GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF THE FRESHWATER MUSSEL, ANODONTITES TRAPESIALIS (LAMARCK 1819), IN A FLOW- THROUGH SYSTEM FOR LONG-TERM HOLDING EL CRECIMIENTO Y LA SUPERVIVENCIA DEL MEJILLÓN DE AGUA DULCE, ANODONTITES TRAPESIALIS (LAMARCK 1819), EN UN SISTEMA DE FLUJO CONTINUO A LARGO PLAZO Ricardo C. Lima1*, Angela T. Paes2 and Wagner E. P. Avelar1 ABSTRACT As with other freshwater mussels, Anodontites trapesialis is an endangered and threatened species. Artificial culture has been strongly recommended in recovery plans as a strategy to bolster declining populations, as well as the reintroduction of species to sites within their historic ranges. Our project compares two methods of adult animal management: buried and suspended, focusing on growth and survival of A. trapesialis in a captive environment. Animals were fed with Chlamydomonas spp. After 120 days, weight (soft and hard body) increased by 2.1% in the suspended group and decreased by 1.4% in the buried group. Suspended animals showed higher survival rates than those that were buried. The information provided may be of particular interest to develop future conservation measures for this and other similar endangered species. Keywords: Freshwater mussel, Mycetopodidae, aquaculture system, adult management, biodiversity. RESUMEN Así como otras especies de almejas de agua dulce, Anodontites trapesialis se encuentra en peligro y ame- nazada de extinción. El cultivo artificial ha sido muy recomendado en los planes de recuperación como una estrategia para mejorar las cifras de población en declive, así como la reintroducción de especies a sitios dentro de sus rangos históricos. Nuestro estudio compara dos métodos de manejo de animales adultos, ente- rrados y suspendidos, con un enfoque en el crecimiento y la supervivencia de A. trapesialis en un ambiente de cautiverio. Los animales fueron alimentados con Chlamydomonas spp. Al comparar los porcentajes de peso corporal (concha y tejido blando) después de 120 días, un aumento medio del 2.1% se observó en el grupo suspendido y una pérdida media del 1.4% en el grupo enterrado. Los animales suspendidos tuvieron mejores tasas de supervivencia que aquellos que fueron enterrados. La información proporcionada puede ser de especial interés para el desarrollo de las futuras medidas de conservación para esta y otras especies similares en peligro de extinción. Palabras claves: Mejillón de agua dulce, Mycetopodidae, sistema de acuicultura, manejo de reproductores, biodiversidad. 1 Laboratory of Malacology, Depto. Biology, FFCLRP, University of São Paulo. Av. Bandeirantes, 3900, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 14040-901. 2 UNIFESP, Applied Statistic Department. *[email protected] Recibido 28-X-2010 Aceptado 15-IV-2011 Rev. Mar. Cost. ISSN 1659-455X. Vol. 3: 43-49, Diciembre 2011. 43 Lima, Paes & Avelar INTRODUCTION varying size from sand or muddy terrain to compact clay. A. trapesialis are found The decline of many mussel popula- in depths less than 20 m, but are generally tions has led to several conservation and collected from depths of 1 to 2 m. Unlike management programs aimed at prevent- other members of Unionoida, mycetopo- ing mussel extirpation and extinction. didae mussels produce a lasidium rather Studies have been conducted to determine than a glochidium larvae (Simone, 1994; the feasibility of relocating risk mussel Callil & Mansur, 2007). species into aquaculture and hatchery fa- Our project focused on factors influ- cilities (Ramírez, 2005), and translocating encing the growth and survival of A. trape- species to areas within their natural range sialis in a captive environment. To this end, (Martel et al. 2003). Artificial culture of we compared two treatments of broodstock endangered and threatened mussel species management: buried and suspended. has been strongly recommended in recov- ery plans as a strategy to enhance declin- MATERIALS AND METHODS ing populations, as well as the reintroduc- tion of species to sites within their historic Adults of A. trapesialis were collect- ranges (O’Beirn et al. 1998). ed from the marginal region of the Galo However, standard protocols for cul- Bravo Reservoir, at Ribeirão Preto, SP, tivating unionids have not been complete- Brazil (21º 07’ 06.9” S, 47º 49’ 32.1” W). ly developed, even though many popula- Animals were located by probing the bot- tions of threatened and endangered mussel tom of the reservoir with feet and hands. species would benefit from the release of Bivalves were transported alive to the cultured juveniles. The speed with which laboratory in insulated boxes with enough culture protocols are developed and em- local water to cover them. ployed is crucial for preventing the extinc- Two hundred mussels were randomly tion of rare species (Beck, 2001). divided into two treatments (two repli- Historically, reports on the aquaculture cates). A control treatment (N = 50) was of freshwater mussels have conveyed little kept in tanks (40x60x50 cm), buried by detailed empirical information. The stud- a 15 cm layer of sediment (particle size ies done thus far have been focused mainly < 600 µm). The other treatment (N = 50) on larvae and juvenile stage (Buddensiek, was suspended in 32x28 cm nylon bags 1995; O’beirn et al. 1998; Beck, 2001; (mesh size of 10x3 mm), with three ani- Henley, 2002; Araujo et al. 2003; McIvor, mals each, at intervals of 15 cm between 2004), and no study has included brood- bags, at 50 cm off the bottom, in the same stock conditioning in captive environment. tanks as buried mussels. All treatment Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck units, consisting of flow-through water 1819), freshwater mussels belonging to systems (mean flow was 10.0 L/min), the Mycetopodidae family, are found in were located in a room with constant tem- all main hydrographical basins of South perature and a 12 hour light-12 hour dark America, east of the Andes, with the cycle. To promote the suspension of algae exception of the lower São Francisco cells in the water column, two 5.0 cm air River and basins in the extreme south. diffusers were used in each treatment dur- Typical habitat consists of substrates of ing 120 days of controlled culture. 44 Rev. Mar. Cost. ISSN 1659-455X. Vol. 3: 43-49, Diciembre 2011. Growth and survival of the freshwater mussel, Anodontites trapesialis Mussels were fed the unicellular The ANOVA model demonstrated that green alga Chlamydomonas spp., at a den- the interaction effect between treatment sity of 200 000 cells/ml/day once daily, and time was significant P( < 0.001), in- and water was changed in all treatments dicating that the growth patterns of mus- on a weekly basis. This microalgae spe- sels were different between the treatments cies was chosen due to its availability, easy (Table 2). The suspended group lost weight culture, and fast growth in the laboratory. during the first 30 days (P < 0.001) but later Dechlorinated deep-well system water gained it with all differences being statis- from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences tically significant P( < 0.001). In the bur- and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, ied treatment, there was a significant loss Brazil (Table 1) was used for algal cultures of weight at days 30 and 60 (P < 0.001); and flow-through system. Living algal cul- however, no differences were observed be- tures were maintained in bath cultures in 20 tween days 60 and 90 (P = 0.1226) and be- l plastic bottles. Unialgal cultures were not tween days 90 and 120 (P = 0.6963). Over axenic. Enrichment of the algal culture was the 120 day experiment, the mean weight achieved by the addition of fertilizer (NPK of the buried treatment was higher than the 12:6:6) at a ratio of 1/200. suspended treatment (P < 0.01). On days 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120, the Both treatments lost weight during wet weight (fresh weight) of each mussel the first month. However, the suspend- was measured to 0.01 g using a Gehaka ed mussels gradually regained weight, BG 400 electronic balance. while the control group initially lost more Mortality rates of both groups were weight than the suspended mussels and compared using Pearson´s chi-square test. did not regain the initial loss (Table 2). ANOVA was used with repeated mea- Comparing the experiment over the 120 sures considering two factors: treatments day, weight of the suspended treatment in- (buried and suspended) and time (days creased by 2.1% and the buried treatment 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120). Comparisons be- lost 1.4% of initial mean weight. tween and inter-groups were evaluated by orthogonal contrasts. All tests for signifi- DISCUSSION cance were done at the 95% confidence level and calculations were performed us- Most attempts to rear freshwater mus- ing SAS software (9.0). sels have focused on North American spe- cies, with a few studies on European species RESULTS (Buddensiek, 1995; Henley, 2002; Araujo et al. 2003; McIvor, 2004). This study rep- Survival was higher for suspended resents the first attempt to rear a Brazilian mussels (96%) than for buried mussels species of freshwater mussel: A. trapesialis, (78%; P = 0.007). which is of particular importance because Despite the random assignment of this species is currently listed as threatened mussels to treatments, initial mean weight (Amaral et al. 2008). Its culture may offer of buried mussels was heavier than the both the possibility of reintroducing this initial mean weight of suspended mussels species to sites where it has been lost and (P = 0.0005). the opportunity to study its requirements for future laboratory research (McIvor, 2004). Rev. Mar. Cost. ISSN 1659-455X.
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