INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Office of Executive Engineer, U.K. Irrigation Division Borigumma, e- Procurement Bid Identification No- EEUKID 03/2020-21 Dated 20.01.2021 The Executive Engineer, U.K .Irrigation. Division Borigumma (K) Dist: Koraput, on behalf of Hon' Ie Governor of Odisha invites on-line percentage basis b.id through e-procurement for the work mentioned below. The bid sho Id be submitted by the eligible class of contractors as mentioned below registered with State Governments & contractors of E ~uivalent grade I class registered with Central Government I MES I Railways through On-line in the Govt. website www.tend~sodisha.aov.in( to be eventually drawn in F2 form). The bidders should have necessary portal enrolment (with own digital si! nature certificate). The registered bidders outside of Odisha State can also participate in this on-line tender process after necess ry portal enrolment but shall have to subsequently undergo registration with appropriate authority of the Odisha State govt. before signing of the agreement. The bidders registered outside the State are required to submit an under taking in the form f an affidavit, that they are not registered under the GST Act 2017 in the State of Odisha as they have not started any busines ~ in the State and they have no liabilities under the Act. But successful bidder has to produce GSTIN Registration before signing 0 agreement. SI Name of work Value of Bid security Class Peri d of Cost of No works (in Rupees) of com letion bid (Rupees in contrac document Lakhs) tor 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing Protection wall at right approach of Koilary Aquiduct and repair of Outlets within RD 4 (Four) 21.00Km to 23.20Km of pakhanguda Distributary Rs 822719/- Rs 83001- D&C calendar Rs 40001- r onths 2 Raising and strengthening left side bank of :; (Two) different patches at trough wall portion of Kotpad Rs 857305/• Rs 86001- D & C calendar Rs 40001- Distributary(Working RD11.830Km t012.140Km ) r onths 3 Renovation of Kumahandii Minor from RD :; (Two) 1.8500Km to 2.130Km (Working RD 00 to Rs 877953/- Rs 88001- D & C calendar Rs 40001- 2.130Km) r onths 4 Renovation and wall lining of Bhansuli Minor ~ (Two) from RD 00 to 250 Metre (Working RD 00 to Rs 8401401- Rs 85001- D & C calendar Rs 40001- 500 Metre) r onths 5 Renovation of VRB Cum H/R of Ghatarla S/M- II 4 (Four) (Work at Ghataralla Minor & Batasana S/M- IV of Rs 619255/- Rs 45001- D & C calendar Rs 40001- Thakadugulahandi Minor) r onths 6 Construction of Parapet Wall and Toe wall including painting near CR cum HR structure at 4 (Four) RD 35.800Km and repair to VRB structure at RD Rs 570395/- Rs 65001- D & C calendar Rs 40001- 36.100 Km ofJMC. r onths 7 Repair of VRB Slab top and parapet wall 4 (Four) including painting to CR Cum HR at RD 50.779 Rs 579278/- Rs 58001- D & C calendar Rs 40001- Km ofJMC honths 8 Repair to VRB at RD 24.040 Km of JMC .II (Four) Rs 441246/- Rs45001- D & C calendar Rs 20001- months 9 Improvement to Service Road of Jeypore Main • (Two) canal within RD 17.85 Km to 22.700 Km (Repair Rs 441968/• Rs 45001- D & C calendar Rs 20001- to Potholes and Moorum Spreading) _r 11_0nths 2 Procurement Details: Period of availability of tender On-line/Date of time of bidding on-line/ date of opening of tender paper: , Details as follows SI. Procurement officer Bid Identification No. Availability of tender On -line for Date & place of opening of No. bidding. Bid online. From To 1 2 3 4 5 6 Executive Engineer, Upper Kolab e-procurement 25.01.2021 04.02.2021 05.2.2020 (11 :00 hours.) Irrigation Division, Borigumma EE UKI 0-03/2020-21 (11 :00 hrs) (17.30 hrs.) 0/0 Executive Engineer, Upper Kolab Irrigation Division, Borigumma. 3. Bid document consisting of qualification, information and eligibility criteria of bidders, plans, specification and schedule of quantities of the work is available in web-site www.tendersodisha,gov,in and the set of terms and conditions of contract and othernecessary documents can be seen in the web-site till last date of sale and receipt of tender papers. Interested tenderers may obtain further information at the web-site www.tendersodisha.gov.in 4. The bid for the works shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the last date of opening of bid. 5. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the State Government is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service, without Government permission 6 Mode of submission of tender: Tender should be submitted on-line in www.tendersodisha.gov.in a ) The bidder has to deposit Cost of Tender Paper and Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bids through online only by a process as per works Department office Memorandum vide letter no 17254 Dated 05.12.2017 as mentioned under DTCN which will be carried out through a single banking transaction by the bidder for multiple payments. b) DeSignated Banks (SBI / ICICI Bank / HDFC Bank) payment gateway are being integrated with e• Procurement portal of Government of Odisha (https:lltendersodisha.gov.in) c) The Designated Banks participating in Electronic Receipt, Accounting and Reporting of Cost of Tender Paper and Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bids will nominate a Focal Point Branch called e-FPB, who is authorized to collect and collate all e-Receipts. Each such branch will act as the Receiving branch and Focal Point Branch not with standing the fact that the bidder rniqht have debited his account in any of the bank's branches while making payment. d) A bidder shall make electronic payment using his/her internet banking enabled account with desiqnated Banks or their aggregator banks. A bidder having account in other Banks can make payment using NEFT/RTGS facility of designated Banks e) Bid submission: Only after receipt of intimation at the e-Procurement portal regarding successful transaction by bidder the system will activate the 'Freeze Bid Submission' button to conclude the bid submission process System generated acknowledgement receipt for successful bid submission: System will generate an acknowledgement receipt for successful bid submission. The bidder should make a note of 'Bid ID' generated in the acknowledgement receipt for tracking their bid status. 7 For a particular work a bidder can submit only one tender paper. Submission of more than one tender paper by a bidder for a particular work will be liable for rejection of all such tender. 8 If the rate quoted by the bidder is less than 15% of the tendered amount then such a bid shall be rejected and the tender shall be finalized basing on merits of rest bids, But if more, than one bid is quoted at 14.99 %(Decimals up to two numbers will be taken, for all practical purposes) less than the estimated cost, the tender accepting authority will finalize the tender through a transparent lottery system, where bidders / their authorized representatives, the concerned Executive Engineer and DAO will remain present. The lottery will be drawn on date 08.02.2021 at 11.00 hours for all works of the Notice No EEUKID 03/2020-21 in office Chamber of the under signed, failure to attend the lottery personally or through representative will loose to claim or complain in future regarding the transparency of drawl of the lottery. 9. Regarding submission of Additional Performance Security: when the bid amount is less than the estimated cost put to tender, The Works Department, Govt of Odisha Letter No 13286 Dated 07.9,2017 and 14299 dated 03,10.2017 are binded to the bidder. Additional Performance Security shall be obtained from the bidder when the bid amount is less than estimated cost put to tender .In such an event ,only the successful bidder who has quoted less bid price/rates than the estimated cost put to tender shall have to furnish the exact amount of differential cost i.e. estimated cost put to tender minus the quoted amount as Additional Performance Security (APS) in shape of Term Deposit Receipt pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, Upper Kolab Irrigation Division, Borigumma within seven days from the date of lottery drawn. Otherwise the bid shall be cancelled and the security deposit shall be forfeited .Further proceeding for blacklisting shall be initiated against bidder Vide the Works Department, Govt of Odisha Letter No 14299 Dated 03.10.2017. 10.. If L-1 bidder does not turn up for agreement after finalization of the tender, The EMD de po ited online will be forfeited & he shall be debarred from participation in the bidding for three years & action will be ta en to black list the contractor. 11. Fixed deposit holders will also be required to furnish the requisite security along with the bi in the prescribed' form otherwise the bid shall be considered as non-responsive. 12. The scanned copy of acknowledge of online deposit of EMD, Tender paper cost, C.RC. (Cont actor Registration certificate), PAN. Card, GSTIN & Affidavit, along with other required documents etc. should be up oaded through web-site following the DTCN instructions. 13 The successful bidder is required to register his establishment under section-7 of the building other construction workers (RE.& C.S.) act 1996 & is liable to pay cess there of as per labour and employment De rtment Lr no 3757 Date 25/04/2009.
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