIDE DI GIORGIO OFFICE, Luis Valdez of UFWOC addresses picket line. by Terence Cannon Six farm workers that they were being arrested, ordered dez, UFWOC organizer, who acted as in­ the camp manager, for talking in favor from the Arvin, California ranch of the Di them to get in the elevators, led them terpreter, and Stuart Weinberg, their of UFWOC. "You're a liar'" yelled Di Giorgio Corporation, six labor officials, into the street, and then released them. lawyer. Giorgio. Then he calmed down and told and the editor of THE MOVEMENT were When the workers found they had been The building was being run like a Chavez he would 'investigate' the firing. arrested here October 20 and 21. tricked, they went back up. They were stockade: the elevators were guarded. Later on he lost his cool again when the The workers deleg~ti(;m~ led by Mack ejected again, and this time the elev­ Anyone who looked like a farmworker or workers told him they had been paid Lyons from Bakersfield, had driven up ator operators would not let them return demonstrator was not even allowed in the 29¢ an hour on a piece rate at the ranch. from Kern County to meet with Robert to the 6th floor. elevator. The elevator operators enjoyed Again he told them they were lying. "It Di Giorgio, President of the corporation. A picket line of over 200 sympathetic playing cop, questioning all people they must have been a mistake," he said. They were demanding a union-represent­ union members, students and supporters didn't recognize. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 ation election at the Arvin ranch. of the strike, marched outside the build­ The delegation of workers was told to They arrived at noon on W~dnesday ing. go into a small office right off the Di and went up to the 6th floor lobby of Di The Teatro Campesino sang strike songs Giorgio waiting room: it was not Robert Giorgio. Lyons spoke with Di Giorgio's from a flatbed truck parked in front of Di Giorgio's office. secretary. She offered to let a small the building. During the demonstration a After the workers' went into the office delegation of three meet with Di Giorgio 62' banner reading "01 GIORGIO - ONE and were joined by Robert Di Giorgio the next morning at 10. MAN ONE VOTE - ARVIN WORKERSDE­ and Mr. Brotherton, Vice President in "We're going to wait right here," said MAND ELECTIONS - was loweredfrom the charge of Public Relations, the door was Lyons, "until Mr. Di Giorgio meets with roof of the building. A building employee closed. A few minutes later. four labor us. We've got all day. We left Arvin at rushed to the roof, tore it loose and let. officials from the AFL-ClO came into the 4: thiS morning." it fall to the street. waiting room: Tim Twomey, Vice-Pres­ The 15 workers sat there in the lobby, ident of the San Francisco Labor Council . under the lights of the TV cameras and At 10, Thursday morning, three Arvin and Secretary-Treasurer of the Hospital the stares of Di Giorgio employees. The farm workers: Mack Lyons, Luis Chavez . Workers Local #250; Rod Larson, Inter-' police, under Captain Charles Barker, (no relation to Cesar) and Arthur Kemplin national Representative of the American conferred with Di Giorgio and decided to went up to the Di Giorgio office for the Federation of State County and Municipal pull a trick. They announced to the workers appointment. With them were Tony Men- Employees; Richard Groulx, Executive Assistant Secretary ofthe Alameda County Central Labor Council: and Wray Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of the Alameda Cen­ tral Labor Council. The labor men came in support of the farm worker delegation. The meeting behind the door went on for an hour. "What's there to talk about so long?" asked one of the picketers, •'There's only one question for Di Giorgio to answer _ will you agree to elections UJ within two weeks?" (,) At noon, Brotherton and Di Giorgio JAMES COTTON BLUES BAND ~..... came out. The farm workers stayed in the QUICK SILVER MESSENGER SE~ office. Much of the discussion had been STOKELY CARMICHAEL & TI(~ about grievances at the Arvin Ranch. Di THE GRATEFUL DEAD J' Giorgio tried to keep the conversation JOHNNY TALBOT & DE THANGS ~ off the elctions and on specific, irrelevant -n grievances. He signed a letter saying that JOHN HARDY, MC -n certain workers who had been fired would be given back their jobs. JON HENDRICKS, MC At first smiling «nd friendly, Di Giorgio ,FILLMORE AUDITORIUM burst into anger when Luis Chavez told SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 INSIDE OFFICE, Arvin workers wait to meet with Di Giorgio. him he had been fired by Jesse Marcu;:;, 3:00 PM-MIDNIGHT $2.50 PAGE 2 THE MOVEMENT NOVEMBER 1966 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. EDIT0 R I A L S 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 QUESTIONS ABOOT THE BLACK POWER CONFERENCE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' stokely Carmichael will speak on other ghettoes around the Bay .Area? by Black Power advocates, white radi­ Black people? (Somewhere scaring the University of California Berkeley And how do Black Nationalist groups cals and Black intellectuals? .' white groups, I.guess.) campus on Black Power-Black Nation­ help the masses of Black people by I feel that if the Black Power Con­ We feel that it is time to start ex­ alist organizations threaten to pic­ picketing the Black Power Conference ference had been held in Hunter's plaining Black Power to the masses ket the conference.. Here is Stokely at Berkeley because it might hurt Gov­ Point or East Oakland, probably the of people whose lives are most ef-' Carmichael's schedule in the Bay ernor Brown? And the great Black overwhelming majority of the group fected by the Black Power movement Area for his short trip to California intellectuals at San Francisco State would have been white. But. at least first and to all intellectual groups-. this month. 1: Meeting with community College who go around bad-mouthing Mr. Stokely Carmichael would be avail­ Black and ~hite-second. And that the people from around the Bay Are a white people and making statement~ able for questioning by the masses of Black Power advocates and Black in­ (Black cats who know what's happen-. for the masses of Black people, but Black people who :aren't going to the tellectuals should spend more of their ing already). 2: Press conference. are business majors in college. (Where University of California campus for time in the poor community trying to 3: Speaks at Black Power conference are they going to work when they finish any conference. It should have been show poor people how to organize at Stanford University (primarily white college-in the Black community or remembered by the Stu den t s for a politically and economically-so that group). 4: Radio interview. 5: Meeting white?) Why aren't these Black groups Democratic Society that when the Viet­ they might get the Man off their necks. with staff of Haight-Ashbury project organizing to bring Stokely Carmichael nam Day Committee held their rally it We don't feel that the originators (small group of organizers). 6: Meeting to speak to the Black community in­ was in West 0 a k I and-right in the of "Black Power" should ask the with San Francisco Friends of SNCC stead of now criticizing whites who middle of the Black ghetto, but yet Negro community around the Bay area (primarily white group). 7: Bay Area are trying to raise the issue of Black when they hold a Black Power rally, to accept their program and then when SNCC Council Meeting (primarily white Power in their community? it is held far away from the people they come out to speak, address them­ group). 8: Meeting with San Francisco We feel that the rally should be concerned. selves primarily to white radicals and State College Black Student Union held on East 14th Street in Oakland or If the Black Nationalists groups Black intellectuals. (the Black intellectuals who do nothing in Hunter's Point where the masses of picket the conference, this will again It is felt by this editorial staff that but talk). 10: Finally, at the Berkeley people live who are caught in the bind confuse the masses 'of Black people Mr. Carmichael had the responsibility campus (pr imarily all white group). between Black Power and integratioli­ and when the masses of Black people to review his schedule in California Now the question I'm asking here ism. Another question that I find my­ become confused, they end up being before he came out and to make sure is when does S to k ely Carmichael self raising is why should the masses put down by the police forces of our that he was speaking to the masses of really speak to the masses of Black of Negro people who have been asked cities. Where are the intellectuals, Black people as well as to whites people in Hunter's Point, East 14th to respond to "Black Power" and who both Black and white, when the clubs while on this trip to Northern California.
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