Approx # of # of Approx # of Governance # of IHP # of IHP FTEs patients (if Organization Name type LHIN (1-14) Municipality physician rostered Type EMR FTEs funded reported larger than FTEs patients (P,M,C,Other) roster) Akausivik Inuit FHT 11 Ottawa 12.20 C OSCAR Algonquin FHT 12 Huntsville 12.9 23.55 19.55 21,790 M Bell EMR-will be Telus May 2015 Algonquins of FHT 11 Golden Lake 0 5.20 2.20 C PSS Pikwakanagan Alliston FHT 8 Alliston 8 2.00 4.50 9,580 10,400 P Nightingale Amherstburg FHT 1 Amherstburg 4 2.00 3.60 6,600 7,000 C Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies Arnprior and District FHT 11 Arnprior 13 13.20 9.70 12,300 M Nightingale Athens District FHT 10 Athens 2 7.00 3.00 4,129 4,319 P PSS Atikokan FHT 14 Atikokan 3 12.00 8.50 M PSS Aurora-Newmarket FHT 8 Newmarket 4 11.50 4.50 7,350 M PSS Baawaating FHT 13 Sault Ste. Marie 2 8.00 7.00 900 C York-Med System Bancroft FHT 10 Bancroft 6 11.60 5.60 M Jonoke Barrie and Community FHT 12 Barrie 78 2.00 66.75 131,500 Optimed Beamsville FHT 4 Beamsville 9 10.21 9.00 10,000 11,000 P PSS Blue Sky FHT 13 North Bay 14 34.00 26.00 23,000 P Bell EMR Bluewater Area FHT 2 Zurich 2.5 9.00 2.00 3,592 C PSS Bridgepoint FHT 7 Toronto 5 2.00 6.30 5,350 5,500 m PSS Brighton/Quinte West FHT 10 Brighton 10 14.80 10.00 11,000 11,500 M PSS Brockton and Area FHT 2 Walkerton 19 25.50 15.50 26,000 M PSS Bruyere Academic FHT 11 Ottawa 22 2.20 17.00 Other PSS Burk's Falls FHT 13 Burk's Falls 3 7.97 6.00 3,300 M Bell EMR April 2015 Approx # of # of Approx # of Governance # of IHP # of IHP FTEs patients (if Organization Name type LHIN (1-14) Municipality physician rostered Type EMR FTEs funded reported larger than FTEs patients (P,M,C,Other) roster) Burlington FHT 4 Burlington 6 9.00 5.00 9,400 M OSCAR CANES FHT 5 Toronto 4 8.05 3.25 5,500 M PSS Carefirst FHT 8 Richmond Hill 7 12.00 3.00 8,156 C PSS Caroline FHT 4 Burlington 10 23.20 11.20 16,700 P PSS Central Brampton FHT 5 Brampton 9 10.50 6.00 P OSCAR Central Hastings FHT 10 Madoc 6 14.70 6.70 7,458 M PSS Central Lambton FHT 1 Petrolia 7 12.50 6.50 11,000 M Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies Centre for Family FHT 3 Kitchener 17 33.85 16.25 24,000 27,000 P PSS Medicine Chapleau and District FHT 13 Chapleau 3 6.20 2.20 1,950 M PSS Chatham Kent FHT 1 Chatham 20 36.95 15.00 35,000 M Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies + Healthscreen City of Kawartha FHT 9 Lindsay 26 38.00 18.50 35,727 P Lakes City of Lakes FHT 13 Sudbury 12 20.00 15.00 M PSS Clarence-Rockland FHT 11 Rockland 0.00 20,500 P PSS Clinton FHT 2 Clinton 7 12.75 6.75 8,500 M PSS Cochrane FHT 13 Cochrane 6 7.00 3.00 5,360 P OSCAR FHT 10 Brockville 9 47.30 10.10 10,269 C PSS Community Primary Health Care (CPHC) - Community Connexion FHT 11 Ottawa 12 19.00 10.00 20,500 27,519 P PSS April 2015 Approx # of # of Approx # of Governance # of IHP # of IHP FTEs patients (if Organization Name type LHIN (1-14) Municipality physician rostered Type EMR FTEs funded reported larger than FTEs patients (P,M,C,Other) roster) Corporation of the FHT 13 Manitowaning 1 3.60 2.50 1,451 1,460 M PSS Municipality of Assiginack Cottage Country FHT 12 Bracebridge 15 22.50 12.50 18,000 M PSS Couchiching FHT 12 Orillia 21 27.50 15.00 P PSS Credit Valley FHT 6 Mississauga 8.2 23.40 8.40 9,500 M Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies Delhi FHT 4 Delhi 5 19.25 7.25 6,847 C PSS Dilico FHT 14 Thunder Bay 2 12.21 1.50 C P&P Don Mills FHT 8 Toronto 3 5.00 2.00 M Bell EMR Dorval Medical FHT 6 Oakville 6 12.75 4.75 7,000 P Chartstar Dryden Area FHT 14 Dryden 13 17.70 14.00 10,272 M PSS Dufferin Area FHT 5 Orangeville 26 32.60 20.50 P PSS Ear Falls FHT 14 Ear Falls 1 7.10 5.00 C PSS East Elgin FHT 2 Aylmer 6 19.35 7.85 9,247 C Bell EMR East End FHT 13 Timmins 1 14.25 5.15 1,750 C PSS East GTA FHT 9 Scarborough 23.00 25,000 P Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies East Wellington FHT 3 Erin 9 26.08 8.08 11,212 11,370 C PSS Elliot Lake FHT 13 Elliot Lake 11 16.00 10.00 10,126 11,026 P Bell EMR Englehart & District FHT 13 Englehart 6 10.20 6.00 3,000 C Bell EMR Équipe de santé FHT 11 Ottawa 7 8.40 4.40 7,700 P PSS familiale académique Montfort April 2015 Approx # of # of Approx # of Governance # of IHP # of IHP FTEs patients (if Organization Name type LHIN (1-14) Municipality physician rostered Type EMR FTEs funded reported larger than FTEs patients (P,M,C,Other) roster) Equipe de sante FHT 11 Ottawa 26.90 C PSS familiale communautaire de l'est d'Ottawa Espanola & Area FHT 13 Espanola 4 16.30 8.30 3,800 Other PSS Etobicoke Medical FHT 6 Etobicoke 17 2.00 16.00 24,418 Centre Family First FHT 11 Orleans 10 13.10 7.10 12,000 14,000 P PSS Fort Frances FHT 14 Fort Frances 9 14.50 7.50 M Healthscreen Fort William FHT 14 Thunder Bay 17 12.60 7.60 15,983 18,091 P Jonoke Four Counties FHT 2 Newbury 3 6.50 2.90 4,146 M PSS Garden City FHT 4 St. Catharines 11 16.20 15.00 P PSS Georgian Bay FHT 12 Collingwood 0 37.50 28.00 51,500 P PSS Grandview Medical FHT 3 Cambridge 17 27.35 17.15/HP 5 26,325 29,985 P Jonoke Centre Admin Great Northern FHT 13 New Liskeard 7 5.20 5.20 P P&P Greenbelt FHT 11 Ottawa 9 8.50 3.50 12,647 P PSS Greenstone FHT 14 Geraldton 5.6 11.50 5.50 M PSS Guelph FHT 3 Guelph 75 88.80 73.30 98,000 115,000 P PSS Haileybury FHT 13 Haileybury 6 12.00 5.00 P OSCAR Haldimand FHT 4 Hagersville 9 17.75 12 (point) 75 13,500 M OSCAR Haliburton Highlands FHT 9 Haliburton 15.20 Jonoke Halton Hills FHT 6 Georgetown 22 25.10 15.10 27,000 P PSS Hamilton FHT 4 Hamilton 147 256.20 150.00 267,000 M PSS; Oscar; Bell xWave; P&P Hanover FHT 2 Hanover 10 10.50 8.00 P Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies April 2015 Approx # of # of Approx # of Governance # of IHP # of IHP FTEs patients (if Organization Name type LHIN (1-14) Municipality physician rostered Type EMR FTEs funded reported larger than FTEs patients (P,M,C,Other) roster) Happy Valley FHT 2 St. Marys 7 12.80 6.80 10,000 P PSS Harbourview FHT 14 Thunder Bay 9 14.50 9.00 16,600 P OSCAR Harrow Health Centre FHT 1 Harrow 4 18.50 4.00 6,400 C Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies Health for All FHT 8 Markham 6 10.50 2.00 7,121 M PSS Humber River FHT 8 Toronto 20 (21 on 28.50 20.00 45,000 P OSCAR May 1, presently enrolling 8 Huron community FHT 2 Seaforth 8 10.85 4.25 8,500 M PSS Huron Shores FHT 13 Blind River 5 5.10 5.10 P PSS Inner City FHT 7 Toronto 10 13.90 7.60 M OSCAR Iroquois Falls FHT 13 Iroquois Falls 03-Jan 11.75 5.00 Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies Jane-Finch FHT 8 Toronto 7 13.60 11.00 13,000 P OSCAR Kawartha North FHT 9 Fenelon Falls 2 16.00 4.50 C Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies Kincardine FHT 2 Kincardine 11 12.20 7.20 P OSCAR Kingston FHT 10 Kingston 21 30.50 17.50 P PSS Kirkland District FHT 13 Kirkland Lake 4 20.50 15.00 4,000 6,500 M PSS Lakelands FHT 10 Northbrook 3 10.00 4.00 3,088 Serve M Bell EMR changing numerous to PSS seasonal residents + 200 not rostered Leamington and Area FHT 1 Leamington 13 26.20 9.80 24,500 28,000 M Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies London FHT 2 London 10 13.50 17.00 14,000 P Nightingale April 2015 Approx # of # of Approx # of Governance # of IHP # of IHP FTEs patients (if Organization Name type LHIN (1-14) Municipality physician rostered Type EMR FTEs funded reported larger than FTEs patients (P,M,C,Other) roster) Lower Outaouais FHT 11 Hawkesbury 23 19.50 10.50 1,750 P P&P Loyalist FHT 10 Amherstview 7 10.20 tbd 12,500 P OSCAR Maitland Valley FHT 2 Goderich 12 19.25 9.25 12,000 P PSS Mango Tree FHT 3 Guelph 3 7.20 3.20 P OSCAR Manitoulin Central FHT 13 Mindemoya 5 7.60 3.60 3,300 P PSS Manitouwadge FHT 14 Manitouwadge 7.00 3.00 M PSS Maple FHT 10 Kingston 25 45.20 14.20 33,762 38,138 P Bell EMR Marathon FHT 14 Marathon 6 12.10 8.00 4,000 P OSCAR Markham FHT 8 Markham 19 33.30 22.00 27,000 P Accuro(R) EMR by QHR Technologies McMaster FHT 4 Hamilton 28 (17 34.99 18.85 Other OSCAR Minto-Mapleton FHT 3 Drayton FTE) 8 17.00 9.00 13,000 15,000 P PSS Mount Forest FHT 3 Mount Forest 0 17.00 12.00 11,125 12,441 M PSS Mount Sinai FHT 7 Toronto 10 16.50 7.50 Other Nightingale Academic New Vision FHT 3 Kitchener 14 21.50 11.40 23,969 P PSS Niagara Medical FHT 4 Niagara Falls 9 15.00 12.00 16,500 20,000 P P&P Group Niagara-on-the-Lake FHT 4 Niagara-on-the- 10 17.90 9.50 11,400 P PS NetMedical Lake Nipigon District FHT 14 Nipigon 5 7.30 5.50 2,900 4,400 M PSS NORD-ASKI FHT 13 Hearst 8 7.35 5.35 6,741 M PSS North Durham FHT 9 Port Perry 19.5 28.50 15.50 28,500 30,000 P Jonoke North Hastings FHT 10 Bancroft 9.10 C PSS North Huron FHT 2 Wingham 8 14.10 6.50 11,000 M Accuro North Peel FHT 5 Brampton 4 9.20 5.20 8,100 8,175 P PSS North Perth FHT 2 Listowel 10 16.50 11.50 15,000 M Purkinje North Renfrew FHT 11 Deep River 1 12.15 5.15 3,900 Other PSS April 2015 Approx # of # of Approx # of Governance # of IHP # of IHP FTEs patients (if Organization Name type LHIN (1-14) Municipality physician rostered Type EMR FTEs funded reported larger than FTEs patients (P,M,C,Other) roster) North Shore FHT 14 Schreiber 4 6.60 4.90 2,801 P ABELMed EMR North Simcoe FHT 12 Midland 13 19.60 11.60 P North York FHT 8 North York 66 2.00 33.00 66,000 M PSS + Nightingale Northeastern FHT 13 Little Current 6 9.40 7.40 6,900 P PSS Manitoulin Northumberland FHT 9 Cobourg 21 26.50 13.50 27,000 30,000 P PSS, P&P, ABELMed, Oscar OakMed FHT 6 Oakville 7 7.90 3.90 7,500 9,000 M Nightingale Ottawa Valley FHT 11 Almonte 12 2.60 4.00 P PSS Owen Sound FHT 2 Owen Sound 19 33.00 26.50 33,500 P PSS Parry Sound FHT 13 Parry Sound 17 20.00 12.00 17,500 19,000 P PSS Peninsula FHT 2 Lion's Head 4 8.50 5.00 P OSCAR Petawawa Centennial FHT 11 Petawawa 2.2 19.65 6.65 C OSCAR Peterborough FHT 9 Peterborough 83 120.50 66.00 109,370
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