Uullcotin of The Untofn l"''alion•l tiff' t·ound•tion • . • 01'. R. C~rt~ld 1'11"'\tu..rtry. tdltlH' l'ubll.. h('d ~~~~h mon1h br The U n ~vln iNPlional Life- Jn .. u l'an~e Campl*nr. Fort W arne, Number 1618 Fort Wayne, Indiana July, 1972 Recent Library - Museum Acquisitions Editor'• Now: From Ume to timet. it hu boon Presidential Commemorative Medals our prartt~ to fe-aturto. in Li~" !Ar~. (Washington to Johnson). With the l.ibn\ry.MuK"Um t'('qUitition$. TM moet ~t election of Richard M. Nixon, the bulld5n devol~ to lhi• t.Oc1lc iA Number 1685, Man:.h, 1970, wbkh d~ri~ tbirte<tn it.tm• mint contributed, to all owners of the whleh have S'I'MU.Y ~nha.ne:ed ~ ~lthlblt. value set, a meda11ion in identical form and of aur MIJ.'Ie\lm. The rwent.ly ac.quirW itc:mtl size of the 37th President. ll•tOO In t.blt ls.w~ •re typlt.J a«Wnula.tk>n.s. •ome or which are of bt'torielll llisrniftcance. Now~ being- currently received, is while ot.ht'.._ mittbt be eontidered ~rlos or the first edition~ sterling silvet proof noveJUes whieh have con•identble &PPC!fl-1 to set of The Firot Ladi.. Of The U"ited t.ho C4L$Utll ''ie:ltor. States. The complete set will include .forty separate medals, as more thnn one lady served some presidents as Our Fallen Heroes a White Rouse hostess. Included with The death of Abraham Lincoln in the medallions, is a handsome album 1865 led Haasis & Lubreeht, Pub­ with an attractive pamphlet by Ger· lishers, 108 Liberty Street, New York, trude Zeth Brooks entitled First New York, to create a colored Htho~ Ladies Of The White Home. graphic poster which was titled uour The Foundation is also a subscriber FaUen Heroes." Lincoln's portrait to the bronze set of Medallions, uThe dominates the print, which over all History of The Civil War," which is measurements are 28" x 36... The Lis.ted at the top of the monument, currently being produced by The name of the President with his birth­ sur1nounted by an eagle, are the bat­ Lincoln Mint. Seven of the forty date and death date are given along medallions feature. Abraham Lincoln. with tho statement: ur have. fought a tles and military eampaigns in whieh good tight; I have finished my course; the heroes fell. I have kept tbe fait·h." The print is considered to 00 a rar­ $3.00 Gold Piece ity, although the New York publisher This newly acquired lithograph con­ had agents in Boston, Chicago, San In Lincol·n Lore, Number 1&85, tains the military portraits of the fol­ Marth, 1970, a eollection of the six­ lowing uFallen Heroes": Francisco and Cincinnati. teen coins (minus one) minted during the Lincoln administration were illus~ Col. E. E. Ellsworth trated in a lucite holder. The state­ Brig.-Gen. E. D. Baker Medallions ment was made that: "The most ex· Gen. Robert McCook The twenty-four Lineoln medallions pensive one of the lot is the $3.00 gold Brig.-Gen. 0. M. Mitchel that are being currently issued by The piece, which the Foundation has not Com. Andrew H. Foote, U.S.N. Lincoln Mint (Division of Ero In­ yet acquired." Since that date, a Gen. John Sedgwick dustries, Inc.), Chicago, 1970, arc $3.00 gold piece, 1862, has been ac­ Gen. Nath. Lyon being acquired monthly as they are quired and the collection is eomplete. Gen. Joseph K. F. :Mansfield struck. The dies are being made from Gen. Philip Kearney twenty~four illustrations by Lloyd Qs .. Lincoln Coin-75 Pesetas Gen. John F. Reynolds tendorf. The mint has published an Maj.-Gen. J. B. McPherson attractive three. volume, boxed album The only current Lincoln eoin, be ~ Gen. James S. Wadsworth of whieh volume one is devoted to sides the U. S. 1-cent, is a 75 pesetas Abraham Lincolu-An Au.tobiogra.pki­ si.lver piece issued by the Republic of In addition to the military heroes, Ecuatorial Guinea. The 36 mm piece, wl Narrative compiled by Rolph G. a very quaint memorial scene is de­ minted in 1970 ln a limited quantity picted at the bottom of the print Newman. The remaining two volumes {probably in a United States mint), titled uNational Monument." The are designed to hold the twenty-four sells for $7.25 te collectors. It is monument, which is purely an artist's meda1lions. The Lincoln Library ~ conception or a military memorial, has beautifully packaged for display and Museum is purchasing both the silver preservation. Beeause of its pr<!mium inscribed on its stone base, "The and bronze sets. Grateful Country In Memory Of Her value, it is doubtful if this attractive Noble Sons, Who On Land & At Sea In 1968, the Lincoln Library­ coin will ever appear as a medium of Have Fallen Martyrs For Liberty And Museum acquired the sterling silver exchange. This coin is included in the Union. Peace Be With Them. Amen." set of The Franklin Mint. Treasury of Foundation's eoJJect ion. 2 LINCOLN LOR E quired by the Lincoln Ubrary­ !ofuseum, namely, "Exercises In The Church" and ,_Dances In the Hal1," do Jist the name ot the President'• son. Then too, in the newspaper clippings concerning the Har\'ard Class Day exercises, one reporter mentioned Robert aa a member of the Class Day Committee. The newspaper the N- York Ti,..,o, July 1, 186.1, printed the fol­ lowing comment: "Robert Todd Lin­ coln, the President's eldest son, II a member o! the class and omc-iat.ea •• Chairman of the Clau Day Commit.. tee; so it is not atran~ that Mn. Lincoln is present enjoyinr the f.,._ tivities and that erowd.s are eage-r to cate:b a glimpse of her.tt John S. Goff in his book,, Robert Todd L.iuol>t-A M41t ht 11io 0ocm Riqh.t, states that Robert wu gradu­ ated !rom Harvard on July 20, 1864. While it may appear odd that the commence-ment. would be. held almott a month following the Class Day ex­ ercises, this fact baa been ®nflrmed by t·h• Assistant Curator of the Harvard University Archives. ColT further commented: "It waa not pot~ sib1e for the weary President to go to Cnmbridge to see the ceremonies, On July 15, 1861, President Abrn­ Dakota Territory This was shottly although there were thooe who hoped ham Lincoln appointed Allen A. after the President hnd assumed his he migh~ attend. Robert dashed tho•o Burton of Kentuckx. as Mlnlstor onth or office. On July 17, 1861, Lin­ ideas by writing from the Executive Resident at Bogota (New Granuda), coln wrote to Edward Bates, his At­ Mansion, 'The !)resident will not. be Colombia. The orlglnul uppolntment torney Cenernl: '1 You remember Allen at c.:>mmencemcnt.' Commencement signed by Abraham Lincoln nnd Sec­ A. Burton was nppointed an Associ· Day was described us 'very wnrm' retary of Stow Wllllum H. Seward ate Justice of the Supreme Court or and the crowd assembled on the col­ has recently been acquired for the Dakotn Ty. Since then I have given lege gr<>unds, including the Firat Foundation's archivet. him a diiTerent place; and the judge­ Lady, heard the great orotor Edward Twenty years earlier, Lincoln had ahip of course becomes vacant." Lin· Everett give the principal oddreu.'' tried unsuc.~&!ully to secure this coin wns referring to Burton's ap­ same position. On January 23, I.in· pointment to Bogota dated July 15, 'The class of 1864 wao not one or eoln wrote to his law partner, John T. 1861. Burton served in this e:apacity the most distinguished ro graduate until 1866. from Harvard. ColT believes that Stuart then jn Congres.s, augsteatinsr Robert T. Lincoln waa undoubtedly that, ' 1a change or scene might help Ourin~t Burton's serviee with the me." Lincoln was autrering from a State l>epartment, the country, to the most famous or t,he nincty· nine psychopathic illness, the c.au11e ot which he was assigned, was beset graduates. which he later referred to aa "that with revolutions. A war against the fatal first of Jany. '41." It was at Republic or New Granada, begun be­ this period or Uncoln's life that he fore Lincoln assumed the oath of of. asked to be released from his enjfage­ ftce or Pre•ident, resulted in a ""' ment to Mary Todd. His awaren.... ,:rovernment under the name of the that his ad.ion was e.mbarrauing to United States of (:<)lombia, however, Miss Todd as well as humiliating to the struggle had various vicissitudes, his own personal pride, was so acute eometimes favorable and sometimes that his friends became concerned over adverse, to the revolutionary move.. his mental predkamenL On January ment. 22, 1841, Martin McKee wrote to John One cannot help but wonder when J. Hardin that, "We have been very Lineoln appointed Burton as Minister much distressed, on Mr. Lintoln'a •~­ Residen~ to Bolfota in 1861, if be did tount; hearing that be had two Cat not. momentarily recall how desper· fits and a Duck fit. sin~ we ltlt." ately In 1841 he had sought a "change On March 6, 1841. Con~man of scene" in the same South American Stuart wrote Daniel Webster, Secre­ city. tary of State, reeomme.nding Lincoln to be <'barge' d' affaires at Bogota. However, a11 hopes for an appoint.­ Ha rvard Class Day-1864 ment came to an end with the death of' President William H.
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