2008 Chickasaw graduates - See page 36 ChickasawOffi cial Timespublication of the Chickasaw Nation Vol. XXXXI11 No. 5 May 2008 Ada, Oklahoma Metal Mayhem shines at robot challenge Young engineers named top robotics rookies designed, built and operated that we got rookie of the year,” a robot to specifi cations. The said Metal Mayhem student Metal Mayhem robot competed team leader Zac Dennis, of Ada with robots constructed by other High School. high school teams from the U.S. When the team was started, and several other countries. Zac said, team members didn’t In addition to their engineer- think they had a chance to win ing prowess, Metal Mayhem rookie of the year at the regional members were recognized for level, much less at the national their signifi cant contributions championship. to the local community. Woodie “It was really exciting, be- Flowers, FIRST advisory board cause we put a whole lot of hard chairman, specifically men- work into it,” said team member tioned the team’s effort to pro- Laura Medcalf. mote the Chickasaw language Jacob Pittman, the team stu- when making the rookie award dent construction leader, said announcement. he got a great deal of personal Metal Mayhem team members after being named Rookie All Star Team of the Other community service satisfaction from taking part in projects included a “graffiti the project. Year at the FIRST National Championship in Atlanta, Georgia. paint out,” collecting money “It felt really good to give ATLANTA - An Ada-area tion of Science and Technology consists of a number of Ada-area for “Tunes 4 Troops,” a fi tness back to the community,” he team received the National (FIRST) Robotics challenge. high school math and science promotion with local Head Start said. Rookie All Star award in its Metal Mayhem, sponsored students, as well as local stu- centers, and adopt a highway Team members documented fi rst year of competition in the by the Chickasaw Nation and dents in other disciplines.Team litter clean up efforts. See Metal Mayhem, For Inspiration and Recogni- Pontotoc Technology Center, members and their local mentors “I just really couldn’t believe page 56 Visitors refl ect on Chickasaw life, Removal during homelands journey HOMELANDS AREA, Miss. tion where the first group of Many of those on the trip - Gathered in a rather ordinary Chickasaws crossed the riv- echoed those sentiments. looking pavilion along the Ar- er July 4, 1837 as they were That stop at the Removal site kansas River, members of the removed from their beloved was the fi rst of many members Chickasaw Committee of Elders homeland. of the Chickasaw Elders Com- and the Language Committee “It was sad,” said Pauline mittee and the Language Com- sang a hymn in Choctaw. Brown as she refl ected on the mittee made during a recent trip Those in attendance sang experience. She noted that oth- to the homelands. solemnly, as if they were com- ers at the time were celebrating The group also visited sites memorating the loss of a loved their independence. in Tennessee, Mississippi, and one. In a sense, they were. “But our people weren’t cel- Alabama. That pavilion sat on the loca- ebrating, they were sad.” Ancient mounds and a nature trail at the Chucalissa Museum gave visitors an insight into how Chickasaws lived hundred of years ago, prior to European arrival on the continent. Stanley Smith said he made the trip because he was curious Rose Jefferson and Suzanne Russell pose by me- after hearing so many stories morial markers near the site of the first modern day about what had happened in repatriation of Chickasaw remains near the North the past. Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo, Mississippi. “I just kind of wanted to see Oklahoma City, OK 731 OK City, Oklahoma how the lay of the land is and was harder.” “That’s why I’m proud to be Permit No.1 Permit Ada, OK 74821 OK Ada, get a better feel of how they He added that it was obvious Chickasaw,” he said. “If you PAID Post Offi ce Box 1548 Box ce Offi Post lived and how they traveled,” his Chickasaw ancestors must look back at our ancestors to US Postage US The Chickasaw Times Chickasaw The PRESORTED STANDARD PRESORTED said Smith. “It’s kind of hard have been highly skilled people to imagine how they lived way to fl ourish before they had ac- See Homeland Tour, back there, because everything cess to modern tools. page 61 2 April Resolutions May 2008 General Resolution Number 25-030 Tribal Tract No. 48-A Oil and Gas Lease in Bryan County Explanation: This resolution approves an Oil and Gas Lease in favor of R. D. Tribal Tract No. 746-B Williams & Company. P. O. Box 516, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402. R. D. Wil- Explanation: This resolution approves an Oil and Gas Lease in favor of Chesa- liams & Company, P.O. Box 516, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402, has submitted an peake acceptable bid of $607.00 per acre for a total bonus of $11,350.90, of which the Exploration, LP, P. O. Box 18496, Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0496. Chesa- Chickasaw Nation shall receive $2,837.73, on property belonging to the Choctaw peake and Chickasaw Nations described as Lot 8, less and except 22.16 acres described as Exploration, LP, P. O. Box 18496, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73154-0496, has following: Beginning at a point 957 feet West of the SE corner of said Lot; thence submitted an acceptable bid of $452.00 per acre for a total bonus of $24.335.68, of North 22 degrees 15 minutes East, 710 feet; thence North 6 degrees East, 445 feet; which the Chickasaw Nation shall receive $6,083.92, on property belonging to the thence North 16 degrees 30 minutes East, 229.6 feet to a point on the North line of Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations described as Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3 and Lot 6 and the said Lot; thence East 556.6 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence South S/2 SW/4 SE/4 NE/4, more particularly described by a 1965 survey as: Beginning along the East line of said Lot to the point of beginning of Section 6, Township 5 at the center of West 1/16 Section line, (being 19.99 chains East of the ¼ section North, Range 9 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma, containing 18.70 acres, more or corner of Sections 15 and 16) of Section 15, Township 8 South, Range 14 East, less, for a primary term of three (3) years with a $3.00 per acre annual rental for a thence South 0 degrees 02 minutes East, 15.72 chains, (1037.52 feet), intersecting total of $56.10, of which the Chickasaw Nation will receive $14.03 per annum, and 1896 meander line; thence South 22 degrees 21 minutes East, 23.34 chains (1540.44 a royalty rate of 18.75%. feet) to 1951 meander corner; thence downstream along the left bank with meanders Presented By: Land Development Committee of the river North 7 degrees 53 minutes East 1.23 chains (81.18 feet); thence North Dr. Judy Goforth Parker, Chairperson 20 degrees 48 minutes East, 5.12 chains (337.92 feet); thence North 24 degrees 31 Yes votes: Beth Alexander, Katie Case, Scott Colbert, Tim Colbert, Holly Easter- minutes East 4.64 chains (306.24 feet); thence North 25 degrees 38 minutes East ling, Mary Jo Green, Donna Hartman, Dean McManus, Judy Goforth Parker, Wanda 9.89 chains (652.74 feet) thence North 25 degrees 06 minutes East, 14.644 chains Blackwood Scott, David Woerz, Steve Woods, Linda Briggs (966.52 feet); thence North 36 degrees 25 minutes East, 6.094 chains (402.21 feet) General Resolution Number 25-034 to the East-West ¼ section line in said Section; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes Oil and Gas Lease in Carter County West along the ¼ Section line 26.884 chains (1774.34 feet) to the point of begin- Tribal Tract No. 1162 ning, Bryan County, Oklahoma, containing 53.84 acres, more or less, for a primary Explanation: This resolution approves an Oil and Gas Lease in favor of Chesa- term of three (3) years with a $3.00 per acre annual rental for a total of $161.52, of peake Exploration Limited Partnership, P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma City, OK which the Chickasaw Nation will receive $40.38 per annum, and a royalty rate of 73154-0496. Chesapeake Exploration, LP, P. O. Box 18496, Oklahoma City, OK 18.75%. 73154-0496, has submitted an acceptable bid of $452.00 per acre for a total bonus Presented By: Land Development Committee of $2,260.00, of which the Chickasaw Nation shall receive $565.00, on property be- Dr. Judy Goforth Parker, Committee Chair longing to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations described as an undivided ½ mineral Yes votes: Beth Alexander, Katie Case, Scott Colbert, Tim Colbert, Holly Easter- interest in the SE 10 acres of Lot 2 of Section 19, Township 3 South, Range 1 East, ling, Mary Jo Green, Donna Hartman, Dean McManus, Judy Goforth Parker, Wanda Carter County, Oklahoma, containing 10 acres, more or less, for a primary term of Blackwood Scott, David Woerz, Steve Woods, Linda Briggs three (3) years with a $3.00 per acre annual rental for a total of $15.00, of which the General Resolution Number 25-031 Chickasaw Nation will receive $3.75 per annum, and a royalty rate of 18.75%. Oil and Gas Lease in Pushmataha County Presented By: Land Development Committee Tribal Tract No.
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