Children's Theatre Following their tradition of March 12: "Folk Songs for Child· bringing worthwhile live theatre ren" by Tom Glazer; April 2, 11111 S,otll,lIt to children of the Albany area, "The Tinder Box" by the Berke· the Albany Children's Theatre ley Marionettes. All productions Inc. is proud to present the fol­ will take place at the Albany VOL. X, NO. 39 SEPTEMBER 30, 1965 lowing program for the 1965·66 High School Auditorium at 2:30 season: October 9: "Beauty and P. M. $1.00 PER YEAR 1O¢ A COpy the Beast" by Equity Library Theatre, Jne.; November 13: "The Just So Stories", (Kipling)­ by Dance Adventures, Inc.; Voorheesville Fire Prevention Program Set Bazaar Final preparations are being For Week of October 3-9 Voter Reg istration completed for the annual Auc­ Fire Prevention Committee Chairman Walter W. Eck has The Town of Bethlehem does tion-Bazaar at the Voorheesville announced the following schedule for the activities of the Town of not have personal registration - Methodist Church on Saturday, Bethlehem Fire Officers Association for the week of October which means that it is not nec­ October 2. 3 through October 9. essary for a voter to appear per­ Booths featuring baked goods, September 30: Proclamation at the Delaware Plaza from 6 sonally at his polling place to homemade candy, gifts, plants, by Supervisor Bertram Kohinke. to 9 P. M. Forum will include register. A canvass is made by produce, used clothing, books, October 3: Placing of sign at individual displays and shows representatives of the Repub­ toys, etc. will open at 9:30 A. M. the Four Corners, Delmar. by each Department, showing lican and Democratic Parties The auction of antiques and October 4-5: Inspection of how you can. prevent fires: the to obtain the names of all eli­ general household items of all homes and businesses if owner Fire Maniacs, a riotous show for gible v9ters, and the names aTe sizes and descriptions will com­ so desires. young and old; a central spectac­ placed on the registration books mence at 12:30 under the dir­ October 6-7: Judging of essay ular display; announcing of the by the election inspectors as a re­ ection auctioneer James Dunn. contest. winners of the essay contest; sult of the canvass. From 4:00 to 7:00 P. M. a fam· October 8: Firemen's Forum a demonstration by the newly To be eligible to vote, a per­ ily style roast beef supper will formed Slingerlands Rescue son must be a citizen, 2-1 years be served in the social hall. PROCLAMATION Squad. Free refreshments and of age on or before Election Day, Refreshments will be avail­ FIRE PREVENTION WEEK informational literature will be and a resident of New York State able and ponies, games, and rides 1965 available also. for one year, of Albany County will entertain the children WHEREAS - October 3rd to The theme "Are You Sure," for four months, and of the elect­ throughout the day. October 9th has been designated will be carried through all of ion district for thirty days, pre­ A special feature will be a band as Fire Prevention Week, and the plans the Association has WHEREAS - the Town of Beth· ceding the election, November 2. concert at 5:00 P. M. by the Voor· laid. lehem Fire Department Officers If a voter moves from an elect­ heesville High School band under Association, and the five Volunteer Those wishing a premise in­ ion district in the Town of Beth­ the direction of Francis McDer­ Fire Departments in the Town, spection for fire hazards are lehem to any other election dis­ mott. will have a display of firemanic urged to contact the following t~tt;\11"'in Albany County within Visitors will also have an op­ equipment - including the new volunteers in the fire protect­ thirty days prior to the elect­ portunity to view a wide selection town-wide fire radio, at the Dela­ ion district in which they re­ ion, he is entitled to vote in the of works gathered from local ware Shopping Plaza Friday eve­ side: Slingerlands, W. Eck, 439· district from which he moved. artists. ning, October 8th, from 6:30 1097; Selkirk, J. Keller, 465· to 9:30 P.M .• and 3193; Delmar, G. Day, 439·3914; WHEREAS - the residents of North Bethlehem, J. Eisenhand· the Town of Bethlehem are very ler, 482·8544; Elsmere, R. Hen· proud of our wonderful fire de­ partments and of their members; dricks, 439·5525. and are grateful to them for the A special note to parents: Be protection they give us, now sure that your child has entered THEREFORE, I, Bertram E. the Town-wide e8say contest. Of­ Kohinke, Supervisor of the Town ficial entry blanks are available of Bethlehem, hereby reque~t and at the schools. This contest will urge ali residents of the Town to give your child a chance to win visit the display on Friday eve­ a prize. The contest is open to ning, so that they may see for all children in the 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, themselves the fine equipment owned by our fire departments. and 9th grades who reside in an area protected by any of the I do further publicly express Town of Bethlehem Fire Depart­ my appreciation, and that of all ments. of the residents of the Town of The Association also wishes Bethlehem, for the unselfish and expert services performed so ably to extend a most cordial invit­ by the members of our Volunteer ation for you to join them at the Fire Departments. Delaware Plaza for the Fire­ men's Forum, especially to watch The Annual Auction-Bazaar of the Voorheesville Methodist Church to be Bertram E. Kohinke, the crazy antics of the Fire Man­ held on Saturday, October 2, is the topic of conversation for Etta Hatch, Supervisor. Lee Ellis, Robert-Andrews, Pat Scoons and Quintin Weaver. iacs. PAGE 2 - September 30, 1965 THE SPOTLIGHT 'Mary Poppins' Church Fair The Walt Disney Studios have approved the MARY POPPINS theme for the annual fair planned hy the WSCS of t.he Methodist Church in South Bethlehem, Thursday, October 7. Tantal­ izing extravaganza reminiscent FULLY of MARY POPPINS' magical AUTOMATIC COMET charm will be on sale in "chim­ w~ ney" booths from 1 :30. (Your gift LAWN SWEEPER list can be easily satisfied with ELECTRIC BLANKET hand mades you won't have to LIST PRICE $12.88 97 make!) 19 A facsimile of MARY POP· 88 6'/2 bushellili·oul hamp. INS will be on hand complete ere Strong tubular with carpet bag. MARY POP· chrome-plated steet han­ INS music will liven the turkey dle. Trigger release ad- 9 dinner with all the "fix ins" one justment for 0 to 2Vi' Full size, 72x84". Single control; indi­ sweeping heights; semi­ expects only at Thanksgiving. cator light, 8 settings; 80% rayon, pneumatic tires. Folds The dinner donation will be two 20~o cofton cover; bi"di,ng·-,Tldd.i,ne washable. Lovely pastel colors. for storage, assembles dollars for adults, one dollar for 2-year replacement oua",nt ••. in minutes. children under twelve. First ser­ VACUUM CLEANER ving at 5:30 until all are served; I_+-I-r-_~INSTANT HEAT! no reservations are necessary. 1450 Watt Automatic BAGS The combined Fair-and-tur­ POR1'ABLE HEATER key-dinner is a tradition carried on for more years than anyone LIST 15.95 mn now alive in South Bethlehem can ANNIVERSARY 88 remember. The present WSCS SPECIAL 11 (Woman's Society of Christian Service) is the outgrowth of the Automatic thermostat; safety switch former Ladies' Aid, which itself is overturned; ONLY llC was the outgrowth of the Wil­ chromed tamper-proof grille. Folding FOR PACKAGE OF ling Workers' Society. organized handle; UL approved. 13"xIS"xSVi', 3 to 6 BAGS at least 75 years ago. In that day, When you purchase women of the church used to vol­ a pack at our anni­ unteer to roast the turkeys in versary pri ce ••• EE"R"'~ 16·FT. their own ovens while a pie or ALUMINUM Tested for safety; non-spin rungs loded two baked happily alongside. into side rails; sure-action at any height. c 79 WSCS women still ,cook the meal EXTENSION LADDER Ribbed vinyl treads riveted to aluminum PKG .•1 3 I. 6 BAGS but in more scientific fashion. self-locking safety shoes. Stron.9. heat... Fit aver 100 models REG, 19.95 Mrs_ Norman Noble, and Mrs. tempered aluminum; free-sliding side rails. Strong bag s; fit all 88 SPIN·PROOF RUN!;S • SAFETY LOCKS top selling clean­ Robert Mayo are dinner chair­ ANNIVERSARY • SAFETY FEET . ers, upright or tank. men. Mrs. John Haskell and Mrs. SPECIAL Arthur Fross are responsible 13 for the imaginative theme and NEW from FESCOI HIGH DENSITY success of the Fair. Publicity _----,.-_ POLYETHYLENE HOUSEWARES """1m" chairman is Mrs_ Donald Hunter. ·'. ., WASTE C~~~~E 9ge i~~b;.""''''f'1f" UJ. BASKET Ql1V,,,, Wildlife Film ·WI PAl[. Lectures The first of the 1965·66 series of five Audubon Wildlife Film Lectures will be presented by the Capitaland Natural Science Cen­ ter on October 8th at 8:15 p, M, in the auditorium of the Thomas THE SPOTLIGHT is published every Thursday by Spotlight, Inc., 154 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, N.Y., ROBERT G. KING, PUBLISHER. Dead line for news is Thursday afternoon, one week preceding publication; deadline for dis 10 advertisements is Frida cfterno THE SPOTLIGHT September 30, 1965 - PAGE 3 O'Brien School No. 24, Lincoln further the cause of conservation by a committee of teachers in the Park, Delaware A venue, Albany.
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