Vol. XIV. No. 25 JUNE 21, 1919 Price 10 Cents Entered as second class matter at the neUnited States postoffice at Seattler. Every Seattle Saturday Hotel Del Coronado A Favorite Resort for Seattleites. The Hotel del Coronado is situated at Coronado Beach, California, just •cross San Diego Bay from tlie City of San Diego, and is one of the mos1 delightful all year vacation hotels in the West. Polo grounds and golf links are in close proximity to the Hotel. Bathing—both sheltered tank and surf—motor boating and hydro-planing. Pacific Steamship Company's direct service with Seattle at the Northern end of the line and San Diego at the South, makes it easily accessible for Seattle residents. ' i-tSVM 3S * • -is vo:; When You Purchase GREEN BLACK AND Cord Tires YELLOW TAXICABS WHITE MAKE SURE YOU GET Women Will Find Brunswick that by using the excellent TAXICAB Service which we offer them the problem of economical service is solved— HAND-MADE CORD TIRES It's Cheaper Than Driving Your Own Car Our Experience Has Been That Once You Buy a Brunswick Cord Your Tire Troubles Are Solved In every taxicab we have a Taximeter, so simplified that by looking at it you know just how far you have ridden and Try the Brunswick Cord Tire The Exact Amount of Your Fare It is quite unnecessary to ask the driver; the Taximeter gives you the desired information— DETERMINE FOR YOURSELF THAT IT HAS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING BRUNSWICK PRESTIGE Our Drivers Are Courteous and Careful Based on 73 Years of Turning Out the Best in Every Brunswick Line is Back of Them. CALL SUNSET TIRE CO. MAIN (DISTRIBUTORS) 1901 Fifth Ave. 6500 Cor. Times Square. Ell. 1419 THE SEATTLE NATIONAL BANK Healthy, Happy Childhood RESOURCES The youngsters love to play in plenty- of warm soapy water. $30,000,000 No lagging behind when it is time for mother to wash grimy little hands if there is lots of steaming hot water on tap. Plenty of "quick hot water" is childhood's health insurance. The Gas Water Heater Quick—Convenient—Economical Gas Water Heater is an all-year convenience and necessity that is especially appreciated during the hot summer months. HOT WATER—As much or as little as you want—without time wasted in waiting for it to heat—is yours the minute you have a GAS WATER HEATER installed. Seattle Lighting Company Are You Contemplating Stuart Bldg. Main 6767 A Business or Pleasure Trip to the Orient Go Direct From Seattle on the Large, Fast, Modern Steamships to Japan, China and Manila with direct connection to Australia, India and Europe Highest Class Service and Accommodations S.S. Kashima Maru S.S. Fushimi Maru Sails July 12th Sails August 5th Make Your Reservations Now For Full Information, Rates, Tickets, Berth Reservations Apply to Nippon Yusen Kaisha 409 COLMAN BLDG. Phone Elliott 3514 Seattle, Wash. THE TOWN CRIER Vol. XIV. No. 25. SEATTLE, U. S. A., JUNE 21, 1919. PRICE TEN CENTS illll!lllllll!l!l!ll!l!l!llillilil!ll!ll!lil!l!illli NEAL H. BEGLEY Some folks entertain the general idea that a man of big business is a sort of dehuman­ ized machine with no interest or understanding of the finer things of life; and with this same assumption its corollary that the artist or musician of necessity cannot be a practical man of affairs. Probably more people have become familiar with the features that adorn this page by reason of the fact that Mr. Begley's fine tenor voice has been heard in public on numberless occasions than in any other way. He was one of the leading tenors with the Standard Grand Opera Company in this city a few seasons ago, takes an active interest in musical matters generally, and is one of the trustees of the Symphony Orchestra. But to the business community he is known as vice-president of Frank Waterhouse &. Co. and the various Waterhouse concerns, including the Seattle Taxicab & Transfer Company, a job or jobs that most of us would consider big enough to tax the combined efforts of about a dozen indivduals of lesser calibre. Incidentally, he is the man who has given Seattle probably the best taxicab service of any city in the United States. friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH THE TOWN CRIER PAGE FOUR a large porportion of them were Westerners, from respected and admired even when one could not Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, though altogether agree with it. To our cherished sister THE TOWN CRIER doubtless the organization will go down in history city of Tacoma was allotted a quota of ten thou Official publication of the Seattle Fine Arts Society. as a New York battalion. But as intimated at sands dollars, a trifling sum indeed in comparison Member of Washington State Press Association. Published every Saturday by the beginning, confidence in history is not entirely with Tacoma's past accomplishments in raising WOOD & REBER, Inc. universal and complete. money for worthy purposes. Hut, sad to tell, all Suite 228 Post-Intelligencer Building, Seattle. * * * was not peace and harmony when Tacoma heard Telephone Main 6302. the call. A certain element in the W. C. T. U. Entered as second-class matter at the United States post- office at Seattle. A Distinguished Statesman of that city arose and steadfastly maintained that EASTERN OFFICE: No. 209 Eagle Building, Brooklyn, N. T. Seattle had the pleasure of entertaining this it would not contribute one red cent if the money CHICAGO OFFICE: 68 East Washington Street. SUBSCRIPTION: One year, in advance, $3.00; six months, week, in the person of Viscount Ishii, one of the was to be used for a fight on tobacco. As to the $1.60; three months, 76 cents; single copies, 10 cents. For­ really notable figures in the diplomatic colony at reason for its stand we are not informed. Per­ eign subscriptions (countries in Postal Union) $4.00 a year. For sale by all Newsdealers. Washington, one that those who sincerely hope il aps it was the realization that whenever father Payments should be made by Check, Draft, Postal Order, for the promotion of pleasant relations and good quits smoking, as he sometimes does to please ?ayable to THE TOWN CRIER, or by Registered Letter. feeling between his country and our own would the family or just to show that he can or for For advertising Rates address Suite 228 Post-Intelligencer Building, Seattle. Inquiries within city limits of Seattle, much regret to see replaced as Japanese ambas­ any other reason whatsoever, he's a tough person made by mail or by telephone to Main 6302, Till be personally sador to the United States. Not for many years to get along with for a couple of weeks and moth­ respondend to by a representative of THE TOWN CRIER when requested. has that important post been held by anyone for er herself usually is the one that hunts up his whom the people of America entertain so high pipe and fairly begs him to have some considera­ a feeling of both respect and liking. tion for the rest of the family and resume his It Didnt Happen Viscount Ishii during his stay in the United vice; or—you know it has been rumored that a Who was it said that history is a set of lies that States has done more toward bringing the Amer­ certain exclusive woman's club recently set apart the world has agreed to accept as truth? Perhaps ican people to a friendly appreciation and under­ certain rooms in its quarters where members we quote inaccurately, but such is the spirit ot standing of Japan than had been accomplished might if they chose indulge a dainty weed—per­ the epigram. by any other agency. In fact, it may be remem­ haps it was that certain members of the W. C. T. You remember in "The Country Cousin," after bered, in some few weeks after he landed upon U. themselves—but impossible! The thought may the winsome Nancy, expressing herself as forcibly our shores he very nearly undid all that German not even be given utterance. Probably it was only as a lady might, reminds him of Sherman's oft and other propaganda had accomplished in many common sense. quoted and somewhat inelegant observation, years to create friction between the two countries. George Tewkesbury Reynolds III seeks informa­ Ishii spoke frankly and openly and discussed the tion of the butler as to the burden of the general's various phases of relationship between Japan and Merely Squirming pronunciamento. America in such apparent good faith and such a A remarkable communication is the letter of deliciously common sense way that he not only "You know, sir," replies the servitor, "General Councilman Lane to the Post Intelligencer, in earned a welcome for himself but removed most Sherman denied that he ever said it." which he discusses but does not explain his pres­ of the antagonism that in some quarters had exist­ So is it with many of the sayings, even of the ence at a banquet given in honor of Hulet Wells ed toward his country. deeds, of history. There is a considerable portion and Sam Sadler on the eve of their departure for of the American public that to this day believes Without doubt for many years certain interests the penitentiary. It is mostly a recitation of General Funston swam the Rio Grande in the will endeavor to convince the nation that there things he has not done which nobody said he did Philippines under a terrific fire and in his teeth is a Japanese problem, that there is ground for and assertion of things he did which everybody a cable, by means of which he afterward pulled disagreement~between the two nations, but the knows he did.
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