IN GAUTENG 1994 TO 2014 TO 1994 GAUTENG IN TWENTY YEARS OF TRANSFORMATION EDUCATION Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014: An Independent Review presents a collection of 15 important essays on di erent aspects of education in TWENTY YEARS Gauteng since the advent of democracy in 1994. These essays talk to what a provincial education department does and how and why it does these things – whether it be about policy, OF EDUCATION resourcing or implementing projects. Each essay is written by one or more specialist in the relevant focus area. TRANSFORMATION The book is written to be accessible to the general reader as well as being informative and an essential resource for the specialist reader. It sheds light on aspects of how a provincial IN GAUTENG 1994 TO 2014 department operates and why and with what consequences certain decisions have been made in education over the last 20 turbulent years, both nationally and provincially. An Independent Review There has been no attempt to fi t the book’s chapters into a AN INDEPENDENT REVIEW particular ideological or educational paradigm, and as a result the reader will fi nd di ering views on various aspects of the Gauteng Department of Education’s present and past. We leave the reader to decide to what extent the GDE has fulfi lled Edited by Felix Maringe and Martin Prew its educational mandate over the last 20 years. Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014: An Independent Review is an invaluable contribution to understanding both the challenges and the successes of system-wide education change in “South Africa. Authored by some of the leading public sector managers and university scholars, it o ers judicious narratives of the complex passage from policy to implementation to institutionalisation.” Maringe & Prew – Prof. Brahm Fleisch Professor at the Wits School of Education and Head of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies AFRICAN AFRICAN MINDS MINDS Commissioned by the 9 780621 429152 Gauteng Department of Education Cover_design_FINAL_245x170.indd 1 21-01-2015 09:51:55 AM Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014 An Independent Review Edited by Felix Maringe and Martin Prew Commissioned by the Gauteng Department of Education AFRICAN MINDS GDE 20 years FINAL.indd i 14-01-2015 11:13:37 AM Published in 2014 by African Minds for the Gauteng Department of Education African Minds 4 Eccleston Place, Somerset West, 7130, South Africa info@africanminds.org.za www.africanminds.org .za Gauteng Department of Education 111 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, 2001 Telephone: +27(0)11 355 0000 Call centre: +27(0)11 355 0966/0559/0198/0600 Tollfree number: 0800 000 789 www.education.gpg.gov.za 2014 Gauteng Department of Education African Minds is a not-for-profi t, open-access publisher. In line with our goal of developing and fostering access, openness and debate in the pursuit of growing and deepening the African knowledge base and an Africa-based creative commons, this publication forms part of our non-peer reviewed list, the broad mission of which is to support the dissemination of knowledge from and in Africa relevant to addressing the social challenges that face the African continent. Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014: An Independent Review was, however, internally peer-reviewed in a two-stage process. The fi rst review process was undertaken by the editors. The revised versions of the chapters were then internally reviewed by respective specialists at the Gauteng Department of Education necessitating further revisions which were completed before fi nal acceptance by the editors and by the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-621-42915-2 eBook edition: 978-1-920677-79-4 ePub edition: 978-1-920677-80-0 PR217/2014 Copy-editing: Angela Voges Project management: Philanie Jooste from The Word Horse, www.wordhorse.co.za Design, typesetting and proofreading: COMPRESS.dsl, www.compressdsl.com Photographs: Gauteng Department of Education ORDERS: African Minds 4 Eccleston Place, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130, South Africa info@africanminds.org.za www.africanminds.org.za For orders from outside Africa: African Books Collective PO Box 721, Oxford OX1 9EN, UK orders@africanbookscollective.com GDE 20 years FINAL.indd ii 14-01-2015 11:13:44 AM CONTENTS List of acronyms v List of tables and fi gures x About the authors xiii Acknowledgements xx Foreword xxi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Martin Prew and Felix Maringe POLICY AND PLANNING 13 Chapter 2 Gauteng Department of Education: A policy review 15 Shireen Motala, Seán Morrow and Yusuf Sayed IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORKS AND SYSTEMS 37 Chapter 3 Twenty years of curriculum development in Gauteng: Successes and challenges 39 Felix Maringe Chapter 4 Structure and governance of systems, stakeholder engagement, roles and powers 61 AD Padayachee, Anusha Naidu and Tom Waspe Chapter 5 Financing education in Gauteng: Using the budget to improve opportunities 84 Raj Mestry Chapter 6 Resourcing public ordinary schools 110 Gugu Nyanda Chapter 7 Human resource management systems 137 Zakhele Mbokazi { iii } GDE 20 years FINAL.indd iii 14-01-2015 11:13:44 AM Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014 Chapter 8 Teacher knowledge and professional development 153 Francine de Clercq and Yael Shalem IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES 175 Chapter 9 Professional development: The cases of Sci-Bono Discovery Centre and the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance 177 Tony Bush Chapter 10 Early childhood education: Levelling the playing fi elds in Gauteng 192 Lorayne Excell Chapter 11 Working towards education for all in Gauteng 210 Elizabeth Walton Chapter 12 Adult Education and Training in Gauteng 1994–2014: Dream, reality, possibility 228 Edward French and Barbara Dale-Jones Chapter 13 A case of unfi nished business: The transformation of Further Education and Training colleges in Gauteng 242 Anthony Gewer and Makano Morojele Chapter 14 Change, access, quality and choice: The independent school sector in Gauteng 1994–2014 262 Jane Hofmeyr INTERVENTIONS TO IMPROVE SCHOOLS, THEIR MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF IMPACT 287 Chapter 15 Educational outcomes in Gauteng 1995–2011: An overview of provincial performance in standardised assessments 289 Nicholas Spaull Chapter 16 The carrot and the stick: School improvement through support and accountability 313 Veerle Dieltiens and Brian Mandipaza { iv } GDE 20 years FINAL.indd iv 14-01-2015 11:13:44 AM LIST OF ACRONYMS ABET Adult Basic Education and Training ABIS Alliance of Black Independent Schools ACE Accelerated Christian Education ACE Advanced Certifi cate of Education AD(H)D Attention Defi cit (Hyperactivity) Disorder AET Adult Education and Training AETASA Adult Education and Training Association of South Africa AFL Assessment for Learning AGM annual general meeting ALN Adult Learning Network AMS Association of Muslim Schools ANA Annual National Assessment ANNSSF Amended National Norms and Standards for School Funding APLLC Accelerated Programme for Literacy, Language and Communication APP Annual Performance Plan AROS Akademie Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies ASCI Association of Christian Schools International ASECA A Secondary Education Curriculum for Adults AZAPO Azanian People’s Organisation BMT Broad Management Team C2005 Curriculum 2005 CAPS Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement CASPA Catholic Schools Proprietors Association CATE Council for Adult Education and Training CCEAM Commonwealth Council for Education Administration and Management CCF Colleges Collaboration Fund CDE Centre for Development and Enterprise CEM Council of Education Ministers CEPD Centre for Education Policy Development CETC Community Education and Training Centre { v } GDE 20 years FINAL.indd v 14-01-2015 11:13:44 AM Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014 CHE Council on Higher Education CIE Catholic Institute of Education CITE Centre for International Teacher Education CODESA Convention for a Democratic South Africa COLT Culture of Learning and Teaching CPD continuing professional development CPTD Continuing Professional Teacher Development CREATE Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity CST Circuit Support Team DAS Developmental Appraisal System DBE Department of Basic Education DBST district-based support team DEA district enumerator area DHET Department of Higher Education and Training DMT District Management Team DOE Department of Education DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration EAP Employee Assistance Programme EAZ Education Action Zone ECD Early Childhood Development ECDI Early Childhood Development Institute ECE Early Childhood Education EFA Education for All EHW employee health and wellness ELRC Education Labour Relations Council EMASA Education Management Association of South Africa EMGD Education, Management and Governance Development EMIS Education Management Information System EMT Executive Management Team EPU Education Policy Unit ESF Equitable Share Formula ESSP Education School Support Programme ESSP Extra School Support Programme FBO faith-based organisation FDE Further Diploma in Education FET Further Education and Training FTE full-time equivalent FWSA Federation of Waldorf Schools in Southern Africa GCRA Gauteng City Region Academy GDE Gauteng Department of Education GENFETQA General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act { vi } GDE 20 years FINAL.indd vi 14-01-2015 11:13:44 AM List of acronyms GET General Education and Training GETC Gauteng
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