70 InEernoEionol FOR SPAIN'S HISPAVOX r Old, New Acts Draw Globally Byer ED oweryOWEN ll MADRID -Spanish record com- first -ever double platinum award for The Spanish market is dominated pany Hispavox reports a 200% in- that territory, with sales of 350,000 by foreign competition and there is crease in international sales over the albums. Venezuelan LP sales of surprisingly little airplay for Span- past year. 300.000 also broke new selling, rec- ish product, all conspiring to make it The 25- year -old Madrid -based la- ords. "In Venezuela, the duo has difficult for new local acts. Hispavox bel has made particularly gratifying sold two million albums in two is one of a handful of companies. inroads into South American mar- years, with tremendous back -up and Discos Better of Barcelona is an- kets and now plans to promote some help from Sonografica Venezolana other, doing well with local talent of its artists through English -lan- and Mercateatro Artists on manage- and exporting them to the massive, guage product. ment," adds Calvo. wealthy markets of South America. Says international manager Luis Another Hispavox act. singer - "We're having to spend a lot of Calvo: "We've been developing tal- songwriter Juan Pardo, a performer time there, but we're also making a ent and local productions very seri- for 17 years. is making a tremendous lot of money." Calvo says. "Our ously over the past four years. We've comeback with his album "Juan publishing arm. Ediciones Musi- built several acts to major star status Mucho Mas Juan." a double gold cales Hispavox, is also profiting here and then promoted them over- package here. He visits Mexico. from our efforts, since many of the seas. We've made marketing a prime Venezuela and Argentina later this signings are songwriters. too." consideration, handling it person- year. with an English- language ally in South America." single planned for summer release. Calvo has visited various Latin - Jose Luis Perales. another sea- American territories six times in the Sheena Is soned performer and recording act last year. Jose Luis Gil, his manag- for seven years. did particularly well ing director. made IO separate trips BOTTOMS UP- Charlie Daniel, left, takes his first sip from an Australian in Spain with the album "Tiempo A Japanese to push Hispavox product there. "yard" of lager after he and the band played Sydney's Summer Jam Concert De Otono." which sold more than Says Calvo: The contacts have en- recently. (It's summer down under.) Daniels, right, proudly displays the re- 300.000 units nationally. thus going couraged us to sign international Radio First sults of his indulgence in local customs, having lost his 20 gallon hat in the double platinum. His single "Me acts from both sides of the Atlantic." TOKYO -FM radio fans in Japan process. Llamas" sold 150.000 copies in Mex- The company's biggest inter- are enjoying the "Sheena Easton ico and Perales is building fast in national success has been the man - London Line." a I5- minute feature other South American markets. child duo Enrique and Ana. The by rising British Sheena Easton. that HALF MILLION SOLD act's album "Canta Con Enrique Y Singer Raphael's comeback after runs every Saturday from Feb. 7 Ana," with sales in excess of 550,000 25 years has been marked with suc- through the end of April on the FM here. is said by Calvo to be Spain's cessful record sales and a highly ac- Tokyo network. claimed Madrid stage show. a one - Lennon, Beatles LPs best -selling one -album act. This. is the first time that a star Hispavox put this act together. A man performance. from another country is appearing choreographer suggested Enrique Paloma San Basilio. who appears regularly on a Japanese radio or television program. The is Hot In is program Still needed a regular dancing partner here as the stage lead in " Evita," Japan for live shows, so Ana made a debut one of several prominent Hispavox part of the hour -long "Saturday Ad- TOKYO -The explosive sales in Toshiba -EMI started a "Beatles appearance on local television and newcomers. along with Nacha Pop. venture," broadcast every Saturday Japan of John Lennon. and Beatles, Forever" sales campaign on Feb. 16. the two teamed up in mid -1977. Silvetti and Mari Cruz Soriano. at 3 p.m. Easton made her debut in records have calmed down some- It will be a three -month campaign They've since spent a lot of time in Other women coming through on Britain in February. 1980. and was what in the wake of Lennon's assas- concentrating on record shops and South America. the label roster include Mari Trini voted the most outstanding new- sination. but sales continue to be will be aimed at children and young In Mexico, the duo received the and Bibi Anderson. comer by Melody Maker magazine. steady and both Warner- Pioneer people who do not know the Beatles. "Sheena Easton London Hot and Toshiba -EMI expect there will Line," is all in English. Easton talks be no downturn for quite some time about the latest news in British mu- yet. N- sic circles and plays records. The Kohji Kobayashi. international Krokus Gold show is taped in London and sent to Execulive Turnloble repertoire sales manager at Warner - Tokyo for broadcast every Saturday. Continued from page 69 cc The game of musical chairs con - Phil Alexander takes over as asso Pioneer, said the album. "Double is by FM < tinues among top executives in the date director, artist development The program broadcast Fantasy," released in Japan Dec. 5. Says Schmucki` "We have every 2 Dutch record industry. with Inelco, A &M Records, in the Latin Ameri Aichi (Nagoya), FM Osaka and FM only three days before Lennon was reason to back Krokus. "Metal Ariola. EMI -Holland and WEA- can branch of CBS Records Inter Fujuoka, as well as Tokyo. killed, had sold nearly 230.000 Rendezvous" has sold more than Holland all announcing personnel national. He had been with CRI in The single. "Modern Girl." was copies as of the end of January. 250,000 copies worldwide: this fig- in 5 changes. New York in product management. released Japan on Feb. by Tosh- "It is the first time ever for so ure stands as an alltime Swiss iba -EMI. which is pushing Shaena Bob Voorhoeve is the new general * * * many albums to be sold in such a record." Easton as the international star to director of holding company Inelco short time," Kobayashi said. "The The presentation. at the Big Apple Allan Watson, head of the Ariola make it big in the Japanese market Nederland. He succeeds Wim International Group in London. is publicity in the newspapers and Club. also marked the first airing of Brandsteder, who resigned for this year. The label will release her magazines and over radio and tele- the new Krokus LP, "Hardware," resigning to set up a music business debut album. "Take My Time." on health reasons. though he will be a vision created tremendous interest in which was recorded in the London consultancy based in Sydney, Aus- March 21. member of the Inelco Nederland tralia. the album." Roundhouse Studios. board. Named Nudge Pty Ltd.. the com- He said many of the people buy- Since Jan. 1 Krokus has been represented by U.S. Meanwhile. Phonogram Inter- pany is to be launched jointly by ing "Double Fantasy" are in their management national product manager Dirk De Watson and Tony Hogarth. founder Stations Stir early 30s. "An interesting thing is company, Butch Stone Enterprises Vries is to become senior product of Australia's Wizzard Records. that Lennon fans come into record (Arkansas). During February, the French Tension band will be headlining an extensive manager at Ariola- Benelux on April * * * shops and buy five or six albums: I. In this newly created post he will PARIS -Plans to launch two radio apparently they have been asked by U.K. tour. In March and April, it be responsible for the company's New vice president of Metronome stations aimed at French listeners, their friends, who are not Lennon will tour Germany and the Benelux in Hamburg is repertoire and release strategy in the Gianfranco Rebulla, but with transmitters in Italy. is fans, to get the record for them be- countries, together with Canadian three Benelux countries. Italian -born former assistant to the threatening to build into an inter- cause they've heard so much about band April Wine. with whom he will company's managing director. He's national incident. it. This is the first time such a thing share double billing. Englishman Gordon MacKenzie, been with PolyGram since 1973. Re- label manager at EMI -Holland for In a bitter statement, Jean Phil- has happened." he said. Kobayashi Following a short Swiss tour, bulla has been head of the Deutsche will the last three years, goes to Munich ippe Lecat, French minister of cul- said cassettes of "Double Fantasy" Krokus be spending more than Grammophon classical and special three months in the U.S.. appearing this month to take up a new post as tural affairs, said the stations -Ra- are also selling quite well, but not as projects division in Italy. coming to dio Mont Blanc and Radio K- much as the record. probably together with Rush. The international marketing manager of Hamburg to head up the classical in- Ariola International. would be considered illegal by his Kinji Ogino, a &r manager for "Hardware" album will be issued ternational exploitation section. government. EMI and Capitol at Toshiba -EMI.
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