Session 1: MARCH 2 SundayTeacher.com PASSWORD: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Wisdom Literature in the Ancient World hroughout history, every culture has valued wisdom. Certainly all of us at Ttimes have wished we were wiser than we are. When life presents us with a difficult decision or an excruciating problem, and we are at a loss to know what to do, we long for divine wisdom. Sometimes God speaks directly to us to communicate His wisdom; often, however, He speaks through wise people instead. Because God has given selected people extraordinary wisdom, it is not surprising that the teachings of these wise individu- als were written down and preserved for future generations in ancient times. The Bible includes several books widely recognized as wisdom literature, particularly the books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. There are also several wisdom psalms that address the same issues and concerns. The book of James in the New Testament has many characteristics of wisdom literature. In addition, the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canons of the Old Testament include two apocryphal wisdom books: the Wisdom of Solomon and Sirach. Egyptian hieroglyphics crafted of colored glass cover the sarcophagus of Petosiris, The Israelites were not the only ancient priest of Thoth, god of wisdom and writing (ca. 300 BC). The Israelites were not the people who recorded wisdom literature. only ancient people who recorded wisdom literature. Mesopotamia and Egypt were Mesopotamia and Egypt were also centers also centers of wisdom in the ancient world, and both of these civilizations have left us of wisdom in the ancient world, and both of wisdom literature. Although there are many similarities between the wisdom of Israel’s these civilizations have left us various kinds of pagan neighbors and the wisdom of the Bible, there are also important differences. wisdom literature. Although there are many similarities between the wisdom of Israel’s transcends mere information because it a snowy road, for example, we slow down pagan neighbors and the wisdom of the involves applying information to life in an because it is the wise thing to do to avoid an Bible, there are also important differences. appropriate, helpful, and meaningful way. accident. Human experience shows us that The worldview of the people of Israel was Second, wisdom is not the same as law. people who drive fast in such conditions profoundly different from their neighbors. The law codes of the Pentateuch are quite frequently end up in the ditch. Similarly, we The Israelites worshiped the one true God, different from wisdom literature and have a try to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly the God who not only imbedded wisdom into very different purpose and function. Finally, because experience shows that people who His very creation (see Prov. 8:22-31), but also wisdom should not be understood as a col- do this are usually healthier and live longer granted to His covenant people the ability to lection of divine promises. Even though some and more fulfilled lives. Just as we do today, receive and understand His wisdom. Bible readers have interpreted statements in the ancient Israelites carefully observed how Proverbs as unbreakable promises from God, the world seems to work, what patterns of life What Is Wisdom? this is probably not the most helpful way to are beneficial, and what patterns are harmful. Defining wisdom is not quite as easy as it understand and utilize this important biblical might seem. In fact, in some ways it is easier resource. The Wisdom of the Bible to say what wisdom is not rather than to say What, then, is wisdom? Whether we realize Drawing on centuries of experience, the what it is. First of all, wisdom is not the same it or not, we rely on wisdom every day of Israelites recorded proverbs, instructions, and as information. We all know people who have our lives. Wisdom is, in part, the repository dialogues to encapsulate the truths God had mastered a great deal of data and factual of human experience that enables us to live taught them through observation. Hundreds information, yet who are not wise. Wisdom successfully in the world. When driving on of these sayings have been recorded in the 4 ILLUSTRATED BIBLE LIFE March—May 2014 book of Proverbs in order to instruct God’s refrain: “‘Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the “final” answers. In a very real sense, we will people how to live a fulfilling life. The prov- Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is never fully understand these things this side 1 erbs present both sides of human conduct— meaningless’” (Eccles. 1:2)? Ecclesiastes does of heaven. Yet, Christians should boldly affirm guidelines for right living and warnings not provide simple answers for these ques- that we do indeed have the Answer to these against destructive behavior. The primary tions, but above all, it encourages us to “fear questions. Along with Paul, “We preach Christ context for the book of Proverbs seems to be God and keep his commandments, for this is crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and family instruction. Passages, such as Proverbs the duty of all mankind” (12:13). foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom 1:2-7, and verses, such as 1:8, “Listen, my son, The majestic book of Job considers another God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ to your father’s instruction and do not forsake basic question, one which all thinking people the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 your mother’s teaching,” indicate that the inevitably ponder: Why do evil things happen Cor. 1:23-24). Christ is the answer; He is the proverbs were especially used by parents and to innocent people? This is the problem of wisdom of God! teachers in the education of children. Thus, evil and is usually discussed by means of two the proverbs taught very practical wisdom propositions: First, if God is truly good, then BY OWEN DICKENS that was applied to everyday life and needed surely He would not want evil to torment professor of Bible and theology, Asbury Uni- to be mastered by the people of Israel. guiltless people. Second, if God is all-power- versity, Wilmore, Kentucky Biblical wisdom goes further, however, and ful, then surely He is able to prevent evil from addresses many of the deep, eternal ques- afflicting the innocent. God describes Job as Think about it . tions of human existence. In this respect, a man who is “blameless and upright, a man 3 Is it possible to be extremely intelligent wisdom is somewhat like philosophy, yet who fears God and shuns evil” (Job 1:8), yet and yet not wise? How does godly wisdom even here it deals with issues that concern this godly man suffers all kinds of evil. The differ from intelligence? all people everywhere, both common folks book explores how Job seeks to understand 3 What is wisdom? What are the characteris- and intellectuals. The book of Ecclesiastes, his suffering in light of his faith in a God who tics of wisdom literature? surely one of the most perplexing books is both good and all-powerful. 3 How does biblical wisdom differ from the in the Bible, addresses some of the most Although the wisdom books of the Old wisdom literature of Israel’s neighbors? fundamental questions we humans have: Is Testament contribute a great deal to our How does this wisdom speak to us today? there meaning to life? Why do I exist? Does understanding of the practical issues of daily 3 In what sense is Christ the “wisdom of my life have a purpose? Does the shortness life and of the deep questions of existence, God”? How do we find the answers to life’s of human life prove the author’s repeated we cannot claim that these books give us the questions in Christ? CommentarY Proverbs 8:12-21 n the world of the Bible, where the authoritative voice of woman simpleminded (1:20-33; 8:1-36). The language of the first speech is was seldom heard, the sages who produced the book of Proverbs, similar to that of a prophetic speech. It begins with the indictment Iin a daring and challenging way, presented the voice of wisdom that those without wisdom (those “who are simple”; v. 22) have as that of a woman (1:20-33; 8:1-36; 9:1-12). The first two passages refused to pay attention to the counsel of wisdom. The first speech (1:20-33; 8:1-36) are in the form of speeches given by Lady Wisdom. concludes with a detailed description of the consequences of reject- The third passage (9:1-12) contrasts the house of Lady Wisdom and ing wisdom’s admonitions. the house of a seductive and adulterous woman (Dame Folly, also the Wisdom’s second speech has a more positive tone; it is almost subject of chap. 7). self-praise. This speech sharply differs from the seductive speech of In a number of places in chapters 1—9, the voice of a female the adulterous woman (Dame Folly) who lurks in the street when speaker is implied; in these passages, however, the speaker is clearly a darkness comes to lead astray the young who have no wisdom (see woman. Scholars do not know why wisdom teachers utilized a woman 7:27). Death is the destiny of those who are victims of Folly. Lady to represent wisdom (known in the scholarly circles as Lady Wisdom). Wisdom, on the other hand, stands boldly in public (intersections and The word for wisdom in Hebrew is a feminine noun, but that does not city gates; see 8:2-3) and offers a powerful alternative—the path of fully explain the practice.
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