SYMP ONY WELL RECEIVED BY PACKE Today's Guess sterday's Score A. C. VIflLtinsi,n, guest expert "Mr. W. can't score either," NI-/. predicts: "balmy day. Gentle Max. No rain again today. Light breezes, Light printed fabrics westerly winds; generally lw erciv.t will be chic." Weather bureau skies. High about 61. Pigeon disagrees, guesses: ruin. High communique from S.F. damp, ma%. about 61Low 45. Wind SW. artn all mean rain there. San Jose State College Volume XXXVII United Press San Jose, California, Wednesday, March 16, 1949 Acme Wire Photo Number 102 FATAL HEART ATTACK STRIKES DR. KARL HAZELTINE Trapped Driver Survives Holocaust New Rule May Ovanin Lauds The Mail Must Go Through Halt Sunday SJS Orchestra Campus Events Interpretation College Presidents Composer Hears His Own Work Adopt New Policy By BEN PETTUS A rule adopted last week, will I've prevent California state colleges "The best college orchestra ever heard,’! said Nikola L. from holding any event for which Ovanin. in 4 interview following admission is charged on the cam- last night's 'Festival of Ameri- pus on Sundays. can Music" by the San Jose State Symphony orchestra, given in the The new rule applies to college Morris Dailey auditorium before plays, which have been held on a packed house. Sunday evenings, and to motie.n did an excellent job," was pictures sponsored by Blue Key, "They also shown Sunday evenings. Sun- Ovanin's enthusicstic reply when asked how he liked the orchestra's day athletic events for which ad- DR. KARL HAZELTINE mission is charged are also barred rendition of his Second Sym- under the ruling. phony's. first movement. "They played it better than any other Presidents of state colleges orchestra ho has done it," he add- Adopted the rule on the ed for emphasis. state depart-recom-Friends mendation of the Mourn Audience Is Enthused ment of Education. Dr. T. W. Murmurs of awe passed through MacQuarrie approved the rule. Sudden Death the audience when after the con- It will not be put into effect on cert. Dr. Lyle Downey, conduc- ;he San Jose State college cam- tor, asked the audience's permis- pus until the beginning of the Of Professor sion- to repeat "the Ovanin num- (Acme Te1e6hoto) 1949-50 college year, he said. ber," as Ovanin came in while the, He's heard, of course, of his department's classic tradition that the were playing it, and added "if mail must go through, but Postman Ronnie Erickson honestly hadn't The state department of Educa- College Loses expected anything like this on his route in San Mateo, Calif. The anyone deserves to hear it, he flood was the result of heavy rains in Northern California. tion also has approved the addi- The 33-Year Teacher does." Weather Man predicted several more days of rain, so Ronnie had tion of courses for mannerism and better keep his hip-bootkejose at . , eansereationlysts. nr:"MueletnisTie Irobeiii services for -Dr. Karl valid" Siewild":-147, I was informed at Sacramento. S: Hazeltine, professor of nature written as a protest against war, ' 2-- - _AA - -a- - I The state department of rmuca- ‘,4m.,*////4.0 /1/../ b ./1 Nost V LA 111./J 1.1.116, 11W. 1111./a c1/1 /110. / .111UV Lk Call CCM WM / 1. 11.1 anyone deserves to hear it, he flood was the result of heavy rains in Northern California. tion also has approved the addi- The 33-Year Teacher does." Weather Man predicted several more days of rain, so Ronnie had LION of courses for sanitarian.; and better keep his hip-bootkeloae at kniad. osaservstioarms. Dr. Macqtrarrie 48. Fnnaral services for -Dr. Karl "Ild" de-rillil* f4YmPhimy. was informed at Sacramento. S: Flazeltine, professor of nature vrritten as a protest against war, i a very poWerful and stirring The new courses will be includ- study, who died yesterday afters member. The imtliination seems tee ed in the Natural Science depart- suffering a heart attack, have be intensely activated by the Link Ad vances Announcement Deadline been set foi Friday at 1 p.m. from ment. swift changes the Roger Darling Mortuary. from the ' Upon completion Of such courses strings, to the powerful gen"etrom- I To 4:30 P.M. Thursday Friday in Union The professor, a member of the bones and students will be awarded bachelor other hrasses. So that all seniors will have a chance to order graduation on - of science degrees. San Jose State college Science .faculty since 1916. was conferring To quote Ovanin on the work i louncements, time for ordering them has been extended to 4:30 with Mr. John Harville, biology "The feeling of 'protest' Pervades I both Thursday and Friday of this week. the whole Second Symphony. The Solons instructor, in his office when he iis emphasized again by George Link, class president, that this Southern dynamic impulse generating war was stricken. He suffered a simi- is absolutely the last chance for seniors to order announcements and (Arms Telephoto) Reject Northern lar attack several years ago, and can be heard throughout. The William L. Cox, 30, lies on seat in cab of les truck (arrow) with only water-soaked canvas separating main theme with its soft contours. personal cards. him was under medical care for some from roaring flames of burning gasoline. Two firemen were burned when they braved the heat to Compromise Plan rep:esents, in a sense, what things Link said that the orders are throw him the canvas and then leg caught I months then. played streams of water on him to keep him alive. Cox, his WASHINGTON. ( UP ) South- could be. being taken at the desk in the In floor boards, crashed his gasoline-loaded truck-trailer when he swerved from highway to avoid hitting Mines Chief ern senators yesterday formally His sudden death, however. , Student Union lounge. The neces- an auto. He suffered a twisted leg, second-degree burns, and shock. "But allow I rejected a compromise formula came as a shock to his many war conditions never I sits, for ordering this far in ad- it to advanced by administration I friends among faculty and stu- achieve serenity. It tries James Boyd Is vance of graduation. Link said, is minute. These arc speeds faster manuals of shorthand for various mightily to assert Democrats and Republicans in an dents. itself without that announcements will not be reading rate of most foreign languages including Span- success . there however, than the effort to settle the senate's anti - is, no Storm Center , made up until orders are received. ish. Portuguese, Italian, French, Great Loss to College definite program .. each listener and time for 'engraving and print- Shorthand Display persons. filibuster fight. creating his own images." ' ing must be allowed. Polish and Russian. "The college suffered a serious Other phases of the exhibit Senate Democratic leader Scott loss with the passing of Dr. Hazel- Delores O'Neill Gives Good Solo Is Shown in Library show the shorthand materials pro- Of special Interest are the ex- W. Lucas told reporters after an- tine." President T. W. MacQuar- "WoncliArful," and "very good." Currently displayed in the Li- vided 'service men in the simplified other peace parley that the south- for amples of the new ste said. "He as scholar and a were typical of the remarks heard ; erners had given a "firm rejec- African Missionary prary is an exhibit arranged by Armed Forces Institute program Gregg system that will not be gentleman. interested not only in from audience members during tion" to the latest settlement bid. the Commerce department depic- during the recent war. seen on the market anywhere be- the scholarship of his students: the terrific ovation given Delores Will Speak to CCF ting the shorthand methods of ! 1949. "He didn't make much prog- but in their personal welfare as O'Neill for her violin solo in Jules I fore April, The Rex. C. C. Ellenberger. Af- Examples of the four different ress." Lucas said. "The thing is well." Conus' Concerto in E minor for writing. rican missionary, will be guest modern shorthand systems are The rest of the display concerns just where it was last night." Violin and Orchestra. "1 can't think of anyone. who speaker at the Collegiate Chris- One of the mom prominent corn- shown as they are used in the a pictorial story of the history of said he a kits contributed more to the col- After tian Fellowship meeting Thurs- ponents of this display is today, Byrne, Thomas, ishorthand, and a business record Lucas would withhold completing this very dif- Lin - country day than 2000 years old. move to abandon the battle for lege," Dr. MacQuarrie added. ficult number, Miss O'Neill, senior at 12:30 p.m. in B24, accord- coin's address at Gettysburg writ- Pitman and Gregg; and complete more tighter curbs on filibusters until student in Art and Music, received ing to Lynne ,Ekstrand, mission- ten in his own hand, and the samei "Ile always carried more than his Republican senators confer. two bouquets of flowers. ary chairman. written in Gregg shorthand. share of the load." Be- , One of the first white men ever low this is a picture of the au- Proud Father at 87 "Old California" by William Dr. Hazeltine was characterized to enter French West Africa. dience, with mention of the fact Grant Still, featured the beat of Roosevelt Heir 4i.s "outstanding as a teacher and -:Xilenberger bits traveled hundreds that the leading New York news- Indian drums, the Spanish theme piratiqnal, leader for countless Of reiles: into the interior of the papers of the C.:ay did not recog- with the castinet and tambou- Enters Politics tidents" by Dr.
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