TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 19T0 PAGE TWENTY MaurljtHtPf Enm ing liaalb Average Dally Net Press Run For The Week Ended The Weather Temple Chapter, OES, will There./ wHl be a service of Sale of Foods October 10, 1970 Cloudy, chance of scattered About Town observe Star Point flight at its Holy Communion tomorrow at showers-thundershowers from mecUng tomorrow at 8 p.m. at 10 a.m. at St. Mary^s Episcpal Will Benefit PLAZA DEPT. STORE late tonight into 'Thursday: low St. Maixaret Circle, Daugh­ the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Ron­ Church. 16,000 iEuptitng Hpralii in 60s. High tomorrijw about 70. ters of Isabella, will meet to­ (We Have A Notion To Please) Friday fair and cooler. ald Finnegan isilihairman of the Social Ajsency Manchester— ‘A City of Village Charm night at 8 at the KofC ,Home, event. Officers will wear color­ The Adult Information ClasB E, MIDDIJE TPKE. (Next to Popular Mkt.) ed gowns. of Zion Evangelical ^Lutheran Manchester Auxiliary of Child OPEN WED., THUR8., FBI. tUl 9 A film about hurricanes will (Jhurch will meet tonight at 7 :30 VOL. Lxxx;sc, NO. 12 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) and Family Services of Connect­ MANCHESTER, CONN., W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1970 (Classified. Advertising on Page SS) PRICE TEN CENTS ^ shown at the October meet- First Lt. Christian P. Kaefer at the church. icut will conduct a Food Fair 5 YOU WILL FIND A __ _____ -^mg of Omar Shrine Club on Fri­ is attending the U.'S. Army In­ Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ElsteUe Carpenter Circle of day night at Willie’s Steak stitute for Military Assistance at the Sear’s Roebuck Store at the Women’s Society of Com­ House. The social hour begins at the John F. Kennedy Center the Manchester Shopping Park- COMPLETE AND munity BapUst Church will at 6 :S0 and dinner Is at 7 ;30. for Special Warfare (Airborne) ade. Guests are invited to this meet­ in Ft. Bragg. N.C. in prepara­ meet tonight at 8 at the home of Miss Wilda Stratton, 22 Ard­ A variety of homemade baked COLORFUL SELECTION V,S, Seen ing, says Raymond Bogue, pres­ tion for duty in Vietnam. His goods as well as candy, pre­ ident. wife, Teresa, lives at 619 Wood- more ■ Rd. Mro. Walter Loomis wjll be a guest. serves, jellies, jams and pickles 2 bridge St. will be available. Proceeds will OF Establishing Blast Heavily Damages Rockville Emblem Club will benefit the agency which pro­ Memorial Temple, Pythian The board of education a!nd have a potluck tomorrow at 6 :30 the diaconate board of ’Trinity vides family and marriage Peking Ties p.m. at the Elks Home on Park Sisters, will meet tonight at 8 counseling, foster home care, • GIFT WRAP •RIBBON in Odd Fellows Hall. Refresh-; Covenant Church will meet to­ St. There will be a business night at 7:30 at the church. family day care, -adoption serv­ STORKS, Conn. (AP)—A vet­ meeting at 8. Mrs. Martha ments will be served. ice, and aid to emotionally dis­ • PARTY SUPPLIES eran China-watcher at the Uni­ Ranken is in charge of the pro­ The Cherub Choir of Emanbel turbed children and unwed The Phabe Circle of Emanuel versity of Connecticut predicted gram. Lutheran Church wili rehearse mothers. Harvard Research Site Lutheran Church Women will tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. in Luther Mrs. Vernon Muse and Mrs. AT today that it will be only a mat­ meet tonight at 7:30 in Luther Preceptor Gamma Chapter, Hall of the church. Distinguished Military Student Horace Brown are co-chairmen ter of time—possibly only two By DAN HANEY Beta Sigma Phi sorority will Hall for a work night. ! of the Fair. They will be assist­ years—before the United States Associated Press Writer tenant in the U.S. Army after meet tonight at 8 at the home of Manchester Rotary Club will Richard E. Rein, son of Mr. ed by Mrs. S. Steven Sutton, PLAZA follows Canada's lead in recog­ CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Mrs. Harold Schuetz of 16 Martin-South Schools 'PTA graduation. have Italian Night at its dinner and Mrs. Robert P. Rein of 75 Mrs. Eugene Montany, Mrs. nizing the Communist govern­ (AP) — A bomb blast ear- Ihomas Dr. will hold an Italian night to­ He is one of 38 students ment of Mainland China. meeting tonight at 6:30 at the E. Middle Tpke., receives the Abraham Kllbanoff, Mrs. John l.v today heavily damaged night at 6:30 at the Martin qualifying for this award. To re­ Fletcher Jr.. Mrs. Walter Fuss, Dr. Ilpyong J. Kim, a UConn Manchester Country Club. Ro- Dlstlngi^shed Military Student the library of Haivard Uni- School. Those attending are re­ tarlans and their wives will en­ ceive this award each student Mrs. Nathaniel Kuntzalman, political scientist, said in an in- minded to bring silverware. A joy an Italian menu with appro­ Award from Col. Milton L. Has- must have high leadership and Mrs. Matthew Moriarty Jr. Mrs. ten-iew here today that C3ana- cersity’s Center, for Inter­ portrait of Atty. John Rottner, priate wine for dinner. Speaker kln, associate professor of mili­ moral character, show a definite Walter Furger, and Mrs. Robert dai«, action "indicates the pos­ national Affairs, a goverjif aptitude and Interest in military PO N TIAC wHb was Board of Education for the evening 1s Dom Squatrl- tary science at Norwich Univer­ Ahlness. sibility that- the United States ment-subsidized researim c h a i r m a n when the s c h ( X ) l was science, be in the upper third to. Democratic candidate for the sity, Northfield, Vt. Food items should be brought Your State Senator will follow suit in a short pe­ institute that was assailed built, wiU be unveiled. State Senate from the fourth of his class in military science to Sears by 10 a.m. the day of riod of time, possibly within the in leaflets distributed to If Rein maintains his DMS and in the upper half in all other PARK „ Senatorial District. the sale. Those wishing to have next couple of years." academic subjects. He must also students the night before. Highland Park School PTA ___ requirements through his senior donations picked up may contact Canada and Communist China No one was injured in the ex­ Fall wUl hold its annual poUuck to- oigcusslon Class of year he will receive the Distin­ have completed the RO’TC Sum­ Mrs. Sutton of 7 Hackmatack St., BOB HOULEY announced the establishment of plosion, which was preceded by morrow at 6:30 p.m. In the g^,„th Unitdd Methodist Church guished Military Graduate des­ mer Camp program and bden Mrs. Wibanoff of 14 Dorset Lane diplomatic relations Tuesday, a telephoned threat it would go Specials school. At 7:46, Superintendent tomomew at 10 a.m. ignation and may apply for recommended by the sum­ or Mrs. Montany, 280 Ferguson Working For You and the (Canadian government off. It blew out windows, shred­ of Schools Donald J. Hennlgan church. The meeting’s commission as a second lieu­ mer camp officials. in Ottawa broke off relations 373 MAIN STREET Rd. by 9 a.m. that day. ded concrete and bent steel cell­ will speak on the Nov.-3 refer- theme is ’"The Christian in ’To- with the Nationalist Chinese gov­ ing rods on the third floor of the MANCHESTER endum. day’s World.” The Senior Citizen’s hot The international affairs corn- ernment on Taiwan. building, which was broken Into Superstition "As President Nixon already and defaced by members of an 4 1968 PONTIAC LE- meals will be served during the mlttee of the Manchester Junior, Junior Young Judea, for chil­ The pre-school class of South MANS, 2 dr. HT., Auto., noon hour tomorrow. Fun Day Women’s Club will medt tonight ’The superstition that black has indicated in his Inaugpiral antiwar group last fall. dren Grades 4-6, will have its United Methodist Church will will start at 1:30 featuring at 8 at the home of Mrs. Robert cats bring .bad luck stems Police said leaflets denounc­ PS., PB., Bucket Seats, Bob Houley, Tolland County’s (See Page Thirtj-Ftve) first meeting of the year on meet tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at colored slides taken of the Maltempo of 5 Parker St. from the fact that Satan was “ Voice in the State Senate,” ing the center as a tool of U.S. Console •2395 Monday, Oct. 19, from 7-8 p.m’. Susannah Wesley Hall of the members’ recent trips to Fen- ----- believed to appear most often consistently speaks out on government foreign "exploita­ at Temple Beth Sholom, 400 E. church. way Park and Rockingham Pack 98 den mothers and in the guise of a black cat. For the issues . that’s not tions" were distributed to un­ 1969 CUTLASS SU­ Middle ’Tpke. ----- Race ’Track. committee members will meet this reason, witches and black where he stops however . , dergraduate students in dormi­ ___ The VFW AuxUlary will meet he also Initiates positive ac­ tories at Harvard and Radcliffe PREME, 2 dr. HT, Auto, tonight at 8 at the home of Karl cats are often pictured together. ’Hie American Legion will tonight at 7:30 at thd Post tion . the key to effective Tuesday night. The leaflets first Manchester Rdpublican Wom­ Hahn of 53 Willard Rd. Nixon Plan PS, PB, Bucket Seats have a regular meeting tonight Home. Members are reminded leadership. appeared Monday night, police en’s Club will sponsor a rum­ at 8:16 at the Post Home.
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