...Ir. ƒ .."." California State Library Sacramento 9, CalifCar nitt Fair Skies, Light Wind (;attars Tangle lied M a la Jose Mate Continued fair weather is ex- eke their laat home pected to grace the campus to- ,211Pe nee until Jan, a against day, according to t h e United fancier State tonight at Press weatherman. The high tem- It o'clock in the Spartan Gym. perature will hit around 68 de- Prelimiti.try contest between the grees. repeating yesterday's peak. Pa Ztatt Spartan Junior %ar- Gentle winds will blow. and Gator idly teams starts at 6:15 p.m. (Sec SportsPage 3.) SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL. 44 SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1966 NO. 61 Campus Blood Drive !Freeman Voices Dissatisfaction Faculty, Officers Starts This Morning With Open Meet The All-Campus Blood Drive is scheduled to begin this morning approximately at 9 o'clock. Donations will A small group of To Be Auctioned be accepted until noon. The drive will 125 people trickled In and out of Dr. John T. Wahlquist, San Jose State president, will fall be- continue tomorrow, with donations being taken between 2 and 5 the Student Council open meeting neath Campus Chest auctioneer Stu Rubin's gavel at 12:30 o'clock P.m. yesterday afternoon in the Little tomorrow in the Outer Quad or in Morris Dailey Auditorium in case The Blood Drive Committee, co-sponsor of the drive with the Theater. of rain. campus unit of the Air Force ROTC, emphasized that students can He and many other faculty members and ASB officers will be still give blood, even though Commenting on the small turn- they have not signed a pledge. President Ray Freeman auctioned to campus living groups to hash for the evening meal. The More than 175 pints of blood out, ASB said, "The meeting was a disap- proceeds will go to the Campus Chest, have been pledged by htudents. Receipts pointment. I would have liked to Dr. Wahlquisf is expected to bring a high bid at the suction. to 75 0 or these, 160 pints hate been Previews to securing him. the pledged by. AFROTC cadets. have more people there, but the attendance was nothing more than Campus Chest Committee had Receive Shots Prospective donors are urged race bttweesi what we expected." expected a close 62 Passengers Inot to eat anything except coffee Stanley ('. Dena, Dean of Stu- 'ltis Afternoon or juices for four hours before , Freeman added that be dents. and Miss Helen Dimmlek, giving. This protects the recipient thought the full business meet- Associate Dean of Students (Ac- Vanish in B.C. Vaccinations for polio will be held acquaint students as well as the donor. ing( to tivities). given today between 2-4 p.m. in The committee said donors must with the workings of their gov- Air Disaster the Health Office. Room 31, to weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. ernment, did achieve its purpose Other notables being bid on are persons, with receipts up to 750, Those under 21 must have even though the group was C. Grant Burton. Executive Dean; VANCOUVER, B.C.. - - (UP) Dr. Thomas Gray, health officer, waivers signed by their parents small. "The low attendance goes C'. P rat t, Publications A Trans-Canada Air Lines tourist said. or legal guardians, and all donors to prove that our student body Manager; Mrs. Izetta Pritchard. plane with 62 persons aboard van- The vaccinations also will be must be at least '18. A time lapse is normal," Freeman said. Housing Supervisor; Bob Baron, ished in a snowstorm in the rug- given Thursday to persons with of 90 days is required between During the meeting general in- FACULTY AUCTIONDeans Robert S. Marlin, Stanley ('. Beni, Assistant Activities Officer; and Red desolate mountains of British receipts up to 1000. These will be and Helen DInuniels, most highly bidded-on members of the faculty Robert S. Martin. Associate Dean Columbia Sunday night. The tra- donations. terest was accorded Freeman's In last year's Canipus Chest auction, elk be Risen close competition the final two days that the first Donors who contribute the of Students (Guidance). RedY apparently was the worst of two to plea for students to become mem- this year by President John T. WaJdquist. They will have to hash injections will be given drive will automatically become bers of committees and for vari- for campus living groups at the evening meal. Also on the block are Dr. Met- disaster in Canadian aviation his- before Christmas vacati,.n. members of the San Jose huen D. Wright, professor of busi- tory. The 1000 State ous campus groups to participate persons who receive Blood Credit Club. This will en- in a program to supply Christmas ness; Dr. McCullam, professor of An armada of 17 search planes their first shot before the vacation title them and all members Open council New Yell Leader biology; John Jacobs. assistant fanned out over the route of the will of food baskets for needy families in g e t their second injection their Immediate families to the San Jose Area. , professor of English; Thomas Ea- missing plane but by 11:30 a.m. sometime during the first two Meet Attended Competition now gan, associate professor of music; PST Monday had failed to find weeks of January. draw blood free for one year. The food basket project was ori- Donations will be taken at the Four new yell leaders and two and Charles It Purdy. professor of a trace of the plane or its 59 A second group of 1000 persons ginated by the Freshman Class Student Union. The Santa Clara which will conduct a basket cam- By All classes alternates will be selected today mathematics. passengers and three crew mem- will receive their first shot dur- of the County Red Cross Blood Center paign at its meeting Monday, Dec. A report when tryouts are held in the Stu- Ray Freeman, AMR president, bers. Eight passengers were ing the final two weeks of Jan- will have personnel and equipment from the Soph Doll dent Union, beginning at 3:30 Americans. uary and their second shot dur- 17. Freshman Class Representa- Contest committee was hearts at will be auctioned, necorthng to on hand to take care of the tives, Don Flood and Bob Young p Nancy Hanson, Outline% Chest The $685,000 North Star Liner ing the first two weeks of Feb- donors. the Sophomore Class meeting yes- ruary. can be contacted by groups inter- terday before the Class adjourned The Rally Committee, Student publicity Co-chtilmum. Don 10- left Vancouver Sunday night on Blood for the counties of ested in supporting the food bas- to attend Open Council meeting. Council and the four class presi- an. vice president, a a d Dick a flight to Montreal. Capt. Allan A limited registration period Santa Clara, Santa dents will be will be Cruz, Mon- ket project, Freeman pointed out. The committee reported that on hand to watch Arington, treasurer, alas will be Jack Clarke, .the 35-year-old pilot, conducted Dec. 17-19 to terey and San Benito is fur- some 25 candidates make their bring the second group up to A new regulation was announced t Ii e Soph Doll Contest will be on the list. radioed t he Vancouver Control an nished by this center. The blood bids to win one of the yell leader Tower to report that his No. 2 even 1000 persons. During t c by ASB Vice President Don Ryan. held on Feb. 18. Final selection The auction was arranged by Is obtained from drives such as chairman of the Student Activities will be announced at a dance to positions. Selections will he made engine had developed trouble and original registration period in one now after each of the Jan Poindexter under the special November the being held at M.N. Board. Ryan said that his com- be held Mar. 1 at Bermuda Palms hopefuls has pre- he had feathered it. He said he 1551 persons signed up It is then furnished to 27 hos- sented his routine twice. events committee, chairmaned by for the two Salk vaccine mittee has set up a bulletin board Motel in Mario County. The con- Wiley Schmidt. had passed Hope. B.C., 100 miles inject- pitals and regional medical cen- Gary Waller, Rally committee east of Vancouver. and was head- ions. ters and the military of the four. ruling which will limit the num- test is sponsored by all colleges chairman, asked that all men try- Also on the Campus Chest fund ing ber of posters allowed on campus and universities entered, for Princeton, B.C., 50 miles county area. No charge, except ing out for yell leader leave their raising agenda for tomorrow is further East. advertising boards to six, The Bul- Other leant iliae next semester for service and transportation namerwith the Studerft 17tiltin re- the Tstsnt4hnt in T./orris Dailey Ile reported he was turning letin board space will be awarded discussed were a rummage sale Auditorium from 3-10 p ni Out- 'Athlete of Year' fees, can be made of a person re- served ceptionist by noon today. Aspi- hack Ile said his altitude was ceiving this blood. on the first come first the weekend following Easter, and rants must be on a clear academic standing campus and outside tal- basis, Ryan said. a cake cale in March. 14,000 feet. One minute later, he If the receiver is not a member standing and must be willing to ent will appear. Admission is 25 asked permission to drop to 8,000 Will Be Chosen of a Blood Credit Club, he must Ryan commented on the gen- JUNIORS' PARTY MONDAY spend approximately two hours a cents.
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