PROGRAM ORGANIZE #LABOURDAY2019 EDUCATE RESIST HAPPY LABOUR DAY! On Monday, September 2, over 20,000 union members will take to the streets in the annual Labour Day Parade. The 2019 theme “Organize, Educate, Resist!” was chosen to bolster worker solidarity in the face of the Ford government’s austerity agenda and to ready unions for the fights ahead. The first fifteen months of this Ford government have confirmed what we predicted: that the Conservatives would wreak havoc across the entire province, stripping workers’ rights, cutting programs and undermining the integrity of our education system and health services. Their record shows us why Canadians cannot risk having the Conservatives take power at the federal level. Our unions are committed to fighting against these regressive measures in every way possible. We are committed to building inclusive workplaces and communities, and challenging the politics of hate. Unions in greater Toronto have been working together for justice since 1871, and we are proud of what our members do every day to benefit all Canadians. This year’s parade will include workers who are organizing in sectors driven by the digital economy, including Foodora delivery workers and Uber drivers. The parade’s lead union is International Union of Operating Engineers Local 793, celebrating its 100th anniversary. The Toronto Labour Day parade has been held by the Labour Council annually since 1872. Labour Day has been officially recognized on the first Monday in September since 1894. The Toronto & York Region Labour Council is a central labourr bodybody that combines the strength of local unions representing 200,000 women and menen whowho work in every sector of the economy. Learn more at: labourcouncil.ca PARADE LINE-UP Colour Guard Labour Council and its Projects Invited Guests Toronto Retirees Network Sisters in the Trades City Councillors and School Board Trustees Provincial and Federal New Democratic Party Featured Local: International Union of Operating Engineers Local 793 SECTION 1 Central Ontario Building Trades SECTION 2 Toronto Firefighters International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 78 Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1587 Carpenters and Allied Workers Local 27 SECTION 3 Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 SECTION 4 Canadian Union of Postal Workers International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Canadian Media Guild Toronto Musicians Association SECTION 5 Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television & Radio Artists - Toronto United Steel Workers SECTION 6 Canadian Union of Public Employees SECTION 7 Elementary Teachers of Toronto Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association SECTION 8 Canadian Office & Professional Employees Ontario Public Service Employees Union Region 5 Association of Management, Administrative, and Professional Crown Employees of Ontario Workers United Ontario Nurses Association Society of United Professionals Public Service Alliance of Canada Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada Service Employees International Union Diverse Workers Networks SECTION 9 United Food & Commercial Workers UNITE HERE Local 75 SECTION 10 Friends of Labour SOLIDARITY LEADERS INTERNATIONA UNION OF BUSINESS MANAGER Mike Gallagher PRESIDENT Joe Redshaw LOCAL 793 100 YEARS STRONG TRAINING TOMORROW’S WORKFORCE ;V^LY*YHUL4VIPSL*YHUL,_JH]H[VY+VaLY;YHJ[VY3VHKLY)HJROVL*VUJYL[L7\TW.YHKLY OPERATING ENGINEERS TRAINING INSTITUTE OF ONTARIO International Union of Operating Engineers Local 793 2245 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6L 6X8 Phone: 1-877-793-4863 | Fax: 905-469-3007 | Website: www.iuoelocal793.org MOBILIZE. EDUCATE. RESIST. BUILDINGBuilding A a GREEN Green FUTURE Future FORfor Workers. WORKERS. .ca CUPE’s 270,000 members provide the quality public services we all rely on across Ontario every day. We work in social services, health care, municipalities, school boards, universities, and airlines. The Ford Conservatives are attacking those services and the workers who deliver them with devastating cuts and wage restrainst legislation in the form of Bill 124. Tell your MPP and the Ford Conservatives you support communities, not cuts at: www.communitiesnotcuts.ca From our union family to yours... Happy Labour Day! 1.800.637.5936 /ufcw1006a ufcw1006a.ca Wayne E. Hanley, President • Kevin Benn, Secretary Treasurer • Glacier Effs-Samuel, Recorder JackJack OliveiraOliveira BusinessBusiness ManagerManager LuisLuis CamaraCamara NeNelsonlson MMeloelo SecretarySecretary TreasurerTreasurer PresidentPresident Marcello Di GiovanniGiovanni BernardinoBernardino FerreiraFerreira RecordinRecordingg SSecretaryecretary Vice-PresidentVice-President JaimeJaime CortezCortez PatrickPatrick SheridanSheridan E-BoardE-Board MemberMember E-BoardE-Board MemberMember BARRIE - KINGSTONKINGSTON - TORONTOTORONTO - COCOBOURGBOURG - CCAMBRIDGEAMBRIDGE CambridgeCambridge OfficeOffice 330 Industrial Road, CambridCambridgege ON N3H 4R4R77 519 496 0750 ph 519 653 8086 fx 1 800 981 6181 toll free @liuna183 joinjoin us at www.liuna183.ca united association local 46 toronto’s plumbers, steamfitters & welders celebrating over 125 YEARs of union STRENGTH & PRIDE GUFRSH "Organize Educate Resist-Labour Day 2019" UBC Local 27 Proud of our Heritage and Legacy for 130+ Years Wishing all our Members and Their Familes a Happy and Safe Labour Day! 222 Rowntree Dairy Rd Woodbridge, ON L4L 9T2 905-652-4140 www.carpenterslocal27.ca 81,7(+(5(/RFDOLVWKH*7$ VKRVSLWDOLW\ZRUNHUVXQLRQ UHSUHVHQWLQJRYHUWKRXVDQGKRWHOJDPLQJDQGIRRGVHUYLFH ZRUNHUVDWPRUHWKDQSURSHUWLHV:HDUHSDUWRIVWURQJ DQGSURXG81,7(+(5(PHPEHUVDFURVV1RUWK$PHULFDFRPLQJ WRJHWKHUWRZLQGLJQLW\DQGKLJKHUVWDQGDUGVLQWKHKRVSLWDOLW\LQGXVWU\ DQGEH\RQG ,QRXUJURXQGEUHDNLQJ&LW\:LGH6WDQGDUGVHFXUHGZDJH LQFUHDVHVSHQVLRQDQGEHQHILWVSDFNDJHVWKDWRXUVHFWRUKDVQRW VHHQLQWZRGHFDGHVZDJHLQFUHDVHVFHQWVKRXUSHQVLRQ FRQWULEXWLRQVDQGLPSRUWDQWZRUNSODFHSURWHFWLRQV 81,7(+(5(LVDPLOLWDQWXQLRQ±ZHWDNHRXUILJKWIRUMXVWLFHWRWKH VWUHHWVDQGGHIHQGWKHULJKWVRILPPLJUDQWVZRPHQ/*%746 FRPPXQLWLHVDQGSHRSOHRIFRORXU:RUNHUOHDGHUVOHDGRXUILJKW 2XUPHPEHUVDUHFRPPXQLW\OHDGHUVRUJDQL]LQJLQFRPPXQLWLHV DFURVVWKH*7$IRUUDFLDOMXVWLFHPLJUDQWMXVWLFHDQG/*%74VULJKWV PARADE HOSTS PARADE HOSTS PARADE HOSTS The Toronto & York Region Labour Council represents over 200,000 women and men who work in every sector of the economy. From the very first days of the Labour Council in 1871, our unions adopted the principle that "what we wish for ourselves, we wish for all." We used our collective effort to win vital public programs, help workers unionize, and challenge unjust laws. Over the years, these gains made a real difference in people's lives. Today, Labour Council brings the strength of the entire labour movement into ongoing work that has real impact: Fighting for an economy that provides decent jobs, living wages and fairness for all. Assisting local unions in campaign planning and strike solidarity. Working for an education system that gives students what they need to succeed and electing trustees who will make that their priority. Advocating for public transit, community services, child-care and anti-poverty programs along with labour-supported City Councillors. Mobilizing for economic justice. The Minimum Wage campaigns won huge wage increases for hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers. Building an equity agenda within unions and society, and continuing the long struggle against racism led by the Labour Council and its affiliates. Fighting to improve labour laws so that more workers can join unions and lift standards across the entire economy. Working for climate justice so future generations can benefit and prosper. Challenging affiliates and activists to discover new forms of labour power, and training the future leaders of our movement. labourcouncil.ca COPE 343.
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