Tax form a ‘foreign language’ y y m m i caaraagreromllMlSsaup provide free m Mm c i If you have qusstiom concerning the It * n Great u> me. Waa thi Upon audit, the tonne* includes going with the client lo the federal return the local IRS hot n ammtance Rmt- m MM by Mi mobility to l^ reel Revenue Service exolauuna how the return w prepored and if the mu Lake u on the port of the preparer thr 1 OSSA or the ITto before April IS a hke trying to mtvk« include* paying internet end penalty charge* (hrected to Taxpayer Assistance UJ44U or to the totl free Both Block and Beneficial representatives suggest that they °r**4r U tH b U p ' con aave the average single person or mamed couple money Ado the federal government has published an assistance Fm a price tax service* ouch as H A R Bloek and B en***1 b*auoe of their knowledge regarding current deductions not guide entitled Tour Federal Income Tax For Use in Preparing m aw Tax Services will preparr thr return* far y » recognised by the average taxpayer 1979 Return for Individuals You can pick up the publication at on thr complexity of the return the amount « Fof tho»* <* you who are more ambitious and deodr to the local IRS office or call ShttOO and have them send it ' ask ition charge pr***xV y°Mr men return sUle and federal revenue agencies for it by name and number 17) Students to picket Indianapolis meeting of IU Board of Trustees bv ( artls M ria a irti justify their curreot investment line will be the first such action at policy IUPUI Student opponents of South Afnca s But despite the progressive force The picket line is to be peaceful ano apartheid system are organizing a argument s wide variety of groups legal according to ISAC and tht picket line outside the March 3 and individuals have voiced their protestor* w ill not try to prevent at maeting of the II Board of Trustees opposition ta corporate mvolvemeoi disrupt the Trustee s meeting scheduled to take place in the Union in South Afnca including I S Senator Following the picket liar there will ta Building nn the IlTUl campus Dick Clark. Indiana State Senator an open the Indian. The picket line being organized by William Crawford and District 31 of Southern Afnca Coalition, a Ioom the Indians polis South Africa the tailed Steelworkers of America state-wide coalition of anti aparthr . Committee ISAC > will call on the groups and individuals The meetim Trustees to sell the university s l i Chicago^arv area will be to discuss future action million dollars worth of stocks in la addition the Organisation of against It’ s investment policy a* corporations doing business in South African Unity and the three main well as other activities on other Afnca liberation movements ta South campuses and off campus Abo participating in the picket line Africa-the Black Consciousness Besidrs the March J picket line besides ISAC wtU be the It' Movement the African National ISM' is also planning other actions Northwest Afro Studies Club, the Congress and the Pan Africa mat and events this spring A workshop an Bloomington South Africa Congress have all called for the the anti apartheid movement in Committee and the Muncte South economic isolation of South Afnca conjunction with the BSl’ i Afrc> Africa Committee Non student Doug Adams of ISAC M id American American Conference it being endorsers of the action seclude corporations have been in South planned by ISAC And while na columnist Reginald Bishop and Afnca for decades Ta M y thr least specific plans have been made Robert Nelson director of the it's obviously time to try something official ISAC intends ta organize Department of Africa for the else because apardtheid is still events to conjunction with the Christian Church Disciples of there National Week of Activities against Christ This issue was first put before the US links to South Afnca from April 4- The students involved claim that Trustees in February of last year II Thu weak has been adopted by corporations involved in South Afnca when a demonstration of ISO IU regional coalmans of anti apartheid help to maintain the apartheid Bloomington students was held to groups in the Northeast the system under which South Afnca s coincide with the presentation to thr Southeast the Midwest and on the 23 : million blacks are ruled by the 4 2 Trustees of 2300 student signatures on West Coast representing almost 2*s million whites living there The petitions demanding sab of the stocks collage campuses corporations however My they can in question Since then a number of More information on the picket line be 4 progreoaive force la a process of subsequent protests have be or other setivtties of ISAC can be gradually changing apartheid The It7 organized on the Bloomington obtained from Doug at 717 3541 or trustees have arhoed the argument to campus but this Saturday s picket Pippe at M3-C317 Iranian students lose funds b> Basso J Farrar by thr Iranian | a resident »talus that accords thorn Construction Technology P'ofeaaor While the internal turmoil in Iran Many itudonta have not received virtually every right if an American E&T Mtchoot Maxwell instructs hie Building P*m* ta be diminishing the shock thr fundi they expected from thr cituen including thr right to work Materials end Methods class In the fine eves continue to be ft* ^ Imman *hen who have Thr other IVJD students who tove plays art of framing. The students are con­ on fnauly wealth ore not visas which only permit them ta structing a 1* scale model of a two cause of thr ace study caa get special pormwaien ta house. story residence (Photo by Don Qorvnen) Many of Indiana University • cnee that has hit thr poor and work oa a part-time boats Three Irtaian students have Bn* ttude already contacted thr Interna bona) tht IUPUI Programs Dipt far ftaaaciaJ oasis tzoa are hare an achoMrships promdod 1 Sogomore 2/26/79 McCarty discusses discrimination shorts “I am hopeful for women in the inheritance tax situation, aha talked 1 tudos which put woman into the role of arena of employment and all other About taxes and women five or six the seducer areas, but we must work together We times a day, over and over, until Historicaliy, she continued, rape must take the lead." said Virginia Dill things began to be changed has bean a property crime Women McCarty, United State Attorney for Presently, she is determined to were property, and a rape was a leoa Student of the ... the Southern District of Indiana, at a make sure that law enforcement to the (a then and busbands, not a vio­ “Outstanding Student of the Year" nominations are now being accepted recent talk on “Women and Law" at authorities quit discriminating la t ion of the victim’s own person by Sigma Pi Alpha, scholastic honorary of IUPUl The award will be pro IU Bloomington against women and minorities "No "Rape is a crime of violence," she sented at the annual Spring Banquet to be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on McCarty, a founder and first presi­ one has made this a priority before," emphasised "Men who are rapists April 7 dent of the greeter Indianapolis and she said, noting that she is not putting have usually committed violent acta The nominations, which are open to all fulltime, undergraduate students Indiana Woman s Political Caucuses, deal the rfforts of Iter mate predeces before. They attack the woman who of IUPUl. should include the name of the nominee, outstanding academic has long been active in working to •ors, but that she believes it took a looks modest or scored or capable of achievements, services to community and university, and extracurricular change laws which affect women Her woman to make sex discrimination a being intimidated, not the MH»Ued activities. long hours advocating inheritance tax priority isaue. woman who asks for it ” Nominations must be received by March 14 in the Sigma Pi Alpha office reform were spent despite advice She also shared with the audience McCarty believes that women located in Room 111 of Krannert Buildup 1101 East 38th Street. Indianapolis from her male colleagues that the tax her concern about attitudes toward M d wort together to form shelters situation was a terrible issue, she the victims of rapt, battering and in for women who have been the victims said cest Rape law* in Indiana are sex of violent crime "All over the country v Although she was told she would neutral, she explained, what needs it's happening, but the women are never be able to do anything about the changing are the deep, cultural atti- doing it," she said Wheelchair games mmm Volunteers are needed to serve as recorders, judges, Umers. etc for the md Annual Central Indiana Invitational Wheelchair Games. April36-36 at Colleges oppose HEW regulation Carmel High School Indiana University, Notre Dame TheodoreM Heaburgh (NotreDame) imperative, however, that the finel Interested persons may contact Paula Hudocfc, Central Indiana Invita­ University and Purdue University and Arthur G. Hansen (Purdue)- regulations permit the exemption of tional Wheelchair Garnet. Box 36408, Indianapolis 4006, or call 363-5371 have joined in opposition to a stated revenue producing sports in regulation proposed by the determining equal per capita basis for Department of Heelth. Education and "We jointly and publicly affirm our men and women participants Unless Wattare which would require equal support of Title IX as the law of the this recognition is given to the role spending per athlete, on men and land and Its objectives to provide played by these sports in financing the Pro-Am week mmm wobmd to totoroalggiate athletics equal opportunity for men and women overall athletic program, the An announcement released by the in intercollegiate athletics.
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