First printing: January 2009 Copyright © 2009 by Larry and Marion Pierce. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or re- produced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews. For information write: Master Books®, P.O. Box 726, Green Forest, AR 72638. ISBN-13: 978-0-89051-556-3 ISBN-10: 0-89051-556-5 Library of Congress Number: 2008940813 Cover by Diana Bogardus Printed in the United States of America Please visit our website for other great titles: www.masterbooks.net For information regarding author interviews, please contact the publicity department at (870) 438-5288. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended. Prefixed by A Short Chronicle from the Earliest History of Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. By Sir Isaac Newton. London: Printed for J. Tonson in the Strand, and J. Osborn and T. Longman in Pater-noster Row. MDCCXXVIII. Revised Edition by Larry and Marion Pierce, 2008. ® Table of Contents Preface to the Queen .....................................................................................................................................5 Notice to the Reader .....................................................................................................................................7 Introduction to the Short Chronology ........................................................................................................11 A Short Chronology from Earliest European History to Alexander the Great ............................................13 Chapter 1. Early Greek History ..................................................................................................................23 Part 1. Establishing the Times of the Key Events in Greek History ................................................23 Part 2. How Early Greek History Fits within This Framework .......................................................50 Chapter 2. The Empire of Egypt .................................................................................................................71 Chapter 3. The Assyrian Empire .................................................................................................................93 Chapter 4. The Empires of the Babylonians and the Medes ...................................................................... 103 Chapter 5. A Description of the Temple of Solomon ............................................................................... 115 Chapter 6. The Persian Empire ................................................................................................................. 123 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................. 133 Appendix A—Kings of the Ancient Empires ............................................................................................ 137 Appendix B—The Period of Nabonassar .................................................................................................. 139 Appendix C—Glossary of Terms .............................................................................................................. 141 Appendix D—Gleanings from Archbishop Ussher ................................................................................... 143 Appendix E—Alias List ............................................................................................................................ 145 Appendix F—Exhaustive Index ................................................................................................................ 151 Chapter 1 Early Greek History Part 1 — Establishing the Times of the Key of Assyria, Media and Damascus, much older than Events in Greek History the truth. {*Pliny, l. 7. c. 56. (193) 2:637} 192. This chapter has two main parts. In the first part 195. Some of the Greeks called the times before the we lay the foundation for building the chronology of reign of Ogyges unknown, because they had no his- the ancient times. In the second part of this chapter, tory of them. The times between his flood and the we show how the rest of the Greek history fits within beginning of the Olympiads was composed of fables this framework. because their history was much mixed with poetic fiction. The time after the beginning of the Olym- 1. The Uncertainty in Early Histories piads was called historical because their history was free from such fables. {E45} The fabulous ages lacked 1.1 The Exaggeration of Early Histories a good chronology and so did the historical for the 193. All nations, before they began to keep exact re- first sixty to seventy Olympiads, from 776 BC to about cords of time, have been prone to exaggerate their 500 BC. antiquity, and this fiction has been promoted by the contentions between nations about their origins. 1.2 The Inaccuracies of the History before the Herodotus says that the priests of Egypt reckoned Persian Empire that from the reign of Menes around 900 BC to that 196. The Europeans had no chronology before the of Sethon around 700 BC that there were three hun- times of the Persian Empire and whatever chronol- dred and forty-one generations of men, with as many ogy they now have of older times has been composed priests of Vulcan, and as many kings of Egypt. {E44} since by deduction and conjecture. When the Persian They equate three hundred generations to ten thou- Empire began, Acusilaus made Phoroneus as old as sand years. Herodotus states that three generations Ogyges and his flood, and that flood one thousand of men equates to a hundred years. The remaining and twenty years older than the first Olympiad in 1796 forty-one generations make thirteen hundred and BC, which is more than seven hundred and twenty forty years: and so the whole time from the reign of years older than the truth! To justify his history his Menes to that of Sethon was eleven thousand three followers have increased the reigns of kings in length hundred and forty years! {*Herodotus, l. 2. c. 142. 1:449} By and number. Plutarch says that the philosophers of this way of reckoning, and allotting longer reigns to old delivered their teachings in verse, as Orpheus, the gods of Egypt than to the kings who followed Hesiod, Parmenides, Xenophanes, Empedocles and them, Herodotus relates from the priests of Egypt Thales. However, later ones used prose. Aristarchus, that from Pan around 15570 BC to Amasis in 570 Timocharis, Aristillus and Hipparchus did not make BC were fifteen thousand years and from Hercules astronomy less notable by describing it in prose after (Egyptian) around 17570 BC to Amasis were seven- the time of Eudoxus, Hesiod and Thales, who had teen thousand years. {*Herodotus, l. 2. c. 145. 1:453} {*Herodotus, written in verse. {*Plutarch, Moralia-The Oracles at Delphi, l. 1. c. 18. l. 2. c. 43. 1:329} (402F) 5:305} Solon wrote in verse and all the seven wise men of Greece preferred to write in verse; however, 194. Likewise the Chaldeans boasted of their antiquity, for Callisthenes, the student of Aristotle, sent astro- Anaximenes of Lampsacus wrote in prose. {*Diogenes nomical observations from Babylon to Greece. Baby- Laertius, Anaximenes, l. 1. c. 2. (2) 1:133} {*Plutarch, Lives-Pubicola, l. 1. lon is said to have been founded nineteen hundred and c. 9. s. 7. 1:527} Anaximenes affirms that in his time men three years before the time of Alexander the Great. usually wrote in verse. {*Diogenes Laertius, Solon, l. 1. (61) 1:63} Until those days, the Greeks wrote only in verse, and (2234 BC) {Simplicius, De Caelo, l. 2.} The Chaldeans boasted further, that they had observed the stars for seven while they did so there could be no chronology, nor hundred and thirty thousand years, around 730300 any other history than such as was mixed with poetic BC, and there were others who made the kingdoms fantasies. {E46} 1.3 The Early Greek Historians by generations. The reckoning by the Olympiads or by any other era was not yet in use among the 197. Pliny, in discussing various inventors, says that Greeks. {*Polybius, l. 9. c. 1. (1-4) 4:3} Pherecydes the Syrian taught men to write in prose in the reign of Cyrus (537-530 BC), and Cadmus Milesius to 5) The Arundelian Marbles were composed sixty write history. {*Pliny, l. 7. c. 56. (205) 2:645} In another place, years after the death of Alexander the Great in he says that Cadmus Milesius was the first one who the 4th year of the 128th Olympiad in 265 BC. wrote in prose. {*Pliny, l. 5. c. 31. (112,113) 2:305} Josephus They contain no mention of the Olympiads, nor states that Cadmus Milesius and Acusilaus lived any other standing era, but record the times rela- shortly before the Persian invasion of Greece in 480 tive to the date of their writing. BC. {*Josephus, Against Apion, l. 1. c. 3. (13) 1:169} Suidas calls 6) Chronology was now simplified to a reckoning Acusilaus a most ancient historian, and says that he by years. In the next Olympiad, Timaeus Siculus, wrote genealogies based on tables of bronze, which who lived from around 350 to 260 BC, improved his father is reported to have found in a corner of his it. He wrote a history in several books, down to house. It is not known who hid them there, for the his own times, according to the Olympiads. {E48} Greeks had no public tables or inscriptions older than He compared the ephori, the kings of Sparta, the the laws of Draco. {*Josephus, Against Apion, l. 1. c. 4. (21) 1:171} archons of Athens, and the priestesses
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