59, Justice in Northern Ireland, to Charles Anthony Brett, Edward Cunningham, of Crievekeeran, in the County of 9 Chichester Street, in the City of Belfast, of Armagh, Farmer, the sole Executor therein named. Solicitor, the surviving Executor named in said Will Dated this 8th day of March, 1949. and Codicils. CORR 6 O'CONNOR, Solicitors for said Dated this 3rd day of March, 1949. Executors, Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast; L'ESTRANGE & BRETT, Solicitors for the and Crossmaglen. ; .. Executor, 9 Chichester Street, Belfast. To:—The Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, To:—The Commissioners for Charitable Donations and all others concerned. and Bequests for Northern Ireland, and all others whom it may concern. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS , In the Goods of Charles McHugh, late of Glencop- NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS pogagh, Plumbridge, in the County of Tyrone, Farmer, deceased. In the Goods of Emily Close, late of 3 Islandbawn NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 Drive,- Belfast, Spinster, deceased. and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the said Charles McHugh, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to 30 and 31 by his Will with one Codicil dated respectively the Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named Emily Close, 23rd day of December, 1947, and the 24th day of who died at Belfast on the 30th day of January, 1948, March, 1948, made the following Charitable Bequests: by her Will dated the 27th day of July, 1943, be- The sum of £50 each to Rev. Father Houghton, queathed the following Charitable Bequests: C.C., and the Parish Priest of Plumbridge for Masses. £100 in equal shares to the priests attached to St. The sum of £50 each to Rev. Father Frank Paul's R.C. Church, Belfast, for Masses. McCullagh and to Rev. Father Campbell, C.C., for £500 to the Mater Infirmorum Hospital, Belfast. Masses. ' £200 to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. The sum of £100 to the Parish Priest of Plumbridge Mary's Church, Belfast. for the tower of the Plumbridge Catholic Church, £200 to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Clon.ard. The said Testator directed his farm of land in the £100 to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Ardoyne. townland of Glencoppogagh to be sold and the pro* £200 to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. ceeds of said sale to be equally divided, namely one- Paul's. half to be divided equally between the Parish Priest £200 to Nazareth Lodge, Belfast. and the Catholic Curate at the time of his death for £200 to the Salesian Fathers, Pallleskenny, Co. Masses, and the other one-half to be given to the Limerick Parish Priest of Plumbridge for parochial purposes. £200 to St. Bridget's Home for the Blind, White- The said Testator died on the 1st day of April, abbey. 1948, and Probate of his Will was granted on the £200 to Holy Ghost Fathers, Kimmage, Co. Dublin. 17th day of December, 1948, forth of the District £500 to Holy Ghost Fathers, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Registry at Londonderry, of the King's Bench Divi- All the residue of her estate she bequeathed for sion (Probate), of the High Court of Justice in Nor- Masses as therein directed. Probate of the said Will thern Ireland, to Joseph Francis McCullagh, of Plum- was granted forth of the High Court of Justice in bridge, in the County of Tyrone, Auctioneer, one of Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate) the Executors named in the said Will, the other Principal Registry, on the 4th day of March, 1948, to Executor having duly renounced. Elizabeth O'Rourke, of 7 Donegall Street, Belfast, the Dated this 25th day of February, 1949. executor therein named. JOHN J. ROCHE, Solicitor for the Executpr, Dated this 4th day of January, 1949. Newtownstewart. E. 6 L. KENNEDY, Solicitors for the said To:—The Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, and Executor, 7 Donegall Street, Belfast. all others whom it may concern. 'To:—The Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland (Charities Branch) and all persons concerned. TRANSPORT ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND), 1948 NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS DISCONTINUANCE OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT SERVICES In the Goods of Kate McMahon, late of Monaguillagh, NOTICE is hereby given, in accordance with the in the County of Armagh, Spinster, deceased. provision of Section 57 of the above Act, that the NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to'the Statute Ulster Transport Authority proposes, as from the 1st 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above deceased, October, 1949, or such date thereafter as may be who died on or about the 17th day of January, 1949, determined, to terminate wholly the railway transport by her Will dated the 7th day of January, 1946, with services at present being provided on the railway lines Codicils attached dated 8th June, 1948, and 12th and sections of railway lines between the following December, 1948, bequeathed the following charitable points: — legacies out of the residue of her estate after the Ballynahinch Junction and Ballynahinch. payment of her debts, funeral and testamentary ex- Downpatrick and Ardglass. penses. £50 each to the Priests of the Parish of Comber and Newcastle. Crossmaglen for the time being for Masses for the Belfast and Donaghadee. repose of the souls of deceased, her parents, brothers And take further notice that any body or associ- and sister, at an honorarium of ten shillings for each ation of persons wishing to object to such proposal Mass. £100 to the Holy Ghost Fathers for the should send their objections to the Ministry of Com- African Mission. £50 to Glassdrummond Church merce, Transport Division, 97 Lisburn Road, Belfast, Building Fund, and the balance remaining after pay- before the 20th day of April, 1949. : ment of certain legacies mentioned in said Codicils Dated this 10th day of March. 1949. to the said Priests of Crossmaglen Parish for Masses as hereinafter set out at the same honorarium. Probate T. B. ANDISON. of the Will, with Codicils attached, of said Testatrix Secretary, Ulster Transport Authority, was on the 7th day of March, 1949, granted forth of 10 Royal Avenue, Belfast. the Principal Registry, High Court of Justice in Nor- O'RORKE, MCDONALD & TWEED, Sol- thern Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate), to icitors, Belfast and Larne..
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